Tantra II

Tantra – The Serpentine Ascent – Part II

There is a common notion that Tantra deals with Sex & the term denoted for this in the New Age is Sacred Sexuality.

The Union of Nature ( Prakriti ) & Intelligence ( Purusha ) is the base of all Indian Philosophy. ‘ The entire Universe is nothing but He & She” said Aurobindo. It is a continuum of Conscioussness-Force. The Universe is regarded as a Union of Nature and Her Lord.

All Nature is a wide enamoured pause
Hoping for Her lord to touch, to clasp, to be!

On the breast of the static Absolute ( Purusha ), She sports as dynamic Time !

His breast He offers for Her Cosmic Dance
Over our lives which are the shivering theatre !

With such a philosophical background, Tantra becomes a formidable Art to protray Cosmic Union. Sex is the union of male and female & Tantra represents the Union of the male and female components of the Ultimate.

Kala in Sanskrit means Time and Kali is She who is of the nature of Time Eternal. Everything is created by Time, preserved by Time and destroyed by Time and it She who is the Sole Doer.

“He who forces Time will be pushed back by Time
He who yields to Time will find Time on his side”

Life is regarded as the unfolding of the Self at six different levels of consciousness known as Chakras in the magnificent Tantric Model. In mundane people the unfolding takes place only at the first three chakras which represent procreation, metabolism & speech; the higher three chakras remain latent. The awakening of the higher chakras results in the unfolding and fulfillment of Life Divine. When the Kundalini, the Serpentine Power inherent in humans, rises from the Root Chakra ( Muladhara ) to the Crown Chakra ( Sahasrara ), man achieves Cosmic Consciousness.

The Spirit shall take up the human play
The earthly life become the Life Divine!

Ancient Tantric treatises give priority to the Fivefold Worship ( The Pancha Makara Pooja ), the Five Great M’s which are to be worshipped.

Madyam Mamsam cha Meenam cha
Mudra Maidhunameva Cha
Eka Pancha Makarasyur
Naranam Moksha Dayaka

Madyam _ Wine

Mamsam – Flesh

Meenam – Fish

Mudra – A Yogic Pose

Maidhuna – Copulation

Madyam is Wine and there is a saying in Latin ” In Vino Veritas ” ( There is

truth in Wine ).

Bacchus’ blessings are a treasure

And drinking is the soldier’s pleasure !

Alcohol, taken in small quantities is the exciter of the “Yes”

function in man. It can make man one with Truth.

Mudra is a Yogic Pose. Yoga is derived from the word Yuj which means to unite.

Meena means fishes. Mamsa means flesh. Traditionally, in other systems which are considered divine like Yoga, non veg food is eschewed. But not so in Tantra.

Maidhuna is Copulation. Sex was considered as Lust in puritan philosophies. But not so in Tantra. “Sex is spiritual, it is something that comes out of the depths of your being ” says Dr Maxwell Maltz, founder of Psycho- Cybernetics.

These 5 Ms are the five elements which are used by Tantra for Cosmic Union.

The Symbolic Meaning behind the Five Great M’s

It is to be noted that Mamsam ( Flesh ) is symbolic. The Sanksrit Soham means ‘ I am He ‘. Mamsa means the same Mam ( I am ) and Sah is He.

The Wine referred to here is the Wine of Bliss. The Copulation referred here is the Divine Copulation.

No doubt sex is the microcosmic representation of Cosmic Union. In this sense Tantra becomes Sacred and divine. It is the Sacred Art & hence the holiest of all Holy Sciences !

Vedic Astrology is another manifestation of Tantra. The knowledge of the planets and the constellations is esoteric and Tantra is the main affiliate of Astrology. Celestial transit influences produce mundane effects which can be unveiled by Mundane Astrology

Tantra and Vedanta are sister sciences. One deals with Sat ( the Absolute
aspect of Being ) & the other with Chit, which is both absolutely relative
and relatively absolute.

It is said that She is the representative of Absolute Knowledge ( Brahma Jnana) and She sports in the garden of the Upanishads !

Thou exist as prosperity in the houses of the righteous

As mental tension galore in the houses of the profane !

In the Seers as Intelligence, as Morality & Ethics in the good

Infinite are Thy works and Grace, O Mother Divine !

Tantra III

Tantra – The Serpentine Ascent – Part II

There is a common notion that Tantra deals with Sex & the term denoted for this in the New Age is Sacred Sexuality.

The Union of Nature ( Prakriti ) & Intelligence ( Purusha ) is the base of all Indian Philosophy. ‘ The entire Universe is nothing but He & She” said Aurobindo. It is a continuum of Conscioussness-Force. The Universe is regarded as a Union of Nature and Her Lord.

All Nature is a wide enamoured pause
Hoping for Her lord to touch, to clasp, to be!

On the breast of the static Absolute ( Purusha ), She sports as dynamic Time !

His breast He offers for Her Cosmic Dance
Over our lives which are the shivering theatre !

With such a philosophical background, Tantra becomes a formidable Art to protray Cosmic Union. Sex is the union of male and female & Tantra represents the Union of the male and female components of the Ultimate.

Kala in Sanskrit means Time and Kali is She who is of the nature of Time Eternal. Everything is created by Time, preserved by Time and destroyed by Time and it She who is the Sole Doer.

“He who forces Time will be pushed back by Time
He who yields to Time will find Time on his side”

Life is regarded as the unfolding of the Self at six different levels of consciousness known as Chakras in the magnificent Tantric Model. In mundane people the unfolding takes place only at the first three chakras which represent procreation, metabolism & speech; the higher three chakras remain latent. The awakening of the higher chakras results in the unfolding and fulfillment of Life Divine. When the Kundalini, the Serpentine Power inherent in humans, rises from the Root Chakra ( Muladhara ) to the Crown Chakra ( Sahasrara ), man achieves Cosmic Consciousness.

The Spirit shall take up the human play
The earthly life become the Life Divine!

Ancient Tantric treatises give priority to the Fivefold Worship ( The Pancha Makara Pooja ), the Five Great M’s which are to be worshipped.

Madyam Mamsam cha Meenam cha
Mudra Maidhunameva Cha
Eka Pancha Makarasyur
Naranam Moksha Dayaka

Madyam _ Wine

Mamsam – Flesh

Meenam – Fish

Mudra – A Yogic Pose

Maidhuna – Copulation

Madyam is Wine and there is a saying in Latin ” In Vino Veritas ” ( There is

truth in Wine ).

Bacchus’ blessings are a treasure

And drinking is the soldier’s pleasure !

Alcohol, taken in small quantities is the exciter of the “Yes”

function in man. It can make man one with Truth.

Mudra is a Yogic Pose. Yoga is derived from the word Yuj which means to unite.

Meena means fishes. Mamsa means flesh. Traditionally, in other systems which are considered divine like Yoga, non veg food is eschewed. But not so in Tantra.

Maidhuna is Copulation. Sex was considered as Lust in puritan philosophies. But not so in Tantra. “Sex is spiritual, it is something that comes out of the depths of your being ” says Dr Maxwell Maltz, founder of Psycho- Cybernetics.

These 5 Ms are the five elements which are used by Tantra for Cosmic Union.

The Symbolic Meaning behind the Five Great M’s

It is to be noted that Mamsam ( Flesh ) is symbolic. The Sanksrit Soham means ‘ I am He ‘. Mamsa means the same Mam ( I am ) and Sah is He.

The Wine referred to here is the Wine of Bliss. The Copulation referred here is the Divine Copulation.

