Blog Construction

by: Jesse S. Somer

Blogs like all forms of writing are an art form that takes knowledge and practice to do well.

Writing…Blogs…Blogs are on-line journals where people express themselves through writing. Writing…Writing is the process where one puts down words of a language on a format that others can read. This process has not been around very long, to use one of my writing teacher’s favorite sayings, “Writing has only existed for one day in the one year that humanity has existed.” Speaking and thinking come much easier than writing. These processes just flow out naturally like a river of consciousness; sometimes we hardly have to think about doing them. Anyone and everyone can write words down on paper but that doesn’t mean it’s ‘good writing’, myself included. Like most things in life, our society already takes writing for granted which is proving to expose more of our ignorance. Writing is a new form of expression, and if we want to do it in a way that the masses can connect with our ideas, we have to think much more simply and clearly about this art.

Now that was quite a big paragraph, you’ve got to wonder if I really needed to say as much as I just did to introduce this article on the best way to write your blogs on the Web. I didn’t even mention this main idea, and that’s what an introduction paragraph is meant to be for. This is a common mistake in many blogs out there. We try to get too many ideas across in one paragraph, sometimes even in one sentence! The key, as in all things in life-is to keep it simple. Simplicity means that readers won’t get confused about what your journal entry is actually about. Introduce your main general topic at the start, and use the subsequent paragraphs to discuss separate ideas that relate to this topic. Try to tie everything up in the concluding paragraph, your main argument and the reason why you’ve written in the first place.

Grammar and sentence construction are not easy systems to master, especially if you come from a school system that spent more time telling you about historical battles and quadratic equations than on how to read and write. This is a real problem. When we speak we can get messages across to others easily, but if we put these words down on paper, the writing just isn’t interesting and doesn’t connect with people’s curiosities and fascination. When you write you are not talking to a close friend. You can’t use slang and colloquialisms that only your local community can understand. The aim is to connect with all the people in the world, so let’s make it crystal clear and enjoyable to read.

Your computer has spelling and grammar checks, as well as access to a thesaurus. Use them, but remember that the machine can’t decipher all the intricacies of language. Language is a world in itself, and much of its territories are undiscovered by the masses. So, again keep it simple. Short, precise sentences with single ideas are great. Many words in the English language have the same meanings (synonyms). Use the thesaurus so you don’t repeat the same word over and over throughout the text. It keeps the story fresh and doesn’t turn the reader off. There’s nothing more boring than repetition. Using different words can be a lot of fun and a learning experience, just make sure you use a dictionary (also on the computer/Internet) to make absolute sure of the word’s definition.

Readability…Simplicity…Make your blog accessible by all people. You can even take into consideration that many readers will have learned English as a second language. As I’ve said in previous articles, keep to the point-don’t go on tangents. Stick with the article’s topic, and definitely stay within the realms of your blog’s main area. If your blog is entitled “Jazz music”, people who go there don’t want to hear about how your football team won on the weekend! Please be consistent. How irritating is it to visit a blog that hasn’t been written on in months or years?

I hope these little tips will help you on your quest to producing ‘good’ writing that brings new friends and acquaintances of similar outlooks into your world. If you want people to read, the aim is to produce an emotional reaction in your reader. Pretend you are writing to another form of yourself, if it were not readable, interesting and fun…would you stick around?

About The Author

Jesse S. Somer is a ‘grasshopper’ writer attempting to inform other beginner writers on how they might one day become masters or ‘sensei’s’.

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The Consumer Effect

Kabbalah is the Western Yoga. The Kabbalists discovered what the Yogis discovered, that we are puny parts of the great Whole, called by us as the Universe.

Albert Einstein once said: “A human being is part of the whole, called by us ‘universe’…He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness…Our task must be to free ourselves from our prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all humanity and the whole of Nature in its beauty.”

Let us analyse the Globalisation of Economics and its effects !

