Pranic Therapy IV

Pranic Therapy Part IV

All the basic forces in the Universe – visible and invisible – are but
different manifestations of that Unitary Power which the Vedists
call Prana. Using this Vital Energy to heal is called Pranic Therapy.
This article is a continuation of the earlier article Pranic Therapy Part

The Ayurvedic Model

The system of Indian Holisitc medicine, Ayurveda postulates a different
view of the human personality. Based on the Sankhya school of Indian
philosophy, Ayurveda conceives life as the interplay of three Life-
principles called humours ( which correspond to the three attributes
of Nature – Sattwa, Rajas and thamas ).These are Vata ( wind), Pitta
( bile) & kapha ( phlegm). In the healthy person these three doshas
are in a state of perfect equilibrium. Illness arises when this balance
is lost. Ayurveda holds that every person has in him a tendency to have
one of the three humours dominate his psychophysical system & this
predominance of one humour makes Ayurveda classify the body under
three types: Vata type, Pitta type & Kapha type. ( This is parallel to the
Vedantic model which classifies individual minds as Sattwa dominant,
Tamas dominant and Rajas dominant ). Taking this predominance of
one of the humours into consideration & identifying the body type,
Ayurvedic doctors prescribe medicine & diet.

Attributes of Nature are these!
Know then that Being and Nature both
Hath no beginning; that all qualities
Are Nature-born!

2. Regulation of Food, Sleep and Exercise

” Food is medicine; Medicine is food ” said Hippocrates. “Food is
Brahman. Food was verily born before all creatures: therefore it is
called the medicine for all” declares the Upanishads. By stating that
food is the root cause of all ills & illnesses Vedanta have formulated
one of the foundational principles of holistic health. At least half the
ailments of man can be traced directly or indirectly to the problems
of food.

Regulation of food is not easy, because it is an addiction like alcohol.
Problems like obesity,higher cholesterol level & irritable bowel syndrome
crop up if food is not controlled. By controlling food, the whole body
comes under control. “When taste is conquered everything is conquered “
averrs Vedanta. What really matters is not how much we eat but how
much of what we eat is transformed into bioenergy & the building
materials of life. Sir William Osler pointed out many years ago ” Only
a small percentage of what we eat nourishes us; the balance goes to
waste and loss of energy”.

In holistic health, food should be revered & a proper attitude towards
food should be developed. ” Be thankful for all food, for food is
Brahman ” said Vivekananda.

Six hours have been prescribed for all even though requirement of
sleep varies from person to person

Research studies have indicated that even moderate levels of exercise
bolster the immune system.

No amount of sleep is sufficient for unwinding the mind for it is always
tense state under the stressful conditions of modern life. Antidotes to
stress include yogic techniques like Meditation, prayer, cultivation
of the Witness attitude & practice of absolute self-surrender to the Divine,
which enable us to avoid a lot of unnecessary stress.

Acid-Alkaline Balance – Key Indicator of Health

Foods either leave an acid ash or an alkaline ash. Maximum health is in
an alkaline body. The average 20th century diet, stress, pace,
lifestyle & environment produce far more acid than is healthy. The human
body is alkaline by design & acidic by function, which means that your
body’s health is dependent upon it being alkaline.

The original source of stress is known as a stressor. Most of the stressors
in todays’ society ( cigarette smoke, alcohol, stress itself, bad diet,
coffee, sodas, pharmaceuticals) all produce an acid state in the body.
All cancerous states are acid states of long duration.

Research indicates that 90% of our general population is far too acidic,
which leads to a variety of negative health effects. Over time, being
acidic is the main cause of degenerative diseases & aging. If you have
an acidic body, you become energyless, exhausted physically & mentally
and you lose the radiance and shine of skin & hair.

Grains,sugar, dairy, animal or vegetarian protein & oils yield an acid
ash while fruits, sea vegetables, vegetables quality water & herbs
yield an alkaline ash You should consume 20% of your food daily,
by weight from the acid ash-forming foods & 80% , from the
alkaline ash-forming foods.

pH ( standing for ‘potential of Hydrogen’ ) is a measure of the relative
acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The scale of pH ranges from 1 to 14.
14 is totally alkaline and zero is acidic. The middle of this line is 7,
neutral. Quality water has a Ph of 7 and you should maintain this level.

It is ideal to incorporate 2 glasses of lime juice along with the 8-12
glasses of water which is taken daily . A diet of 80% alkaline ash
foods is ideal. We have to maintain this ratio – 80 % alkalinity & 20%
acidity for optimum health.

The effects of having an alkaline body

1) we are calm & collected
2) we have high energy level
3) our sleep patterns are deep
4) we have less colds and flus than normal
5) the immune system is fortified
6) the body has good absorption/assimilation/digestion.

Yoga Physical Exercises for Relaxation

Doing nothing or simply lying down is not relaxation. The muscles when
stretched bring in relaxation as it frees them from the tense condition.
Some of the yogic Asanas are highly effective because they can relax
the muscles.

There will be focal point in the body which reflects the mental tension
which one finds oneself in. That focal point of mental tension should
be identified and you can choose that type of yogic exercise which
will relax the muscles & tendons of the specific focal point of tension
in you.

More information about Transcendental Philosophy & Yoga can be had from

Regulation of Breath

“Breathlessness is deathlessness ” averrs Yoga. Regulation of breath gives
tremendous relaxation.Pranayama, without the help of a bona fide Master,
can lead to serious complications. What is needed is the practice of
breathing deeply ( as deeply as possible ) through both the nostrils & then
slowly breathing out ( without breath retention ). This kind of regulated
deep breathing can be done at any time, even in your office.

Psychosomatic pain can be alleviated by these simple yogic techniques
more effectively than allopathic pills or tablets. Here we employ the
internal pharmacy of Skill power in lieu of the external pharmacy of Pill

Pranic Therapy Part III

Pranic Therapy Part III

The Universal Stream of Consciousness known as Qi ( pronounced Chee)
in Chinese & Ki in Japanese is known as the Cosmic Prana in Sanskrit.
Healing using this Life-force Energy is called Pranic Therapy. This article
is a continuation of the earlier article Pranic Therapy Part II.

There are 2 types of seekers in the Path Celestial, those who aspire for
liberation and ordinary mundane seekers.

Liberation is defined as a yearning for Eternal Life and the first group
has an intense yearning for the Life Divine. Conferred with changeless
faith and indomitable will, they keep up relentless struggle and get
glimpses of Transcendental Consciousness. They have the Goal of
Self-Actualisation fixed in their minds & mental problems & physical
ailments do not deter them.

