The final objective of Philosophy !

The final goal of Philosophy is the unfoldment of the Ultimate Truth. Philosophy normally provides an intellectual coviction which falls short of the direct realisation of Absolute Truth.

Vedanta is not a science which deals with intellectual abstractions, even though intellectual abstractions from the basis of all philosophy.

If Vedanata is the Science of Being, then Yoga is the Art of Living. Intellectual conviction alone is not necessary for Self Actualisaton. An aspirant has to undergo rigorous Yogic sadhana to arrive at Truth, under the guidance of a bona fide Divine Master, who himself has undergone the inner war and actualised Truth within himself.

The Maya of transcendental philosophy !

The male component of the Ultimate is Brahman
The female component is Maya.

Brahman and Maya, Purusha and Prakriti, Shiva and Shakti – these are the male and female components of the Ultimate in Indian Philosophy.

Brahman is Absolute
She is Relative
Brahman is Infiite
She is finite
Brahman is Formless
She is all forms
Brahman is One
She is Innumerable
Brahman is Being
She is Becoming

She is not the Absolute Evil of the Western conception ( Satan ). She is the prius of the phenomenal world, the Enchantress of resources infinite. She embodies Science, as Science is knowledge of the Relative. She is the fountainhead of unreason and irrationality.

Science kills Nescience (Knowledge of Brahman kills Ignorance).

Unlike Satan, She carries within Herself the secret of her death!

Brahman, the Absolute became the Lord and She became the Mother Divine. This is the symbolism behind the religions of India !

She is the Veil Divine which hides the Lord, as per His statement

Piercing the Veil Divine of phenomenality
Which hideth Me is difficult indeed.
But those who consecrate to Me
Pierce it and pass beyond !

Vedanta, the Science of Being !

The systematised knowledge of Nature is Science. All sciences study Being.

For instance, physics is the science of Being as Matter. Maths, the science of Being as Number. Chemistry, the science of Being as qualities etc. But the Scientia Prima, Vedanta, studies Being as Being, in its pure state.

Many have walked the Path of Self Actualisation. Many have intuited Truth. Their experiences of Absolute Truth have been recorded as the Upanishads, as the Kabalah, as Geetha etc. These experiences of Truth are called Sruthi ( Vedas ).

In order to actualise Truth, a threefold criterion of Truth has been promulgated.

The experiences of the Seers of Wisdom ( Sruthi )
Logic ( Yukti )
Self Realisation ( Atmanubhoothi )

Aurobindo actualised Absolute Truth, only to know that what he actualised was exactly as it was described in the Upanishads !

Reason is undoubtedly a helpful guide and when it is supplanted by a suprarational Intuition, Truth becomes experiential.

Reason is symbolised as male and Intuition as female. In the Divine Comedy, Dante represents the male intellect and Beatrice, female Intuition.

The great hold of Vedanta upon the intelligentia all over the world is due to a mingling of Intuition and Reason.

The Ashtavakra Geetha is a great Vedantic treatise. King Janaka, a philosopher King, is initiated into the mysteries of Vedanta by Ashtavakra, a Seer. Ashtavakra tells him that all this is a mirage of the Mind and that the Absolute Self is the only Reality.

That Consciousness Bliss Thou art
Upon whom this Universe is superimposed !
Like the blueness in the sky
Know that and be ever happy !

The Universe follows the Laws of the Self !

Man follows the laws of the Earth
Earth follows the laws of Heaven
Heaven follows the laws of the Self
And Self follows the laws of His intrinsic nature !

All mysticism points out that the Inner Reality is hidden.

An Indian mystic by the name of Bodhidharma travelled to China and Dhyan ( Meditation ) became the Chinese Ch’an and the Japanese Zen ! Zen followers worship the metaphysical entity ( Bodhi Dharma ) which to them represents the Absolute Bodhi Essence. The Chinese share this doctrine of Absolute Bodhi Essence with the Indian Buddhist tradition !

Education, a Self Development Process !

Education is derived from Educare, which means to develop from within. So it is a Self Development Process.

What Nature has kept and buried

Is the Immortal, Unborn Self !

The unfolding of this Self

Is the purpose of Education

Education, therefore, is not indoctrination, but a gradual self developmental process, which can take man to the Ultimate Summit of Self Actulisation

Education indeed is Immortal ( Amritham Thu Vidya ).

