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Thou existeth as Intelligence in Rishies !
Thou existeth as Prosperity in the Virtuous,
As Turbulence in the Vicious, 
As soft hertedness in Poets,
And as High IQ in Rishies !

Ya Sree Sukrithanam Bhavaneshu Alakshmi,
Paptmanam Kritadhiyam Hridayeshu  Buddhi,
Sraddha Satam Hrida, Kula Bhava Prabhvasya Lajja,,
Ta Tam Natasma  Paripalaya Devi     Vishvam

Code for Computing the Nine Nights, Nava Ratri

use lephe

loca for lsun > 150 .and. lsun < 180 .and. thidhi=”AMAVAS” .and. year(DATE)= year(date())
store date to dt

Today is Black Moon. Also known as New Moon . Amavasua.

Nava Ratri is celebrated on Nine Nights, on the Nine Lunations, after New Moon. In Shukla Paksha or Bright Fortnight. Mark the presence of Fadic No 8, which is 3^3 in all such endevours, Three being the mystical Number of Deity !

Today is Amavasi and this Grand Festival of Nine Nights will start tomorrow. Bengal is Shakteya, TN is Kaumara, Maha is Ganapatya and Kerala is mxed !