Where Do I Blog Now That I Know What Blogging Is?

By: Bruce A. Tucker

What is social networking doing in the marketing world? Social Networking on sites such as Myspace, FaceBook and Multiply were originally intended as a way for us to network with friends, create new ones and catch up with old ones. So why all the fuss in the marketing world over it? Social Networking has become a valuable marketing tool for any business whether marketing a product or service. Here are some tips that should be followed in order to get the most out of your marketing opportunities in this venue.

A. Profile

Many business ventures that attempt to go into the social networking sites do not take the time to fill out a profile. This is a huge mistake. Profiles are one the best ways to introduce yourself or your company to the world. It is important to include links to your website for further information but just as important is a short bio listed here. Tell potential clients about you and your company. Make them feel as though they know you as a friend. Why? To become for example “The source you can trust” you must build that trust somewhere.

B. Allow everyone who requests to be added to your network be added. You never know where your next client may come from. It is sort of like when a consumer walks into a brick and mortar store and they bring a friend who brings a friend who brings a friend. You get the idea.

C. Comments – allow both those on your list and those just visiting to leave comments. Even more important, every time someone leaves you a comment, reply. This builds communication between yourself and your consumers. Again building trust.

D. Blogs – This is a great way for you to self promote your service or product. The key here is not to use it as an advertisement. Let`s say that you sell strawberries. A great blog would be recipes that use strawberries. Your signature box will one more time have your website address on it so they will know where to go buy the strawberries. Let`s say your service is writing business plans. Why not write a blog on the importance of competitive analysis. Blogging is a free way to draw attention to your clients. By ensuring that key words are inserted into your blogs, they will become search able by potential consumers.

E. Groups and Forums – Every social networking site has a group or forum section on it. Join the groups or forums that are relative to your product or service. Post intelligently in either of these and often. See how quickly you will become an authority in your field. The person whom people look to as “a source they can trust”.

A few key reminders:

Write intelligently

Include keywords in all content to ensure search engines will find you Update daily or at very least weekly to keep your name fresh Be sure your web site link is in all signature boxes

Happy networking.

By: Ashira

Edited By: Bruce A. Tucker

Article Directory: Article Wisdom

About the Author:
Ashira is a Free Lance Writer registered with the Florida Free Lance Writers and wrote this article for www.Indocquent.com, an online resource that allows businesses and individuals to post their products and services for sale on over 20,000 blogs.

Ashira can be contacted at ashirarhapsody@yahoo.com or visit her at www.ashira.ws.

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Simple steps to writing a blog

By: Akhil Shahani

As an entrepreneur who has seen his share of success, you probably have a wealth of wisdom founded on practical experience. If you’ve wanted to share your thoughts with others with similar interests, but didn’t have the time or inclination to author a bestselling book, writing a blog is just the thing for you. Indeed, most CEOs are taking to it in a big way. Why not join the gang?

The most important criterion while writing a blog is to do it with passion. The second is to ensure that the content is of high quality. Also remember that getting and holding the readers’ attention immediately is particularly important in blogging. Why? Because there are millions of blogs out there on the internet and there has to be a good reason for someone to stop at your site and stay. Here are some of them:

o Write on a subject that’s close to your heart – For a businessperson that could be technology, employee motivation, business ethics or something else. This topic will be your theme and the more passionate you are about it, the better your writing will be. People read blogs because they are interested in the personal opinions of people like themselves, and therefore, cold, clinical writing won’t hold water.

o Be conversational – Writing a blog is not the same as crafting an academic treatise, so complex, elaborate text is out. Imagine you are talking to a group of friends. Write in a friendly way – do not talk down to them and keep up a conversational tone at all times. That way, you’ll encourage your readers to write back, and that is the true measure of your blog’s success.

o Credit your sources – Never use someone else’s content without giving them due credit. Always acknowledge your sources and link to them; use quotation marks when you write something that is not in your own words and if you want to post a few paragraphs from another site, please ask for permission first. This is not just basic courtesy but will also ensure that you stay out of potential trouble for copyright violation.

o Think before you post – Content is king in a blog. So write thoughtfully and knowledgeably on your chosen subject. Do not rant and rave and make your readers run for cover! Another important point to remember is to stick to your topic; do not digress too much from your intended purpose. You will quickly lose readers if you do.