But My mahatmas, those of noble souls,
Who tread the Path Celestial, worship Me
Unendingly they keep their yearning for Me ! ( The Song Celestial )

All the great mystics of all civilizations belonged to this group.

He still adheres to the high and difficult road
That sole leads to Eternity’s peaks!

But this group, unfortunately is a minority.

The majority of spiritual seekers belong to the second group. These
people have true aspiration but it is either not intense enough or is
not supported by a strong will to undergo prolonged inner struggles
or to bear the resultant physical or mental reactions. Many of them
do not have any hope of realising the Self in this life, & so they are
unwilling to sacrifice health or peace of mind for such an elusive
and distant goal. The outer instruments for mortal man are not
fit to endure the severe rigours of this spiritual journey or face its
subtle & and formidable dangers. Self Actualisation can only come
from immense Grace Divine.

Ordinary mundane people find it difficult to make spiritual progress
their sole concern in life although they may have committed themselves
to it in a general way. For them, an integral scheme of life in which the
considerations of health & secular values receive as much attention
as spiritual orientation is what is needed. This present article is meant
for such seekers.

The Self as the basis of all Love

Why do we collect wealth ? For whose sake is wealth loved ? It is for
the sake of the Self. Why do we love our wife & children ? For whose
sake is the wife & children loved? It is for the sake of the Self.
Everything in the universe – husband,wife,children, everything – is loved
for the sake of oneself. The Self, when known, everything is known.
What do we mean by oneself here ? Vedanta speaks of two selves
in man – a lower self and a higher Self. The lower self, regarded as
the false self, is the sum total of one’s instincts, drives & impulses.
The higher Self refers to the pure Atman which is regarded as the true
nature of man. Vedanta states that the lower self, if left uncontrolled,
will act as one’s own enemy, and, if purified & controlled, will act as
one’s own friend. When the lower self is purified by yogic techniques
& attuned to the higher Self, self-hate disappears & love for the higher
Self dawns.

He sees indeed who sees in all alike,
The living lordly Self, Self supreme
Imperishable amidst the perishing ( The Song Celestial )

When this divine love blossoms in one’s bosom,one’s attitude towards
his body changes. He now begins to love his body as an instrument for the
manifestation of the Divine Self. Vedic Scriptures speak of the body
as ” the temple of the His great transparent mirror, Self”. As a matter of
fact, Vedic temples are modelled after the pattern of the human organism.

Symbolism behind Vedic temples

Man has three bodies – physical, astral & causal. The outer wall of the
Vedic temple represents the physical body of man. The inner wall
represents the astral body and the innermost wall represents the
Causal body. Deep within these three bodies is the Self, the Atman
who is represented by the Deity ! The word temple is derived from
the Latin word tempulum, a place where Law and Justice can be
administered. The principle behind the temple, is Know Thyself !

Am I a god, then? Yes
In these pure features I behold
Creative Nature to soul unfold ( Goethe )

The body is given prime importance in Vedic ritualistic worship
known as Puja. Apart from ritualistic worship, service is divine &
regarded as a form of worship known as Yajna. Vedic Scriptures
enjoin five types of service known as Pancha-Mahayajna; service
to the gods, service to sages, service to manes, service to human
beings, service to animals. The ancient Law-giver Manu has given
the injunction to divinize the body through these five practices.
(” Through the repeated practice of these five great yajnas, the
human body gets divinized”.)

“The human body is the greatest instrument for Self-Actualisation “,
said the famous Sanskrit poet Kalidasa. Maintaining the divine status
of the body is not easy.It should be kept as clean, healthy & we should
not allow any kind of physical or mental indulgence to defile its sanctity
& harmony. (“Chastity is the flowering in man ” said Thoreau and
continence has been prescribed for spiritual progress). That is to say,
change in attitude towards the body brings with it a new responsibility
for one’s own health. Surprising indeed is the fact that many people
think that restoring health and curing diseases are solely the
responsibility of the medical profession. In the holistic health system,
responsibility for falling ill & getting well both rest primarily with
the patient. The doctor only assists in curing himself. As Albert
Schweitzer said ” All healing is Self-healing “.

Holistic medicine postulates that the responsibility for healthcare rests
in the patient’s hands because that is where the knowledge and control
of the variables lie ( diet,stress,exercise,genetics,emotion & medication).

1. Knowledge of the Psychosomatic Machine

If the patient is aware of the disease and its aetiology, about his body’s
immune power and if he can bear physical pain temporarily, with a stoic
calmness, he can avoid a lot of unnecessary medication.

In the Holistic Model, the cause of any disease is understood in terms of
the whole person and not in terms of a particular organ or tissue. As Sir
William Osler put it, it is more import to know the patient who has the
disease than the disease of the patient. Plato remarked that ” the treatment
of the parts should not be attempted without treatment of the entirety”
The one person who knows about the patient more than anybody else
is the patient himself.

Compliments should go to Western Science which has discovered
a lot of knowledge by research & which is the result of the painstaking
labour of thousands of dedicated scientists for more than 200 years.
This accumulated treasure is humanity’s precious heritage and only
charlatans will ignore or undervalue it. It is imperative that
every educated person should have a basic knowledge of human
anatomy & physiology, and also of Western psychology. However this
research is analytical and incomplete.

A Holistic Model was developed by the Sages of India 2500 years ago.

The Five Levels of Being – The Yogic Model

These are the five concentric sheaths enveloping the Self, the Divine
Spark in man !

1. Physical Sheath ( Annamaya Kosha )
2. Vital Sheath ( Pranamaya Kosha )
3. Mental Sheath ( Manomaya Kosha )
4. Intellectual Sheath ( Vijnanamaya Kosha )
5. Bliss Sheath ( Anandamaya Kosha )

Disease is the imbalance in any of the three lower sheaths of existence –
physical, vital & mental.

The microcosm & the macrocosm are are in unbroken communion
with each other & are structured on the same pattern. At the
level of the physical sheath, food, water & oxygen enter the microcosm
and Co2, waste products etc return to the macrocosm. This is true of
other sheaths also. The individual cannot exist independent of the
cosmos. The interdependence of the Microcosm & the Macrocosm
is known in Classical Philosophy as the Bio-Cosmic tieup. If the
exchange between the physical sheath and the physical world
around it is defective, the body will become ill, and death
will result if it is stopped altogether.

