Chakras as dynamoes of Cosmic Energy. They exist in the subtle physical body. The Serpentine Power lies coiled in the Root Chakra. She rises due to Meditation,when the body feels the subtle warmth of Meditation Transcendental.
These Chakras are ( in ascending order)
1. Root Chakra ( Muladhara ) 2. Anal Chakra ( Manipura ) 3. Solar Plexus Chakra ( Swadhistana ) 4. Heart Chakra ( Anahata ) 5. Throat Chakra ( Vishuddhi ) 6. Eyebrow Chakra ( Ajna )
The Five Great Elements ( Earth, air, water, fire & ether ) & Mind reside in the Six Chakras.
Earth-Principle resides in the Root Chakra Water-Principle resides in the Navel Chakra Fire-Principle resides in the Solar Plexus Chakra Air-Principle resides in the Heart Chakra Ether-Principle resides in the Throat Chakra Mind-Principle resides in the Eye Brow Chakra.
The Microscomic representative of the Macrocosmic Shakti ( Cosmic Power ), the Kundalini, sportest as the Six principles in the Six Chakras in Her Cosmic Play. She sports as Universal Power in the Macrocosm; and in the microcosm as the coiled Serpent Power!
O Infinite Power ! Thou art the Mind-principle in the Eye brow Chakra In the Throat Chakra , Thou sport as the Ether-principle In the Heart Chakra, Thou sportest as Air- principle In the Solar Plexus Chakra, Thou art Fire-principle In the Navel Chakra , Thou exist as Water-principle In the Root Chakra, Thou art the Earth _Principle, O Mighty Mother ! And in the Crown Chakra, Thou sportest blissfully with thy beloved Consort !
The meditator feels a subtle warmth in the body during her rise. His voice becomes propertied as the all the tuned spheres. The personality of the native becomes very attractive due to the influx of Jupiterian energy. Wisdom and learning grace the individual. Torrential bliss can be felt, as She rises furthur. . And when She reaches the Crown Chakra, it is Cosmic Consciousness for the native !
She is the Relative of the Absolute, the Finite of the Infinite, the Form of the Formless. She alone determines about the destiny of the individual. She alone exists as Mind Universal and is all this that is.
Intelligence Thou art The essence of all sciences The Goal supreme to be attained Thou art the Trinity Wisdom, Wealth & Valour All four aspects are Thine Wisdom, Wealth, Virility, Time Thy true nature is Transcendence And Thou sportest in the garden Of the mighty Upanishads !
The cause of Universes and multiverses Thou art the Trnity in all systems Id, Ego, Superego Parent, Adult, Child, Vata, pitta, Kapha Sattwa, Rajas, Tamas Conscient, Subconscient, Superconscient Even the triune Godhead knows thee not An infinitesimal manifestation of Thine Is the Cosmos; Primal Nature Thou art !
We have said earlier about the Obstacles Removing Deity, Ganesh. He combines both Macrocosm and Microcosm. He is the Lord who can remove all impediments and hence all Hindu poetic verses start with a verse in praise of Him !
Mythologically He is the son of Shiva and Parvathi, the Father and Mother of all that is.
All occult power He bestoweth All obstacles He removes He is the Celestial Deity I bow to that Mighty One !
He is worshipped on the Fourth Lunation, on Ganesh Chathurthi. . People in North India follow Ganapatya or the worship of this Deity. There are five more Tantric schools, Saura ( worship of Sun), Vaishnava ( worship of Vishnu ), Saiva ( worship of Sive ), Shaktheya ( worship of Shakti ) & Kaumara, ( the worship of Subramanya ).
With body huge Shining like gold To The Wisest One My obeisances !
His face like the baby Moon On antelope’s black skin He sits Three threads run across His body To Him my obeisances !
The lord of the Cosmos entire He can assume any Form The Form the devotee wishes To Him my obeisances !
All Knower of verities philosophic He went around His Father and Mother He circled Consciousness and Force To Him my obeisances !
According to Mythology, both He and his brother, Muruga were told to circle the Universe. Muruga set out on His vehicle, the peacock, but Ganesh just circled His mother, Parvathi and father, Shiva ! He did it faster than His brother !
Universe lies inside My Mother The Universe is Her play and display Father is Consciousness Cosmic So I just circled Her ! says He !
There are many who think Tantra is Sacred Sexuality and permits wealth, wine and women !
Madyam mamsam cha meenam cha Mudra maithunam eva cha Eka pancha makarasya Naranam moksha dayaka
These five Wine, meat, fish, yoga mudra and Sexuality Are capable of conferring Eternal Salvation !
In Vino Veritas – there is truth in wine. Alcohol is the stimulator of the Yes Function in man. It makes him one with Truth. In small doses, wine can be beneficial !
Bacchus’ blessings are a treasure And drinking is the soldier’s pleasure Rich the treasure Sweet the pleasure Sweet is pleasure after pain ! ( John Dryden )
Omar Khayyam also
Divorced barren Reason from the bed And took the daughter of the wine to spouse !
