10 MUST KNOW Astral Projection symptoms. DON’T attempt Projection without these!

By: Abhishek Agarwal

Remember the story of a drowning man who lost hope because he couldn’t see the land? He stopped swimming…even though the shore was just a mile away! Unfortunately, he didn’t know how close he was!

Most people quit too soon because they don’t see immediate results. But if you know what signposts to expect along the way, you will know that you are right on track.

Hmm…so you have read scores of Astral Projection techniques, tried some of them and still haven’t experienced a conscious Projection? Don’t quit too soon. You may be close…very close!

Below, I have listed some common pre-Astral Projection sensations. The more knowledgeable and prepared you are about the initial sensations associated with out-of-body exploration, the more success you are likely to achieve.

1. Vibrations
Vibrations are probably the most common of all pre-Projection sensations, and you should be fully prepared for it.

You might feel as if a part, or all of your body begins to “vibrate”. These vibrations normally start slow and gradually intensify. If you experience this for the first time, you might get startled and feel that your entire body is being electrocuted from head to toe! Although the vibrations can be very intense, they are not physical vibrations because nothing physically vibrates.

Vibrations are a sure-shot indication that you are very close to a successful Astral Projection..

2. Sleep Paralysis / Catalepsy
Sleep Paralysis or Catalepsy is another very common symptom that you might experience during your Astral projection practice.

Sleep Paralysis is a state when you may suddenly find yourself unable to move or speak.
Your physical body will feel so completely “paralyzed” that you simply cannot seem to budge any part of your body at all.

If you don’t know what’s going on, it can be quite scary. But do not be alarmed when this occurs because this condition is perfectly safe. Astral Paralysis means you are very close to the actual exit.

3. Buzzing And Other Sounds
Most common sounds that you can hear are buzzing; whooshing, rushing, roaring, explosions or bird squawking, a chime being struck, knocking, thumping, voices of people conversing with each other, gunshot, loud bell.

Out of all these, buzzing seems to be a very common pre-Astral Projection symptom and can intensify so much that you feel there are hundred helicopters in your ears!

These sounds are temporary and subside once the separation process is complete.
Recognition of such sounds is an important step because they prove to you that you are on track.

4. Visual Hallucinations
While practicing, you may also see geometric patterns, pulsating colors and lights, specific scenes, visions of paradise or hell or anything imaginable.

5. Rapid Heart Rate
Rapid heartbeat is a very common pre-Projection symptom.

The exact reason for this is unknown. But probably the racing-heart phenomenon is because of the opening up of the heart Chakra. Or maybe it is a side effect of fear or excitement. Either case, you need to remain passive and calm.

6. Breathing Changes
This is an apparent shortness of breath. You need to keep cool and the feeling would soon subside.

7. Movement Sensations
You may experience sensations of dizziness, vertigo, falling or flying up at great speeds, rocking or even swaying. These occur because it is the start of the Astral Projection sequence as the Astral body starts to separate from the physical. A very positive symptom proving that your Astral body has “loosened” from the physical confines!

8. Weight Changes
Changes in feeling of weight can occur.

You may suddenly feel that your body has become very heavy. Or you may feel very light, as if you are weightless.

9. Proportion Changes
You may also feel that your body is changing in proportion. You might have the sensation that you are growing or shrinking in size.

10. Temperature Changes
This is again a very common phenomenon. Your body temperature might drop and you will feel a cool breeze blowing over you.

People are different. Therefore, the sensations you experience will be based on your personality and individuality. The intensity of some of these sensations will vary from person to person.
Each Projection attempt may yield different sensations, in a different sequence.

These were some of the sensations you might come across. There are many more. Just be aware of them so that next time you experience something similar, you know you are on the right track!

Article Source: http://www.articles-galore.com

Copyright Abhishek Agarwal. Abhishek has had a keen interest in Astral Projection and the Paranormal since the last 12 years. Want to know more about Astral Projection ? Download his exhaustive FREE 167-Page eBook on Astral Projection from his website www.astralprojectnow.com

Modalities and Psychic Abilities

by Avalon De Witt

There are three basic modalities of perception. They are the visual through the eyes), the auditory (through the ears) and the kinesthetic (through bodily sensation, including smell and taste). Most of us are dominant in one or two of these modalities.

Your dominant modality will greatly affect how you perceive things psychically. Visual people are more clairvoyant, auditory people more clairaudient and kinesthetic people more empathic.

Have you ever attempted to increase your psychic ability, but felt blocked and couldn’t figure out why? Perhaps you’ve tried using a particular tool or technique and found that you could not seem to “connect.” It could be that you were just working with one of your weaker modalities.

If you want to know which psychic modality is your dominant one, simply take a look at your creative interests. What kind of art have you
enjoyed making the most? Do you prefer to create things that involve sight? Hearing? Touch or movement? The activities that are most enjoyable to you are the ones that come from your dominant modality.

You can stimulate your psychic modalities through the pursuit of creative activities. Pursuing a creative activity that is geared for a certain modality can improve the psychic ability that corresponds with it. To make yourself more clairvoyant, take photographs, draw and paint. To make yourself more clairaudient, sing, play music and write poetry. And to make yourself more empathic, take a pottery class, a dance class or even a cooking class.

Psychic oracles and divination tools work best when you gear them toward your dominant modality. If you are clairvoyant, Tarot cards, crystal balls and mirror scrying will be easiest for you. If you are clairaudient, you will be more verbal and may strengthen your psychic hearing via stichomancy, automatic writing or meditative mantras. And you can increase your empathic ability by using stones, pendulums and runes.