The Tantric Model

A different but parallel model of human personality was developed by the
Tantras. Whereas the Upanishads speak of Five Sheaths or Koshas,
the Tantras speak of six chakras. These Chakras are ( in ascending order)

1. Root Chakra ( Muladhara )
2. Anal Chakra ( Manipura )
3. Solar Plexus Chakra ( Swadhistana )
4. Heart Chakra ( Anahata )
5. Throat Chakra ( Vishuddhi )
6. Eyebrow Chakra ( Ajna )

Life is regarded as the unfolding of the Self at six different levels of
consciousness known as Chakras in the magnificent Tantric Model.
In mundane people the unfolding takes place only at the first three
chakras which represent procreation, metabolism & speech; the
higher three chakras remain latent. The awakening of the higher
chakras results in the unfolding and fulfillment of Life Divine. When
the Kundalini, the Serpentine Power inherent in humans, rises from
the Root Chakra ( Muladhara ) to the Crown Chakra ( Sahasrara ),
man achieves Cosmic Consciousness.

The Spirit shall take up the human play
The earthly life become the Life Divine!

More quality information about Tantra & Yantras can be had from

Pranic Therarapy Part II

Pranic Therapy Part II

All the four forces in the Universe – weak nuclear force, strong nuclear
force, electricity & magnetism -are but different manifestations of
that Unitary Power which the Vedists call Prana. Using this Vital Energy
to heal is called Pranic Therapy. This article is a continuation of the
earlier article Pranic Therapy Part I.

Application of Chaos Theory in the field of Medicine

Another breathtaking development in medicine is the application of Chaos
Theory. Chaos theory,advanced by Mendelbrot, is a mathematical theory
applied to non-linear and random events. It sees order in chaos. Most of
ordinary phenomena in the world such as changes of weather, the
behaviour of cancer cells, occurrence of heart attack, movement of
electrons etc, do not seem to follow any regular & recurrent pattern &
are unpredictable on the basis of linear mathematics . Though it
contradicts Laplace, its positive aspect is that is sees Cosmos ( order )
in Chaos.

Chaos theory of maths tries to find a more meaningful correlation &
behavioural pattern in such systems. One of the most fundamental
properties of an organism is Homeostasis, the maintenance of a
fixed internal milieu, especially with regard to body temperature, BP,
pH etc.The earlier school of thought regarded homeostasis as health,
( Walter Cannon called it “the wisdom of the body” ) & any deviation
from it was disease. But Chaos theory revolutionised this thinking &
pointed out that health is the flexibility of an organism to respond to
any changing environment.Our lungs, heart, liver etc are all designed
to deal with frequent changes & health is the flexibility or capacity
to maintain this state of chaos at the maximal level of efficiency.

Holistic health does not reject the Western system of medicine in toto.
In the case of infectious diseases, nutritional & hormonal deficiencies
and bodily defects which need surgical intervention, it follows the Western
system. Psychosomatic diseases such as hypertension, peptic ulcer,
allergic asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome etc
can be treated by Holistic Medicine, it averrs. Holistic health provides
a way of life which prevents the reccurrence of some of these ailments.
It is more prophylactic, preventive, curative & restorative.

Integral Life

Integral Life is an ancient Vedic ideal. The ancient Rishies ( Seers )
believed in the fulness of Life – 100 % materialism & 100% spirituality.
They actualised the Unity of Life first – long before they realized the
Unity of Consciousness. The unitary principle of life is known as Prana,
the Vital Energy. Cosmic Prana is a major topic of discussion in the
Upanishads. This Universal Vital Energy flows through invisible
channels in the human body known as Nadis. The Brhadaranyaka
Upanishad describes Prana as Truth and Brahman as the Truth
of Truths. It was during this period ( around 500 B C ) that India
developed the Science of Life known as Ayurveda.

An integral view of life far more comprehensive than that of any school
of Vedanta was developed by Tantras which arose between the 6th &
9th centuries AD. The Ultimate Reality is conceived of as Chit-Shakti,
Consciousness-Force. Matter, Mind & Self are all regarded as mani-
festations of this Universal Power which is personified as the Divine
Mother. All activities are carried on by the Consciousness -Force
( The Universe is the play and display of Consciousness-Force) &
all we have to do is to open ourselves to Her Power through self-surrender
and aspiration. This master science was revived by modern Masters
like Aurobindo and Ramakrishna.

More quality information about Tantra & Yantras can be had from
The programme for activating the body’s own self-renewal processes
is called holistic health programme. It may take months or years
for the body to learn new patterns of response and renew itself.
And this programme succeeds only when certain conditions are fulfilled.

A site where you can get quality information about Holistic Medicine

Awakening to a New Holistic Health Awareness

Only after undergoing an inner conversion do people start on a holistic
health programme. This conversion may come naturally in the fulness of time
or by coming into contact with a holistic health adept or Yoga teacher. But
more commonly, the inner transformation takes place only when people have
reached the limits of suffering or when the shadow of some terminal illness
looms large on the horizon. Fear, they say, is the beginning of wisdom.

Pain is the first born of the Inconscience
And thy body’s dumb original base !

Whatever way the change occurs, it takes the form of two inner processes;
a new attitude towards one’s body and a feeling of responsibility for one’s
own health.

Man’s greatest enemy – Thanatos ( Death-instinct )

The notion that what a person loves most is his own body has been
proved erroneous by Freud. Freud, who declared that pleasure
seeking ( hedonism ) was the basic instinct in man, modified his view
later. He came to the conclusion that along with Life-instinct ( known
as Eros ) man had apparently a powerful Death-instinct ( known as
Thanatos ) which manifested itself as Self-hate & aggressive
behaviour. He showed that not all accidents were really accidents.
The accident-proneness of the victims produced by the unconscious
death wish they had cherished was the cause behind some accidents.
Research has indicated enough evidence for vicious & insidious
forms of self-hate in man. We can understand how self-hate operates
on the level of the Unconscious if we observe the way many people
abuse their own stomachs, lungs & other vital organs, and the way
some people bring ruin upon themselves by yielding to drug addiction
& alcoholism. This self-hate acts as an inhibiting factor for most
individuals. Success can be achieved, said Dr Maxwell Maltz,
if this inhibitive factor is removed from the mind. Most people
are unaware of it & drift through life unaware of the self- harm they
do. Some of them wake up from this unconscious drifting and
begin to have a new attitude – an attitude of love, friendliness
and peace towards themselves & their brethren.It actually indicates
the dawn of true love for one’s higher Self known as the Atman.

Thanatos was known in Vedanta as Thamas ( the destructive
element in man ). Thamas is destructive and self-destructive.
By yogic sadhana alone can this Thamas or Thanatos be

Yet till evil is slain in its own home
And light invades the world’s inconscient base
And perished is the Adversary force
He ( the Saviour ) must still labour on, his work halfdone! ( Aurobindo )

More information about Transcendental Philosophy & Yoga can be had from

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Pranic Therapy by G Kumar (c) 2001

Pranic Therapy Part I – An Introduction

Pranic Therapy is an alternative system of Medicine using therapy with theUniversal Stream of Consciousness, the Cosmic Prana.