No doubt sex is the microcosmic representation of Cosmic Union. In this sense Tantra becomes Sacred and divine. It is the Sacred Art & hence the holiest of all Holy Sciences !

Vedic Astrology is another manifestation of Tantra. The knowledge of the planets and the constellations is esoteric and Tantra is the main affiliate of Astrology. Celestial transit influences produce mundane effects which can be unveiled by Mundane Astrology

Tantra and Vedanta are sister sciences. One deals with Sat ( the Absolute
aspect of Being ) & the other with Chit, which is both absolutely relative
and relatively absolute.

It is said that She is the representative of Absolute Knowledge ( Brahma Jnana) and She sports in the garden of the Upanishads !

Thou exist as prosperity in the houses of the righteous

As mental tension galore in the houses of the profane !

In the Seers as Intelligence, as Morality & Ethics in the good

Infinite are Thy works and Grace, O Mother Divine !

Tantra IV

Tantra – The Serpentine Ascent Part IV

Self Actualisation is the Goal

Immortality or Self-Actualisation, which is the Ultimate aim of Tantra, is achieved by the aspirant due to Tantric sadhanas. He will not fall into the trap of selfish temptations He will exhibit divine Love, patience and fortitude, the qualities of a perfected Initiate. He will not use his siddhis for selfish ends. He will be ready to redeem the world from its vices and will be Saviour of all mankind

Lo ! steadfast a lamp burns sheltered by the wind

Such is the likeness of the Yogi’s mind

Freed from sense-storms and burning bright to Heaven

When mind broods placid, soothed with holy wont,

When Self contemplates Self and in itself

Hath comfort !

To reach this Ultimate Level, tantric techniques alone are not sufficient. Love of the Supreme and renunciation of the Seven Negative Passions are a must.

Devoid of the Seven Deadly Sins ( Lust, greed, anger, jealousy, sloth, covetousness & attachment), with unflinching affiliation to the Supreme Self, he serves all human beings as his brothers and sisters, by the Law of Love and by the Law of Justice !

His light and life is given to balance here

The dark account of mortal Ignorance !

Astrology is a close affiliate of Tantra. Suppose a person has Jupiter in the 8th. There is no use if he turns to Tantra and becomes an initiate. Such a person should turn to other subjects ! Knowledge of a man’s temparament is given by Astrology as Trikala Jnana ( Knowledge of Past, present and future ) is decreed by Yoga

Astro-Therapy used in Vedic Astrology is essentially Tantric. The images of the planetary energies are propitiated on the days assigned to them. We find that Thursday is ruled by Thor or Jupiter; Saturday by Saturn, Sunday by the Sun etc. If Saturn is the tormentor, Astro Therapy is prescribed for Saturn and remedial measures are prescribed to be done on Saturdays !

More quality information about Vedic Astrology & an Astrological
Analysis can be had from http://www.astrologiavedica.com/html/vedichoroscope.htm

Tantra, Mantra & Yantra

A mantra is defined as that which saves the chanter and that which floats in the mind. The aspirant who chants the mantra is freed from the problems which vex him. The mind moves aw ay from the problem areas and he feels contented and whole. This is the psychological basis of Mantra Yoga. A mantra inscribed on a silver or gold plate is called a talisman or Yantra. It is duly energised by one who is well versed in Tantra by means of Puja ( worship of Deity ). This worship may take 10 to 41 days, depending on the Tantrik expert. Yantras are diagramatic patterns about Manifestation. The Central Dot or the Bindu represents the Absoulte Self and the geometrical figures are Its different levels of manifestation. The circles, the triangles, the rectangles and the lotuses seen in the Yantra represent the energy vortexes in the human body. The Five Great Elements, the seven states of Consciousness, the six Chakras plus the Crown Chakra , all these are symbolised as mathematical figures in the Yantra. The Central Dot is the Self, from which everything emanates !

More quality information about Tantra & Yantras can be had from http://www.astrologiavedica.com/html/yantra.htm

The divine Conscious Force is infinite in Her powers and personalities. The mighty Four are Her manifestations!

She as Time – Kali ( Kalaswaroopini or Time Eternal )

She as Wisdom – Saraswathi

She as Wealth – Lakshmi

She as Valour – Parvathi

Primordial Nature art Thou !

The Universe is merely Thy infinitesimal Part !

The Cause of all the worlds triune

Even to the Trinity Thou art Unknown !

Consort of the Infinite art Thou

The base of the Universe as Maya

All things in the Universe Thou movest

And Self-Actualisation is Thy boon !

Material Prosperity blossoms

Due to Thy Grace !

A regal mansion, subordinates galore

Are all Thy gifts, O Mighty Mother !

Spiritual Progress also

Is effected by Thy Grace !

Progress, worldly and divine

How strange is Thy Grace !

What we see today as Astrology, Gemology, Numerology, Vedic Architecture ( Vastu ),Ayurveda etc are all the gross manifestations of Tantra. This is the most original science of the human race which contains all the primitive mysteries of Science !

More information about Mundane Astrology & Transit Forecast can be had
from http://www.eastrovedica.com/html/transat.htm

All are brethern and all systems are different radii of one circle, designed to lead man from the circumference and the surface of life to the One Central Light, the Self ! Veda – Tantra – Veda – This is the equation. The first Veda refers to book knowledge or knowledge acquired from books. Tantra refers to practical knowlege, how to attain to Transcendence. The third refers to Experiential Knowledge which is the state of the Self. The physical, mental and spiritual levels are all sustained by the One Universal Life. That is why it is called as a Universe. Otherwise it will be called as a Multiverse ! That therapy using Prana is called Pranic Therapy. It is more or less Auric Healing. The disease affected parts of the body will be shown as black spots in Kirlian Photography. What the therapist does is to empower the patient with Prana, which is stored by him as a result of continous mediatation and the dark spots will move away.

More information about Pranic Therapy can be had from http://www.astrologiavedica.com/html/pranicmain.htm

Tantra VI

Tantra – The Left Hand Path of Love

The word sinister in Latin means the left handed path. Even though some puritans have defined the Left handed path as Satanic, it is only logical to assume that we cannot live without the left hand ! Will we cut our left hand off ? Man knows only two paths. The Right Handed Path and the Left Handed Path ! In classical philosophy, the Right Handed Path is the path of Philosophy & Religion. The Left Handed is that of Satan !
The two paths – the Way of Mammon and the Flesh & the Way of Being and of Bliss – are known in Sanskrit as Preyas and Sreyas, as Bhoga & Yoga. All men like Bhoga ( the Way of Mammon ). At the same all aspire for the kingdom of Heaven ( Yoga ). Cant we fuse these 2 paths ? That Fusion, that mighty blend is Tantra !

It is generally believed that man cannot serve two masters God & Mammon. But man is a composite creature. A mixture of good and evil ! ” All mixed ” said Shaw. Who is there who is cent percent good and who is there who is cent percent evil ? One poet had the audacity to declare that we are serving both masters !

Tantra has been defined as the Left Hand Path of Love. Left refers to the negative Polarity of Yin as contrasted with the positive polarity of Yang. Tantra does not believe in self-abnegation or renouncing sensual pleasures to gain the bliss of the Self. By integrating normal desires along with our super-normal desires ( the desire for Self-fulfillment & Self-empowerment ), we can become one with Truth.