o Link to interesting stories – If you talk about something interesting that you found online, provide a link to it. Nothing is more annoying to a reader than having to search for a way to get to something on the Net. Be sure to link to articles, books, products, other sites and anything else you mention in your blog.

o Respond to comments – Always, always remember to respond to readers’ comments. Nothing drives away a reader faster than not having his or her comment answered. It also implies that you are a serious blogger and care about what your readers think.

o Write concisely – Give the maximum amount of information using the optimum number of words. An introduction of 250-300 words is usually adequate. Clear, concise writing laced with appropriate humor is sure to win you a big fan following.

o Use catchy titles – The headline should draw the reader in. When writing a blog, take care to use descriptive phrases that reveal the purpose of the article. A reader typically decides whether to continue reading the post or not, by looking at the title of the blog entry. Tell as much of the story as you can in the headline.

o Post regularly – You need to write frequently and regularly to keep your blog fresh and in your readers’ minds. The blogs that attract the most readers are the ones with constant and consistent updates.

o Write effectively – Use bulleted points to draw attention. Insert sub headings and keep the sentences and headlines short and to the point. Use the “inverse pyramid” structure – mention the core ideas first and fill in the details in later paragraphs. The first two sentences should be enough for the readers to decide if they want to continue reading.

o Edit your post – Review your content before posting. Proof-read for typos and glaring grammatical errors. This is also a good time to take an objective look at your writing to ensure that you don’t have something offensive or incorrect in it.

The Web has a way of changing things as we know them. Now, you can have thousands of people read what you have to say on any topic. So, find that passion of yours and start blogging – who knows where it may lead? To a published book, perhaps!

Article Directory: http://www.articlewisdom.com

Hi, I am Akhil Shahani, a serial entrepreneur who wants to help you succeed. Over the years I have run many successful businesses & made many mistakes on the way. I have created www.aykya.com to help you benefit from all I’ve learned on my journey. Please visit us & download our special ‘Freebie of the Month’ as a thank you for your visit.

Blog Tagging. What’s This New Game All About?

By: Lance Brown

In addition to writing articles and participating in forums it seems I have stumbled on to this fun new way of generating back links to your site. I don’t know who came up with this or who started this game but it seems to me the possiblities are endless. I thought I should write an article about it.The game is called “blog tagging.” Here is how you play the game:

You find 5 blogs of similar interest or content as yours and then post a comment to them saying ” you have been tagged ” with a link back to your site. Getting response shouldn’t be hard as people like games if there is something in it for them. At your site you have an explanation something along these lines:

Blog Tagging. What’s It All About?

Ok. Maria did this tagging thing with me. She doesn’t know either who started the game, but it’s a fun and creative way to get links back to your blog. If you get tagged, expect to write a post giving your reasons for blogging, include a link back to the person who tagged you, then tag 5 other bloggers. Personally I blog to get readers to my site and to build friendships. I hope you respond to this tag game.

You’ll notice above I mentioned the person who introduced me to the game. Mentioning their name adds a nice personal touch. You must hyperlink this person’s blog in the text of your explanation. This is easily done in the back office of your blog where you edit your posts. When you write the post you will need to click on compose and then highlight the words you want to hyperlink. In this case it is the name Maria I highlight. Another box will come up where you put in their blog link to their site. Presto! You have followed the rules and finished your explanation of the game.

If you do the math on this you will have a least 25 links to your site for every 5 people you tag. Imagine what would happen if you tagged 2 or 3 people a week for a year. That’s right. Hundreds of back links to your site which the search engines will pick up on where people will be able to find your site.

It occurs to me one can change the topic of the game too. Instead of it being why you blog it could be ” lessons you have learned on the internet ” or ” favorite hobbies ” or ” celebrities I don’t like ” or…well you get my drift. Whatever gets people to respond to your tag. You are limited only by your imagination here.

As anything else you will have to spend a little time checking out other blogs and finding people with similar blog topics as yours. I don’t need to mention blog traffic exchanges but just in case you don’t know about them blogsoldiers is a good place to start. There are many others though. Spend some time with Blogger or WordPress reading other blogs. It’s all about community isn’t it?

I did a little research on the internet to see if anyone had written an article about this game. I couldn’t find much. It may be absolutely new and fresh. Or it may be I am behind the times and this has been around for awhile. I do expect people will see the benefit of this game and run with it. We’ll probably start to see a rash of blog tagging topics. You may want to start your own tag game now. You can use me and my blog as the person who referred you if you want. Much appreciated if you do. I think it is best to keep the game simple and easy to duplicate. Happy blog tagging. I invite your comments and opinions on this topic.