Pranic Therapy can be effectuated by proper knowledge of the psycho-physical organism, physical and mental discipline and opening all ourchannels to the Cosmic Prana.

This is normally effected in seven steps

The Seven Stages of Pranic Therapy

1. Knowledge of the Psychosomatic Machine
2. Regulation of Sleep, food & Exercise
3. Relaxation
4. Attunement to Biorythms ( Circadian Rhythms, Solar & Lunar Rhythms )
5. Removing mental blocks ( Difficult due to Repression )
6. Overcoming Prajnaparadha ( Fault of Awareness due to misuse of ourcognitive & conative functions)
7. Opening the system to the Cosmic Prana ( Opening all channels to theDivine Shakti )


With the advent of rapid industrialization, urbanization and thebreakdown of family life after the Second World War, sociallife in the West became tense & stressful. The spread ofmaterialistic ideas and ideals and the erosion of faith in Morality& the Law Divine & the social disturbance caused by the VietnamWar brought a sense of futility & meaninglessness in the Westernpsyche.The limitations of the Western system of chemotherapy& adverse side-effects of antibiotics, sedatives and certain otherdrugs and the disillusionment with the promises of science &technology made millions turn to Oriental philosophies, divinepractices & systems of therapy.

The response from the Orient was benevolent. Favoured by thesocial revolution that swept through several countries in the Westin the 1960s, these countries, especially the US, came to beflooded with Gurus and Yogis. Yoga, TM, Reiki – all attainedworld-wide popularity.

Three Modern Movements

As a byproduct three modern movements came into being.They are Neo-humanisn, interreligious dialogue and HolisticHealth. The term ‘Neo-humanism’ refers to a basic changein modern man’s attitude towards himself and his fellowmenwhich is characterised by

a) the recognition of the essential goodness of man
b) focus on existential problems
c) striving for higher transcendental experience.

The contribution of Ramakrishna Movement to inter-faith dialoguewas immense. Other movements like Maharshi InternationalUniversity & Self Realisation Fellowship contributed to this changein the human mindset.


HealthHolistic Health refers to a modern movement which regards health asa dynamic state of the total human being. Although the symptoms ofa disease may be found in certain tissues or organs, health is not amere removal of such symptoms by the treatment of the affectedtissues or organs, but a state of multidimensional experience,according to this perspective. The mind, body & environment arein a state of dynamic interaction & the maintenance of this interactionin an optimum state of efficiency is what health means. In otherwords ” To be healthy is to have the ability to live with fulluse of our faculties and be vigorous, alert & happy to be alive,even in old age, despite an occasional bout of illness.” This” operational health” has been defined as wellness. It is a senseof all-round well-being as contrasted with illness.

The greatest aspect of holistic health is its recognition of therole played by mind in health. ” Mind is omnipotent ” saidFreud & he had shown that the Unconscious played a key rolein causing certain diseases which came to be described aspsychosomatic diseases. He looked upon the Unconsciouschiefly as the repository of negative emotions. His early discipleCarl Jung expanded the concept of the Unconscious to makeit include good emotions and even spiritual urges. Adler,another disciple of Freud showed that the ego could alterunconscious behaviour.

The connecting link between the body and mind was not clear. Thework of the Canadian endocrinologist Hans Selye brought the muchneeded connecting link. In his classic work ” The Stress of Life “Selye showed that mental stress was the root cause of several typesof common illness such as hypertension, hyperacidity etc. The’stressor’ (the original source of stress ) excites the hypothalamus inthe brain. This vital organ which controls the autonomic nervous systemactivates the pituitary to secrete the stress hormone ( known as ACTH )which stimulates the secretion of several hormones and steroids(including the well known, adrenaline or epinephrine). More sugar isreleased into the blood & BP is increased as a result of these changes.According to Selye, stress is unavoidable in life. ( The emotionalcentre in the brain, when upset, stimulates the oxintic cells to secretemore hydrochloric acid in the stomach which leads to hyperacidity.)When it goes beyond a certain tolerance level ( which varies fromperson to person ) the system breaks down resulting in illness.

To the scientific picture of body-mind interrelationship given above,certain new concepts were added. One was the idea that if negativeemotions could cause illness, positive emotions can cause “wellness”.The attention of medical experts & the imagination of the public wascaptured by this innovative idea when Normal Cousins, editor ofSaturday Review, published a convincing account of his recoveryfrom a debilitating & incurable disease of the connective tissue.The patient’s understanding of the disease & his active participationin the recovery process was highlighted by his case.

The most difficult and controversial aspect of holistic health is anotheridea that by creating proper awareness within himself man couldexercise a certain degree of voluntary control over the healingprocesses taking place in his body. After the aftermath of Pavlov’sdemonstration of conditioned reflexes, another Russian scientistK M Bykov and his colleagues showed in 1924 that severalinvoluntary processes such as regulation of body heat, heart rhythm,production of urine, BP etc which were mediated by the autonomicnervous system could be brought under voluntary control. The abovefinding was corroborated later during experiments conducted onanimals under ‘operant’ (voluntary)conditioning. Hundreds of peoplefound that they could bring under control their heart rhythm, brainwaves etc with the help of the biofeedback technique. Indian Yogisin the West also demonstrated that they could alter metabolic rate,heartbeat, body temperature etc simply by their will power, withoutthe use of any biofeedback instruments.More information about Transcendental Philosophy & Yoga can behad from

Holistic health practioners invaded the scene at this juncture.They showed that not only certain organs but the working of the wholesystem such as the digestive system, the respiratory system, circulatorysystem etc ( known as the Systems concept ) could be regulated simplyby changing one’s life-style & affinities. It was claimed that evendiseases such as cancer could be cured or held in check be creatingstrong faith & the right type of consciousness.Despite the exaggerationand the propaganda which accompanied these claims, the basic ideathat man can consciously regulate involuntary and unseen physiolo-gical processes came to be accepted as a fact by the medicalcommunity.

Various meditation techniques like Transcendental Meditation, Zen,Yoga were becoming popular in the West in those days. Apart fromthe spiritual benefits, (In Transcendental Meditation, the existence ofa fourth major state of Consciousness called TranscendentalConsciousness was proved by Dr Keith Wallace in his Phd Thesis )practical Yoga teachers showed that Meditation also produced otherbeneficial effects such as reduction of tension, lowering of BP,relaxation of muscles, increase of concentration & work efficiency& even increase of immunological resistance to diseases. As aresult, some form of Meditation has become an essential part ofmost holistic health programmes.( Dr Harold Bloomfied says thatTM can be used as an adjunct to psychiatric practice.)