By indulging in finite pleasures, the Tantric satiates all his desires. Tantra gives both Bhukti (mundane pleasures) & Mukti ( heavenly bliss ). Tantra is not the Path of Self-abnegation but of gratifying normal desires without renouncing the supernormal.

It is only when we approach the Supreme in His dual aspect – dual but inseparable ( Sat and Tat ) – that Truth becomes manifest to the inner experience. The first aspect was developed by the Vedantins. The latter aspect was developed by the Tantrics. Only a blend of both, or a combination of both, can pave the way for Integral Knowledge !

The Six Forms of Tantra

Six Systems of Tantra have existed in India from time immemmorial.

They are

1) Soura – The Sun – symbolic of the Inner Sun, the Self – is the
chief Deity
2) Kaumara _ Subramanya is the chief Deity
3) Ganapatya – Ganapathi is the chief Deity
4) Vaishnava – Lord Vishnu is the Chief Deity
5) Saiva – Lord Siva is the chief Deity
6) Saktheya – Shakti, the Mother Goddess is the Chief Deity.

In the Soura system, the chief Deity is the Sun, emblematic of the Inner
Sun, the Almighty Self !.

His great transparent mirror, Self !

He by whom the three states of Consciousness are illumined
Waking state, dreaming & dreamless sleep
And who encompassess all Three as Transcendence
To that King of the inner Solar Logos, I bow !

In the Kaumara system, the chief Deity is the six-faced Skanda. ( His
six faces represent the six seasons ? ). In the Ganapatya, Ganapathi is
the main Deity ( elephant symbolising the Macrocosm and human body
the microcosm? ) and in the Vaishnava system, Lord Vishnu, as the
Preserver, is the Deity ( His Four hands the Fourfold Veds? ).

The most prevalent form of Tantra is the Saktheya wherein the Mother
Divine is worshipped. There are many who say that Saktheya is the only
relevant system in the Kali Yuga ( the Era of the Anti-Christ ) & the other
five systems are ineffective bacause of the predominance of evil in the
present era. Evil formidable, Evil triumphant!

Different Yantras are prepared based on the system the Tantra expert is
following. For instance, the Tripura Sundari Yantra is Shakthaite, the
Sudarshana Yantra is Vaishnavite etc.

The body of the Ancient art Thou
Thy true form is as Transcendence
Thou bewitches all by Thy Maya
O Queen Regal of the Almighty !

Sublimation of Sexual Energy

In Tantra, Retas or Sexual energy is transmuted into Ojas ( Divine
Energy ) & stored in the brain. This requires severe continence.

The sexual energy thus sublimated becomes a potent force and pulls us from
death to Immortality & realises in this body of earth the luminous kingdom
of Heaven ! This is the master Secret of all Yoga and Tantra. In his book
” The Psychology of Sex”, Havelock Ellis mentions that creativity can be
enhanced by continence. The seminal energy consists of Ojas ( light), Tejas
( heat ) & Vidyut ( electricity ). The Golden Halo around the Sage is a
manifestation of this Ojas ! Thoreau remarks that ” Chastity is the
flowering in man “. Continence or Brahmacharya is declared by the Vedas
as the first step towards the mind’s approximation to Godhead !

The Universe entire is upheld by Thee
Universal Nature is Thy name !
Thou art that which is to be Known
O Lady of the Attributes Six !

Vedic Astrology is another manifestation of this mighty Science. The nine
revolving heavens protend good & evil for the world. International Astrology
is known as Mundane Astrology & its principles are slightly different from
Natal Astrology.

The Cause of all Universes & the Trinity
Inscrutable are Thy ways even to Thy chosen
The Cosmos is merely Thy infinitesimal expression
O Manifest Force of the Unmanifest, O Primordial Nature !

She is the creatrix, she is the mediatrix, she is the dispensatrix and the
executrix of the absolute mechanism of Universal Justice.

We have to understand that this knowledge, which was preserved by the
Tantric Masters, was lost due to the cyclical upheavals of Time. Spurious
Tantrics, pretending to be genuine Tantrics, invaded the scene and the
sanctity was lost. Now is the time to redeem this noble science from
degeneration. Tantric knowlege is now degenerating in India. The tendency
we see in India is that many people, pretending to be Tantric scholars, are
fooling the public. The so called social leaders are not interested in
preserving this great knowledge with the result that Tantra has fallen so low that none would do her reverence !

Tantra V

The Law of the Mount

The Tantric lives on the Mount & fulfills the Law of the Mount. Therefore comes to him Wisdom, Grace and sovereign power, transcending anything his uninitiated fellowmen can yet conceive. His standards are high; aesthetic, moral & ethical. He is there to see that the world does not fall into greater corruption than its present state.

Initiates are the salt of the earth, the light of the world because without their leavening presence, the world would sink into greater corruption than it at present suffers. It is his Wisdom and knowledge which balances the evil and sin of this world.

His light and life is given to balance here

The dark account of mortal Ignorance !

The Initiate is he in whom a higher law hath been revealed. His aim is the Absolute Self, which is the Via, the Veritas and the Vita ( The way, the Truth, the Life ). He has to reduce his Ego and control his desires, lest the negative aspect in him becomes the dominant player. For erasing the Ego, he indulges in selfless service. His desires are controlled by an indomitable Will power.

In the inital stage of Tantra one can feel that some mighty force, not situated in the body but possessing it, is thinking for him and feeling for him and that his entire body is moved by that great force and not by himself. When he progresses in Tantra, he rises in Awareness to the highest Cosmic level and becomes one with the Universal Consciousness. the popular world cannot come upto the Law of the Mount, the Mount of higher ethical and moral values, but then he has to set an example for others to follow. He becomes a personification of the principle ” Example is better than precept”. All the tantric techniques he has undergone had made him the perfected Initiate, ready to don the garb of the Redeemer. He knows the task that lies before him is immense, but then he is ready to die for it.

Hard is the World Redeemer’s heavy task

The whole world becomes his adversary,

Those whom he came to save are his enemies

Those he would thus save are his adversaries.

This world is in love with its own Ignorance

Its darkness moves away from its Saviour Light I

It gives the cross in payment for the crown !

Despite the immense opposition he faces, he is undaunted.

He still keeps to the high and difficult road

That sole leads to the Eternal’s peaks !

He knows that the opposition & the enormous difficulties which he faces are merely parts of the process and tests of fidelity. He knows the tantric processes and the great struggle for supremacy between the black & white opposites of good and evil, light and darkness, prosperity and adversity is fought out within ourselves. We are the place where the great battle is fought, where all the worlds meet but then his aim is conquer the negative aspect with the positive aspect; what is known in Tantra as the conquest of the lower self by the Higher Self.

This esoteric wisdom should be preserved for the initiated few. He has been instructed to hide this Science from the unfit, from the profane as this science can only be taught to worthy men because the misuse of it & the powers arising from it is conducive to general and personal evil. Tantra reckons that this wisdom is unfit and dangerous to the ordinary human mind and liable to perversion and loss of virtue if revealed to vulgar & unpurified spirits. Hence the ancients veiled this Wisdom with symbolism and allegory, lest it fall into hands of the immoral. Only the initiated or the pure can comprehend its subtle mysteries. Therefore Tantric philosophy is often veiled in symbolism, myth & allegory.

Behind all manifested phenomena is the Unmanifest Self, which is hidden, hidden and hidden. Worldly intelligence seeks this Sanctuary in vain. All is undecipherable to the unprepared. He can see nothing, read nothing in its interior ! Such a knowledge must perforce be occult, because the mysteries of the Universe are not for the laity. To a mind divinely intoxicated, Tantra becomes the Voice of the Universe which dicates its furthur thought. That Point where Truth, Art & Science meet is only accessible to the Tantric divinely intoxicated mind !

