


With wind and the weather beating round me
Up to the hill and the moorland I go.
Who will come with me? Who will climb with me?
Wade through the brook and tramp through the snow?

Not in the petty circle of cities
Cramped by your doors and your walls I dwell;
Over me God is blue in the welkin
Against me the wind and the storm rebel.

I sport with solitude here in my regions,
Of misadventure have me a friend.
Who would live largely? Who would live freely?
Here to the wind-swept uplands ascend.

I am the lord of tempest and mountain,
I am the Spirit of freedom and pride.
Stark must he be and a kinsman to danger
Who shares my kingdom and walks at my side.

–(Alipore Jail 1908-09)


Someone leaping from the rocks
Past me ran with windblown locks
Like a startled bright surmise
Visible to mortal eyes, —
Just a cheek of frightened rose
That with sudden beauty glows,
Just a footstep like the wind
And a hurried glance behind,
And then nothing, — as a thought
Escapes the mind ere it is caught.
Someone of the heavenly rout
From behind the veil ran out


A tree beside the sandy river-beach
Holds up its topmost boughs
Like fingers towards the skies they cannot reach,
Earth-bound, heaven amorous.

This is the soul of man. Body and brain
Hungry for earth our heavenly flight detain.


I saw my soul a traveller through Time;
From life to life the cosmic ways it trod,
Obscure in the depths and on the heights sublime,
Evolving from the worm into the god.

A spark of the eternal Fire, it came
To build a house in Matter for the Unborn.
The inconscient sunless Night received the flame,
In the brute seed of things dumb and forlorn

Life stirred and Thought outlined a gleaming shape
Till on the stark inanimate earth could move,
Born to somnambulist Nature in her sleep
A thinking creature who can hope and love.

Still by slow steps the miracle goes on,
The Immortal’s gradual birth mid mire and stone.


Because Thou art All-beauty and All-bliss,
My soul blind and enamoured yearns for Thee;
It bears thy mystic touch in all that is
And thrills with the burden of that ecstasy.

Behind all eyes I meet Thy secret gaze
And in each voice I hear Thy magic tune:
Thy sweetness haunts my heart through Nature’s ways
??? Nowhere it beats now from Thy snare immune.

It loves Thy body in all living things;
??? Thy joy is there in every leaf and stone:
The moments bring thee on their fiery wings;
??? Sight’s endless artistry is Thou alone.

Time voyages with Thee upon its prow?
And all the futures passionate hope is Thou.


Bride of the Fire, clasp me now close,–
??? Bride of the Fire!
I have shed the bloom of the earthly rose,
??? I have slain desire.

Beauty of the Light, surround my life,–
??? Beauty of the Light!
I have sacrificed longing and parted from grief,
??? I can bear thy delight.

Image of ecstasy, thrill and enlace,–
??? Image of bliss!
I would see only thy marvellous face,
??? Feel only thy kiss.

Voice of Infinity, sound in my heart,–
??? Call of the One!
Stamp there thy radiance, never to part,
??? O living sun.


I have gathered my dreams in a silver air
??? Between the gold and the blue
And wrapped them softly and left them there,
??? My jeweled dreams of you.

I had hoped to build a rainbow bridge
??? Marrying the soil to the sky
And sow in this dancing planet midge
??? The moods of infinity.

But too bright were our heavens, too far away,
??? Too frail their ethereal stuff;
Too splendid and sudden our light could not stay;
??? The roots were not deep enough.

He who would bring the heavens here
??? Must descend himself? into clay
And the burden of earthly nature bear
??? And tread the dolorous way.

Coercing my godhead I have come down
??? Here on the sordid earth,
Ignorant, labouring, human grown
??? Twixt the gates of death and birth.

I have been digging deep and long
??? Mid a horror of filth and mire
A bed for the golden river’s song,
??? A home for the deathless fire.

I have laboured and suffered in Matter’s night
??? To bring the fire to man;
But the hate of hell and human spite
??? Are my meed since the world began.

For man’s mind is the dupe of his animal self;
??? Hoping its lusts to win,
He harbours within him a grisly Elf
??? Enamoured of sorrow and sin.

The grey Elf shudders from heaven’s flame
??? And from all things glad and pure;
Only by pleasure and passion and pain
??? His drama can endure.

All around is darkness and strife;
??? For the lamps that men call suns
Are but halfway gleams on this stumbling life
??? Cast by the Undying Ones.

Man lights his little torches of hope
??? That lead to a failing edge;
A fragment of Truth is his widest scope,
??? An inn his pilgrimage.

The Truth of truths men fear and deny,
??? The Light of lights they refuse;
To ignorant gods they lift their cry
??? Or a demon altar choose.

All that was found must again be sought,
??? Each enemy slain revives,
Each battle for ever is fought and refought
??? Through vistas of fruitless lives.