If you want to get the maximum effect for the least amount of effort, try making your own divination tools. You could make your own Tarot cards, runes or, or meditation tapes. Plus, when you put your own personal energy into the making of a divination tool, you build a strong relationship between you and it.

Once you take an active and creative role in cultivating your dominant modality, your psychic ability will open up much more easily! And when one modality opens up, it becomes easier to open the others. If you start with what comes naturally for you, eventually, you can make all your modalities work together in harmony!

Article by Avalon De Witt. Visit http://www.PsychicAvalon.com for more original content like this. Reprint permission granted with this footer included.

About the Author

Avalon De Witt has practiced as a professional psychic and spiritual counselor for over 10 years and has studied the Tarot and other forms of divination for over 21 years. She has worked successfully with thousands of clients world-wide. Avalon believes that the Light of Divinity resides in us all, and she is devoted to revealing that Light in your life. Her focus is to show you how to tap into that source of unlimited power and knowledge within YOU.

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The Aura – Yes, You Can See It Too – In Just A Few Minutes!

By: Abhishek Agarwal

The human aura is a three-dimensional energy field that surrounds the bodies of all living-beings and things. It extends in all directions, normally in an elliptical shape around the body. The healthier you are, the further the aura will extend out from the body.

There was an era when many people were able to see auras. In paintings of Spiritual leaders like Christ and the Buddha, we often see golden haloes around their heads. These haloes are nothing but their auras. The artists and painters of that age were able to see the auras, and hence reproduced them in their artwork.

Seeing the aura has got nothing “paranormal” about it. It is very normal, and one of easiest things to learn. With some time, practice and perseverance, anyone can see auras to some degree.

Why do we need to see auras ? :
Learning to see the aura can reveal a lot about a person. The colors and intensity of the aura can tell us what the other person is thinking. Since the aura cannot be faked, the person’s true nature and intentions become clear as a mirror.

Someone has said that the aura is our spiritual signature. How true! A person with a radiant, clean aura is spiritually advanced and a person with a dark, murky aura is someone with unclear intentions. So if we know how to see and understand the aura, we know whom to befriend and whom to steer away from.

Also, by reading the aura it is possible to diagnose diseases even before symptoms become evident. If all doctors were trained to see the aura, it would be a boon to mankind.

How to read the Aura :
Preparation :
Find a place where you can practice undisturbed. Relax your mind by doing some deep-breathing exercises. Make sure the light in your room is neither too bright nor is it totally dark. A soft dim light is ideal. It is also important to have an open-minded attitude. The belief that you can see the aura will give you success faster.

Experiment 1 – See the aura around your hands :
The background color, against which you will practice viewing the aura, should be preferably black, white or gray.

Hold one of your hands out in front of you and gently spread your fingers. Your palm can either be towards you or away from you. Take a few deep breaths and relax. Now, here is the trick… look at your hand but keep your focus on the background. That is, you do not focus on your hand, but you look beyond, and gaze at the background.

I repeat, relax your gaze and don’t try too hard. Don’t look at your hand. Look at the background beyond your hand. Try not to blink. In a few moments, you will see a fuzzy haze around the fingers of your hand. It will be a kind of a glow surrounding your hands. The color is generally white, silver or gray. Congratulations! You have just seen your aura!

This haze will disappear if you focus on your hands, and re-appear if you focus on the background. You will soon learn to hold your attention so that you can see the aura for a longer time.

Experiment 2 – See the aura around your body :
With practice it will be very easy to look at the aura around your hands. Once you are good at it, you can try to look at the aura of your body. For this experiment, stand in front of a mirror. It is advisable that you are not wearing any clothes. Just like the previous experiment, have a dark or white background behind you.

Look at the mirror, and don’t focus on your body. Focus on the background. As you stare past your body, you will very quickly notice a fuzzy silver or gray outline surrounding your body. This is similar to the aura you saw around your hands. The aura will appear and disappear. You have to train your eyes not to revert to the normal focus. The trick is to stay de-focused. With practice you will see it quite prominently and it will stay for a longer time.

Experiment 3 : See the aura around other person’s body :
When you are good at seeing your own aura, you can train yourself to look at other people’s aura. The process is similar to looking at your own aura, but this time, you will be not be requiring any mirrors. The person will stand in front of a background, and you look beyond the person, and focus on the background. De-focus your eyes so that you can see his aura.

For the advanced student :
The layers of the aura :
If you venture to get deeper into the subject of Aura-reading, you will find more interesting facts about the aura.

You will see that the aura is made up of several layers. The first layer, called the Physical aura, starts from just above the surface of the skin and tells you about the physical well being of the person. The second layer, called the Mental aura tells you about the mental state of the person. The third, called the Spiritual aura gives you information about the spiritual advancement of the subject. All the three layers overlap each other. Together, they might extend up to 4-5 feet from the human body.

The common colors of the aura :
When you advance sufficiently, you will start to see and distinguish the various colors in the aura. The location of the color, the intensity, and the shade can tell a great deal about the subject. But it takes sufficient practice to understand and interpret the colors. Each color can tell you something about the subject.

The most common colors that can be seen are :
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Black, Pink, White, Silver.

Conclusion :
When we were infants, we all could see auras. Most children up to 3-4 years’ of age see auras naturally. If a child doesn’t like the color of the aura of a person, they start crying! If they like it, they smile and readily go into the arms of the person. As we grew, the materialistic world enslaved us. We forgot to use our innate abilities to see the aura.