Thou art Education

Thou Art That to be Known

Thou Art the Form of Education

.. thus sang the Seers of the Veda

Vidyas Thvam

Veda Roopasthwam

Vedaneeyasthvam Eva Cha

The Lord is the Alpha and the Omega, the starting point of the ignorant and the Crown of the Scientist !

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The New Age or the Age of Aquarius !

The New Age has arrived ! The New Age of Aquarius, with its resplendent promise of Scientific Enlightenment !

Hair’s song announced the Age of Aquarius

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars!

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius

The Vernal Equinox precedes one degree in every 72 years. The Vernal Equinoctial Point after moving through Pisces is now in Aquarius, ushering in a scientific Age of Enlightenment.

Gone are the dogmas which graced the Piscean Age. The Dark Ages were characterised by the Piscean Age, where the dogmas of Theology dominated mankind. Bruno was burnt alive, Galileo arrested, Darwin and Russell persecuted.

The New Age of Aquarius will usher in an area of Peace and prosperity. Let us hope that there will be a World Government and a World Church where all can pray and live in peace !

The Net itself is a boon of the New Age. The Information Age, the Age of the Internet, is another synonym for New Age !

The Science of the Base of all that is, the Absolute is the basic Science, the fundamental Science, the supreme Science, the Master Science. Now the NAM ( New Age Movement ) has the message of Absolute Unity behind it and is secular & universally diffused over the earth’s surface. & its basic underlying philosophy emphasises Divine Unity & Gnosticism. Gnosticism is an ancient philosophy stating that Divine essence is the highest reality, and that the Self of man is actually this Essence. Behind the phenomenal world is the Transcendent Reality which Intuition alone can see ). It bears a remarkable resemblance to the Universal Religion that H.G. Wells
predicted would one day take over the world.

New Age – A Universal Philosophy

NAM is a regeneration of divine values and has conquered the West intellectually. Western culture is currently experiencing a phenomenal shift – sociological, spiritual & ideological. It’s a secular, multi-cultural, multi-religious synthesis, of the Oriental mystical philosophies, mainly Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism & Western Occultism, emphasising Holism, the doctrine that Reality is organically One ( now taught in American Universities after Einstein’s Theory of Relativity ). The New Paradigm is Monism ( All is One ), Pantheism ( All is Divine ) & Holism ( The Whole is Real ). Holistic Medicine, Transcendental Meditation, Yoga, Zen, Pranic Therapy, Tantra, Astrology, Numerology, Gemology, Vedic Foods etc are all New Age practices ! There are 6.3 million New Age websites ! The East and the West, the vertical and the horizontal means of gaining knowledge have met and have become One !

David Williams declared that the Aquarian Age arrived in 1844, with the dawn of the Babism Movement. According to him the Aquarian Age is associated with three decans, Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. We are in the Libran decan of the Aquarian Age. That explains why the world has been affected by wars, due to Libra and revolutions, due to Aquarius. Socialism, Communism, Humanism etc are products of the New Age. The massive influx of technology is associated due to Aquarius. Also Enlightenment. The Industrial Revolution, the Computer and the Cybernetic Revolution are also attributable to the Age of Aquarius. People will become more impersonal, but will be more humane and altruistic. Revelation of Truth and Expansion of Consciousness are the hallmarks of the New Age

Almost one billion believe in Astrology and more than 4 billion believe in Philosophy ! NAM will unite all under a World Government, a World Religion, a World Currency ( the globo ) & a World Market !

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The Eightfold Verse about the Master !

Sankara, the Apostle of Oneness, had prescribed the Fourfold Yoga for Cosmic
Union. He advocated the traditional Method of studying under a Guru
for Self Actualisation. Mortals consider Self Actualisation to be a ” so
elusive and so distant a Goal”, but the effort is worth it as the Divine
Crown is indeed priceless !

He composed poems, the Eightfold Verse about the Master ( Dakshina Moorthy
Ashatakam ), extolling the Lord who had come to him in the form of the
Master. Indian tradition holds that the Master is the representative of the
Lord, or rather the Lord Himself !

The six main Sciences and the six auxiliary sciences are difficult to comprehend.
One can go on learning these Sastras. There is so much symbolism concealed in Mythology, Poetry and Art.

There are two types of meaning – the outer and the inner ( Bahya abhyantara bhedath dwivida ).