The Sevenfold Mode of Cosmic Existence

Tantra recognises the septenary priciples that pervade the Universe. They are








The ancients had called these seven principles the seven colours of the light of Divine Consciousness, the seven Rays of the Infinite. They constitute the entire fabric of the Universe, Not only are they one in their reality but inseparable in the sevenfold variety of their action. The lower trilogy of Life, Mind and Matter are only instruments of the higher divine quartenary of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss-Supermind. Mind is merely an instrumentation of the Supermind, only a subordinate action-power of the Supermind.

The Higher Trilogy of Being-Knowledge-Bliss is what all heavens and Nature yearn!

The Bliss for which the world’s derelict sorrows yearn

The Light of the which the world’s Ignorance is the shade !

The aim of Tantra is to transcend the gross physical plane and rise to the realm of Spirit, that of Being-Knowledge-Bliss. Even though external symbols are used, the path is the way of Intuitive experience. Behind the phenomenal world is the transcendental Reality which Intuition alone can see. Tantra becomes the scientia ultima, the ultimate science which can lead man to Self- Actualisation. The Lord descending into earthly existence is all this. All this that is is the Universal Life. Humanity we see is the body of the Lord. It is He in manifestation. The entire Universe is His play. He did not create the world, but had become the world, with Matter as the lowest principle and pure Being as the highest. Tantra recognises this hidden Being-Knowlege-Bliss at the heart of all things and shows the way to spiritual salvation.

Tantra VII

Tantra & The 18 Sciences of the Philosophia Perennis

The 18 varieties of Knowledge ( Vidya ) are all the gross manifestations of Tantra.

Everything has been reduced to the biune principles of Consciousness and Force and this Union of Being and Becoming is the Universe.

The 18 Vidyas ( types of Knowledge) are

The Six Auxiliary Sciences – Vedanga Sastras ( Astrophysics, Kalpa, Nirukta, Phonetics, Grammar, Poetics)

The Six Main Sciences – The Four Vedas – ( Rik, Sama, Yajus & Atharva ) –

Poorva Meemamsa This deals with Karma Kanda

Nyaya Shastra Logic

Mythology – The 18 Treatises of Mythology

Ethics – The Science of Character

Ayurveda – The Science of Medicine

Dhanur Veda – Archery

Gandharva Veda Musicology

Artha Sastra Economics

The six auxiliary sciences have been defined as Apara Vidya ( Relative Knowledge ).

The six main sciences as they deal with the Absolute have been defined as Para Vidya ( Absolute Knowledge ).

Absolute Knowledge and Relative Knowledge together constitute the supreme knowledge.

Integral Knowledge is the confluence of Absolute, Relative and Transcendental knowledge ( Sujnana, Vijnana & Prajnana ).

Vijnana – Relative Knowledge –

Knowledge of Relative Being is Physical Science. All scientific knowledge is relative

Sujnana – Absolute Knowledge. Knowledge of the Absolute; knowledge philosophic.

Prajnana – Knowledge or rather the experience of Transcendence. Experiential Knowledge.

Astrophysics ( Jyothish ) consists of three main brances –

Siddhanta ( Astronony ), Samhita ( Philosophy ) & Hora ( Astrology ). All of them belong to Relative Knowledge.

All sciences barring Vedanta ( The Science of the Absolute ) & Yoga ( The Science of Transcendence ) are relative by nature.

Mythology is the adumbration of philosphic verities. Sir Philip Sydney writes in ” An Apologia for Poetry ” that the great seers and mystics of yore hid Great Secrets in symbolic stories. ( ” which of purpose were written darkly, lest by profane wits it might be abused”). Aurobindo in the Secret of the Veda writes that ” this Wisdom is unfit & dangerous to the ordinary human mind and liable to perversion & loss of virtue, if revealed to vulgar and unpurified spirits”. Hence the Seers hid the Mysteries in symbolic stories like the Iliad and the Odyssey, the Ramayana & the Mahabharata, books which deal with the Inner War in Man !

The Hidden Foe ( Ego) lodged in the human breast
Man must overcome or miss his higher fate
This is the inner war without escape.

More quality information about spiritual Books & CDs can be had from http://www.astrologiavedica.com/html/Books.htm

Economics, the Science of wealth, is considered as the 18th science. Among the Four Purusharthas ( Wealth, Ethics, Desire, Salvation ), wealth was considered important because without that the body cannot sustain. “Wealth is the fuel of outer life” averrs Artha Sastra, a treatise on economics. Weath is foremost and is the basis of Kama ( Desire ), Dharma ( Ethics ) & Moksha ( Salvation ) !

Sound Symbol of the Absolute art Thou

And the eternal Basis of Vedas triune

The Threefold Deity of Shakti Divine

O Fair Beloved of the Pure Existent !

Artha Sastra ( Economics ) while highlighting the importance of Wealth also warns about its hidden dangers and the pain involved in making money. On the positive side, the merits of Wealth are extolled

The wealthy man alone has friends

All relatives are produced by wealth!

Admired is he who is wealthy

And this world’s true scholar !

On the negative side, the pain involved is highlighted. Making money is not a bed of roses !

Money begets pain in getting

In the keeping pain and fretting

Pain in loss and pain in spending

Damn the trouble never ending !

Tantra does not condemn the three Ws ( Wealth, Wine and Women ) as evil. Man gets fulfillment through the satiation of desires and only after enjoying finite bliss can he aspire for Infinite Bliss ! Karma gets exhausted after the desires for the mundane are fulfilled and man after becoming blase turns within to the Bliss of the Absolute Self !

Integral Consciousness am I, the primal Self !

In me there is neither Ego nor the Supreme Relative !

The Cosmic Power is all in all

As the Supracosmic Transcendence, Her Play is known only to Herself ! Unknown to even the Seers, Her ways are inscrutable ! The 18 sciences are She !

The boat divine to cross this wordly ocean

Thou abidest in all as intelligence

Heaven hides nothing from Thy view, nor Hell

O Quintessence of all the 18 sciences !

The Fourfold Yoga Part VII

The Fourfold Yoga – Part VII

Yoga and Allied Sciences

Yoga & Tantra

Occult Vibratory Chemistry known as Tantra is a sister science of Yoga. While Vedanta focusses on Sat, the Existence aspect of Being, Tantra focusses on Chit, the Knowledge aspect of Being. The whole Universe is the play and display of this mighty Consciousness Force known as Chit Shakti in the Tantras. While Yoga talks about five sheaths or koshas, according to Tantra, life is an unfoldment of the Self through six energy centres called chakras. These six energy centres exist in our subtle physical body. The Serpentine Power known as the Kundalini (which lie coiled as a serpent in humans), can be awakened by Meditation. When
awakened, She rises from the Root Chakra to the Crown Chakra to liberate Man.

O Infinite Power ! Thou art the Mind-principle in the Eye brow Chakra
In the Throat Chakra , Thou sport as the Ether-principle
In the Heart Chakra, Thou sportest as Air- principle
In the Solar Plexus Chakra, Thou art Fire-principle
In the Navel Chakra , Thou exist as Water-principle
In the Root Chakra, Thou art the Earth _Principle, O Mighty Mother !
And in the Crown Chakra, Thou sportest blissfully with thy beloved Consort !