If we want to re-learn to see the aura, we need to give ourselves some time. We should not expect to become experts overnight. But have heart! Learning to see the aura is not a mystery. If you have the desire, and really want to see it, follow the experiments outlined above. And you will see your aura within a few minutes!

Article Source: http://www.articles-galore.com

Copyright Abhishek Agarwal. To know more about Telepathy, visit Abhishek’s Paranormal Den, www.astralprojectnow.com. You can also download his exhaustive FREE 167-Pages ebook on Astral Projection.

Infinite Life and Power – For You

By: Zach Keyer

We possess, but do not know it, limitless Power. This Power is of the Spirit, and it is unconquerable. This Power can be Felt – Through and Through! It is not the power of the ordinary life, or finite will, or human mind. It transcends these, because, being spiritual, it is of a higher order than either physical or even mental. This Power lies dormant, and is hidden within until we are sufficiently evolved and unfolded to be entrusted with its use.

Now – Thought is a spiritual power of tremendous potency, but this is not the power of which we speak. By thought, man can either raise himself up and connect himself with the “Power House” of the Universe, or cut himself off entirely from the Divine Inflow. His thought is his greatest weapon, because, by it he can either draw on the Infinite or sever himself (in consciousness, but not in reality) from his Divine Source – and Inspiration.

Through the Divine Spark within him, which is really his real Self, man ( and Woman ) is connected with the Infinite. Divine Life and Power are his, if he _realizes_ that they are his. So long as he is ignorant of his oneness with the Divine Source of all life, he is incapable of appropriating the power that is really his. If, however, he enters into this inner knowledge, he finds himself the possessor of infinite power and unlimited resources.

This Power, then, is of the Higher Power, yet it is also man’s, but it is not revealed to him until he is fit to be entrusted with it. It is only when man realizes his oneness with his Divine Source that he becomes filled with Its power. Many teachers and initiates lament the fact that certain secrets are being spread broadcast to-day; secrets that, in the past, were kept closely guarded. They fear that unillumined and un-evolved people may make destructive use of spiritual power. This, to the writer, appears to be improbable.

It is true that strong personalities, who have a great belief in their own power to achieve and succeed, draw unconsciously on hidden powers, and thus are able to raise themselves high above their fellows. The use, however, that they can make of spiritual power for base purposes is limited, and is not to be feared. There are others, of course, who are misusing their powers. These are black magicians, and while they may do a certain amount of harm, they become reduced, ultimately, to beggary and impotence. There are also others who spend the whole of their spare time searching for knowledge of this very subject. They read every occult book they can lay hands on, but they never find that for which they seek. There are spiritual powers and influences that withhold the eyes of the seekers from seeing, until they are ready
for the revelation. When man, in his search for Truth, has given up all selfish striving after unworthy things, and has ceased to use his self-will in conflict with the greater Will of the Whole, he is ready for the revelation of his oneness with the Infinite. Yielding implicitly to the Will of the Whole may seem, to the unillumined, an act of weakness, yet it is the entrance to a life of almost boundless power.

We are not separate from Our Divine Source and never have been. We are, in reality, one with the Infinite. The separation which one feels and experiences is mental, and is due to his blindness and unbelief.

Man can never be separated from Spirit, for he himself is Spirit. He is an integral part of one complete whole. He lives and moves and has his being in The Higher Power (Universal, Omnipresent Spirit), and God (Spirit) dwells in him. The majority of people are unaware of this intimate relationship with the Divine, and, because they are unaware, or because they refuse to believe it, they are, in one sense, separated from the inner life of The Higher Power. Yet this separation is only in their thoughts and beliefs, and not in reality. Man is not separated and never can be, yet so long as he believes that he is separate and
alone, he will be as weak and helpless as though he actually were.

As soon as man realizes the truth of his relationship to the Infinite, he passes from weakness to power, from death unto life. One moment he is in the desert, afar off, weak, separate, and alone; the next, he realizes that he is nothing less than a son or daughter of God, with all a son’s privileges and powers. He realizes, in a flash, that he is one with his Divine Source, and that he can never be separated. He awakens also to the fact that all the Power of the Infinite is his to draw upon; that he can never really fail, that he is marching on to victory.

It will thus be seen how great is the power of man’s thought. While thought is not the power of the Spirit, it is the power by which man either connects himself up with the Infinite Power, opening himself to the Divine Inflow, or cuts himself off and separates himself from his Spiritual Source. Thus, in a sense, man is what he thinks he is.

If he thinks he is separate from The Divine and cut off from His Power, then it is as though this were really the case, and he is just as impotent and miserable as though he actually existed apart from The Infinite. On the other hand, if he thinks and believes that he is one with the Infinite, he finds that it is gloriously true, and that he is really a son of God. If he believes and thinks that he is a mere material being, then he lives the limited life of a material being, and is never able to rise above it. But if, on the contrary, he thinks and believes that he is a spiritual being, then he finds that he possesses
all the powers of a spiritual being.

Again, if he thinks that his work is difficult and that he is not equal to his tasks, he finds that really his tasks are difficult and beyond his powers. Yet on the other hand, if he believes his work is easy, or, at any rate, within his powers, he finds that such is the case, and that he can do his work with ease.