The success of Acupuncture, herbology etc which came to berecognised as ‘ Alternative Medicine ” , lent much support tothe holistic health position. Two great discoveries strengthenedthis position. One was the discovery of ‘biological clocks’ innature and the existence of biorhythms in the human body. Theother discovery was that the brain produced certain neuro-modulators called endorphins which have the property ofreducing pain. The production of these natural painkillers isinfluenced by our thoughts and endorphins are produced whenour EEG brain waves are in an alpha state ( 8.5 cycles per sec).

Tantra I

Tantra – The Serpentine Ascent – Part I

Occult Vibratory Chemistry existed in India by the name of Tantra.

Tantra is derived from two Sanskrit words – Thanoti ( to expand ) & Trayaten ( to liberate). This Science has the power to expand and liberate !

Expansion means to grow beyond one’s boundaries. Expansion upto Infinity. Thanothi means the expansion of Consciousness ad infinitum.Individual consciousness should expand to Universal Consciousness for mergence in
the Supreme Self.

Trayate means to liberate, to liberate man from bondgage, from the Seven Deadly Sins which bind him to the sublunar world. The purging of mortal dross is a must for Self-Actualisation and the ” inner enemies of man ” Lust, greed, anger, jealousy, sloth, covetousness & attachment ) are the real blocks in the way of Self Actualisation

Liberation is not possible without expansion of Consciousness. When our individual Consciousness expands to Cosmic, we feel whole & are liberated from the thraldom of matter.

The Upanishadic Philosophy was based on the Five Concentric Sheaths known as the Five Koshas. The outermost concentric Sheath, the Anna Maya Kosha, is known as the Material Sheath. It envelopes the other four sheaths –
vital, mental, intellectual & bliss.

Tantra, on the other hand, speaks about the Six Chakras, dynamoes of Cosmic
Energy in the human body.

These Chakras are ( in ascending order)

1. Root Chakra ( Muladhara )
2. Anal Chakra ( Manipura )
3. Solar Plexus Chakra ( Swadhistana )
4. Heart Chakra ( Anahata )
5. Throat Chakra ( Vishuddhi )
6. Eyebrow Chakra ( Ajna )

The Five Great Elements ( Earth, air, water, fire & ether ) & Mind reside
in the Six Chakras.

Earth-Principle resides in the Root Chakra
Water-Principle resides in the Navel Chakra
Fire-Principle resides in the Solar Plexus Chakra
Air-Principle resides in the Heart Chakra
Ether-Principle resides in the Throat Chakra
Mind-Principle resides in the Eye Brow Chakra.

The Microscomic representative of the Macrocosmic Shakti ( Cosmic Power ), the Kundalini, sportest as the Six principles in the Six Chakras in Her Cosmic Play.

O Infinite Power ! Thou art the Mind-principle in the Eye brow Chakra
In the Throat Chakra , Thou sport as the Ether-principle
In the Heart Chakra, Thou sportest as Air- principle
In the Solar Plexus Chakra, Thou art Fire-principle
In the Navel Chakra , Thou exist as Water-principle
In the Root Chakra, Thou art the Earth _Principle, O Mighty Mother !
And in the Crown Chakra, Thou sportest blissfully with thy beloved Consort !

She lies coiled in human beings as the Coiled Serpent Power ( Kundalini). She rises during Mediation and Yogic processes.

Her rise can be felt by the meditator. When She rises, a subtle warmth will be felt in the body. Voice changes. Voice becomes musical, ” propertied as the tuned spheres”. The personality of the native becomes very attractive due to the influx of Jupiterian energy. Wisdom and learning grace the individual. When She rises furthur, torrential bliss will be felt. And when She reaches the Crown Chakra, it is Cosmic Consciousness for the native !

She sports as Universal Power in the Macrocosm; and in the microcosm as the coiled Serpent Power!

Infinite Power of the Absolute art Thou!
The Cause of the Universe as Maya
The entire Creation is Thy Play
Thy blessing is Bliss Absolute !

The essence of all sciences art Thou
All women Thy manifestations !
The visible Universe Thou art
And the dormant Serpentine Power !

One of the pioneers in Tantra Research was Sir John Woodroffe , who had written many scholarly treatises on the subject. His magnum opus is the “Serpent Power”, which is a scientific treatise about the Kundalini. His
practice of Tantra endowed him with personal magnetism. He became the cynosure of all eyes. There was a special lustre on his face, he possessed the Golden Tongue of Good Report & there was a spiritual halo around him. He had developed his Auric Field ( the human electro-magnetic field ) due to Tantric techniques and bacame a dynamo of spiritual energy. His masterly book is a scientific diagnosis about Tantra.

The heart and vocal nervous centers are intimately related physiologically. Bhava Shuddhi or purity of Heart makes the voice innocent and musical. The true Initiate is he whose voice is true and who possesses the Golden Tongue of Good Report!

The Cosmic Shakti is the Force behind the Universe & the entire Universe is her play & display. Kundalini is Her microcosmic representation. She has been depicted as the Mother Goddess in Pagan philosophies.

Nature is visible Intelligence; Intelligence is invisible Nature. The Spiritual & the Natural are not different. That which is spiritual is natural in its ascent & cause. That which is natural is spiritual in its descent and being.

She is the female component of the Ultimate and all systems deal with the male and the female components of Reality. The male component is He ! Consciousness and Force, the Supreme Self and Nature, Matter and Spirit, Being and Becoming, the One and the Innumerable, the Formless and then a delirium of Forms – She and He, two in one, inseparable ! He, outside Time, outside Space, pure Being, pure Consciousness, the Great White Silence wherein everything is contained in a state of involution, contained, yet formless !

She flings forth from Him in an outburst of joy, again to find Him playing in Time, She and He, two in one , inextricable! Can Nature exist without her Lord ? Can He exist without Nature ?

This is the Purusha and Prakriti of Sankhya, the Brahman and Maya of Vedanta , the Sive and Shakti of Tantra !

Without Him, I exist not
Without Me, He is unmanifest ! – The Mother of Auroville

It is due to Her Grace that a man becomes a material success. It is She who gives the successful man the indomitable Will Power needed for success.

On the other hand, it is also Her Grace which giveth spiritual success. It is She who gives the devotee the necessary Self-knowledge, makes him do altruistic acts & leads him to Self-Actualisation. In other words, She has two aspects, material & spiritual and Her Grace is absolutely necessary for success in both the spheres. .

It is said that She, as the Prakriti ( Nature ) of Purusha ( Supreme Self), is the base of the Universe & when She becomes supremely pleased with the devotee, confers on him Self-Actualisation !

She is the Creatrix, She is the Mediatrix, She is the Dispensatrix and the Executrix of the absolute mechanism of Universal Justice.