Article Directory: http://www.articlewisdom.com/

Great help with your home business ezmakedollars.blogspot.com Free article writing teleseminars http://www.myarticleexpert.com/
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10 Time-tested, Battle-Hardend Blog Traffic Techniques

10 Time-tested, Battle-Hardend Blog Traffic Techniques

By: Robert Thomson

1. Blog Regularly – many of the top blogs post 10-20 times per day.

2. Create Authority Articles – instead of blogging frequently, post less often but focus on creating Authority Posts — lengthier articles that are really well put together which will attract attention from other bloggers & users of social bookmarking sites like Digg, reddit, etc.

3. Comment on Other Blogs – do not keyword spam in these, but rather use your own name and add value to the conversation.

4. Link Out Frequently to Industry Leaders – show some linklove to other bloggers in your niche. In turn, they might eventually link back if you have a quality post on a topic they have not covered yet.

5. Participate in Blog Carnivals – these are a way for bloggers within a niche to get together and periodically highlight posts from one another’s blogs. You can find an index of these at BlogCarnival.com.

6. Do Guest Posts – not just for A-List bloggers, but B-List and beyond. Be sure to work up some good material first, so as to make a good first impression.

7. Article Marketing – chances are, you’re reading this via a site that syndicated this article using an article marketing script of some sort. Join a site like ArticleMarketer.com and syndicate your articles to thousands of participating sites. If distributed via the web, these sites are required to link back to you via a byline (see below).

8. Social Digging/Mixxing – join sites like Digg, Mixx, Bumpzee, etc. and encourage your users and/or friends to submit your stories.

9. Social Bookmarking – join del.icio.us, Furl, Wink, Backflip, etc and submit your popular articles to these sites to seed them into the community.

10. Use Great Headlines – okay, which sounds better “Some Ways to Get Readers”, or “10 Time-tested, Battle-Hardend Blog Traffic Techniques”. Many readers are particularly fond of “Top X” lists, or “How To …” posts.

Article Directory: http://www.articlewisdom.com

Will Johnson blogs regularly at Pappy’s Shoe Blog, Hakupa, and CelebSpun.

Igne Natura Renovatur Integra

The inscription INRI does not mean Jesus of Nazareth, King of Jews as is widely believed.

It is Igne Natura Renovatur Integra – By fire, everthing is renewed. By Fire is meant the Fire of Truth & Love, the fundamental Agni.

Three types of Fires has been known to occult science.

Jada Agni – Ordinary Fire

Vidyut Agni – Electric Fire

Saura Agni – Solar Fire.

The Solar system is like the Atom. In the Atom, the electrons traverse in elliptical orbits. In the solar system, the planets move in elliptical orbits. Pauli’s Exclusion Principle states that no electrons with the same quantum number can be found or that two electrons can never be the same. In the solar system also, there is one Jupiter and one Saturn. There are no 2 Jupiters and 2 Saturns.

The very fact that there is correspondence between the Atom and the Solar System may lead Physical Science to Solar Fire.

The principle behind the Hydrogen Bomb is fusion. Four atoms of Hydrogen combine to form Helium with a tremendous release of energy.
It is a thermonuclear fusion reaction as heat is released. This is the also the principle behind the Sun. Hydrogen molecules combine to form Helium giving out heat. This principle was known to the Seer Poets. If they had not known the secret behind nuclear and solar fusions, they would not have dared to speak of transformation !

Quantum Physics can shock you !

“Those who are not shocked by the quantum theory have not understood it fully”, said Neils Bohr. What happens in the invisible subatomic realm is not known to Newtonian Physics !

“The stuff of the world is Mind stuff”, said Aurthur Eddington. The course of an electron is uncertain, said Heisenberg. Matter is both solid-like and idea-like, averred De Broglie and Schroedinger.

“What we observe is not Nature herself, but Nature revealed to our method of questioning ” declared Heisenberg.

Quantum Physics is talking mystic language and has reached Transcendental Physics, which maintained that the Universe is a Universe of appearance, hiding behind it the Omnipresent Reality !