When She ( Kundalini ), the microcosmic power of the macrocosmic Shakti, rises from from the Root Chakra & reaches the other Chakras, siddhis or paranormal powers maniest. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, distant healing, the ability to see Auras & ultimately Trikala-jnana ( the power to know Past, Present & future ) all manifest in the aspirant. The aspirant should not be intoxicated by these siddhis. If he tries to exhibit the siddhis or paranormal powers, he may not reach the Goal of Life. Instead he should ignore these powers of the mind & continue his Tapas till he is liberated.

More quality information about Tantra & Yantras can be had from www.eastrovedica.com/html/yantra.htm

Yoga & Astrology.

Einstein’s greatest moment of triumph was when stumbled across Time as the fourth dimension. Another physicist, Herman Minnowski described the Universe as a four-dimensional Space-Time Continuum, made up of the three dimensions of Space and the fourth dimension of Time. The Science of Time, Astrology, is a sister science of Yoga, and can be immense help in the Path Divine.

The grace of Saturn ( Mokshakaraka ) & Jupiter ( Jnanakaraka ) is needed for Liberation or Self-Actualisation. Jupiter, the divine planet, represents Yoga. Astrology is only a subsidiary science of Yoga, a main science. Astrology works as an aid to Yoga, because it can show the barriers which confront the Seeker of Truth. Now the path of Self-Actualisation is difficult with a lot of barriers, obstacles & impediments and the conspiracy of inner enemies.

The Wisdom of the Heavens can pinpoint the major enemy the aspirant has to confront and overcome that enemy’s vicious attacks! Mars rules anger, Venus lust etc and by knowing the adverse planet’s influence, the corresponding emotions can be controlled by Yoga and Meditation. Overcoming the inner enemies is the main theme of Yoga. But we have to know who are our dominant inner enemies. When Mars is afflicted in a horoscope, it is clear that the native is struggling against anger. If Saturn is afflicted, it is
clear that the native is fighting Pride. If Venus, the horoscopian is battling with Lust. By these great Arts, Yoga and Astrology, these inner enemies can be controlled and conquered !

How could the Deadly Sins ever be
Found ugly in the least degree ! ( Goethe )

More quality information about Vedic Astrology & an Astrological
Analysis can be had from http://www.astrologiavedica.com/html/vedichoroscope.htm

Yoga & Vedanta

Yoga is the Art of Living as contrasted with Vedanta – the Science of Being. Vedanta is the Science. Yoga is the technology. It is the highest technology. Vedanta is the theoretical aspect. Yoga is the practical aspect. It is the function of Vedanta to elaborate upon the triune aspects of Being, Its Immanence, transcendence and cosmicity. Yoga takes us to the ultimate summit, the Unified Field of Consciousness !

Yoga & Nyaya Shastra ( The Science of Logic )

The science of Logic postulates that Summum Genus cannot be defined as it has no proximate Genus. It is this Summum Genus that is known as Brahman in the Upanishads. As such, it is Indefinable. Intuitive Logic is used in Yoga.

Nyaya Shastra was first developed by the Sage Gautama to establish Vedic concepts and for the refutation of non-Vedic arguments. The Science of Logic is that, he declared, which illumines all learning, the instrument of all actions & the refuge of all moral ethics analysed completely for the purpose of knowledge.




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The Fourfold Yoga Part VI

The Fourfold Yoga – Part VI

Yoga Therapy

“Excellence in action is Yoga ” declares the Song Celestial ( Geetha ), an authentic treatise on Yoga & the quintessence of the Upanishads. Yoga, as the science of Holistic living, is a way of life. Yoga does not mean physical exercises even though such exercises have been prescribed for improving the skill of our body. Yoga comprises techniques that transform our intellect, mind and emotions & provides a comprehensive philosophy for Integral Life.

In order to live an integral life, we must develop skill in life. Aurobindo defined Yoga as the Art of Conscious Self Finding. The first & fundamental thing we should do if we are to expand the limits of our Consciousness, is to gain mastery of the mind. This is not easy.

The incidence of most of the physical diseases that have plagued humanity for centuries have been reduced by glorious advances in medical sciences. The eradication of most infectious diseases and the control of many metabolic disorders have been effectuated by better drugs and surgical techniques. Soon, even routine genetic minterventions may be possible. But new and ever more common causes of illhealth haunt us today. They are psychosomatic ailments & chronic stress. Allopathy is less than effective when dealing with these complaints.

The cause of these are found to be attitudes & lifestyle and not physiological anomalies. Allopathy by concentrating on a physical and mechanistic approach to healing, can do little to relieve conditions such as these. The frenetic pace of modern life exposes many people to continous high mental tension & unrelieved stress. And if we are largely sedentary in our habits & overindulge in health damaging substances & foods, as we are fond of doing, our well- being & fitness will be furthur compromised. Eventually stress may manifest itself in the form of physical disease or mental breakdown. Allopathy is symptomatic, and has countered with symptom- suppressing treatments, instead of tackling the root cause of the problem. Lack of disease has been regarded as health, rather
than as a dynamic growth process in which we feel truly well on physical, mental level and spiritual levels.

The Evolution of Medicine & the Three Eras of Medicine

Allopathic Medicine or ” Physical Medicine” belongs to the first era. It is Cartesian and creates a dichotomy between mind & body. Treating a disease is like fixing a part of the machine.

The second era of medicine refers to ‘Mind-Body medicine.” It became popular in the 1960s with the advent of Meditation, imagery, hypnosis & bio-feedback. Mind and body are interconnected by messenger molecules and these molecules are invoked to accomplish the healing process.

The third era of Medicine refers to ” Transpersonal Medicine “. It became popular in 1990s with the advent of group support and spirituality to heal.

Yoga therapy supplements the second and the third eras of medicine.

Yoga therapy complements medical technology with a holistic system of health care that addresses the triune problems – physical, mental & spiritual. The author of Yoga Sutras, Patanjal, defined it as the Science of the Mind. Mind is the root cause of bondage and in order to redeem us from the thraldom of the mind, we have to annilhilate the mind. Extirpation of thought waves is Yoga. And it is through teaching us to control our mind, our desires, and our reactions to stress, that yoga can fundamentally help us. It is based on the tripod of Life – Body, Mind & Self & the three levels of Being- Doing, Thinking & pure Being.

Mastery of the mind involves 2 aspects;

1) Concentration – The ability to concentrate our attention on any given subject or object

2) Meditation – The ability to quieten our mind at will.

Though the first has been mastered partially by most people, the second is very difficult. It is difficult indeed to lapse into a state of inner peace, let alone at will. As an intellectual, skillful means for quietening the mind, Yoga is unparalleled. A still mind is pure Spirit.

All aspects of the Fourfold Yoga work toward this in some way and if we practice this master Science, we reach closer to our goal. Yoga generates that inner mental peace perpetually, in all our actions, and thereby we achieve physical and mental health. This calmness in action is the secret to attaining the skill , according to Yoga Philosophy. This is known as the strength of Superconscient stillness !

Stillness itself is inertia
Action itself is discord
When stillness and action equalise
Then is the Highest Cosmic Union ( Yoga )

Lo! steadfast a lamp burns sheltered from the wind
Such is the likeness of the Yogi’s mind
Freed from sense storms and burning bright to Heaven
When mind broods placid, soothed with holy wont
When Self contemplates Self and in itself
Hath comfort ! ( The Song Celestial )

Health & Yoga Therapy

The World Health Organisation defines health as a state of complete physical, mental & social well-being & not merely an absence of
disease and infirmity. WHO also suggests a fourth dimension – spiritual well-being. It is clear from this definition that health should
be conceived as a continous function indicating the state of well-being and not a lack of ill health.

