Formuala for computing Sunrise and Sunset

Sunrise = 6 Hours + Equation of Time – C, the Ascensional Difference – R, the refraction correction

Sunset = 18 Hours + Equation of Time + C + R

Computation of Sunrise and Sunset are necessary for an Astrology program. Sunrise varies from latitude to latitude. Also the Ascendant.

The Northern & the Southern Celestial Hemispheres

From Aries to Libra is the Northern Celestial Hemisphere. When the Sun is in the Northern Hemisphere, days have more duration.

From Libra to Aries is the Southern Celestial Hemisphere. When the Sun is in this Hemisphere, nights have more duration.

The Great Circle called the Zodiac, ” the oblique line that beareth all planets”, as Dante called it, is divided into 4 quadrants of (360/4) 90 degrees.

The First 90 degrees is Odd
The Second 90 degrees is Even
The Thirdt 90 degrees is Odd
The Fourth 90 degrees is Even

“Oja yatra guanira kotir apara meshadi jookadhi kau”

The distance traversed by a planet is called Bhuja & the untraversed distance is Koti.

We give below the equation of Bhuja

In the First Quadrant, if a planet traverses 42 degrees, the bhuja is 42 degrees

In the first 90 degrees, the same longitude
In the Second 90 degrees, longitude = 180- longitude
In the Third 90 degrees, longitude = longitude – 180
In the Fourth 90 degrees, longitude = 360 – longitude

This equation of Bhuja should be applied for all astro mathematical calculations.

Vishu Vat Vritta, the Celestial Equator

The Zodiac Software was developed according to the principles of Vedic Spherical Astronomy & Trignometry.

The longitudes measured along the Ecliptic are called true longitudes and the longitudes measured along the Vishuvat Vritta, the Celestial Equator, are known as Right Ascension.

When we say the Right Ascension of East Point, we mean the East Point along the Celestial Equator. The Right Ascension of the Meridian Cusp( RAMC ), is the longitude of the MC or Mid Heaven measured along the Celestial Equator.

The formula for computing the MC , the Madhya Lagna is as follows

tan K = tan R /cos w

where is the K is the longitude of the MC, and R, Sidereal Time converted into degrees.

180 degrees from the Madhya Lagna or the MC is the IC, the Imum Caeli or Patala Lagna.

Kshithija, the Celestial Horizon!

The formula for computing the Ascendant is

Tan L = Sin E / cos E cosw – Sin w Tan A

The Ascendant is a point on the Celestial Horizon. The Eastern Celestial Horizon

First compute E, the Right Ascension of East Point, the East Point lying on the Celestial Equator and this E is subjected to the trignometric correction referred to as above.

The Celestial Horizon is known as Kshithija. w is the maximum declination of the Sun, The Soorya Parama Kranthi. A is the latitude of the place.

The Eastern Point on the Celestial Horizon is Udaya Lagna
180 degrees from it is the Astha Lagna or the Descendant

Why did He create such a miserable world?

Lord Buddha was aghast at the pain and suffering of this world. He turned his ire on the Lord and asked an important questions. How can the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate create such a miserable world ?

How can it be that Brahm
Could make a world so miserable
And if All Powerful, leave it so; He is not good
And if not All-powerful, He is not God !

Aurobindo answered

“A universe, eternally perfect, eternally manifesting the eternal perfection, will miss the joy of progress”.

If everything is perfect, Man, Earth, everything and was created as such initially, will we not miss the joy of progress? So then there were reasons why the Almighty created such an area of Evil & Chaos, deliberately flawing the perfection of His own material creation !

This world is in love with its own Ignorance !

We find that all Redeemers were treated badly by the world. Jesus, Socrates, Mansoor, Bruno etc. Why is it so?

Aurobindo answers

Hard is the World Redeemer’s heavy task
The whole world becomes his adversary.
Those whom he came to save are his enemies
Those he would redeems are his adversaries

This world is in love with its own ignorance
Its darkness moves away from the Saviour Light
It gives the Cross in payment for the Crown !

( Savitri – The Book of the Redeemer)

This is a benighted humanity or an ignorant race !

A man who was about to become the Redeemer aks Heaven

Why should I throw my arms against the shut Heavens
Or struggle against a mute inevitable Fate
Or hope in vain to uplift an ignorant race
Who hugs their lot and mocks the Saviour Light ? !

Life, the true field of our Yoga

“Life, not a remotely silent or highly ecstatic uplifted Beyond, life alone is the field of our Yoga “, wrote the Master. He was highlighting the fact that the solution to problems is not escapism, but meeting them squarely and overcoming them.

Our aim must be Self Actualisation and we should not be bothered about the hindrances on the path.

Says he “We have to understand that the Divine Will is leading us, through every circumstance, towards the Final Realisation”. We may be confronted by innumerable adversities, but we have to overcome them to arrive at the Goal. “This is the work of the Supramental Shakti, converting our obscure mentality into Her supramentality”.

A luminous heart of the Unknown is She
A power of Silence in the depths of God
She is the Force, the inevitable Word,
The magnet of our difficult Ascent
The Light that leans from the unrealised vasts
The Joy that beckons us from the Impossible.”

This Supramental Shakti is at work, converting the mundane into the supramundane.

Ganitha Nirnayam – A Sanskrit Astronomical & Astrological Treatise

Like Laplace’s Celestial Mechanics, Ganitha Nirnayam or Mathematical Formulae is a treatise on Astro Maths to compute the longitudes of planets.

This book uses the Sidereal system.

The Western method is to find the True Anomaly of the planet and then add to it The Argument of Perihelion ( a mathematical quantity ) to arrive at a planet’s longitude

Theta = v + w

The Indian method is Longitude Corrected Thrice. First the mean longitude of the planet is calculated and then three trignometric corrections are given to find the true longitude of the planet.

First the Mean longitude is reduced by a mathematical process called Manda Kriya. Mandochha refers to Aphelion. By Manda Kriya the mean longitude is reduced to Manda Sphuta, the longitude obtained after the first trignometric correction

Horoscope of Sree Aurobindo

He was born with Cancer rising, Jupiter and Mars in Cancer. Jupiter, the wisdom planet, was exalted in Cancer. Cancer represents the Heart of the Cosmic Man and Cancerians are tied and tuned to the Cosmic world.

Jupiter is the planet of divinity and he has conferred Hamsa Maha Yoga, one of the best yogas in Astrology. The native born under Hamsa Yoga not only becomes religious, but will revive true Religion ! Due to the divine nature of Jupiter who had caused Hamsa Yoga, he had the confidence that every step was divinely ordained.

The Roman emperor Augustus Caesar was, like him, born under Hamsa Yoga. A true Raja- Rishi or a Philosopher King, his reign was known as the Golden Age of Rome. Augustus founded the Religion of Numa, defined by Buchan as a probe into the mysteries of the Infinite and the Unknown.

Like those ancient, orthodox Raja- Rishies, Aurobindo had consecrated all his efforts to divinise humanity !

Saturn was in Sagittarius, indicating that a foreign lady will join in his mission. He synthesised the different systems of Yoga as the Integral Yoga. He was one of the greatest Integrators who graced this planet !

Astral Amuets

Astral Amulets protect one from planetary afflictions. If a man is tormented by Saturn, a Saturn Astral Amulet will save him from afflictions galore