The stories of Krishna, Rama, Jesus we all know. The inner meaning is known to none. Why did the great poets write such mythologic stories? Behind these stories they concealed great mystic truths. These mystic truths are known only to the Iniitiate, to the Guru and it is the Guru who imparts the mystic essence to the student ! For instance, the ten heads of the demon Ravana symbolise Lust, greed, anger, pride, jealousy, gluttony, mind, intellect, subconscient & Ego, which have to be annihilated for Self Actualisation !

Unto Him, who is indeed all this
Who has manifested as the Triad
Universe, Ego, Supreme Relative
As the Teacher Supreme to teach
Verities divine ineffable
The Lord of Wisdom great
The Lustrous Form facing South
Unto Him, be this millionfold saluation !

Viswam Dharpana Drushyamana Nagari,
Thulyam Nijantargatham,
Pasyann Athmani Mayaya Bahirivoth,
Bhutham yatha Nidraya,
Ya Sakshath Kuruthe Prabodha Samaye,
Swathmanameva Adwayam,
Thasmai sree Guru murthaye nama idham,
Sree  Dhakshinamoorthaye.

Similar to the mirror image of a town
So is this Universe seen in Self !
What exists outside is inside
The living lordly regal Self !
Ultimately this is actualised
In the state of Enlightenment
That I am That Non-dual Self
To Thee whose Grace makes Enlightenment possible
To the Lord in the form of my Master, I bow !

Beejasyanthari Vankuro jagath idham,
Prang nirvikalpam punah,
Mayakalpitha Desa Kala Kalana,
Vaichithrya Chithreekrutham,
Mayaveeva Vijrumbhayathyapi Maha,
Yogeeva yah Swechaya,
Thasmai sree guru murthaye nama idham,
Sree  Dhakshinamoorthaye.

The Universe existed as seed
Prior to Thy Manifestation !
Universe exists in the Universal Mind
Conditioned by Space, Time, Causality
Thy Manifestation is manifold
Like the Yogi who manifests at will,
Thou manifested this Universe
To Thee whose Grace bestoweth Enlightenment
To the Lord in the form of my Master, I bow !

Yasyaiva Sphuranam Sadathmakamasath,
Kalparthagam Bhasathe,
Sakshaath Thathwamaseethi Veda vachasa,
Yath Sakshath Karanath Bhavenna Punara,
Aavrithir bhavambhonidhow,
Thasmai Sree Guru Murthaye nama idham,
Sree  Dhakshinamoorthaye.

Thou who exists as the Effulgence Supreme
Who alone shines in this World of Appearance
Thou manifests as Teacher Supreme
Who instructs students ” That Art Thou “
Whose instruction can redeem
One from this ocean of worldliness
And the cycles of birth and death
To Thee whose Grace giveth Enlightenment
To the Lord in the form of my Master, I bow !

Deham Pranam Api Indryanyapi Chalaam,
Budhim cha shoonyam vidhu,
Stree balandha jadopamasthvaha mithi,
Brandha brusham vadhina,
Maya Sakthi vilasa kalpitha maha,
Vyamoha samharine,
Thasmai sree guru murthaye nama idham,
Sree  Dhakshinamoorthaye.

Some philosopers think the body is Truth
Others intellect and the Soul
Others Empitness and Void
Are they not similar to the ignorant ?
The blind, women and children ?
Ignorance is only destroyed by Thee
Cosmic Illuison is destroyed by Thee
To Thee whose Grace conferreth Enlightenment
To the Lord in the form of my Master, I bow !

Rahu Grastha Divakarendu Sadrusho,
Maya Samachadanath,
Sanamthra Karanopa Samharanatho,
Yo abhooth Sushuptha Pumaan,
Pragaswapsaamithi Prabodha Samaye,
Yaa prathyabhignayathe,
Thasmai sree guru murthaye nama idham,
Sree  Dhakshinamoorthaye.

Similar to Sol and Luna after being eclipsed
Know that they are existing still !
Simlar to the dreamer whose dream
Created problems galore for him
Realises that all was but a dream !
Feels blissfuls after waking up
So too the aspirant spiritual
Ultimatelty realises ” I am He “
To Thee whose Grace imparteth Enlightenment
To the Lord in the form of my Master, I bow !