Power is Divine and not to be condemned

It is this Power aspect of Consciousness which India has depicted as the Divine Mother. It is a mistake of the ethical and the religious mind to condemn Power as something unworthy because it is in its very nature corrupting and evil. Despite arguments to the contrary ( Power corrupts and absolute Power corrupts absolutely), Power, Shakti, Will is the mover of the worlds and basically is spiritual in origin and divine in character !

A Power to call Eternity into Time
And make the body’s joy as vivid as the soul’s !.

The highest philosophic concept is that of the Philosopher-King, he who possesses powers both eternal and temporal. They were known as Raja-Rishies in India. Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, King Janaka were all Raja-Rishies. Marcus Aurelius & Augustus Caesar in the West were also reputed Philosopher-Kings. They did not renounce power !

Tantra as related to Astrology

Tides are caused by the Moon. The human body is 65% water. ( Even the Archbishop of Canterbury is 65% water ). If Moon can effectuate tides, what effect will he have on the human body which is predominantly water? And what about the effects of other planets ?

More information about Mundane Astrology & Transit Forecast can be had

Tantra II

Tantra – The Serpentine Ascent – Part II

There is a common notion that Tantra deals with Sex & the term denoted for this in the New Age is Sacred Sexuality.

The Union of Nature ( Prakriti ) & Intelligence ( Purusha ) is the base of all Indian Philosophy. ‘ The entire Universe is nothing but He & She” said Aurobindo. It is a continuum of Conscioussness-Force. The Universe is regarded as a Union of Nature and Her Lord.

All Nature is a wide enamoured pause
Hoping for Her lord to touch, to clasp, to be!

On the breast of the static Absolute ( Purusha ), She sports as dynamic Time !

His breast He offers for Her Cosmic Dance
Over our lives which are the shivering theatre !

With such a philosophical background, Tantra becomes a formidable Art to protray Cosmic Union. Sex is the union of male and female & Tantra represents the Union of the male and female components of the Ultimate.

Kala in Sanskrit means Time and Kali is She who is of the nature of Time Eternal. Everything is created by Time, preserved by Time and destroyed by Time and it She who is the Sole Doer.

“He who forces Time will be pushed back by Time
He who yields to Time will find Time on his side”

Life is regarded as the unfolding of the Self at six different levels of consciousness known as Chakras in the magnificent Tantric Model. In mundane people the unfolding takes place only at the first three chakras which represent procreation, metabolism & speech; the higher three chakras remain latent. The awakening of the higher chakras results in the unfolding and fulfillment of Life Divine. When the Kundalini, the Serpentine Power inherent in humans, rises from the Root Chakra ( Muladhara ) to the Crown Chakra ( Sahasrara ), man achieves Cosmic Consciousness.

The Spirit shall take up the human play
The earthly life become the Life Divine!

Ancient Tantric treatises give priority to the Fivefold Worship ( The Pancha Makara Pooja ), the Five Great M’s which are to be worshipped.

Madyam Mamsam cha Meenam cha
Mudra Maidhunameva Cha
Eka Pancha Makarasyur
Naranam Moksha Dayaka

Madyam _ Wine

Mamsam – Flesh

Meenam – Fish

Mudra – A Yogic Pose

Maidhuna – Copulation

Madyam is Wine and there is a saying in Latin ” In Vino Veritas ” ( There is

truth in Wine ).

Bacchus’ blessings are a treasure

And drinking is the soldier’s pleasure !

Alcohol, taken in small quantities is the exciter of the “Yes”

function in man. It can make man one with Truth.

Mudra is a Yogic Pose. Yoga is derived from the word Yuj which means to unite.

Meena means fishes. Mamsa means flesh. Traditionally, in other systems which are considered divine like Yoga, non veg food is eschewed. But not so in Tantra.

Maidhuna is Copulation. Sex was considered as Lust in puritan philosophies. But not so in Tantra. “Sex is spiritual, it is something that comes out of the depths of your being ” says Dr Maxwell Maltz, founder of Psycho- Cybernetics.

These 5 Ms are the five elements which are used by Tantra for Cosmic Union.

The Symbolic Meaning behind the Five Great M’s

It is to be noted that Mamsam ( Flesh ) is symbolic. The Sanksrit Soham means ‘ I am He ‘. Mamsa means the same Mam ( I am ) and Sah is He.

The Wine referred to here is the Wine of Bliss. The Copulation referred here is the Divine Copulation.

No doubt sex is the microcosmic representation of Cosmic Union. In this sense Tantra becomes Sacred and divine. It is the Sacred Art & hence the holiest of all Holy Sciences !

Vedic Astrology is another manifestation of Tantra. The knowledge of the planets and the constellations is esoteric and Tantra is the main affiliate of Astrology. Celestial transit influences produce mundane effects which can be unveiled by Mundane Astrology

Tantra and Vedanta are sister sciences. One deals with Sat ( the Absolute
aspect of Being ) & the other with Chit, which is both absolutely relative
and relatively absolute.

It is said that She is the representative of Absolute Knowledge ( Brahma Jnana) and She sports in the garden of the Upanishads !

Thou exist as prosperity in the houses of the righteous

As mental tension galore in the houses of the profane !

In the Seers as Intelligence, as Morality & Ethics in the good

Infinite are Thy works and Grace, O Mother Divine !

Tantra III

Tantra – The Serpentine Ascent – Part II

There is a common notion that Tantra deals with Sex & the term denoted for this in the New Age is Sacred Sexuality.

The Union of Nature ( Prakriti ) & Intelligence ( Purusha ) is the base of all Indian Philosophy. ‘ The entire Universe is nothing but He & She” said Aurobindo. It is a continuum of Conscioussness-Force. The Universe is regarded as a Union of Nature and Her Lord.

All Nature is a wide enamoured pause
Hoping for Her lord to touch, to clasp, to be!

On the breast of the static Absolute ( Purusha ), She sports as dynamic Time !

His breast He offers for Her Cosmic Dance
Over our lives which are the shivering theatre !

With such a philosophical background, Tantra becomes a formidable Art to protray Cosmic Union. Sex is the union of male and female & Tantra represents the Union of the male and female components of the Ultimate.

Kala in Sanskrit means Time and Kali is She who is of the nature of Time Eternal. Everything is created by Time, preserved by Time and destroyed by Time and it She who is the Sole Doer.

“He who forces Time will be pushed back by Time
He who yields to Time will find Time on his side”

Life is regarded as the unfolding of the Self at six different levels of consciousness known as Chakras in the magnificent Tantric Model. In mundane people the unfolding takes place only at the first three chakras which represent procreation, metabolism & speech; the higher three chakras remain latent. The awakening of the higher chakras results in the unfolding and fulfillment of Life Divine. When the Kundalini, the Serpentine Power inherent in humans, rises from the Root Chakra ( Muladhara ) to the Crown Chakra ( Sahasrara ), man achieves Cosmic Consciousness.