Fundamental Principles That Each Blogger Should Know

By: Noel Swanson, 2007-12-29

After going through several blogs and books on blogging, making money out of your blog or website and marketing on the internet, it has been my observation that all bloggers agree on certain things that each successful blogger has religiously followed throughout the years. Here are the principles I observed:

1.) It’s all about passion – Articles you write in your blog should be something that you are passionate about. Topics that you have somewhat achieved a level of expertise in, topics that puts you on fire, topics that makes your eyes wide open when discussed about, topics that awes and amazes you and opens your mouth wide.

2.) Blog for people – Although search engine optimization is something that should be seriously considered by all bloggers, it should not take precedence over people. Blogs should not be all about keywords, tags or any other gimmick out there in order to make sure that we all each get a higher search engine. What is important that people keep coming back to your site because your post actually helps them or is relevant to them. I believe it was legendary marketer John Chow who said “People First before Google.”

3.) Its not how long are your posts, its how many times you post. – What is important about a blog is that it is frequently updated. The length of your post will depend on the topic discussed. It does not matter how long the post are. What is important is how frequently you post.

4.) Blog anyway – Don’t worry about your site statistics or that you still do not have comments on your site. This is especially true for new bloggers. It will probably take a while for search engines to index your site. Traffic will just flow if you don’t stop writing good posts for people.

5.) Be a studious blogger – Bloggers are serious students. They should not stop learning about their craft. You must force yourself to learn more about topics on how to be effective on your blogging, how to bring traffic to your site etc. Remember this, if you stop learning, you stop blogging.

6.) Read, Read Read !!! – What can you possibly blog about if you do not read ? You must have a voracious appetite for learning. You must also have a passion to tell your readers what you have learned.

7.) Be organized, schedule the topics you blog about – Having a blogging schedule will force you to come up with something to blog about. Others may disagree with this idea as they just write on whatever they feel about writing. For me personally, I work best when I submit myself to an organized way of doing things. In addition to that, following a blog schedule will help me have a balanced number of posts on the categories that I blogging on.

8.) Be personal – Inject some humor if you have to ! Your readers must feel as if you they are talking to a pal when they read your blog. The language and words you use should be so understandable that your readers should not have to resort to a dictionary before they could understand what you are trying to say. Explain things in layman’s term as much as possible, even if the subject matter is so technical.

9.) Aim for the best ! – Aiming for the best does not only apply in school or at work, it very much well applies when it comes to blogging. Among other things, you must go over and edit your posts. You must make sure your presentation and layout are user friendly and not an eye sore.

10.) Be a life blogger- Plan to blog for the rest of your entire life. Although there may be monetary considerations, it should only be secondary. Blogging should not be something that you only do temporarily just because you don’t have anything to do right now or something which you do in order to achieve a certain level of richness and afterwards you will then stop blogging since you have already arrived there. As you go about your life, having an attitude of blogging for life will make you further appreciate the suprises that life brings since you will always be looking forward to writing about it and letting the whole world know that this is what life is all about.

Zigfred Diaz blogs regularly about internet marketing, blogging law, leadership, management, finances, investments, technology & faith.

Who Needs T.V. News, Newspapers and Radio News? “Not I!” Says The Happy Human Living In The New World

Who Needs T.V. News, Newspapers and Radio News? “Not I!” Says The Happy Human Living In The New World
by: M6.net

T.V. and radio News got you down? On-line current events and News blogs make being informed a much more enjoyable experience. For many the News on television has become a trying time of the day. Focused mainly on negative events, you may have to wait through the whole program just to hear the one story you were waiting for. If you miss the 6:00 p.m. show, waiting until the late night segment can be a real drag, especially if you’ve got a lot to do, or have to wake up early the next morning.

My friends, there is an answer to this problem: News blogs or on-line current events. You can find all of your favorite broadcasters (E.g.: CNN, BBC) on the Internet, getting up-to-date information at any time of the day or night. You can even read personal journal entries written by multiple correspondents out in the field reporting on several different stories down to the current minute. Instead of hearing all News from one voice (often an irritating one), now you can read different human opinions straight from the scene of interest.

Often News on-line has a section called “themes” which allows the reader to only hear about the specific areas that interest them. No more waiting through several wars to get to the positive story about the current medical breakthrough that could mean a cure for disease, or the technological idea that might mean the end to extreme pollution levels. Like a newspaper, you can go straight to the “jobs” theme and search through all the current employment vacancies available. If you are obsessed with the negative, themes such as “Disaster and Tragedy” and “Crime and Punishment are still readily accessible.