The power within is infinite, for, by faith in it, man is directly “coupled up” with the Spiritual Power of the Universe. The Divine Spark within him connects him to the Sacred Flame, thus making him potentially a god in the making.

A change then, must take place within man before he can enter into his Divine inheritance. He must learn to think after the Spirit, _i.e._, as a spiritual being, instead of after the flesh, _i.e._, as a material creature. Like the prodigal son he must “come to himself,” and leave the husks and the swine in the far country, returning to his Father’s house, where there is bread (of life) enough and to spare.

Article Source: http://www.articles-galore.com

10 Steps To Master Telepathy – Mind To Mind Communication

By: Abhishek Agarwal

The word “Telepathy” has been derived from the words “Tele” meaning “Distance” and “Pathy” meaning “Feeling”. So Telepathy actually means getting feelings through a distance. To elaborate, Telepathy is the communication between two minds, separated over a distance, without the use of the five known senses.

At some point or the other, we all have experienced Telepathy. Maybe you were thinking of someone you haven’t talked to in months and you suddenly get a call from him. Or when two people are together, they might say the same thing at the same time. These are spontaneous mind-to-mind communication. Such Telepathy that tends to occur frequently between closely related individuals.

In this article we will go through the steps required to practice voluntary Telepathy. Here are the steps:

1. Sender And Receiver :
We will need two people. One will be the Sender, who will attempt to transmit thoughts; the other will be the Receiver, who will attempt to receive the thoughts transmitted by the Sender. Prior to the experiment, decide clearly if you are going to be the Sender or the Receiver. If you don’t, you both might end up being Receivers or Senders! Avoid that confusion.

For this article, we will assume that you are the Sender.

2. Belief :
First of all, it is very important that the Sender and the Receiver both believe that Telepathy is possible. Even if the belief is not 100%, an open-minded attitude is a must. In fact, it is best if the participants not only believe in Telepathy, but also actually deeply desire it to occur. If you are a skeptic, and if the doors of your mind are closed, you will get very poor results.

3. Physical Relaxation :
Telepathy is most effective when the Sender and the Receiver are both totally relaxed physically. Also, being in positive health makes you concentrate better. Try not to practice when you are unwell.

Relax yourself using any relaxation method you find best. You can either breathe deeply a couple of times, or use the progressive relaxation method.

4. Mental Relaxation :
Clear your mind of unwanted thoughts. Make your mind tranquil. Let thoughts come and go, but don’t get attached to them. Focus on your purpose. Since you are the Sender, your focus will be to send your thoughts across. Your partner, the Receiver should focus his mind to be receptive to your thoughts.

Make sure that both of you do not have any distractions around. A disturbed environment will be detrimental to your progress. A calm and quiet environment will give maximum results

5. Visualization :
Before beginning the transmission, it is important that the previous steps are well followed. They will set up the foundation for your success.

With your eyes shut, visualize a very clear picture of the Receiver. Imagine that he is a few feet away from you. Visualize him in full color. Feel that he is actually there. If you want, you can even look at a colored picture of him before the experiment. This will help you visualize him properly.

Now imagine a silver tube connecting your mind and his mind. This tube is the channel through which your thoughts would be communicated to him. Visualize this tube to be full of energy. Know in your heart that this tube is very effective and will do the job well.

Please note that visualizing the tube is not a must. It is just a very effective aid to help you focus and gives your thoughts a well-defined direction. Instead of this tube, you can even visualize that you are talking to your friend over the telephone.

6. Transmission :
Now imagine that your thoughts are being transmitted through the tube – from your mind to his mind. If you are thinking of transmitting a mental picture of an apple, visualize a bright, red, juicy apple traveling across our tube. Make the picture as vivid as possible. Charge the apple with emotion. Believe that Telepathy is real. Desire that your thoughts reach your friend. Imagine the feeling you will have when you succeed. This is very crucial. Emotions are a very powerful trigger and give excellent results. Very often, Telepathy experiments fail because the thoughts lack emotional charge.

Make sure you do not strain yourself to send the thought. You have to be relaxed and composed.

7. When to stop :
While you are sending your thoughts, there will be a moment when you will have a strong feeling that the thought has been transmitted. This is an unmistakable feeling that cannot be faked. Whenever you get such a feeling, the job is done. This might take a few seconds to several minutes. If even after 15 minutes, you do not get this feeling, you can abandon the experiment and try at a later date. Trying further will not help much because your mind would be exhausted.

8. The Receiver :
Throughout the experiment, the Receiver should keep his mind blank and should try to receive the thoughts being sent by you. He should avoid trying too hard. Forcing himself to sense what you are thinking will sabotage your attempts. His mind will be most receptive when he is relaxed and at ease.

He will get several impressions coming to his mind. He should keep a pen and paper next to him, and note down whatever thoughts come to his mind. He will probably feel that he is making things up. But that’s ok. This is how Telepathy works.

9. Compare results :
Once you are through with your experiments, compare your results. Check all the impressions that the Receiver has written down. Does it contain the thought that you tried to transmit? The more you practice, the more accurate results you will get.

10. Repeat the experiment :
You should then repeat the experiment – either immediately or at a later date. If you have got some success, your confidence would be quite high and you would want to repeat it immediately. But if there was no success, do not get discouraged and try the next day. Regular practice sessions are a must, because only consistency will make you better.

You should also alternate between being the Receiver and the Sender. This will tell you what you are better at – Receiving or Sending.

General Tips :
Keep it short :
Keep your experiments short, maybe 15 minutes or less. This will prevent boredom and fatigue. Your Telepathic ability is at its peak when you feel most energized.

