Indian scientist ready to change world history !

The White Aryan Invasion Theory, propagated by missionary scholars like Max Muller and Griffith, is about to collapse.

Prof Lalji Singh, a world renowned biotechnology expert, says recent studies and research on tracing genetic lineage of old human species indicate a different world history, proving a breakthrough in this field.

Modern scholars like Dr David Frawley and Dr Koenraad Elst exposed the myth that is the AIT ( Aryan Invasion Theory ). The Britishers’ aim was to instill an inferiority complex in the Indian mind, which was already devastated by the Mughal invasion. There was another aim of the missionaries, the evangelisation of India !

“The Vedas contain no account of the AIT”, wrote Aurobindo. Other scholars like Vivekananda and Subhash Kak support this view.

The Ninefold Elemental Theory

Kanada, the father of Visheshika system of Indian Philosophy, propounded the Fivefold Atomic Theory long before Dalton and the Ninefold Elemental Theory.

The Ninefold Elemental Theory

The entire Universe is made up of Nine Elements – The Elemental Five – earth, water, fire, ether, air plus the four elements – Time, Space, Self and Mind.

Mind is finer matter in vibration. What is Mind ? Never matter. What is Matter ? Never Mind !

Mind is a steady stream of thoughts. Mind creates Reality, yet Mind veils Reality. Indeed Mind is omnipotent.

Everything is internalised and externalised
By that arch villain, Mind !
From the Macrocosm to the Microcosm
All this is Mind !
Know all this to be Non Self
Know all this to be Non Being
Like the blueness in the sky
Like the water in the mirage
So is this visible Universe
In Self Supreme, Absolute !

Self is an utter Being and all these are its Becomings

This visible Universe
Is verily the Self !

What Nature hath buried
Is the living lordly Self
The unfolding of this Self
Is the process of Education

The Fivefold Atomic Theory

Matter is made up for five types of atoms – the aerial atoms, the igneous atoms, the aqueous atoms, the etheric atoms and the terrene atoms.

AIT disproved

The Aryan Invasion Theory is fabricated by some European scholars to denigrate Indian culture. Some political parties use this theory to exploit the masses.
The earlier proponets of the AIT were not genuine scholars and they had political aims. Max Muller was paid by the East India Company and Lassen and Weber were German nationalists, who believed in the White Aryan Race Theory. Shopenhauer said that they had the knowledge of only schoolboys !

It can be scientifically proved that the hymns of the Rig Veda had been composed by 3700 BC.

The language of the Indus script is based on Sanskrit, the mother of Europe’s languages and the language of the Vedas.

Archeological findings indicate that Indus Valley Civilization can be called as Vedic Civilization.

The movement of the ancient Aryan people, ‘ the Noble Ones’, was from East to West and this is the reason why the European languages have strong association and origin in the Sanskrit language. ( For instance, Mater for mother is Matha, Pather is Pitha or Father, Frater is Bratha or Brother, Septa is Sapta, Octa is Ashta, Nova is Nava and Decem is Dasa ).

No barbaric hordes ever destroyed the Vedic Civilization.

Evidence of an Aryan-Dravidian divide or a South-North divide is never reported by any scripture.

The population living in the Indus Valley and the dried up Saraswathi River practised Vedic Culture. This is what Swami Vivekananda said about the AIT.

Our archaelogists’dreams of India being full of dark –eyed aborigines and the bright Aryans came from- the Lord knows where. According to some, they came from Central Tibet, others will have it that they come from Central Asia .There are patriotic Englishmen who think that the Aryans were all red haired. Others ,according to their idea ,think that they were all black – haired. If the writer happens to be a black haired man, the Aryans were all black-haired. Of late, there was an attempt made to prove that the Aryans lived on Swiss lake..I should not be sorry if they had been all drowned there ,theory and all . Some say now that they lived at the North pole , Lord bless the Aryans and their habitations ,As for as the truth of these theories .there is not one word in our scriotures ,not one ,to prove that the Aryans came from anywhere outside of India ,in ancient India was in included Afghanistan There it ends’

And the theory that the sudra caste were all non –Aryans and they a multitude ,is equally illogical and irrational. Iit could not have been possible in those days that a few Aryans settled and lived there with a hundred thousand slave at their command .The slavse woud have eaten them up, made chutneyof them in five minutes .The only explanation is to be found in tha Mahabharath ,which says that in the beginning of the Satya Yuga there was only one caste ,the Brahmins ,and then by differences of occupations they went on dividing themselves in to different castes and the coming Satya Yuga all other castes will have to go back to the same condition .

[The Complete Work of Swami Vivekananda Vol III Page 293]

Permaculture or permanent Agriculture

After seeing the negative effects of industrial agricultural methods, Bill Mollison and David Holmgren developed Permaculture, which can be defined as agro ecological culture or alternate agriculture. The industrial agri methods were reducing biodiversity, poisoning water and land and removing billions of tonnes of topsoil from previously fertile landscapes. The solution is Permaculture, with emphasis on ecosystems and organic bio farming.

