Under Thee, is the Divine Court ofJustice !


This Multiverse is only an insigniificant expression of Thyself,
O Cause of the Universes, multiverses and Galaxies !\
Even the   Triune Diety know Thy Movements not,
O Substratum, O Base of All , O Prakriti of Moola Prakriti

Hetu Samastha Jagatam Tri gunadhi devyai
Na jnayase Hari Haradhinhi Apyapara
Sarva sraya khila Jagat Jagat Amsa Bhoota,
Avyakrita hi Parama, Prakritisthum Adya

Thou art the Primal Force,
The Primordial Power which willed  all to become.
Thou exist alwyas as Primeval Energy,
Hence known as the P:rimal, as Adya, the First !

Thou rulest the Universal Court of Justice,
We mean the Heavenly Court Above,
Jupiter and Venus donning the garb of Lawyers,
And the fiery ones, Saturn, Mars et al as Punishers !

Poetic Justice is ascribed to Thee !
Thou art extolled as the Greatest Poet,
Great Geometer & Great Artist,
As the heavens shocks one with Celestial Geometry !

Aswini, Magha and Moola,
Constitutte an 120 degree Triangle,
The Path of the Earth around Sun,
Is an ellipse of 360 circumverence !

Sciientists Newton, Laplace & La Grange,
Say the solar system is Chaos,
And will destroy itself,
Due to perturbations and pulls.

Look at Moon ! Earth's gravitational pull,
And Sun's gravitational pull is too much
Let alone the pulls of Jupiter and Saturn,
Venus, Mars, Mercury et al.

Thou becamest the Solar System and Planets,
To dispense Karma to human beings 1
Thou art Mathematical Harmony.
As Above so Below ! As Microcosm, so Macrocosm

We will worship Thee entirely,
Knowing that Thou art Kundaliini coiled,
Which rises to the Sahasrara, the Thousand Petalled,
And grants Cosmic   Consciouness to native !

What is Cosmic Consciousness ? 
In the void of Mind involute,
Universe rises and floats ,
And sinks back into the current !

Mannilla, Vinnilla, Sasankanilla,
Kunnilla, Kundilla, Grahangal illa,
Ellam Chidananda Mahamburasi
Mukkikalanjittu Mudinjupoyi 

What is Dialectical Integralism ?

The world is caught between two powerful DIalectical Systems – DIalectical Idealism of Hegel and the DIalectical Materialsim of Marx.

Marxism is Hegelianism reversed. Spiritual converted to the material.

According to Marx, society is an organic Unity that is dialectically interrelated to the economic conditions. He did highlight the struggle of Being through Self Realisation, through the well known Three Phase Dialectic of Thesis, Anti Thesis & Synthesis.

What is Dialectics, by the way ?

It has been defined as the Art of Logic.

There is a science of Qualities, Chemisty. A Science of Numbers, Mathematics, A science of Liife, Biology et al.

So too, there is a Science of Science whih studies Science, which investigates Science, its subject matter being Science – I call it the Dialectic , the completion of Science in the synthesis of Wisdom !

It is the Scientia Scientiarum and the Arts Artium… the Science of All Sciences & the Art of Arts.

Dange’s son-in-law, Chatopadhya , rose to the occasion and postulated that Communism and Vedanta are the same is his magnum opus ” The Marxist Brahman “. He postulated that the Samatwa Sundara Lokam ( egalitarian world ) which Marx envisaged, has been flourishing in India, long before the entry of Marx ! Look at the Indian Aphorisms like Samam Brahma, Samtvam Yogam Uchyate & Samoham Sarva Bhooteshu.

The problem was solved by Sri Aurobindo, when He postulated that an integration of Matter and Spirit is the solution. DIalectical Integralism !

Spirt shall see through Matters’ gaze,

Matter shall reveal the Spirit’s face !

All mights and greatnesses shall join in Her,

Beauty shall walk celestial on Earth