The Spirit shall take up the human play
The earthly life become the Life Divine!

Ancient Tantric treatises give priority to the Fivefold Worship ( The Pancha Makara Pooja ), the Five Great M’s which are to be worshipped.

Madyam Mamsam cha Meenam cha
Mudra Maidhunameva Cha
Eka Pancha Makarasyur
Naranam Moksha Dayaka

Madyam _ Wine

Mamsam – Flesh

Meenam – Fish

Mudra – A Yogic Pose

Maidhuna – Copulation

Madyam is Wine and there is a saying in Latin ” In Vino Veritas ” ( There is

truth in Wine ).

Bacchus’ blessings are a treasure

And drinking is the soldier’s pleasure !

Alcohol, taken in small quantities is the exciter of the “Yes”

function in man. It can make man one with Truth.

Mudra is a Yogic Pose. Yoga is derived from the word Yuj which means to unite.

Meena means fishes. Mamsa means flesh. Traditionally, in other systems which are considered divine like Yoga, non veg food is eschewed. But not so in Tantra.

Maidhuna is Copulation. Sex was considered as Lust in puritan philosophies. But not so in Tantra. “Sex is spiritual, it is something that comes out of the depths of your being ” says Dr Maxwell Maltz, founder of Psycho- Cybernetics.

These 5 Ms are the five elements which are used by Tantra for Cosmic Union.

The Symbolic Meaning behind the Five Great M’s

It is to be noted that Mamsam ( Flesh ) is symbolic. The Sanksrit Soham means ‘ I am He ‘. Mamsa means the same Mam ( I am ) and Sah is He.

The Wine referred to here is the Wine of Bliss. The Copulation referred here is the Divine Copulation.

No doubt sex is the microcosmic representation of Cosmic Union. In this sense Tantra becomes Sacred and divine. It is the Sacred Art & hence the holiest of all Holy Sciences !

Vedic Astrology is another manifestation of Tantra. The knowledge of the planets and the constellations is esoteric and Tantra is the main affiliate of Astrology. Celestial transit influences produce mundane effects which can be unveiled by Mundane Astrology

Tantra and Vedanta are sister sciences. One deals with Sat ( the Absolute
aspect of Being ) & the other with Chit, which is both absolutely relative
and relatively absolute.

It is said that She is the representative of Absolute Knowledge ( Brahma Jnana) and She sports in the garden of the Upanishads !

Thou exist as prosperity in the houses of the righteous

As mental tension galore in the houses of the profane !

In the Seers as Intelligence, as Morality & Ethics in the good

Infinite are Thy works and Grace, O Mother Divine !

Tantra IV

Tantra – The Serpentine Ascent Part IV

Self Actualisation is the Goal

Immortality or Self-Actualisation, which is the Ultimate aim of Tantra, is achieved by the aspirant due to Tantric sadhanas. He will not fall into the trap of selfish temptations He will exhibit divine Love, patience and fortitude, the qualities of a perfected Initiate. He will not use his siddhis for selfish ends. He will be ready to redeem the world from its vices and will be Saviour of all mankind

Lo ! steadfast a lamp burns sheltered by the wind

Such is the likeness of the Yogi’s mind

Freed from sense-storms and burning bright to Heaven

When mind broods placid, soothed with holy wont,

When Self contemplates Self and in itself

Hath comfort !

To reach this Ultimate Level, tantric techniques alone are not sufficient. Love of the Supreme and renunciation of the Seven Negative Passions are a must.

Devoid of the Seven Deadly Sins ( Lust, greed, anger, jealousy, sloth, covetousness & attachment), with unflinching affiliation to the Supreme Self, he serves all human beings as his brothers and sisters, by the Law of Love and by the Law of Justice !

His light and life is given to balance here

The dark account of mortal Ignorance !

Astrology is a close affiliate of Tantra. Suppose a person has Jupiter in the 8th. There is no use if he turns to Tantra and becomes an initiate. Such a person should turn to other subjects ! Knowledge of a man’s temparament is given by Astrology as Trikala Jnana ( Knowledge of Past, present and future ) is decreed by Yoga

Astro-Therapy used in Vedic Astrology is essentially Tantric. The images of the planetary energies are propitiated on the days assigned to them. We find that Thursday is ruled by Thor or Jupiter; Saturday by Saturn, Sunday by the Sun etc. If Saturn is the tormentor, Astro Therapy is prescribed for Saturn and remedial measures are prescribed to be done on Saturdays !

More quality information about Vedic Astrology & an Astrological
Analysis can be had from

Tantra, Mantra & Yantra

A mantra is defined as that which saves the chanter and that which floats in the mind. The aspirant who chants the mantra is freed from the problems which vex him. The mind moves aw ay from the problem areas and he feels contented and whole. This is the psychological basis of Mantra Yoga. A mantra inscribed on a silver or gold plate is called a talisman or Yantra. It is duly energised by one who is well versed in Tantra by means of Puja ( worship of Deity ). This worship may take 10 to 41 days, depending on the Tantrik expert. Yantras are diagramatic patterns about Manifestation. The Central Dot or the Bindu represents the Absoulte Self and the geometrical figures are Its different levels of manifestation. The circles, the triangles, the rectangles and the lotuses seen in the Yantra represent the energy vortexes in the human body. The Five Great Elements, the seven states of Consciousness, the six Chakras plus the Crown Chakra , all these are symbolised as mathematical figures in the Yantra. The Central Dot is the Self, from which everything emanates !

More quality information about Tantra & Yantras can be had from

The divine Conscious Force is infinite in Her powers and personalities. The mighty Four are Her manifestations!

She as Time – Kali ( Kalaswaroopini or Time Eternal )

She as Wisdom – Saraswathi

She as Wealth – Lakshmi

She as Valour – Parvathi

Primordial Nature art Thou !

The Universe is merely Thy infinitesimal Part !

The Cause of all the worlds triune

Even to the Trinity Thou art Unknown !

Consort of the Infinite art Thou

The base of the Universe as Maya

All things in the Universe Thou movest

And Self-Actualisation is Thy boon !

Material Prosperity blossoms

Due to Thy Grace !

A regal mansion, subordinates galore

Are all Thy gifts, O Mighty Mother !

Spiritual Progress also

Is effected by Thy Grace !

Progress, worldly and divine

How strange is Thy Grace !

What we see today as Astrology, Gemology, Numerology, Vedic Architecture ( Vastu ),Ayurveda etc are all the gross manifestations of Tantra. This is the most original science of the human race which contains all the primitive mysteries of Science !

