Astral Amuets

Astral Amulets protect one from planetary afflictions. If a man is tormented by Saturn, a Saturn Astral Amulet will save him from afflictions galore

Formulae for computing Asc Difference and the Sun’s declination

The Ascensional Difference is the difference between Oblique Ascension and Right Ascension.

The formula for computing the Ascensional Difference

Sin C = Tan Phi Tan Delta

where C is the Asc difference Phi is the Latitude of the place and Delta the Sun’s declination

The Sun’s declination can be found out by the formula

Sin J = Sin L Sin w

where J is the Sun’s declination, L the mean longitude of the Sun and w Sun’s maximum declination

Astrology Software Development

In order to develop the software, I had to research on a lot of books. They are

Celestial Mechanics by Laplace
Astronomia Nova – Kepler
Bryon’s Astronomy

the Encyclopaedia Brittanica Astronomical tables by Newcombe

and Indian Books

Siddhanta Sekhara by Sripathi
Ganitha Nirnayam by Puliyur

To study Astronomy was difficult and later to implement the formulae was also difficult. But then I persevered and developed the Vedic Astrology software

Aurobindo, a Realist !

Shankara was an Illusionist; Aurobindo was a Realist ( “Maya is real, because it is the Self’s experience of the Self” )

The term assigned by Sankara to the whole process of creation was Maya. Aurobindo, on the other hand, called it Leela or the play of the Divine. Leela includes the idea of Maya and exceeds it !

” This is our Eternal Lover luring us to Himself, through all these flashy masks of Himself, through all this shimmering blazes of His eternal and ineffugable Self-Existence ” said the Master !

Algorithms developed in 1998

The algorithms for my Vedic Astrology Software were developed in 1998. Since I was conversant with Maths and Astrology, the process was easy for me. There were some bugs initially. But they were debugged and now my Zodiac software is one of the most accurate in the world !

Integral Yoga

Long before Aurobindo, scholars were disputing which path to Godhead – the Four Noble Paths, Bhakthi, Jnana, Karma, Raja Yogas – was greater than the other.

Aurobindo stressed that all paths are different branches of the Supreme Path, the Integral Yoga.

Universal Love is the quality needed for Bhakthi Yoga. Psychic control for Raja Yoga. The discriminatory intellect for Jnana and Selfless Action for Karma.

Unless an aspirant develops all these qualities, how can he be eligible for Self Actualisation ?

Integral Yoga, therefore, becomes one of the many ways for Self Realisation

Integral Knowlege

Integral knowledge is a blend of vedantic and tantric knowledge

It is only when we view the Supreme in his dual aspect – dual but inseparable – that the truth becomes manifest to the inner experience. Vedanta deals with the Sat aspect of Being ( Absolute Being ). Tantra deals with the Chit aspect of Being ( Absolute Knowledge ). Only a fusion of these two formidable sciences can pave the way for Integral Knowledge, averred the Master, Aurobindo

Savitri Era blog

Tusar N Mohapatra has sent this link

Blog: Savitri Era
Post: The Mother and Sri Aurobindo are the most authentic teachers

A literateur par excellence

Aurobindo was a poet & nationalist. His epic poem “Savitri” is considered to be equal to Dante’s Divina Commedia, Goethe’s Faust or Milton’s Paradise Lost.

He dreamt of a divine principle ” The Supermind ” and wanted to draw it to earth. When Supermind manifests in matter, matter becomes supramentalised.

His magnum opus is “The Life Divine”. He was a universal individual who embraced a universal life

Spirit shall see through Matter’s gaze
Matter shall reveal the Spirit’s face !

The Universe as Divine !

“I dont believe in God, but to me the Universe is God ” said Michel Gorbachev, President,

The Universe, says hoary Vedic Philosphy, is not different from the Divine. Verily the Lord had not created this world, He had become this world. He is all this ! The Universe is His body !

The Divine descending into concrete form is what we call humanity, with Matter as the lowest principle and pure Being as the highest !

Matter, Life, Mind, Supermind, Existence, Consciousness, Beatitude – all these seven principles are He ! These then are the seven colors of the Light of Divine Consciousness, the seven rays of the Infinite !

The Light, the Sound is One; their action is sevenfold !