The Consumer Effect

The globalization of economics means that any local market is inextricably tied to the global economy. The ongoing dollar decline, lately spurred by changes in China’s market, clearly demonstrates how interdependent the world’s markets have become.

We have to discover the right way to act within an interconnected system—and what’s a better example to study than Nature, the mother of perfect, integral systems?

They (Almost) Hit the Jackpot

Myron Scholes and Robert Merton had everything scientists could ever wish for: a Nobel Prize in Economics, tenured professorships at the world’s most prestigious universities and fame. But all of this waned when an opportunity presented itself in the mid-nineties. A well-known veteran broker dared the pair to put their genius into practice and make lots of money.

Scholes and Merton were certain that playing the market was like rolling dice: you can easily measure the probability for each and every occurrence. Their foolproof plan was to accurately predict the market through statistical studies.

The two scientists gathered a group of distinguished math and economy professors. Then, along with their ambitious broker, they established a private hedge fund (an investment fund that aims to profit under any market conditions). They called it Long-Term Capital Management or LTCM. The fund developed an investment policy based on mathematical models, established its headquarters in an upscale suburb near Wall Street, and business started rolling.

In four short years, the fund became the envy of every banker and trader on Wall Street. Veteran stock market sharks could not believe their eyes as the fund yielded an astounding 40% return a year with no losses or fluctuations. It seemed that the scientists had discovered a magic formula, identifying patterns in a world of unpredictability. In other words, they had found a way to make a whole lot of money.

Even the ever-skeptical investment bankers were impressed by the group. In fact, they were so impressed that they offered to leverage the fund with a credit of $100 billion without even asking for the usual guarantees. The fund got financially linked to every bank on Wall Street and set up an intricate chain of connections where every link affected the entire chain.

LTCM seemed invincible until one fateful night in September of ’98, when the bubble suddenly burst. The disaster began with a seemingly innocuous event—the devaluation of the Thai baht. This triggered a sell-off across Asian and Eastern Europe markets, and the snowball just kept rolling until it eventually reached LTCM. The fund suffered total collapse, causing unprecedented distress to economic systems worldwide.

It seemed that the market was swiftly heading for the point of no return. In a dramatic step, Alan Greenspan, the legendary U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman, convened the heads of every large bank of Wall Street and Europe for an emergency closed-door meeting. Finally, only the economists’ prayers and a very costly decision to rescue LTCM, managed to save the world from a deep economic crisis.

Collapse is Contagious

The current dollar decline is reminiscent of the situation that led to the collapse of LTCM. Although the dollar’s been on a downward spiral for quite some time, the most dramatic fall in its value was spurred by a change in China’s policy. China, pragmatically concerned with its own economy, started shifting away from the dollar currency and diversifying its investments. As the echoes of this decision reverberated throughout the world, countries like Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Venezuela, Sudan, Iran and Russia began considering a shift away from the dollar in order to safeguard their assets.

A similar trend unfolded during the recent Sub-Prime Mortgage crisis (a mortgage given to risky borrowers) that begun in the U.S. and spread throughout the world. The effects of this fiasco are far from over. The meltdown has affected stock markets, banks, hedge funds and companies the world over. The biggest shock waves were felt in Europe, Asia, Canada and Australia. The crisis also affected many corporations, manufacturers, marketing companies and even hi tech firms.

Over and over, the sense of a global economic crisis resurfaces. All the attempts to predict economic trends have proved futile. Today, the million dollar question is: How do we establish a truly viable and stable economic system?

The Systems Between Us

The answer, says the wisdom of Kabbalah, is actually quite simple. Best of all, you do not have to be a brilliant economist to figure it out. However, you do have to realize that we and everything we do, including economics, has to follow the laws of the universal system we call Nature.

Kabbalists explain that Nature’s overarching plan is to bring all of its parts, including us, into perfect unity. In the framework of human society, this unity means that the work of every single individual benefits the whole.