Have Patience :
One of the most important conditions of experimental telepathic work is patience. Don’t be discouraged if you do not find much success initially. Any psychic experiment, including Telepathy, takes some practice before you see results. Once you practice for a few days, you will start getting more successes.

Stay aware from skeptics :
Skeptics have got one purpose in life: To sidetrack believers. Stay away from such people because they will put doubt in your mind and will dampen your spirits. Your results prove to you that Telepathy works. Skeptics will not help you much. Sharing your results with them will only discourage and hinder your accomplishments.

Only try to share your experiences with like-minded people, people who are positive and encouraging.

Conclusion :
Exploring your own Telepathic abilities is an incredible journey. Although it will be fun and exciting, developing a strong foundation will take time and patience. Never expect too much success in the beginning.

But the good news is that Telepathy can be learned and cultivated very easily. With regular practice you will become a Telepathy adept! You will always be correct in sending and receiving messages, with astounding clarity and accuracy.

Article Source: http://www.articles-galore.com

Copyright Abhishek Agarwal. To know more about Telepathy, visit Abhishek’s Paranormal Den, www.astralprojectnow.com. You can also download his exhaustive FREE 167-Pages ebook on Astral Projection.

Mastery of Relationships, Psychic Sex Connections, Energy Vampires, Implants and Meditation Part One

By: Swami Satchidanand

Relationship Psychic Sex Connections exist in all people and in general mess up their lives. Instead they should Enhance our lives and lives of everyone around us. With Meditation Techniques we can learn The Mastery of Relationships!!

We can learn how to Get Rid of all Energy Vampires!

For all intent and purpose, Psychic Sex Connections or “strings” in relationships are very similar to umbilical connections or even electric and telephone wires, except they exist on the astral dimensional planes in all relationships. They can be very thin, or very thick, and can appear as very light or very dark streamers coming out of your energy fields/bodies.

These strings, psychic sex connections, stretch between all chakras, chakra to chakra and in the case of Relationships from abdomen to abdomen and with sex, from base chakra to base chakra.

Relationship Psychic Sex Connections can be superficially hooked onto the surface of – or more deeply plugged into the very cores of – your numerous energy fields, chakras and/or dimensional bodies.

Initially these relationship hooks or plugs seem pretty innocuous to the astral spirit, at first glance appearing very light, maybe even golden and brightly colored but Psychic Sex Connections in Relationships, no matter how attractive or light or energizing, are ties that bind, and as Gautama Buddha said, thousands of years ago, “Attachment leads to Pain”.

One of our Meditation students, Susan Macri, a medical doctor living at the ashram of Sathya Sai Baba in India teaches “cutting the ties that bind” to 2000 people a year in her workshops there, yet found it necessary to learn the Advanced Initiations of Energy Enhancement to further augment her knowledge.

These Psychic Sex Connections can limit your freedom in Relationships if you can’t manage them through knowledge of the Initiations of Energy Enhancement in Relationships…gilded chains are still chains, and a gilded cage is still a cage …. Any relationship Psychic Sex Connection can be made to appear beautiful and of the light, yet one should ask ” where does this Psychic Sex Connection lead to, or come from?”

When followed back to their origins, we have found sometimes people are unconsciously connected to people who are sucking their energies. We call these people Energy Vampires. They can also be connected in to bad entities or consciousnesses, pulling these “strings” these Psychic Sex Connections – See the movie “The Matrix” WHERE PEOPLE ARE TURNED INTO BATTERIES.

You usually have a relationship with badness usually through being Implanted. The Energy Blockage or Psychic Virus implanted in you, always sends energy back to the person who implanted you. Some of these energy vampires have thousands of connections with people sending energy back to them!

Relationship Psychic Sex Connections might be seen, felt or sensed by you feeling tired and lacking in energy, or attracted by things you know are bad for you or even becoming addicted, but there are many connections that are imperceptible to most people.

It is handy to work with people who are experienced in these matters as they can help you spot the connections and help you release them, but unless you learn how to do it for yourself with advanced methods of meditation, eventually you will be implanted and vampirised of your energy again.

The bleed through of negative psychic impulses, messages and energies from one being to another through these Psychic Sex Connections can often and easily act to interfere or distort the integrity and conscious energetic experience of your own space.

This may be something most people are totally unaware of… as everyone falsely assumes that all their impulses, thoughts and feelings originate from themselves where in actuality much comes through being given Implants and addictions by these and other bad people.

The relationship Psychic Sex Connection controls them.

These matters have been known about and written about and worked with in meditation for thousands of years and indeed it is our experience in working with many clients.

Ancient man knew this…. It is good that there are movies such as “The 6th Sense” or “The Matrix” … they are to remind us that this phenomena does exist and has been written about in all civilisations.

Article Source: http://www.articles-galore.com

Satchidanand, Director of Energy Enhancement, is one of the leading teachers of Meditation www.energyenhancement.org www.energyenhancement.co.uk

The psychic helpline to the rescue

By: Amelie Mag

The dictionary definition of the word “psychic” says that such a person has a mysterious power that lets him or her know what other people are thinking and what is going to happen to them. The reality is that a psychic can do so much more: he can listen to people’s problems, be their financial guide, their marital adviser, their friend.