Mamsa for meat stands for Mam Sah – I am He ! It is Soham reversed. Madya is not physical wine, but the Wine of Bliss stemming from Self Actualisation. Maidhuna symbolises the physical copulation of Purusha and Prakriti, the male and female components of the Ultimate. Meena is fish and represents the feminine channel, Ida and the masculine channel, the Pingala.
Apart from physical meanings, the above verse on Tantra has deep symbolic meaning !
Kurt Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem in Maths points out that Reality cannot be represented by any finite, symoblic structure and that it is transcendental ! Truth goes beyond the finite to Infinitude ! He has reached across the ages to the Seer Poets who proclaimed that the Infinite Reality can be experienced as I AM THAT !
The Absolute Self as Timeless & Spaceless Existence
There are definitions for Self, Non Self and the Discriminative Intellect in the First Science.
The Non Self is defined
Everything from the Macrocosm, the Universe To everything in the Microcosm, Man ! All emotions, all thought processes, Is called the Non Self, O Noble One !
The Discriminative Intellect is Prajna and it is defined thus
That which distinguishes the Real from the Unreal That which recognises the Self ultimately That which differentiates Being from Non Being Such an intellect is Prajna, O Noble One !
The Self is defined thus Attributeless, actionless, eternal Devoid of thoughts, forms Without emotions, without persona Ever liberated is the Self Absolute !
These three definitions are the base of the First Science, the Philosophia Prima
We are Truth seekers, but Truth always eludes us. By Truth is meant Absolute Truth, Cosmic Truth, Universal Truth.
To some, Truthful existence is suffering. Somebody wrote
Truth on the scaffold Wrong on the throne
We find that Truthful existence is painful and difficult. Truth always puts us in a controversial situation. Imagine the lifes of Socrates, Jesus, Bruno & Mansoor. They were martyred because of Truth.
But poets say Truth is omnipotent. Let us listen to Swinburne
Truth only is living Truth only is Whole His for only giving Man’s polestar and pole !
or Aurobindo
For Truth is wider, greater than her forms A thousand icons they have made of her And they find her in the idols they adore But she remains herself and infinite !
or Gandhi
Truth will win ultimately.
In our search for Truth, may be we confuse perspective with Truth. Maybe what our enemies say about us may be true. Are they saying falsehoods ? Yes, Truth is wider !
Philosophically, Truth is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. Truth is all this. It is only our Ego which prevent us from actualising Truth
In the void of Mind involute The fleeting Universe rises and floats And sinks back into the current ” I “
wrote Vivekananda. Where only the Universal “I” is and nothing else is !
I am the Silence which is more than sound If therewithin thou lose thee, thou art found! The nameless, shoreless ocean which is “I” Thou canst not breathe but in its bosom drowned !
wrote Tennyson.
Cosmic Consciousness is a state wherein there is Pure Awareness, Awareness of Being, Knowledge and Bliss !
Carl Gustav Jung was a genius. He declared that all Mythology, including Christian Mythology, is symbolic and allegorical and not literal.
A disciple of Freud, Jung came across a fanstastic discovery. He was researching on the dreams of some of his patients. He wrote the figures seen by his patients and saw that they bear a close resemblance to the figures seen in Alchemy and Astrology.
He postulated that dreams are projections of the Unconscious.
He postulated that The Ocean of Reality resembles an ocean. The waves are the individual egos. Deep within the gross level is the subtle level. The subtle level of an individual ego he called the Personal Unconscious and the rock bottom of the Ocean of Reality is the Collective Unconscious, known as Brahman, the Absolute, in transcendental philosophy !
” In the early hours of the morning, I bathe in my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal philosophy of the Geetha, before which the modern world appears puny & trivial.”
Thoreau can be said to be Gandhi’s Guru. It was Thoreau’s book ” The Civil Disobedience ” which gave Gandhi the inspiration to launch the Non-violent Movement. It is said that Gandhi brought back from America what was fundamentally the philosophy of India, after it was baked in the mind of Thoreu !
His masterpiece ‘ The Walden” has 18 chapters, modelled after the 18 chapters of the Geetha and the 18 parvas of the Mahabharatha.
>He was truly the American Sage. Whitman, Emerson and Thoreau are the Trinity of American Transcendentalism !
His famous quote ” When the law of the land is against the Law of Conscience, the best place for a man is jail ” !
Turning to the Inmost God is what is called ” Vibhakthi “, or worshipping the Absolute Self, knowing that I am Thee ! Vibhakthi in Sanskrit corresponds to the Amor Intellectualis ( Intellectual Love ) of Bruno. We are One. Only through Vibhakthi, Intellectual Love, Amor Intellectualis can the world be saved !
Walt Whitman wrote
Swiftly I shrivel at the thought of God At Nature and her wonders, Space, Time & Death Then I turn to Thee, O Actual Me, Lo ! Thou gently mastereth the orbs, Thou matest with Time, smilest content with Death And fillest swellest the vastnesses of Space !
The great poet Melpathur also wrote about the Absolute Self thus
In reality I am Thyself For me there is no binding By Nature’s triune attributes Nor Salvation; as Nescience It is that binds the Absolute Self ! The Individual Soul Thou art, all Thou art, Thou art the Intelligence visible, Nature, There is nothing in this visible Universe Which is different from Thee !