The best example of such behavior are the cells of a living body: they are interconnected and give to each other in order to benefit the body as a whole. In this perfect system, the body provides a cell with everything it needs and the cell is fully dedicated to ensuring the body’s well-being. In his article, “Building the Future Society,” Kabbalist Baal HaSulam writes that “…each member is obligated by Nature to receive his or her needs from society, and also to benefit society by his or her work.”

The artificial systems we have established in human society stand in complete contrast to Nature’s plan. At the core of human behavior stands the ego, which puts these systems into motion. Our egos prefer constricted, personal interest over the benefit of the whole and advocate the pursuit of wealth, honor and control, even (or especially) at the expense of others.

All this bears a direct relation to economics. In our ego-based economic system, self-interests of capital and shareholders are the companies’ top priority. Even when companies contributes to the community, one cannot help wondering whether such an act is not in fact, a basic desire to glorify its name in the media for more publicity and a burnished reputation.

Globalization + Ego = Dead End

After thousands of years of egoistic development, we finally find ourselves in a tight corner: the more we try to profit from each other, the more we discover our connection to each other, much like the cells of a living body described above.

LTCM’s collapse a decade ago, the recent credit crisis, and the current dollar decline demonstrate just how interconnected our systems are. The smallest fluctuation in a local market can put the entire global market in turbulence.

But what’s more is that every action we make as consumers affects a whole gamut of other systems. Just like the “Butterfly Effect” metaphor for the mathematical chaos, “The Consumer Effect” works the same way.

When Rebecca from Philadelphia goes shopping at her neighborhood mall, she significantly affects the lives of many people around the world. The products she purchases may determine whether a factory will continue to operate, whether a family will have to relocate, and whether a child will be saved from starvation. When Dan from Charlottesville flips through the TV channels at home, he affects the entire advertising market. One click of the remote control can affect the jobs and lives of thousands of people.

Globalization has made our world so fragile that the smallest crack can cause it to shatter. Local events like the mortgage crisis in the U.S., a natural disaster, a terrorist attack, and military tension in the Persian Gulf directly affect prices of international merchandise and threaten global economic stability.

The Way Out

“And the wonder about it is that Nature, like a proficient judge, punishes us according to our development, for our eyes can see, that the more humanity develops, the greater are the pain and suffering of attaining our keep and sustenance.”

Baal HaSulam, “The Peace”

The wisdom of Kabbalah gives us a much broader perspective on our situation. It explains that we are like children in this sandbox called Earth. And Nature is developing us gradually, much like a parent who teaches his children: the more we grow up, the more we are expected to play nicely.

Kabbalah explains that humanity is going through two parallel processes. On the one hand, Nature is pushing us to unite and work as one body. On the other hand, humanity’s egoism is steadily growing, and the fact that these two processes are happening simultaneously is not a coincidence.

One way or another, humanity will have to invert its egoism and work as one body. But instead of having Nature push to make this change, Kabbalists suggest that we take control over the process and master it ourselves.

Kabbalists explain that through educational systems we can raise people’s awareness that humanity is like a multi-celled body, and that we are all interconnected. By learning about the overall system of Nature and its principles, people will understand what changes to implement in our social systems in order to balance them with Nature.

By acting in accordance with Nature, we will prosper in every realm of our lives, including economics. Fortunately, we already have the science that explains Nature’s underlying plan. It’s called “the wisdom of Kabbalah.”

Sneak-a-Peek at the book Kabbalah Revealed

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Kabbalah Is Not Philosophy

In ancient times, Kabbalah inspired great minds to soar and search for meaning, but the branch called “philosophy,” was soon to veer off in another direction.