The approach of Yoga Therapy is based on the holistic concept of human being; the five ” sheaths ” of existence of which the physical sheath ( Annamaya Kosha ) is only the first. The second is the Vital Sheath ( Pranamaya Kosha ), that is made up of the Vital Energy called Prana which flows through invisible channels called Nadis. The third is the Mental Sheath ( Manomaya Kosha ) The fourth is the Intellectual Sheath ( Vijnanamaya Kosha ) and the final sheath is the Bliss Sheath ( Ananda Maya Kosha ). The Bliss Sheath is found to consist of the positive energy associated with the Divine Self. It is from this sheath that the inner peace
characteristic of true Bliss emanates.

More information about Transcendental Philosophy & Yoga can be had from http://www.astrologiavedica.com/html/yogamain.htm

Disease is defined as any imbalance in any of the three lower sheaths of existence. Ego Consciousness, which is centered around the Self, predominates in the physical, vital & mind sheaths. Harmony in these sheaths can be easily disturbed as the ego is up in arms against the world most of the time. The fourth & the fifth sheaths are permeated by a larger, Cosmic Consciousness and cannot be disturbed as they are closer to the Self. When we are truly healthy, the positive energy in the higher sheath percolates freely through the lower ones and brings total harmony & balance to all our faculties. But the imbalances in the lower sheaths block the free movement of Bliss despite the harmony of the higher sheaths being constant.

A great treatise on Yoga, the Yoga Vasishta, declares that there are two types of physical illness, & each requires a different approach. The first are the illnesses with a strong physical element, such as contagious diseases & accidental injuries. These are most effectively dealt with by conventional medicine, though Yoga can play a substantial supportive role. Yoga is prophylactic & also helps prevent the occurrence of such ailments by improving our general health & making us less accident-prone.

The other types of illness arises through disturbances in the mind sheath and includes all the psychosomatic & degenerative ailments. In these disorders, psychological factors play a much greater role, & conventional treatment alone cannot effectuate healing. According to Yogic Psychology, such ailments are thought to be caused by mental diseases called Adhis. ( Adhi creates Vyadhi , disease ). These arise when excessively strong feelings of like or dislike ( Raga & Dvesha ) becomes amplified & established acting to distort personality & to obstruct the flow of positive energy to the lower sheaths. This causes imbalances that result in physical ailments and also makes us feel restless &discontented.

The positive energy from the bliss sheath is responsible for our natural state which is Peace . While the flow of this energy is interrupted by Adhis ( mental blocks), our sense of well-being is diminished, & in our attempt to regain it, we may be furthur aggravating the problem by behaving inappropriately.

We may eat the wrong type of foods, lapse into negative states of mind, drive ourselves too hard, overwork ourselves, live in unhealthy surroundings and add more tension and stress. These methods, however will give only momentary relief & may be actually damaging to our health.

Y T provides that all-important element that conventional therapies lack while dealing with psychosomatic illnesses, as it acts directly on the mental imbalances that underlie them. While Meditation & emotion- culturing makes us conscious of the fact that thoughts and emotions are tyrants, Happiness-analysis teaches how to look within ourselves to find beatific peace and contentment. This effectively complements allopathic techniques which improve the situation physically but are unable to eliminate the root cause of the problem.

The root Cause of all Disease – Bhoga or Sensory enjoyments

Bhoga ( enjoyments of the senses ) is Roga ( Disease). It can only be cured by Yoga ( Divine Alchemy ).

All food that is tasty is detrimental to the body, declares Prakriti Therapy The food which cometh from Nature, fruits and vegetables,
are alkaline by nature. Maximum health is in an alkaline body. We can only be healthy if we keep a 80%- 20% ratio. ( 80% alkalinity & 20% acidity). This means we have to eat more natural foods & less processed foods ( which are more or less acidic ). Truly speaking, processed foods,even though they taste well, are robbers as they rob us of our natural, vibrant health.

Happiness Analysis for Lifestyle Change

Happiness Analysis is a technique for analysing the cause of happiness, what constitutes Bliss, the inner beatific peace that
characterises the fifth level of Being. It basically embodies the realization that happiness comes from within and is not
dependent on material possessions or physical enjoyment.

When we achieve desires, we are happy temporarily because of the satisfaction involved and happiness is often associated with
jubilation and excitement. But such feelings of euphoria are often followed by negative feelings such as tiredness & disillusionment.
The Beatific Peace, which is the aim of Yoga, involves no great effort and engenders no fatigue. The authoritatie texts of Yoga
postulate that the Ultimate State of Bliss is a state of eternal silence, wherein we are not troubled by tormenting thoughts &
fears and where we are freed from all sorrows.

Though Yoga practices lay the foundation needed for us to achieve this, we must also make determined efforts to sustain a state of
perfect happiness by analysing our feelings of pleasure. The basic hypothesis of Yoga is that actions bring pleasure when they briefly evoke the inner silence that defines true happiness. When our desire is fulfilled or when a goal is won, at the very instance of
success our thoughts vanish & our mind dips momentarily into the Bliss sheath. Actually what we do is to open up temporary channels to the higher sheath, hence evoking positive sensations. This is merely a temporary feeling and cannot be perpetuated.

Can we generate that moment from within and free ourselves from dependency on external aids? Yes, we can, if we try enough. Practice makes one perfect and at first we may not be able to maintain inner peace for long, but gradually we will become less vulnerable to negative influences. The likes & dislikes ( Raga & Dvesha ) that can lead to mental diseases ( Adhis ) will become less important and our growing awareness of Cosmic Consciousness will give meaning & coherence to every aspect of our life.

The Basis Of Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy is fundamentally different from allopathic practice in its approach to health care. Instead of trying to reduce the cause
of disease to a single factor and to correct it using a specific cure, Yoga aims to treat illness by improving health on all the five levels of Being – physical, vital, mental, intellectual & spiritual – simultaneously & restoring inner harmony.

Ill-health occurs when the total balance of perfect health is disturbed. And although the original disrupting influence may only affect one level at first, viz the physical level, the disturbance soon spreads to the other four levels. All the five sheaths of existence interact, thus something that primarily affects the mind can soon spread to the body & the subtler sheaths. A bad day at work may make us irritable & it also increases stress reaction, makes our muscles tense and often depletes our energy level leading to chronic fatigue.

While emotion culturing generates equanimity, Relaxation & Meditation can calm our mind. Positive action produces harmony, just as as negative influences spread disruption. The different types of yoga practice augment each other & are more effective when done together. All wisdom is given in the one word ” Relax”.

Physical relaxation can be effectuated when we do the prescribed Asanas & stretch our muscles as muscular tension is released.

Mental relaxation is effected when we relax our mind during Meditation and release suppressed emotions.

This is the essence of Yoga Therapy, both prophylactic & therapeutic. Daily practice of a complete Yoga session can restore our natural balance and harmony, bringing positive good health to the three levels of Being – physical, mental and spiritual.

The Therapeutic Potential of Yoga

Yoga, holistic science and integral life, has become popular because it promotes positive health and is also useful in the prevention and treatment of diseases. Its therapeutic potential has largely been investigated for stress-related pyshco-somatic ailments. But with
the recent interest in ” Psycho-neuro- immunology” ( the effect of psyche on the immune system ), there is also a possibility that Yoga therapy can modify the course of infectious diseases.