My gaping wounds are a thousand and one
??? And the Titan kings assail,
But I cannot rest till my task is done
??? And wrought the eternal will.

How they mock and sneer, both devils and men!
??? “Thy hope is Chimera’s head
Painting the sky with its fiery stain;
??? Thou shalt fall and thy work lie dead.

“Who art thou that babblest of heavenly ease
??? And joy and golden room
To us who are waifs on inconscient seas
??? And bound to life’s iron doom?

“This earth is ours, a field of Night
??? For our petty flickering fires.
How shall it brook the sacred Light
??? Or suffer a god’s desires?

“Come, let us slay him and end his course!
??? Then shall our hearts have release
From the burden and call of his glory and force
??? And the curb of his wide white peace.”

But the god is there in my mortal breast
??? Who wrestles with error and fate
And tramples a road through mire and waste
??? For the nameless Immaculate.

A voice cried, “Go where none have gone!
??? Dig deeper, deeper? yet
Till thou reach the grim foundation stone
??? And knock at the keyless gate.”

I saw that a falsehood was planted deep
??? At the very root of things
Where the grey Sphinx guards God’s riddle sleep
??? On the Dragon’s outspread wings.

I left the surface gods of mind
??? And life’s unsatisfied seas
And plunged through the body’s alleys blind
??? To the nether mysteries.

I have delved through the dumb Earth’s dreadful heart
??? And heard her black mass’s bell.
I have seen the source whence her agonies part
??? And the inner reason of hell.

Above me the dragon murmurs moan
??? And the goblin voices flit;
I have pierced the Void where Thought was born,
??? I have walked in the bottomless pit.

On a desperate stair my feet have trod
??? Armoured with boundless peace,
Bringing the fires of the splendour of God
??? Into the human abyss.

He who I am was with me still;
??? All veils are breaking now.
I have heard His voice and borne His will
??? On my vast untroubled brow.

The gulf twixt the depths and the heights is bridged
??? And the golden waters pour
Down the sapphire mountain rainbow-ridged
??? And glimmer from shore to shore.

Heaven’s fire is lit in the breast of the earth
??? And the undying suns here burn;
Through a wonder cleft in the bounds of birth
??? The incarnate spirits yearn

Like flames to the kingdoms of Truth and Bliss:
??? Down a gold-red stair-way wend
The radiant children of Paradise
??? Clarioning darkness’s end.

A little more and the new life’s doors
??? Shall be carved in silver light
With its aureate roof and mosaic floors
??? In a great world bare and bright.

I shall leave my dreams in their argent air,
??? For in a raiment of gold and blue
There shall move on the earth embodied and fair
??? The living truth of you.

Article Source :

Lord Krishna, poem by Aurobindo

Krishna by Sri Aurobindo

At last I find a meaning of soul’s birth
Into this universe terrible and sweet,
I who have felt the hungry heart of earth
Aspiring beyond heaven to Krishna’s feet.

I have seen the beauty of immortal eyes,
And heard the passion of the Lover’s flute,
And known a deathless ecstasy’s surprise
And sorrow in my heart for ever mute.

Nearer and nearer now the music draws,
Life shudders with a strange felicity;
All Nature is a wide enamoured pause
Hoping her lord to touch, to clasp, to be.

For this one moment lived the ages past;
The world now throbs fulfilled in me at last.

Tips to Receive Your Monthly Google Adsense Check

– By: Robert Thomson, 2008-02-11

If you take the time to research this specific topic, you will find that there are hundreds of tips, which you can easily put into place that will help to ensure that you will receive a monthly check, for participating in the Google Adsense program.

For your information, you must earn $100 before you receive a check. In the event you make under $100 in any given month, the balance will be carried over to the next month.

The best advice that you can follow to receive a check on a monthly basis is to read, test and test! There are thousands of websites and blogs dedicated to help you getting the most out of the Adsense program.

Realizing Adsense success has a lot to do with trial and error. Read the tips and suggestions offered by countless other hard-working website owners. Besides saving you a tremendous amount of time, their words of wisdom can be vital, when it comes to receiving a steady check.

Another important tip revolves around the content of your website or blog. There are no other ways besides having fresh, relevant and unique content. Either write your own or hire someone else to do it. (It really does not cost as much as you might think and it is worth the investment.)

You may want to stay away from free article directories if you do not have a proper strategy. Why? Your content needs to be original in order for Google to view it as such. Duplicate content often gets penalized and ultimately you will receive a much lower click-through payout. However, if you put a link in your every distributed article linking back to your original work, you will not be affected by the duplicate content filter implemented by Google.

You have the option to filter specific advertiser ads, as well. You can actually filter up to 200 URLs. This will give you the chance to block advertisement for sites that do not meet your expectations. You can also block competitor advertisements, which is essential when you are promoting a product or service.