Perhaps we think of Kabbalists as secluded people hiding in dim, candle-lit chambers, writing magical scriptures. Well, until the end of the 20th century, Kabbalah was indeed kept secret. The clandestine approach toward Kabbalah evoked numerous tales and legends surrounding its nature. Although most of these tales are false, they still baffle and confuse even the most rigorous thinkers.
But Kabbalah was not always secret. In fact, the first Kabbalists were very open about their knowledge, and at the same time, very much involved with their societies. Often, Kabbalists were their nation’s leaders. Of all these leaders, King David is probably the best known example of a great Kabbalist who was also a great leader.
The involvement of Kabbalists in their societies helped their contemporary scholars develop the basis of what we now know as “Western philosophy,” which later became the basis of modern science. In that regard, here’s what Johannes Reuchlin, a humanist, classics scholar, and expert in ancient languages and traditions, writes in his book, De Arte Cabbalistica: “My teacher, Pythagoras, the father of philosophy, took his teaching from Kabbalists … He was the first to translate the word, Kabbalah, unknown to his contemporaries, to the Greek word philosophy… Kabbalah does not let us live our lives in the dust, but elevates our mind to the height of knowledge.”
But philosophers were not Kabbalists. Because they did not study Kabbalah, they couldn’t fully understand the depth of Kabbalistic knowledge. As a result, knowledge that should have been developed and treated in a very specific way was developed and treated incorrectly. When Kabbalistic knowledge migrated to other parts of the world, where there were no Kabbalists at the time, it also took a different course.
Thus, humanity made a detour. Although Western philosophy incorporated parts of the Kabbalistic knowledge, it ended up taking an entirely different direction. Western philosophy generated sciences that researched our material world, that which we perceive with our five senses. But Kabbalah is a science that studies what happens beyond what our senses perceive. The changed emphasis drove humanity in the opposite direction from the original knowledge that Kabbalists obtained. This change in direction took humanity on a detour that resulted in the general misconception of what Kabbalah is really about.

Quotes of Kabbalists

“One should scrutinize and study his essence and the purpose for which he came into this world.”
–Rabbi Baruch Ashlag, Shamati (I Heard), Letter no. 18

“Only through the expansion of the wisdom of Kabbalah in the masses will we obtain complete redemption.”
–Rav Yehudah Ashlag, Baal HaSulam, Introduction to the Book Tree of Life

“As one cannot sustain oneself without a measure of knowledge concerning the corporeal conducts of the world, one’s soul cannot exist in the next world without acquiring a measure of knowledge of the natural orders of the spiritual systems and worlds.”
–Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), “From My Flesh shall I See God”

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The Kepler Equation, M = E- e Sin E

The Kepler equatio M = E- e Sin E can be used to compute planetary longitudes.

M is the Mean Anomaly of the planet and E, the Eccentric Anomaly. Eccentric Anomaly is an auxiliary angle used in Kepler’s Equations.

e is Eccentricity of Orbit. The planet’s orbit is elliptical and not circular and Eccentricity or e is always Zero at Circle, 0-1 at ellipse and one at Parabola !

The Kepler Equation can be put in a different way

E = M + e Sin E

Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion

Johannes Kepler expounded the principles of Planetary Motion thus

1)The orbit of a planet is an ellipse, with the Sun as the focus of the ellipse.

3)The motion of a planet is fastest at Perihelion and slowest at Aphelion.

4) p1^2 / p2 ^2 = a1 ^ 3 /a2 ^3

The periods of revolutions ( sidereal period ) of two planets is equal to the cubes of their semi major axes.

Long before Kepler Aryabhata expounded the Helio centric Theory of Gravitation, that all planets circle around the Sun due to celestial gravity. If it is terrestrial gravity which is the characteristic of the earth, then it is Celestial Gravity, which is the characteristic of the Sun

Quantum Mechanics can only predict probabliities, not events

The New Physics radically changed the thinking of the scientist. Space and Time are not separate, they are one.

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle states that the course of an electron is uncertain and cannot be predicted. Given a beam of electrons, the probabilistic distribution can be predicted, but not the course of a single electron !

Newtonian laws do not apply to the invisible subatomic realm. The Uncertainty Principle undermines the Mechanistic Model of the Universe, created by a Designer.