One of the stress conditions which can definitely be controlled through yoga therapy is bronchial asthma. Beneficial effects of specific yoga practices, such as pranayamas, or kriyas can alleviate asthma. Patients with type II daibetes mellitus were also shown to improve significantly following yoga practice. Systematic studies on the effects of Yoga therapy for essential hypertension has shown that Y T compares favourably with bio-feedback. A study conducted in the UK on patients with rheumatoid arthritis demonstrated that Y T reduced symptoms and need for medicine.

Scientific studies also show that if pathological Angst ( anxiety ) patients practice Yogic techniques such as Pranayamas ( which
means the control of the Vital Force, Prana ), they show significant improvement.

Yoga therapy has also been used in the rehabilitation of the mentally handicapped. Ten months of yoga practice significantly improved the IQ, eye-hand coordination and social adaptation of 45 children with varying degress of mental retardation.

Psycho-neuro-immunology has given rise to interest in the idea that Y T can be used for the management of infectious diseases such
as pulmonary tuberculosis.Studies indicate two months of Y T along with short term chemotherapy caused tremendous change for the better. This beneficial effect of Yoga on the immune system has delighted the alternate medical community. Holistic health practitioners how talk about the the effect of Y T in cancer and even in AIDS patients. It has been shown that the practice of Yoga reduces the unpleasant side effects of chemotherapy in patients with cancer of the uterine cervix. It is also interesting to study
scientifically investigated reports on cancer regression following meditation. It is encouraging to note that there has been a scientific
study which showed that AIDS patients benefited ( clinically, psychologically, immunologically ) from Y T.

Ayurveda, Tai Chi, Y T, Kai-Igaku, Pranic Healing, Reflexology, Reiki, Acupuncture are all included amongst the 70 systems of Alternative Medicine which are prevalent today. All these come under Holistic Medicine which highlights the greatness of the Whole more than the parts. ( ” The Whole is greater than the sum of its parts ” )

A good site where you can get quality information about Holistic Medicine is www.holistic-alt.com

Yogic Diet & Prevention of Cancer

Modern reasearch shows that diets such as smoked fish/ meat or other foods known to contain carcinogenic chemicals should be
avoided at all costs. Because of the Western fast food type diet, colon cancer in men, promoted by high meat ( beef ) and fat
consumption is on the increase in the West. There is no doubt that a high fibre, low-fat diet reduces the risk of colon cancer.

Many compounds which are potent carcinogens are contained in cigarette smoking as well as smoked or barbecued meat or fish
products. They include benzenes ( in the tar component of cigarette smoke), heterocyclic amines & polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( in smoked / barbecued meat or fish ). That explains why lung cancer is on the rise in the Western male population during the last century. Colon cancer has reached endemic proportions in the West ( because of higher consumption of barbequed meat and beef fat ) & stomach cancer occurs at an alarming rate in Japan because of the Japanese habit of consuming fish.

Claims which need furthur research

While spices such as ( black or green) or spices such as fresh ginger, garlic & turmeric have been reported to reduce the risk of colon
cancer, onion is claimed to lower the risk of stomach cancer. Soyabean products reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Skin
cancer is reduced, it is claimed, by topical application of some constituents of ginger oil and ginger extract. It is true that more
research is needed on natural compounds. One breakthrough is the discovery of taxol, a plant product which is of tremendous
benefit in certain cancers. There are many such waiting for their discovery, particularly from indigenous plants in India, with proper
scientific research tools & testing.

Hygiea’s Commandment that “Thou shalt eat unprocessed, living natural food ” merits consideration here. Naturopathy
asks us to consume 100 grams fruits & 300 grams vegetables ( organically grown ) daily. Yoga with its emphasis on a naturopathic
diet of fruits & vegetables can show us the path to perfect health & Wisdom. Naturopathy is a branch of Ayurveda, the Science of Life, which is allied to Yoga.

More info about Ayurveda can be had from http://www.chakrapaniayurveda.com

The Healing Centre in us

Yogic philosophy averrs that true healing comes from within, the Self, the divine component in man.

His great transparent mirror, Self !

Within each of us is the source of Life and health, the Divine Centre. We have to learn to turn to that source and return to it again and again. When we breathe it in, the freshness engages us. Yoga frees us from the thraldom of both mind and matter & we become
more whole.

the Fourfold Yoga Part V

The Fourfold Yoga – Part V

Union via Action ( Karma Yoga )

While acknowledging the fact the the One Universal Substance which compose the differentiated parts of the Universe is all this , one should indulge in selfless service and love for Him.

Man has two duties – duty unto Caesar means we have to do our worldly duties & duty unto Self or God means we have to do selfless service to our brethren so that we fulfill the divine humanity in ourselves.

There is a poetic verse which says that trees exist for altruism, that rivers exist for altruism, that cows exist for altruism and hence this
body is for Altruism or selfless service.

The basis of all service is Love. When we love, we serve. Service is divine and service is one of the means to exhaust one’s own Karma .

Karma is defined as action and all actions have reactions. The grand Law of Causation, the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Retribution is called philosophically as the Law of Karma. What ye sow, ye reap is the quintessence of this Divine Law.

So we as composite creatures have done both good and evil and good & evil karmas haunt us. But in order to attain to Self_Actualisation, we should exhaust our karma. As far as karma is concerned there will be backlog and it will be difficult to exhaust karma all of a sudden. But absolute surrender to the Divine is the only remedy and while we tread the Path Celestial, all karmas get burnt up.

In Silence, we have to climb from our own earths to our own heavens, rendering to the Caesar of the outer world the things which are lawfully his, and at the same time fulfilling the Law of Wisdom which will set us up and distinguish us from the ranks of other men.

It is true that many adversities and opposition we may have to confront. But these are merely parts of the process and tests of fidelity. Some people on this Path Eternal complain that they and their friends also are visited by misfortune. But we have to understand that they are wages and Initiation is a process of intensive culture and accelerated evolution. It is our Karma exhausting itself.

We have to understand that the Divine Will is leading us, through every circumstance, towards the Final Realisation. This faith will give us equanimity.

More information about Transcendental Philosophy & Yoga can be had from http://www.astrologiavedica.com/html/yogamain.htm

We are given the commandment ” Dont bother about the result while doing work” There is a subtle wisdom behind this. Our Rajasic ( human) ego has a basic defect. It want to be compensated for the work done. But Self-Realisation appears somewhat elusive and distant a Goal. It is not possible to get Realisation within one or two years. Hence our Rajasic ego always demands some compensation for the altruistic work done. It feels hurt if it its work is not paid. In order to overcome the agitations of our worldly ego, we are given the supreme commandment to ignore compensation for work done by us.

So our task is to work selflessly for humankind. Selfless service helps in erasing the ego. We have to redeem this earth of ours which appears to be sunk in evil and sin. Only by Universal friendship and Universal brotherhood can this world be redeemed ! Love alone is the Redeemer !

Man, by definition, is a composite creature. We have a positive as well as a negative aspect, Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde. The positive aspect of Man is called Punya Purusha and the negative aspect as Papa Purusha. While doing selfless service, we have to imagine that the Papa Purusha ( Evil Man ) in us is getting destroyed and that the Punya Purusha ( Noble Man ) is in the ascendancy in us. Once the Negative Aspect ( Papa Purusha ) is destroyed in us and the Punya Purusha ( Noble Man ) is affirmed, we have reached the Ultimate Goal !