Many website owners will tell you that they have better luck when using specific size ad units. These sizes include the 336×280 large rectangle, the 300×250 inline rectangle and the 160×600 wide skyscraper.

Success with any size ad unit really depends on how well they are integrated into your site. It is a good idea to blend the advertise into your pages, simply by matching the background color and the border color of the ad unit with the background color of your site.

Following the above tips will help to ensure that you will receive your monthly Adsense check.

KC is the author of the book, The Secrets of Adsense 2008 and runs a successful blog at KC Hut and often talks about Internet entrepreneurship. KC recommends this popular Dog Breeds site for all your dog breeds resources. KC also recommends WatchFree.TV for free tv online, videos, games, pictures, upload and rating system.

Article Source : Article Wisdom

Blog your Way to Glory

Blog Marketing is the latest sensation on the Net. Everybody admits that Internet Marketing is a tough job. Well I Marketing can be simplified by creating blog posts and getting global exposure !

You can submit your blogs to the Blog Submission Centers , create reciprocal links with other bloggers, write your heart out and become well known.

If you can write about your subject, you will be respected as an authority.

Your blog posts will be read by the one billion Netizens. If you blogtimise or optimize your blogs, they will soar high in the search engines !

Improved traffic, if you write your blogs well. Improved ranking in the Search Engines, improved Alexa traffic rankings, improved Google Page Rank, improved YBL ( Yahoo Inbound Links ), GBL ( Google Inbound Links ), MBL ( MSN Inbound Links ) – all these are these some of the by products of good writing.

In order to get global exposure, you have to submit your blogs. If you submit your blogs to the search engines, you will soar high in their rankings.

Write your way to glory. It is said that Writing can survive the Cosmological Cycles ! Hence, take up the pen and write, and via blogs become famous !

Blogs & Sites are ennobling in both the abstract & the concrete

There is a saying ” That which is ennobling in the abstract is damaging in the concrete”

Jesus said ” Ye cannot serve two Masters, God & Mammon” !

But we find that blogs and sites are ennobling in both the abstract and the concrete. Your reputation will increase due to blogs and sites as you gain more global exposure. And when you get the checks from Google, Adbrite, Amazon etc, you will be ennobled in the concrete !

Recently the trend is to make enough blogs so as to make income from home itself. More professionals and housewives are involved in home business. I am sure by the end of this year there will be a quantum jump in the blogosphere. 100,000 blogs are created every day. There are 60 million websites and 70 million blogs in Cyberspace. So this is not a funny business. Dont hesitate ! start making blogs and sites now itself !

Google Adsense Websites – Make Passive Income Without Clicks

By: Chuck J Anderson

That is a pretty amazing statement! Just how can your adsense websites make you any money “Before” you get any clicks?

Google themselves have not decided to put on a halo and cough up for impressions rather than clicks I am sorry to say

But hang on for some really good news anyhow…

Something even bigger and better has been quietly coming together to give people a really great alternative, or complimentary income to adsense, where you will make money regardless if your ads are clicked or not.

Everyone is just going crazy over this new concept. It is everything any website owner could have hoped for. It means reliable money in the bank, and isn’t that what you hoped for in the beginning?

The concept is revolved around adding 5 seconds of audio to any web page within your website. This ads plays automatically as the traffic logs onto your site. It never plays for more than 5 seconds and it will never repeat itself. Ever page is treated individually. 5 seconds has been tested to satisfy the advertiser, but to not peave off the visitor. So you can now profit from this system.

You may have already heard of this concept, but if you have not, expect it to be a very hot topic through 2008 and beyond. Google adsense will soon be a sideliner once the members of pay per play start receiving their income from this system.

Pay per play is growing, growing, growing. There is no stopping the word now. Within a very short time people are going to be loyal followers and will be dedicating themselves to it. That’s what they did when adsense was created. With the potential financial rewards of every visitor meaning profit, there is going to be a lot of love in the air for this company.

For the website builder and owner this company could offer you automatic passive income. Your websites are built. Your traffic is naturally building. The hard work is done. Just apply the code to your site and watch the money roll in. The longer you wait, the more money you are missing out on.

Article Directory: Article Wisdom

If you desire 2008 Success then you must join the adsense alternative opportunity at Chuck J Anderson and many others are looking towards a year where ever visitor to their website will put cash in their pockets. Are Your Visitors Doing The Same?

Make Google Adsense Work for You

By: Robert Thomson

If you maintain websites or blogs and are in search of a proven way to monetize them, read on to learn how to make Google Adsense work for you. If you do not have a website or blog currently, you can create one very easily by using Blogger or Google Page Creator. There is no charge, whatsoever, for doing so.

Signing up for this program is free. Once your initial site has been approved, you can add other more sites, without going through the approval process again.