The Law of Complementarity, the Matter-Wave Hypothesis, the Schrodinger Wave Equation, the Uncertainty Principle – all these laws indicate that the New Physics has reached the First Science or Transcendental Physics, which maintains the the Universe is a Universe of appearance, behind which hides the Indestructible Reality !

Ready to don the garb of the Redeemer ?

One aspirant thought about the difficulty of redeeming this world !

Why should I throw my arms to the shut heavens
Or struggle against a mute inevitable Force
Or hope in vain to uplift an ignorant race
Who hugst their lot and mocks the Saviour Light ?

Why should I try to redeem this benighted humanity ?

But then, if all human beings think like this ( that one man cannot change the world ), the world will never change !

Then he contemplated Eternity and came to the conclusion that he should be the change to change the world.

So he changed himself, perceiving the Self in all.

Then he came to the conclusion that there is only one way to change the world. Self-evolution is the means.

He contemplated and meditated and sacrificed himself for the Noblest cause

His light and life is given to balance here
The dark account of mortal Ignorance !

R, the Magic Figure in Astronomy

R is the Radius of a Circle. It is 206265 secs and is an important figure is Astronomy

We talk about the Circles in Astronomy. The Ecliptic is a Circle, the Zodiac is a Circle and so on. And how do we measure the Radius of the Circle?

The Magic Figure of 206265 seconds is got by these derivations

Circumference = 2 Pi r

360 degrees = 2 Pi r

r = 360 degrees / 2 Pi

= 360 degrees / 2* 3.14

= 57.3 degrees

( One degree is 60 minutes and one minute is 60 seconds and hence one degree = 60*60 = 3600 seconds )

= 57.3 degrees * 3600 seconds

= 206265 seconds of arc

This is the how the Magic Figure in Astronomy, 206265 seconds, is derived !

Make Money Online – The Basics On How To Start

Author: Kaushik

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I believe most of us came here to look for ways to make money
online. So here I am, revealing ways to make money online!

Make Money Online with Google Adsense:

Google AdSense is the only way to make real money online.
Google AdSense, commonly just AdSense, is a powerful ad serving
program run by Google. Website owners can enroll in this program
to enable text, image and video advertisements on their sites.
All you have to do is places some code on your website and ads
will be displayed that are relevant to the content on your
webpage. These ads are administered by Google and generate
revenue on either a per-click or per-thousand-impressions basis.

Make Money Online with Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate Marketing is one of the best ways to make money
online. An affiliate program on the internet is simply where a
website is selling a product and they will pay you a commission
on every sale you generate from the traffic you send them. So
all you have to do is send your visitors to another web page.
Popular websites like ClickBank and CJ serve the purpose to help
you do affiliate marketing by finding the right product. There
are a lot of techniques needed to do affiliate marketing so a
lot of ebooks are available online.

Make Money Online with Google Adwords:

Google Adwords is another pay-per-click advertising company run
by Google. In Google Adwords, you can put advertisements at
their search engine and get quality traffic. But the
conversation depends on well is your landing page. Imagine you
pay $0.10 for each quality visit and you got one sales of $30 in
every 100 visits. You are making a profit of $20.

Make Money with Online Auctions:

Make money online with online auctions is one of the 20th and
21st century’s most reliable, true and tested, home businesses.
Simply buy low, sell high and take the difference to supplement
your income. Millions of people sell on eBay or other online
auctions web sites as a full time job and make well over 6

Make Money with Paid Surveys:

While not one of the most profitable of home businesses, Paid
Surveys are simple and easy to do and Yes, you can make money
online with them. You can make four or five dollars a pop, which
can add up especially if you do a few paid surveys each day in
your spare time.

Make Money Online Freelancing:

There is no such thing as a free lunch. Neither is there an
easy way to make money, especially from home. To make yourself
employable, you need to ensure that you have the required skill
sets as well as good marketing and interpersonal skills. A sound
portfolio (for aspiring writers, editors, photographers,
designers, etc.) is a must.