Based on ecological and biological principles, using natural patterns to minimise work and maximise results, Permaculture is sustainable use of land design.

Permaculture was first practised by the Austrian farmer, Sepp Holzer and later this theory was scientifically developed by the Australian farmers, Bill Mollison and David Holmgren. In Permaculture, the eco processes of plants, animals, their nutrient cycles, weather cycles and climatic factors are used. “Wastes” become resources, work is minimised and yields and productivity increase. For instance, the farmers in India use the Vedic Astronomic Calender for planting seeds. This is using the Weather Cycles. Using Jnattuvelas or Sun’s ingresses into the constellations, seeds are planted. There is a time to sow and a time to reap and why not use Astrology for planting seeds ? ( For instance, today, the 25th of May, is the beginning of the Rohini Jnattuvela, when the Sun enters the constellation of Rohini. It rained yesternight. It also rained in the afternoon. Using the Vedic Astrologic Calender, the weather cycles can be known. The next Jnattuvela, Makiryam Jnattuvela, will be fiercer, as far as rains are concerned. It will be raining cats and dogs during Thiruvathira Jnattuvela. Such indications are given by the Astrologic Calender ).

The aim of Permaculture is to increase yields and productivty, without damaging the ecosystems.

The Gaia Hypothesis !

Dr Lovelock formulated his famous Gaia Hypothesis, an ecological hypothesis that the components of the Earth and the Biosphere form a complex interactive system. This superorganism maintains the biogeochemical and climatic condition of Earth in a perfect homeorhesis.

James Lovelock proposed it as the Earth Feedback Hypothesis, but the name was changed due to the suggestion of William Golding as the Gaia Hypothesis, named after the Greek Goddess of Earth, Gaia.

According to this Hypothesis,

The Earth is coevolutionary, meaning that Life and the Environment evolved together.

The Earth is homeostatic, that is Earth has regulatory mechanisms which maintains the constancy of the internal milieu.

The Earth is geophysical, responsible for the geo-physical cycles, like the Water Cycle, the Oxygen Cycle, the Nitrogen Cycle etc. ( Evapotransipration from the land, evaporation from the sea and then condensation and precipitation as rains is the Water Cycle).

The Earth is optimising, as the Earth shaped the planet in such a way that made it an optimal environment for Life.

This Hypothesis coincides with Indian Philosophy. Medha Sooktham is a prayer devoted to Gaia, the concept of Bhoomi Devi is nothing but Gaia Hypothesis and Bhoomi Pooja is done in India, as a method of propitiating Gaia, as the ancients revered Nature as Divine !

This union of Science and Philosophy is referred to as the Sacred Balance. Ever since the days of Darwin, there has been a bifurcation between Science and Spirituality and the Sacred Balance heals this dichotomy.

World Environment Day

Today is World Environment Day. Nature is wise and Almighty and we should try to preserve the ecosystems. We should adhere to the Blue and Green Covenants.

In Kerala, 70 lakh trees are being planted. 32 lakh trees have been planted already.

We have destroyed our rainforests, flora and fauna and our water reservoirs like wells and ponds, with the result we are facing desertification. We have degraded our environment. We should preserve our ecology or we will be facing disaster !.

Gorbachev, the President of the Green Cross International, said about the Earth Charter. ” We hope it will be like the Ten Commandments, a Sermon on the Mount, which will provide a guide for human behaviour towards the environment for this century and beyond “. The Earth Charter is an international declaration of values and rights for building a sustainable and just global society. The Earth Charter Initiative Organisation promotes the Charter. The Charter is endorsed by millions of organisations and seeks to inspire in the minds of the people a sense of global interdependence and shared responsibilty for the wellbeing of humankind.

Deep Ecology

Arne Naess, the Norwegian philosopher, founded Deep Ecology. Deep Ecology is a holistic view of Ecology, a sort of Ecosophy. Not Ecology as a science of the Environment, ready to be exploited by humans. Deep Ecology views humankind as an integral part of the environment.

Deep Ecology is an environmental advocacy which can guide humanity against self destruction by humans. Deep Ecology is of the view that massive economic acticity has pushed the Bioshpere away from its natural state to a state of reduction in biodiversity and climate change and other influences. Too much dependence on Science at the expense of Traditional Wisdom has caused this exploitation of Nature. Civilization is facing mass extinction. Deep ecologists intend to change the present modern thinking with their holistic philosophy.

Dr Vandana Shiva has written a book called Vedic Ecology. V E views the individual as an integral part of the environment. The rivers are lifebloods of the ecosystems. The Vedic views all Nature as divine. The ecosystem is part of our life.

The Vedic Seers regarded Nature as Manifest Divinity ( Saguna Brahman ). Plants and trees have life, not only humans. The ecosystem, therefore, was very important to them. They worshipped Nature and there were scientific reasons in worshipping the Manifest Divinity. Holy groves were part of the environment. They built temples, with big ponds attached in every village. Each temple had ample space and most temples were in the midst of forests. Holy groves were attached to temples. Plants, trees and animals were part of their life and they regarded Life as sacred. Their world view is indeed great, in these days of pollution ( of air, water and soil) , environmental degradation, overpopulation & desertification.