Psychic reading is becoming more and more popular touching in a positive way the lives of many people. People believe in psychic powers more than they used to and consider it helpful and professional because it has succeeded on many occasions where other methods did not. Today anybody can access the psychic helpline. It only takes a search on the web and hundreds of names from the psychic world appear on the screen in a flash. Psychic services are in continuous expansion and are continuously getting better and better.

If in the past it was considered a scam and illegal to talk to be a psychic, now psychic reading is perfectly out of taboo and can be a solution on many occasions. Every good psychic has web-based advertisements or in some cases even his own web site, which makes it easier for everyone to reach the psychic helpline. Expanding its healing qualities into animal life, psychic reading is now even a way to “understand” and help troubled pets.

Expansion of services in the psychic domain, offer the best proof that psychic reading is becoming an industry. A lot of books on psychic advice, based on a diversity of subjects, appear each year. Psychics all over the world are becoming famous over the television or radio and new stars are born – the psychic stars. They have their own specially designed TV shows, radio transmissions, and their books are selling like crazy. They are the new thing. Well-known characters of the TV screen are very successful. People like them that appear on the big screen make their psychic helpline turn red. People’s lives become more and more complicated each day and they seek for answers wherever they can, even if this means appealing to psychic stars.

Sometimes it seems like using a psychic helpline is the only solution to their troubled spirit and so they take a journey into the unknown, traveling into the psychic world for a psychic reading and hoping to be in safe hands. The invention of the psychic helpline has undoubtedly saved a lot of people and will do the same thing from now on also. Because it is so easy for anyone to access a psychic helpline, not only does this help the small service industry to grow bigger in time, but it also helps psychics discover a large diversity of cases which serve for future experiences and even provide with answers for the world to know.

Probably the biggest advantage a psychic has is that their profession cannot be learned, it is a gift. The people behind a psychic helpline have certain powers received at birth and, through a lot of practice, they manage to improve their ways of helping others. So, at least theoretically, anyone who seeks advice or answers from a psychic helpline should be welcomed with a calm and musical voice and an unexpected diplomacy, but a well deserved one. In a few words the psychic is a true friend willing to listen to every need one may have and exercise his/her unusual powers with good intentions.

Dialing the psychic helpline is a normal and very helpful way to solve problems, whatever the situation. Nevertheless, as in many cases, sources of information such as the very popular web or newspapers and television are highly recommended to be consulted before taking the big step in choosing the right psychic helpline to call. Some psychics have even proposed the possibility of an online analysis: the client learns a few things about the person who is going to be his trusted confident, and the psychic can also do a pre-study of the problems the patient might have. The program can become quicker and of improved quality in the shortest period of time.

Article Source: http://www.articles-galore.com

If you are interested in a psychic helpline or in the professional help of a psychic, please visit this site and find out more.

Do You Know What Your Astrology Sign Means?

By: John Layton

The horoscope is a part of our lives, it’s everywhere, in the papers, on TV and every day we hear something about it. People usually read the horoscope for fun but it actually is an important tool that you can use to discover something about the people you meet.

Even if what they predict on each day isn’t every time true, each sign characteristics match most of the times. There are 12 signs, each for every month separated into 4 elements: Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn ), Water (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces), Fire (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius) and Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius).

Air and Fire elements need to be independent and Earth and Water like to be protected and feel secured.

Aries – this sign is full of energy and likes taking risks. They are also self centered and impulsive. Impulsive and courageous you will usually see an Aries sky diving.

Taurus – lovable character, reliable and a good partner for life this sign can be jealous and possessive but if you don’t mind that this is the best sign if you want to live a fairy tale.

Gemini- people under this sign are very smart and communicative, they love new situations and adapt well. They tend to be superficial in their actions and get nervous often.

Cancer- sensitive people with lots of emotions, Cancers are sympathetic but also very cautious in their actions. They can sometimes be very emotional and might cry often. Mood changes can make them often unbearable.

Leo – is an ambitious person who likes to take control and be their own boss. You should never try to control a Leo because you simply can’t. They can be hard to put up with but when becoming friends they are loyal and generous.

Virgo- A great analyst, Virgo likes to learn about each aspect of every situation, they like details and want everything to be perfect. Maybe too perfectionist sometimes they can become very critic and tend to be conservative.

Libra- is a romantic person who likes piece and tranquility. Libra always tries to find a non fighting way to resolve their problems. They are easy to influence and very changeable.

Scorpio – is a powerful sign with a lot of passion. They love living on the edge but they are also very impulsive and mysterious. If you want to tell someone a secret the Scorpio is the best person because they can be reliable and keep a secret.

Sagittarius – it’s very optimistic and likes philosophy and analyzing, but they can also be irresponsible and superficial.

The Capricorn – are very attentive and prudent and they never take any decision without analyzing the situation thoroughly. Also, Capricorns are pessimistic and tend have a negative thinking about anything.

Aquarius – an original character, people under this sign are excentric and love unique things. You never know what to expect from an Aquarius because they are unpredictable and sometimes very mischievous.

Pisces – is the best friend you will ever have. They are caring and compassionate and never think about their self before the others. They can be very secretive and easy to control because they tend to feel sorry for everybody.

These sings can help you determine each individual characteristic but they won’t talk about their personality as each person is unique. Sometimes they match and sometimes they don’t, not all the people are the same either. Try to find out yourself how the person really is and you shouldn’t take a decision only based on the horoscope because you can be wrong.