Today several private companies and MNCs are employing people
who prefer working out of their homes. A host of opportunities
exist for home employment in areas as diverse as telemarketing,
selling insurance, data entry, typing, data conversion,
copywriting, accounting , writing (academic and journalistic
writing), editing and proof reading, web design, content
development, Internet-based research for companies, graphic
design and desktop publishing, programming, audio and video
editing, translation work and etc is available.

With a fair bit of technology skills (typing and word
processing skills, being PC literate), entrepreneurs can use the
worldwide web to start companies and work from the convenience
of their homes.

Before you get into the home employment groove, make sure you
have the requisite qualifications, hardware, and time management
skills to convince potential employers that you are the right
person for the job.

There are a lot of ways to make money online, so you do not
need to limit yourself with just one way. Explore more ways that
you can to make money online.

About The Author: Kaushik is an Internet Marketer who has been
reviewing online money making opportunities for many years and
webmaster of …He finally is making
$500/day! See how he does it by visiting

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Zeitgeist: A Movie For The Time

Author: Acharya S
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Since June 2007, the movie “ZEITGEIST” has been taking the
internet by storm. As of December 2007, ZEITGEIST had already
gathered more than 6 million hits, making it one of the most
popular online videos of all time. In fact, on Google video,
ZEITGEIST was the no. 1 video for the months of November and
December 2007, and there doesn’t seem to be any stopping it. The
movie’s creator, Peter Joseph, has reported some 40,000 to
60,000 hits to his website,, per day! Also,
in November 2007, ZEITGEIST was presented a “Best Feature” award
at the prestigious Artivists Film Festival at the Egyptian
theater in Hollywood. As one of the sources for Part 1 of
ZEITGEIST, I was in attendance as a featured panel speaker
addressing some 650 people, who shared a mind-blowing evening.
Both Peter and I have also done several radio programs
addressing the subjects raised in ZEITGEIST, with me
specializing in Part 1. The movie’s narration has also been
translated into a number of languages, including German. Truly,
ZEITGEIST is a global phenomenon!

What is so special about ZEITGEIST that it has attracted so
much attention? First of all, the movie is done in a very
powerful manner – and, secondly, its message is controversial,
to say the least! Since my work inspired some of Part 1, I can
only discuss as an expert that segment, which deals with
religious conspiracy. Part 1, in fact, claims that our modern
religions, including and especially Christianity, are not
“original” or “new revelation” but remakes of ancient faiths,
particularly that of the Egyptians. In my books, “The Christ
Conspiracy” and “Suns of God,” I have striven to demonstrate
that fact, with a combined 1000+ pages of fascinating research
as to the true meaning of religion. Because of the intense
controversy surrounding ZEITGEIST, with forums all over the net
engaged in heated debates over the movie, I have now completed
an ebook specifically addressing some of the comparisons between
the Egyptian religion and Christianity. This new ebook is called
“The Companion Guide to ZEITGEIST, Part 1,” and it
scientifically examines the purported parallels between the
Egyptian god Horus and the Jewish godman Jesus, including
whether or not Horus was born on December 25th of a “virgin,”
among other important assertions made in ZEITGEIST. The research
on this subject was so abundant that I was unable to put it all
into an ebook. In almost 50 pages, I did, however, manage to
highlight these significant issues, including ancient resources
in their original languages, with translations!

It is the fervent belief of both the creator of ZEITGEIST and
me that this information is extremely important in this day and
age, in order to further cultural understanding and bring
greater peace to the planet, as well as to provide an insight
into the working of society’s elite, who may not have in mind
the best interests of the common man. In this regard, we have
taken the risk of bringing this controversial and often
contentious material to the public eye, with the hopes of
greater enlightenment worldwide.

About The Author: Acharya S is the author of the controversial
books “The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold,”
“Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled” and “Who Was
Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ.” Her latest book on the movie
“ZEITGEIST” can be found at

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