As the News is now on the Internet it has also become an interactive experience in numerous ways. First of all now you can send News stories straight to the News companies yourself! If the story is deemed worthwhile and verifiable, you may even be published. This is also the case with photographers who have pictures of important events. It really means anyone can become a part of the action as a freelance consultant. Some News on-line have “witness” sections where you can tell your story if you happen to have been in the right place at the right time. This option means that we can hear many different views on contentious issues giving a wider perspective to the ‘big picture’.

Some News sites also have interactive sites within. For example, on the BBC News Blog there is a learning site (BBCi Learning) that involves interactive activities and over half a million pages of factual information and resources available for children, adolescents, and adults. There are competitions and all sorts of games to help educate people in any and every area of interest imaginable.

Another great aspect of these on-line News sites is the ability to access archival information. You can watch video and listen to audio recordings of famous historical stories right on the computer. If the day is Feb.3, you can read articles from Feb.3’s from fifty years ago. Looking up any date and year recorded is as easy as pushing a few buttons.

Some services have subscriptions where instead of looking up the website, the News you want is sent straight to your email. Being in the know, and being in the now, has never been such an objective, enjoyable, and simplistic experience as in the 21st century. Partaking in a new perspective on life is what on-line current events and News Blogs are all about.

About The Author

By Jesse S. Somer
M6.Net http://www.m6.net

Jesse S. Somer is a human hoping to help other novices like him see the magic of the world of the Internet.


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Writing Good Blogs

by: Jesse S. Somer

‘Bad blogs have got to go, blogging could be really cool if done properly, maybe even with a pinch of love.’

There’s a lot of blogs out there on the Web, most of which don’t entice one to go back regularly to read updates. What is missing from these on-line journals that would essentially make them ‘good’ blogs? Well, the answers in life usually come down to simplicities. So let’s look at the problem like we were children. Children don’t complicate life with miscellaneous information, and when they speak they tell you straight to the point exactly how they feel and think about a subject.

First of all, we should ask the questions,” Why do blogs exist? And what are they here for?” Well, in an ideal world ‘good’ blogs would help people connect, sharing knowledge and feelings about issues in life. As they are journals written by individuals we would hope that they’d be readable and open to comment by all other people, not just a select group of friends. The key is speaking in a way that is understandable by the masses, get rid of acronyms and local slang that only few will comprehend. Keep the sentences grammatically simple and generally short and concise.

Try to write in your blog as often as possible because if people enjoy reading your thoughts and ideas they’ll want to communicate or at least be filled in regularly on ‘your world’. Ask questions, comment on other blogs of similar content, start communities with others you’ve never met, based on your interests. Keep focused; if your blog is about thoughts on war and peace, keep your thoughts on the latest movie and how hungry you are for somewhere else. The idea is to incite intelligent communication so that in time our collective stockpile of knowledge and wisdom will gradually grow like a tree in fertile soil.

I think of most importance is the fact that you want this journal to be ‘good’ reading. Of course we all have ideas about what genres and styles we like, but writing from your heart and soul is imperative for the connection with others that you’re looking for. Share yourself; don’t hide behind walls of fear of ridicule and judgment. In real life relationships trust, respect, intimacy, and unity are all necessary for a bond to form. It’s the same in the ‘virtual’ world; people want to hear from real people-not just one-sided, highly opinionated arguments from egos that don’t want to hear the ‘other side of the coin’.

Now, in my last article I really tore apart most writers out there, and here I’m giving some pretty complex ideas on how to fix the problem of ‘bad’ writing. In my next article I’ll attempt to go back to the simple basics of how to write for beginners. I hope I haven’t come across as too judgmental, I just truly believe the ‘blog world’ could become a real asset to humanity, and at the moment it’s missing the mark.

Ideas about sentence structure, grammar, paragraphing, using a thesaurus (varying terms used so as not to sound repetitive), whether or not your blog is suitable for a personal or professional approach, are all important to creating a simple and enjoyable read for the blogging visitor. If you are a beginner, please check out my next article on the basics.

About The Author

Jesse S. Somer is a writer hoping to help potential bloggers to write interesting and informative on-line journals.

Article Source : http://www.blogwidow.com/articles/writing_good_blogs.shtml