Balyadishwapi Jagaradhadishu  thadha,
Sarva Sva avasthasthaswapi,
Vyavrutha Swanuvarthamanamaha ,
Mithyanth Sphurantham Sada,
Svathmaanam Pragatikarothi bhajatham,
Yo Mudraya Bhadraya,
Thasmai sree guru murthaye nama idham,
Sree  Dhakshinamoorthaye

To Thee, who shines and exhibits
By the sacred Chinmudra of the hand
That He exists as the Self in all
As the supreme, lordly Self
Everlasting and Unchanging
Witnessing youth, childhood, old age,
Even during the triune states relative
Dreaming, waking, dreamless sleep !
To Thee whose Grace bestoweth Enlightenment
To the Lord in the form of my Master, I bow !

Viswam Pasyathi Karya Karana Thaya,
Swa swami Sambandatha,
Sishyacharya Thaya  thadaiva pithru,
Puthradhyathmana bedatha,
Swapne Jagrathi va  ya esha purusho,
Maya Paribhramitha,
Thasmai sree guru murthaye nama idham,
Sree  DHakshinamoorthaye.

During the states of waking and dream
Diversity holds absolute sway !
World is Cause and Effect
We are different from the Lord
Teacher and taught are different
Father and son are different
Confounded by Illusion
All see great diversity
Unable to see Unity divine !
Thou destroyest Diversity
And confers experience of Unity !
To Thee whose Grace bestoweth Enlightenment
To the Lord in the form of my Master, I bow !

Bhoorambaamsya  Anilo Ambhara,
Maharnadho Himamsu puman,
Ithyabhathi Characharathmakam idham,
Yasyaiva Murthyashtakam,
Nanyath kinchana Vidhyathe  Vimrusathaam,
Yasmath Parasmath vibho,
Thasmai sree guru murthaye nama idham,
Sree  Dhakshinamoorthaye.

To the sake of the Absolute Self
Universe shines as Self
Which is mutable and Immutable?
Which is mobile and Immobile ?
Of water, earth, air, fire, ether
Soul, Sol and Luna
Also to those in search of Truth
The mystery of the Universe and find
That the Absolute is everywhere !
That it is Being Knowledge Bliss
The eternal triad which the Universe is
And which we are in actuality
To Thee whose Grace bestoweth Enlightenment
To the Lord in the form of my Master, I bow !

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The Hymn of the Kundalini !

This is the best music video of Devi Sooktham or the Hymn of the Kundalini.

The Mother Divine exists in her microcosmic form as the Kundalini, the Serpent Power coiled in humans. When She rises to the Crown Chakra, Man experiences Cosmic Consciousness !

Her rise is the object of all Yoga and Tantra. Listening to this magnificent Music video is conducing to Cosmic Consciousness. This song is sung by that Master Singer, Anuradha Podwal.

There were two people, one a businessman and another a King, who both lost their businesses. They wandered lone in a forest and met the Great Seer Markandeya. Markandeya comforted them saying that there was nothing to worry about. ” This world is ephemeral and evanescent. Therefore seek thy Self ” is the message of Vedic Philosophy ( Anithyam asukham lokam imam prapya bhajaswamam )

Both of them became mystics . The Wisdom of Transcendence was imparted to them by Markandeya, who was a master of all the 12 Positive sciences.

She is the Shakti who transforms the physical mentality of Man to her supramentality. She is the Force associated with Consciousness, the Relative of the Absolute, the Finite related to the Infinite, the Determinate associated with the Indeterminate. She is the all in all. ” All this is Me ” She says” and there is nothing existing outside Me ” ( Sarvam Khalvidam Evaham Nanyadasthi Sanathanam ).

A luminous heart of the Unknown is She
A power of Silence in the depths of God
She is the Force, the inevitable Word,
The magnet of our difficult ascent
The Sun from which we kindle all our Suns,
The Light that gleams from the unrealised Vasts
The Joy that beckons us from the Impossible ( Aurobindo ).

She is the Creatrix, She is the dispensatrix, She is the Mediatrix and the Executrix of the absolute machanism of Universal Justice. Listening to this Music Video can definitely awaken our Kundalini !

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The Song of the Overself !

Who am I ? This is the question mankind has been asking from times immemmorial.

Am I the body-mind-intellect complex ? Have I any reality beyond the senses five ? Is there a God ? Is there a God outside ? Or is He inside ?

And what is this Bhakti or devotion ? The best definition of Devotion comes from Sankara, who defined it as Self Enquiry. ( Swa Swaroopasya Anusandhanam Bhakthiriti Abhidheeyate ).

In the Upanishads Reality is defined by a series of negatives because the negative is less limiting than the Positive. To arrive at Reality, the Upanishadic Rishies prescribed the Method of Negation !