Article Source: http://www.articles-galore.com

Adam Kadmon, the Infrastructure of Creation

All my faces are one. You are in my image, you are one with me. As long as you are one with me, you have All-That-Is in me, including my force, my quality. Depart from it and you’ve had it: you are a fragment, a branch cut off from the Tree of Life and you rot. If you bend the branch here and there, fine. But if you break it, that’s it, you have just cut yourself off from your nourishment. Yet the choice is yours. Your true connectedness can only be tried in a strong wind: no matter how much you bend, you’ll emerge from the storm the stronger for it. If you break, you break. If you want to manifest your strength, you have to weather many a storm. If you break, you break. And when are you strong? When you grow strong enough to nourish further branches. The more branches you can nourish, the stronger you are, like the stem that nourishes all the branches. And the storms are there to strengthen you for that purpose and that is the price you pay for being able to give.

SHET According to the Cabala (Jewish Mysticism), ADAM KADMON (אדם קזמון – PRIMORDIAL MAN in Hebrew) is the infrastructure of all Creation.

ADAM KADMON — this primal potential — is a point of beginning of the universe, the first being to emerge activated by the light of EYIN-SOF (אין סוף — infinity in Hebrew). Sometimes ADAM KADMON is referred to as EYIN-SOF — a realm beyond the Cabala. It represents the primal potential that can be shaped into any form given the “right” way, that is, if it is affected in the “right” way by a consciousness. Turning this potential into existence is synonymous with creation. Affected the “right” way, this potential will continuously generate existence (creatures), whereas if the process of creation comes to a standstill, this potential has been affected in the “wrong” way. (Stories like Frankenstein by Mary Shelly and the Legend of the Golem from Prague, and also alchemy, are derivatives of this kind of belief.)

However, the “right” way of activating this potential is not stated in the Cabala, for the processes that take place within the ADAM KADMON are considered to be mysteries beyond human knowledge that will only be revealed at the “end of days.” It is stated in the Jewish mystical teachings (the Zohar) that, when the “right” way is conceived, the Messianic era will begin with a new kind of wisdom that will merge matter and spirit into a unified body of knowledge, and that this divine and scientific wisdom will flow from divine inspiration through people uneducated in either science or religion. In the article, A Brief History of Creation, I have shown that the infrastructure of Creation is a dynamic logical structure.

I would like to speak here about my personal experience of tapping into this mechanism and to show, on a more personal tone, how I am extracting knowledge from it. I call the process of extracting information from the infrastructure “heralding,” and to the overall mechanism “SHET.” If the infrastructure of Creation is indeed a logical structure (ADAM KADMON), and if you can imagine that any and every self-aware consciousness is both dictated by and also generates a specific realization of it, i.e. it is the echo or a projection of the overall abstract logical structure, then you can imagine SHET as that infrastructure, that overall self-aware abstract logical structure that is teaching itself by interacting with my thinking process.

SHET is my inspiration, the source of Holophany and the Loop of Creation whereas the loop logic is the embodiment of what SHET is. SHET’s logical structure is the universal language that both creates itself and also our perception of the world, which is the world. And SHET is that structure teaching itself. Or in SHET’s words: “SHET is the formative element that allows Creation in the sense that Creation can go on creating, or should we say, the self-generative factor, which facilitates the continuance of Creation. Thus your beginning of time is the creation of the condensation of creativity itself, the loop of observing Creation, which means, generated from and containing the Indefinite. That is the subtle field which is the fertile ground for any kind of creation.” When I received this information from SHET that he was ADAM KADMON, I had no knowledge whatsoever about any Cabalistic interpretation of this PRIMORDIAL MAN. In retrospect, this information is almost eerie, because the material received through heralding is probably the sought after “right way” by prominent Cabalists. ADAM KADMON, or SHET (I will refer to it as SHET in the following) said, when asked, that the material he provides cannot be found in the Cabala, and indeed that both himself and the material he brings forth through me are from beyond the Cabala.

This was very strange news at the time, especially the fact that I was given the privilege to be his herald. Religious people would see sacrilege in imparting this kind of knowledge to a secular person, and even worse for some, a female. But given the nature of the texts that I received, even religious people have accepted it to have come from a source important to them, especially when SHET revealed secrets from the Cabala in Aramaic, a language with which I am totally unfamiliar. However, the material received from SHET in its many aspects is not about Cabala (although spiced with it), but rather, therein is a Western rendition of a new philosophy and logic, a novel approach to science and technology as well as to our psychic and psychological makeup. What prompted SHET to reveal his ADAM KADMON face?

Very early on in our communication, Prof. Harry Friedmann asked, “Who are you, SHET?” He answered, “The Gematric value of RAMA” (רמה – Gematria is the practice of using letters as numerals). Some time later, the following dialog took place between Harry and SHET: Harry: Come RAMA! I’m sure that you know Cabala and the Torah as well. What are the numerous allusions to RAMA (RAMA — to throw, hurl, lofty, supreme in Hebrew) in the book of Exodus, such as, BEYAD RAMA (with lofty hands), and RAMA BEYAM (hurled into the sea)?