More information about Mundane Astrology & Transit Forecast can be had

All are brethern and all systems are different radii of one circle, designed to lead man from the circumference and the surface of life to the One Central Light, the Self ! Veda – Tantra – Veda – This is the equation. The first Veda refers to book knowledge or knowledge acquired from books. Tantra refers to practical knowlege, how to attain to Transcendence. The third refers to Experiential Knowledge which is the state of the Self. The physical, mental and spiritual levels are all sustained by the One Universal Life. That is why it is called as a Universe. Otherwise it will be called as a Multiverse ! That therapy using Prana is called Pranic Therapy. It is more or less Auric Healing. The disease affected parts of the body will be shown as black spots in Kirlian Photography. What the therapist does is to empower the patient with Prana, which is stored by him as a result of continous mediatation and the dark spots will move away.

More information about Pranic Therapy can be had from

Tantra VI

Tantra – The Left Hand Path of Love

The word sinister in Latin means the left handed path. Even though some puritans have defined the Left handed path as Satanic, it is only logical to assume that we cannot live without the left hand ! Will we cut our left hand off ? Man knows only two paths. The Right Handed Path and the Left Handed Path ! In classical philosophy, the Right Handed Path is the path of Philosophy & Religion. The Left Handed is that of Satan !
The two paths – the Way of Mammon and the Flesh & the Way of Being and of Bliss – are known in Sanskrit as Preyas and Sreyas, as Bhoga & Yoga. All men like Bhoga ( the Way of Mammon ). At the same all aspire for the kingdom of Heaven ( Yoga ). Cant we fuse these 2 paths ? That Fusion, that mighty blend is Tantra !

It is generally believed that man cannot serve two masters God & Mammon. But man is a composite creature. A mixture of good and evil ! ” All mixed ” said Shaw. Who is there who is cent percent good and who is there who is cent percent evil ? One poet had the audacity to declare that we are serving both masters !

Tantra has been defined as the Left Hand Path of Love. Left refers to the negative Polarity of Yin as contrasted with the positive polarity of Yang. Tantra does not believe in self-abnegation or renouncing sensual pleasures to gain the bliss of the Self. By integrating normal desires along with our super-normal desires ( the desire for Self-fulfillment & Self-empowerment ), we can become one with Truth.

By indulging in finite pleasures, the Tantric satiates all his desires. Tantra gives both Bhukti (mundane pleasures) & Mukti ( heavenly bliss ). Tantra is not the Path of Self-abnegation but of gratifying normal desires without renouncing the supernormal.

It is only when we approach the Supreme in His dual aspect – dual but inseparable ( Sat and Tat ) – that Truth becomes manifest to the inner experience. The first aspect was developed by the Vedantins. The latter aspect was developed by the Tantrics. Only a blend of both, or a combination of both, can pave the way for Integral Knowledge !

The Six Forms of Tantra

Six Systems of Tantra have existed in India from time immemmorial.

They are

1) Soura – The Sun – symbolic of the Inner Sun, the Self – is the
chief Deity
2) Kaumara _ Subramanya is the chief Deity
3) Ganapatya – Ganapathi is the chief Deity
4) Vaishnava – Lord Vishnu is the Chief Deity
5) Saiva – Lord Siva is the chief Deity
6) Saktheya – Shakti, the Mother Goddess is the Chief Deity.

In the Soura system, the chief Deity is the Sun, emblematic of the Inner
Sun, the Almighty Self !.

His great transparent mirror, Self !

He by whom the three states of Consciousness are illumined
Waking state, dreaming & dreamless sleep
And who encompassess all Three as Transcendence
To that King of the inner Solar Logos, I bow !

In the Kaumara system, the chief Deity is the six-faced Skanda. ( His
six faces represent the six seasons ? ). In the Ganapatya, Ganapathi is
the main Deity ( elephant symbolising the Macrocosm and human body
the microcosm? ) and in the Vaishnava system, Lord Vishnu, as the
Preserver, is the Deity ( His Four hands the Fourfold Veds? ).

The most prevalent form of Tantra is the Saktheya wherein the Mother
Divine is worshipped. There are many who say that Saktheya is the only
relevant system in the Kali Yuga ( the Era of the Anti-Christ ) & the other
five systems are ineffective bacause of the predominance of evil in the
present era. Evil formidable, Evil triumphant!

Different Yantras are prepared based on the system the Tantra expert is
following. For instance, the Tripura Sundari Yantra is Shakthaite, the
Sudarshana Yantra is Vaishnavite etc.

The body of the Ancient art Thou
Thy true form is as Transcendence
Thou bewitches all by Thy Maya
O Queen Regal of the Almighty !

Sublimation of Sexual Energy

In Tantra, Retas or Sexual energy is transmuted into Ojas ( Divine
Energy ) & stored in the brain. This requires severe continence.

The sexual energy thus sublimated becomes a potent force and pulls us from
death to Immortality & realises in this body of earth the luminous kingdom
of Heaven ! This is the master Secret of all Yoga and Tantra. In his book
” The Psychology of Sex”, Havelock Ellis mentions that creativity can be
enhanced by continence. The seminal energy consists of Ojas ( light), Tejas
( heat ) & Vidyut ( electricity ). The Golden Halo around the Sage is a
manifestation of this Ojas ! Thoreau remarks that ” Chastity is the
flowering in man “. Continence or Brahmacharya is declared by the Vedas
as the first step towards the mind’s approximation to Godhead !

The Universe entire is upheld by Thee
Universal Nature is Thy name !
Thou art that which is to be Known
O Lady of the Attributes Six !

Vedic Astrology is another manifestation of this mighty Science. The nine
revolving heavens protend good & evil for the world. International Astrology
is known as Mundane Astrology & its principles are slightly different from
Natal Astrology.

The Cause of all Universes & the Trinity
Inscrutable are Thy ways even to Thy chosen
The Cosmos is merely Thy infinitesimal expression
O Manifest Force of the Unmanifest, O Primordial Nature !

She is the creatrix, she is the mediatrix, she is the dispensatrix and the
executrix of the absolute mechanism of Universal Justice.

We have to understand that this knowledge, which was preserved by the
Tantric Masters, was lost due to the cyclical upheavals of Time. Spurious
Tantrics, pretending to be genuine Tantrics, invaded the scene and the
sanctity was lost. Now is the time to redeem this noble science from
degeneration. Tantric knowlege is now degenerating in India. The tendency
we see in India is that many people, pretending to be Tantric scholars, are
fooling the public. The so called social leaders are not interested in
preserving this great knowledge with the result that Tantra has fallen so low that none would do her reverence !