The Upanishadic Method of Negation is Neti Neti, meaning that this is Finite, that is Finite, whereas Reality in Infinite. When everything is denied, there is one thing which no man can deny – ” I “, ” Self ” or Consciousness.

Thade Kova Shishtah ( that which remains after Negation )
Sivah Kevaloham ( I am Consciousness Bliss ).

I am neither the mind nor the senses
The Fourfold Veds nor Sacred Places,
I am not the the Elements Fivefold
The Concentric Sheaths Five
The Tissue Elements Sevenfold
Neither Time nor Space
Exist in Me !
Nor the Four Goals of Life
The Fourfold Yog or Tantra great
I have neither pleasure or pain
I am pure Being
By whom all things be !
Neither Ego nor any sense of Mineness
Integral Consciousness am I

Neither father nor mother am I
Of the nature of Transcendence
That which remains after Negation
That Sole Consciousness am I !

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Let us strive for Enlightenment !

The mere theoretical statement that we are potentially divine does not save us from the problems of life., when Life’s problems overwhelm us!

There was a student who learnt Vedanta, the Science of Being and declared somewhat egotistically Aham Brahmasmi, that I am the Universal Truth and all this is My mental image. After some days an excruciating stomach ache gripped him and he began to cry. We are like him. Crying Brahmams, crying Universal Truths !

Jesus was crying on the Cross ” Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani “ ” My God, My God. why hast Thou forsaken me?.” One unkind gentleman therefore defined Christ as one who cries. He who cries is Christ !

Life is difficult, life is strife, said Buddha and the first truth is of Sorrow, so be not mocked.

So we all need an Escapist Heaven and only three options are left for us. Alcohol, suicide or Enlightenment. Alcoholism and suicide have been widely condemned as negative. ( Freud discovered that all accidents are not accidents, but suicides. But suicide is sin, a violation of the Law ” Thou shalt not kill”. ) Enlightenment is the only positive escapism !

Ayur Ksheenam na janathi
Thasmat Jagrata Jagrata ( Sankara )

No one is aware of the loss of Ayus ( longevity )
Therefor strive, strive for Enlightenment !

Be not egotistic with wealth, people or youth
In a second, Time, the All Devourer can destroy all !
Know that all this is a dream in Mind Cosmic
Therefore seek thy Self, O Noble One !

Ma kuru dhana jana youvana garvam
Harathi Nimeshath Kala Sarvam
Maya mayam idam akhilam hithva
Brahma padam thvam pravisha vidithva

( Sankara )

We are human beings, composite creatures. Buddha is our positive aspect, Mara is our negative aspect. Let us realise, like Lord Buddha, that Mara is an aspect of ourselves. Let us overcome him !

Buddhist Philosophy is similar to Advaita. Sankara was known as the hidden Buddhist as he said the even God is Illusory.

There is no Bhakti Yoga or Bridal Mysticism in Buddhism. It is the path to Enlightenment

When asked of God, Buddha maintained a dignified silence. He said

Om Amithya ! measure not with words
The Immeasurable; nor sink the string of thought
Into the Fathomless; he who aks errs
He who answers errs, say nought ! ( The Light of Asia )

The First Noble Truth, said Buddha, is Sorrow. Sorrow is the Existential Force of this world. Sarvam Dukham, Sarvam Shoonyam, Sarvam Kshanikam, everything is Sorrow, everything is Zero, everything is evanescent.

The First Truth is of Sorrow, be not mocked
The Life that ye prize is a long drawn agony
Only its pains abide, its pleasures are
Like the birds which race and fly

Ask thee of the sick, the mourners , ask of him
Who tottereth on his staff, lone and forlorn
Liketh thee life ? These say the babe is wise
That weepeth being born ! ( The Light of Asia )

The Second Noble Truth is Sorrow’s cause.

The second is Sorrow’s cause
Which grief spring not from itself, but from desire?
Senses and things perceived mingle and light
Passion’s quick spark of fire. ( Light of Asia )

It is desire that binds man to the sublunar world, desire which is the real cheat.

The third Noble Truth is Sorrow’s ceasing. The solution is Enlightenment, as man withdraws within himself and overcomes his negative aspect.

The Fourth Noble Truth is Enlightenment. Unto Nirvana ! In Nirvana you curl yourself up in Being, in the stillness of the stillness that stillness is !