The Rise of New Age !

New Age is based on the wisdom of Nature. James Lovelock, the author of the Ages of Gaia, declared that ” Gaia ( Earth ) is the source of Life Everlasting and is alive now, she gave birth to humankind and we are a part of Her“. The human assault on Gaia is responsible for Global Warming. This human assault is like fever and humans are not allowing Gaia to recuperate. ” She may be unable to relax because we have been busy removing her skin and using it as farm land, especially the trees and the forests of the humid tropics … we are also adding a vast blanket of greenhouse gases to the already feverish patient!

According to the Gaia Hypothesis, the Earth is a living organism, homeostatic or self regulatory, the source of all life, which has the capacity to heal itself under natural conditions. Unfortunately humanity feels that technology can overwhelm Gaia’s capacity for self healing. Such thinking will only bring disaster and destruction unless the human species stops the technological assault on Her !.

This Gaia Hypothesis is in tune with Philosophia Indica, which maintains that Nature ( Prakriti ) is verily He ( Purusha ).

It is not surprising to see that more than 6 million websites embrace New Age Philosophy. New Age is nothing but World Mysticism and incorporates Yoga ( Hindu Mysticism ), Kabalah ( Jewish Mysticism ), Sufism ( Islamic Mysticism ), Gnosticism ( Christian Mysticism ), Zen ( Buddhist Mysticism ), and the mystic wisdom of all the world’s great religions.

Sacred Geometry – Hexagram in Yantras

Sacred Geometry is the language of the Alchemists.

The founding fathers of Chemistry were all alchemists, those who transmuted baser metals into gold.

Theoretically such a transmutation is possible. By proton bombardment, the atomic no of baser metals can be converted into the atomic number of gold.

“The Divine geometricises”, said Spinoza. Meaning that the mystery of the Universe is expressed in geometrical symbols.

The Cross is a pagan symbol. The Grand Cross of Astrology- Aries, Capricorn, Libra, Cancer – became the Cross of other religions.

The Crescent is a pagan symbol. The Crescent is the symbol of the Moon Goddess, Diana.

We find that all symbols have inner esoteric meaning and this science is Sacred Geometry. For instance, the Zodiac is the magnificent 360 degree Circle in the Heavens and three stars Aswini, Magha and Moola form a perfect triangle. Isnt this Sacred Geometry?

Similary pentagrams and hexagrams are used in Paganism, Witchcraft and Satanism. The emblem of Anton La Vey of the Church of Satan, is a pentagram.

The Star of David, a Cabbalistic Symbol, is the emblem of Judaism. Hexagram is also the symbol of Ordo Templi Orientis, founded by Aleister Crowley, he who declared ” I am the Universe and the stars thereof, so follow me “.

Hexagram is also the symbol of Aurobindo Ashram. The triangle facing downwards is the triangle of Being, Knowledge and Bliss and the triangle facing upwards is the aspiring answer of Life, Light and Love.

The mystic significance of the Festival of Nine Nights ( Navaratri )

A power to call Eternity into Time
And make the body’ joy as vivid as the souls !

It is a mistake of the religious mind to condemn Power as corrupting and evil. On the other hand, Power is divine and put here for a divine use. It is Power, Shakti, that moves the world. The Absolute is Absolute Silence, is Absolute Being without any dynamis. On the other hand, Power moves the Universe, Chit Vilasa Prapanchoyam

Navaratri is the glorious festival of Nine Nights. It starts from the First Lunation of the Bright Fortnight, Prathama, when the Moon is within 12 degrees of the Sun, astronomically. It ends on the Tenth lunation, Vijaya Dasami, after all the negative forces have been conquered in the aspirant !. Dasami is when the Moon is within 108 – 120 degrees from the Sun, a lunation being 12 degrees.

On the first three days, the Power aspect as the Remover of all difficulties ( Durga ) is worshipped. The next three days, the Power aspect as Wealth ( Lakshmi ) is worshipped. The last three days are consecrated to the Power aspect as Wisdom ( Saraswathi ). Allegorically, it means that on the three days, vices are removed in the aspirant, on the next three days the aspirant is blessed with prosperity and on the last three days the aspirant is crowned with Wisdom !

All the 18 sciences of Philosophia Vedica are conducive to Self Actulisation. Music originated from the Sama Veda. Lord Krishna declared that He is Sama Veda in the Song Celestial.

Music is divine and Music is symbolised by Saraswathi, the Goddess of Wisdom.

Veena, the musical instrument held by the Goddess Saraswathi, represents the human body. The human body has seven dynamoes of Cosmic Energy or Chakras. The Seven Chakras represent the Seven Octaves of Music – Sa Ri Ga Ma Pa Da Ni. Hence the aspirant embody the Seven Chakras and the Seven Octaves of Music and so the Lord declared that I am the Sama Veda ! This is the mystic meaning of the Veena of the Goddess !