By serving man we serve God, the highest principle in us. Forgetting the ego, we have to do selfless service to attain the Ulimate Bliss. Forget the ego; let it melt and merge with all its layers of Consciousness !

While business people say that it is Action alone which can convert dreams into dollars, we have to understand that their aim is wealth and they are following similar principles; but here our aim is Self Actualisation and it is Action alone which converts our heavenly dreams into Self- Realisation !

the Fourlfold Yoga Part IV

The Fourfold Yoga – Part IV

Union via Universal Love ( Bhakthi Yoga )

The noblest Union is Union via Love. Love is an outpouring of the heart and Love is Love’s reward.

Love is a glory from Eternity’s spheres
He is still the Godhead that can make all change

Love should never cease to be upon the earth
Love is the bright link betwixt earth and heaven
Love is the far Transcendent’s angel here
Love is man’s lien on the Absolute ( Aurobindo )

All other yogas are difficult to practice. Raja Yoga ( Union via psychic control ) is difficult because we have to keep up Brahmacharya ( continence ), Jnana Yoga is difficult because of the philosophic subtlety of the concepts & Karma Yoga is difficult because its end is far, far away. On the other hand Bhakti Yoga or Union via Love is simple to practise because there are no restrictions in this noblest and blest Union via Love.

Having a Tutelary Deity is the first step. This Deity should be worshipped in thought, word and deed.

” By giving thyself up in heart and soul to Me, thou shalt overcome all difficulties by My Grace ” says He in the Geetha.

Only Universal Love can redeem the world. The salvation of the world is in love and through love.

“Take away Love and the whole world becomes a tomb” said Byron

Man is endowed with many positive qualities. Truth, Ethics, Peace, the Discriminative intellect & Love are the major five positive qualities in man. Of these, Love is the greatest positive quality.

If we incorporate love, we can see that our lives become peaceful & spiritually resplendent. We are asked to incorporate this supreme quality, which is a prerequisite for Liberation or Self-Realisation.

Freud identified Thanatos ( Death Instinct ) as the destructive element in Man. Contray to Thanatos is Eros or the Life Instinct. It is true that Thanatos ( Death Instinct ) or the Vedantic Thamas is the villain of the piece as far as this sin-sick world is concerned. The Mr Hyde in man is very powerful. In Man there is an eternal fight going on between Conscience and Expedience. between Eros and Thanatos! We have not yet defined the Life instinct. This anti-Thanatos principle is Love !

So the preserving quality is Love. Love alone is the Saviour, Love alone is the Redeemer. He who embraces Love is blessed and he alone can save the world.

His light and life is given to balance here
The dark account of mortal ignorance!

It is this quality which is highly favoured by Heaven !

Love rules the court, the camp and the grove,
All men below and saints above
For Love is Heaven and Heaven is Love !

As one Great One said

Love all beings
That is enough !

Or Alexander Pope

He prayeth best who loveth best
Both bird and man and beast

When it comes to Jnana & Bhakti Yogas, it is said that He, before whom even the Vedas remain mute, prefers Union via Love to Union via Wisdom.

It is like the wife and lady love. Jnana Yoga is the wife and Bhakthi Yoga is the lady love.

Jnana Yoga is like the wife. It asks ” Why didnt you actualise the Self ?”

Bhakti Yoga is like the lady love. It asks ” No problem ; there is still time for you to actualise”

More information about Transcendental Philosophy & Yoga can be
had from http://www.astrologiavedica.com/html/yogamain.htm

In the Divina Commedia, Beatrice criticises Dante for following Philosophy and not Religion. Under Beatrice’s compulsion Dante changes over to Bhakti Yoga, away from Being and Becoming !

I wake amaze and in the windows blaze
The forms of saints & holy men who died
Hereafter martyred and hereafter crucified
And the Great Rose upon its leaves displays
Love’s triumph and the angelic roundelays
With splendour upon splendour multiplied
And Beatrice again at Dante’s side!
No more rebuking but smiling her words of praise ( Longfellow )

The strict restrictions in other Yogas make it difficult to practise them. On the other hand, there are no restrictions in Bhakthi Yoga. The process of spiritual evolution is automatic and all blocks will be removed by Divine Grace.

In the Geetha, He hath declared that Bhakthi is the greatest of all yogas. The bliss that accrues from sheer devotion is ineffable !

The basic dictums of Bhakthi Yoga are simple. They are

Love All
Serve All
Help Ever
Hurt Never
Hate None
Nurture All
Educate All

If we can do this spontaneously, we have reached Universal Love.

“I shall deliver thee from all sin and evil” says He in the Geetha. The debit in our Karmic balance sheet will be exhausted & we become eligible for Self-Actualisation.

As Robert Bach said ” At the end of our terrestrial journey, one question will be asked. How much did we love and what is the quality of our love ? “

Love your neighbour because he is like you; and love your enemy because enmity is a misunderstanding.

Start the day with Love
End the day with Love
Spend the day with Love
Fill the day with Love
That is the way to the Divine ( Sai )

The simple wisdom which is Love can redeem us & this world!

Economists say that Money makes the world go around. While this statement is true superficially, when we go deeply, we find that some other emotion makes the world go around. It is Love that makes the world go around!

When we ask one thing, God gives that one thing but when we ask nothing, He gives everything, He gives Himself & also the spontaneous boons of His love! Our prayer should be like the prayer of the poet who prayed ” I desire nothing
from Thee, I desire only Thee ! “.

The Fourfold Dharma & the Fifth Dharma

The Law asks us to practice the Fourfold Dharma

They are

1) Brahmacharya – During pre-marriage days one should steadfastly follow Dharma

2) Garhastya – Once married, should do both duties – worldly & divine
3) Vanaprastha – Once responsibilities are over, one should seek the Divine

4) Sanyasa – To walk in the Self; to embrace none but Him.

There is a fifth Dharma. It is called Prajna Dharma, the Highest Wisdom is Love!

The Four Purusharthas ( objectives ) & the Fifth Purushartha

There are four purusharthas. They are Artha ( Wealth ), Dharma ( Ethics & Morality), Kama ( Desires ) & Moksha ( Self-Realisation ).

There is a fifth Purushartha. It is Prema, Love !

Premam Brahma – Love is He ! The highest knowledge is Love !

The equation of Jnana Yoga – Prajnanam Anandam Brahma (The Self is Consciousness & Bliss ) is replaced by the more powerful equation of Bhakthi Yoga – Premam Anandam Brahma ( Self is Love and Bliss ) ! Love alone can confer Bliss!

Love is a manna sent from Heaven, a spark of the Immortal Fire, sent by the Lord to elevate our low desire!

The heart is 60 times more powerful than the brain. There is only one language and it is the language of the heart!

” Only via Love can anybody reach me ” says Lord Krishna in the Gita. Same statement is attributed to Jesus ” No one cometh to the Father, but via Me “. All these smack of the high importance the Yogis have given to this supreme quality, Bhakthi or Universal Love !

All wisdom is contained in Love and love alone can heal this sin-sick world, as love is divine medicine!

It is said that the Lord is playing hide and seek! Himself the play, Himself the player, Himself the playground!

The Universal Governor of life lies in us
He is playing hide and seek with his own force
Eternal, He assents to Fate and chance
Immortal, He dallies with mortality
Divine, he wears the form of animal and man
He whose transcendence rules the pregnant vasts
Prescient lay in our subliminal depths
A luminous individual power, alone – ( Aurobindo )

And His mantra is LOVE !