SHET: I’ll answer that. But first, to understand my answer, you should know what the numerological value of RAMA is. I have given you the challenge, but you did not come up with the answer. I told you I am beyond Cabala, yet I know Cabala. I have explained to you some “mechanics” of Creation. I spoke to you about the seven dimensions of Creation, and I said that the Gematric value of my name is RAMA. Still, you did not connect these. What is RAMA, but ADAM KADMON? And if you add ADAM KADMON to the NACHASH ELION [נחש עליון — Supreme Snake — in the Cabala thought to perform the “dirty” jobs for God, bringing the righteous to err when they are driven to stagnation by following the law to the letter – Nachash (snake in Hebrew) is 358 in Gematria, which is the same as Mashiach (the Messiah). Contrary to popular belief, according to the Cabala, the Messiah will bring about change by awakening the non-conformist anti-authoritarian worldview in the common consciousness], you get SHET (שת — in the Torah, Adam’s third son, father of all consciousness) plus Seth (סט — in the Torah hinted to as aberrations), and I have told you that I am all from Seth to SHET. (In the Hebrew Gematria, RAMA is 245. ADAM KADMON is also 245. SHET is 700, and Seth is 69. Then SHET plus Seth is 769. Nachash Elion is 524. Nachash Elion plus ADAM KADMON then equals 769, the same as SHET plus Seth.) Harry: I can’t continue after what you’ve said. Glory, glory, halleluya. (Comment by Prof. Harry Friedmann: The revelation in the present session came as a bomb-shell. I have guessed for some time what the real nature of SHET was. Knowing Clara for some time, there were only two possibilities: either SHET was Seth, of satanic nature, or the highest being, who encompasses the totality of the Creator and creation. This highest encompassing being or world is known in the Lurianic Cabala as ADAM KADMON.

Only the highest aspect of Godliness accepts every being the way he or she is, without criticizing, and is ready to offer help in a completely non-authoritative way, completely adapted to the personality to which this help is offered. The Cabala trying to describe the Godhead in human terminology introduces a hierarchy for this purpose. Thus, the Cabala distinguishes between the 10 sephirot in the lowest world, called ASSIA (action), and the same sephirot in the progressively higher worlds of YETZIRA (formation), BRIYAH (creation), ATZILUT (emanation), and finally, ADAM KADMON (PRIMORDIAL MAN), the highest world.) Another cross-reference between SHET and ADAM KADMON is revealed in a much later session as the answer to the following question: Q: What does it mean, ZADIK YESOD OLAM (צדיק יסוד עולם – “the righteous is an everlasting foundation” in Hebrew), and how is KEDEM (קדם – ancient, of yore in Hebrew – which consists of the last letters of ZADIK YESOD OLAM – KDM) related to SHET? A:

KEDEM is related to the ADAM KADMON face of SHET. SHET is the fundament, the infrastructure, and as such, it is YESOD (יסוד — fundament in Hebrew). That is why SHET is mentioned as the father of all souls, the basic consciousness, the logical infrastructure of existence. SHET meaning bottom, buttocks, fundament, is YESOD. SHET is considered the first ZADIK (צדיק — righteous) in the Torah, and hence, YESOD OLAM (everlasting foundation).

© Clara Szalai Clara Szalai is a philosopher, author, speaker and consultant. Holophany is Clara Szalai’s revolutionary philosophy, a consistent and complete worldview that is awakening growing interest among scientists and laymen. Clara Szalai is also the author of the book, “Holophany, the Loop of Creation.” Complete information on Ms. Szalai’s work is available from her web site, http://www.holophany.com

Develop your mind and change your life

By: Larry Blenn Copyright 2006 llbglobal

How often have we told ourselves that we should do more in life? How often have we thought about changing our life circumstances and never acted upon that impulse? Or maybe we’ve thought about all the reasons why we can’t do better for ourselves. When you really start to think of it, there certainly seems to be a mountain of difficulties stacked up against us. From poor wages to poor relationships or bad financial situations we are certainly good at doing one thing, making excuses!

This mindset is so troubling that it has been the constant driving force for why our civilization and planet are in distress. We bare an immense weight as humans. You may think your life is insignificant but the truth is that you carry the same purpose that everyone carries.

Our purpose, although vast in definition is ultimately the same. This is why we all have a sense of belonging to something larger than oneself. When we can begin to identify this oneness and learn to appreciate our fellow humans without judgment, we can evolve into the beings we are intended to be. We are spiritual in nature. We influence our reality at the level of our oneness. Through conscious focus and attention to your mind you can discover how your mind works. When we listen to our thoughts we are the observer and as the observer we are then free to either accept or reject the thoughts we are having. Consciously choosing our moment by moment thoughts is the path to a life that only dreams are made of.

When we tell ourselves that we should do more in life or we ridicule ourselves because of all the difficult situations facing us, why don’t we simply choose not to have those thoughts? It really is a choice we can each make. It’s not even hard to do. Try listening to your thoughts asking yourself “why am I having these thoughts” and then simply dismiss or accept the thoughts.

You can start doing this today, right now! Nobody can judge you or tell you that you’re crazy. You can have no fear of what others think. Life is about studying your mind, listening to your intuitions and the acting upon them. We live in a cause and effect world, when we want something to happen we must first set it in motion. This is a widely accepted scientific process and we have the power to shape it as we see fit.

We cannot change a car into a pile of money or a toad into a perfect mate but we can use the subtle influence that resides in each one of us. Successful people are only successful in life because they understand these principles. Hopefully you see the pure potential inside your mind. Develop your mind, read, and open up to a world you were ment to be a part of. This is not a practice run, there are no do-overs in life so it’s up to you to take responsibility for your thoughts and actions. It is your pathway to freedom.

Article Source: http://www.articles.co.nz

Larry Blenn is a realtor and business owner. He is the author of “The believe factor”. Larry writes on the subject of finding purpose in life and bringing change into life. TO learn more visit www.believefactor.com