Websites that are hard to navigate, under construction or have broken links will not be approved bu Google. For this reason, throwing together a site quickly just for the sake of putting up advertisements is not recommended.

There are site created just for the purpose of displaying Adsense advertisements, these are known as Made For Adsense (MFA) sites which violates the Adsense program guidelines. Look at it from the advertiser’s point of view. They purchase advertisement space to promote their product and to generate a profit. Therefore, they do not want to waste money paying for space that has little to do with what they are offering.

In order to make Google Adsense work for you, it is important to have interesting and rich content in your site so that relevant advertisement will appear. If Google bot cannot detect any significant meaning of your site while crawling your site, it is very difficult for Adsense to display relevant advertisements in your site.

If you do not want to create your own content, you can hire someone to write it for you. Do not depend on using content from article directories and other sites. Google considers this to be duplicated content and you will possibly be penalized, in regards to payout.

As a rule, the sites that seem to generate the most Adsense revenue are those who blend the ads right into their color scheme. This is quite simple to accomplish and can be done in as many color combinations as necessary.

Do not use subtle tricks in effort to secure more clicks. Using arrows or other kinds of graphics to make your advertisement more noticeable might seem like a good idea but this is actually violating their guidelines.

There are many other things you can do to make Google Adsense work for you but the most important thing is to test out in every possible way you can think of. The reason why I generate hundreds of dollars within first few months is because of the amount of tests I have done to all my sites.

Take the time to learn as much as you can about the program. Success will not happen overnight, but with considerable diligence, you will begin to see your hard work pay off.

Article Directory: Article Wisdom

KC is the author of the book, The Secrets of Adsense 2008 and regularly shares his insider Adsense strategies for free to his STAR List members. KC recommends visiting this Dogs site for information on dog breeds and training. KC recommends UK customers check out CFB supplies’ range of printer ink cartridges, for great value for money and after sales service.

Quantum Healing !

Dr Deepka Chopra defined Quantum Healing as

Quantum healing is healing the bodymind from a quantum level. That means from a level which is not manifest at a sensory level. Our bodies ultimately are fields of information, intelligence and energy. Quantum healing involves a shift in the fields of energy information, so as to bring about a correction in an idea that has gone wrong. So quantum healing involves healing one mode of consciousness, mind, to bring about changes in another mode of consciousness, body.

This is Quantum Medicine !

Article Source : Dr Deepak Chopra

Learn How To Make Money With Adsense

– By: Noel Swanson, 2008-02-05

An easy way to make money online is to use the Google AdSense program. You can make money by including simple text ads in your site’s content. When visitors click those ads, you share some of the money Google makes from the advertisers. It’s incredibly easy.

A bit of cut-and-paste is all you need to place AdSense ads on your site. Google scans the page to automatically select relevant ads, so there’s very little work involved on your part. It’s so simple to start using AdSense.

AdSense is a great content monetization program, but it depends on two things: content and traffic. You need both to make money with AdSense. Content is what attracts the visitors, and visitors are the ones who click the ads. No visitors, no money — it’s pretty easy to understand that!

You need more than one site, though. The most successful AdSense publishers build networks of content sites. These “AdSense networks” multiply their earning power. After all, even 100 sites earning only $2/day each makes $6000 a month in earnings, which to some people is a full-time salary.

Is it easy to build so many sites? No, it’s kind of daunting. You need a lot of content. You need to find cut-rate web hosting and cheap domain names. You’ll want tools to create the sites.

Creating your AdSense network doesn’t take as much work as think it does if you follow a few simple tricks. The first is to minimize content: start out with small sites and see what works and what doesn’t. Then do everything you can to get visitors to come back, usually by getting them to sign up for a mailing list. Don’t forget to use affiliate links embedded in your content for extra income. And make sure all the pages link to each other and follow basic search engine optimization rules.

Your AdSense content network needs a proper business plan in order to thrive. Start small by attacking a variety of niches using the tricks mentioned above. Build on what you have, and in a few months you’ll have a great AdSense business.

Teach yourself to make money with AdSense by using PLRSiteBuilder, a tool to create content-rich AdSense sites.

Article Source : Article Wisdom

Quantum Mysticism

Gary Zukav in his book ” The Dancing Wu Li Masters” dealt with Quantum Mysticism, that the world of the New Phyics, validated mystic truths. ( )

So did Fritjof Capra in his book ” The Tao of Physics “.

Earlier the Indian sages,Vivekananda and Aurobindo had predicted that as modern science progresses, the Indian philosophic truths will only be confirmed.

Dr Chopra in his book ” Quantum Healing ” also dealt with Quantum Mysticism.

The entire approach of SCI & TM is that all eternal truths are verified by Quantum Physics, verified by scientific research and verified by personal experience.