Origin of Maths

Laplace opined that the Decimal System, Base 10, originated in India.

Binary, Base 2, is the language of Computer. The Computer is a Western invention. Charles Babbage is known as the Father of the Computer !

Winten Surf and other millenial scientists developed the Internet, another Western invention.

Astronomy and the Sexagesimal Number system, Base 60, originated in India

1 Hour = *60 mins = *60 secs

Same in Arc

1 Degree = *60 mins = *60 secs

We do not know the origins of the Octal, Base 8, Binary 2 or Hexadecimal Number Systems Origin. May be the West.

Shashtiamsa means Sexagesimal., 1/60

The Sexagesimal Division of Time, involved in Astronomy

1 Asu = 4 secs

6 Asus = 24 secs

= = I Vinazhika

60 Vinazhikas = 1 Nazhika, 24 minutes

60 Nazhikas – 24 hours

The Circumference of Ecliptic, Zodiac = 360

Twelvefold Division = 360/ 12 = Rasi = 2 Hours

24 fold Divisin = 360/24 = 15 degrees = One Hour

15 fold Divison = 360/15 = 24 hours , HORA, 24 Horas

1/36 = 360/36, Drekkana, Decanate

360/72 = Jya

360/144 = Dwadasamsa

30 /9 = Navamsa

30/8 = Ashtamsa = 3.75

30/30 = Trimsamsa

30/16 = Shodasamsa

30/10 = Dasamsa

30/5 = Pratibhams


It can easily be proved
That modern sciences
Derive from ancient sciences
As the  Indians say !

Ask any Computer
What is Weekday today
?DOW, Day of Week
And it will return 7 for Sat.

Ask ?Cdow and it will
Return Saturday for today.
Sequential Weekday Order
Is inbuilt in Computers.

From where does this
Sequential Weekday Order
Derive from ? From Astrology
And its concept of Planetary Hours !

Why Monday is after Sunday
Can only be answered by Planetary  Hours
A day is made up of 24 planetary hours
With the weekday lord’s hour being first.

First planetary hour is Saturn’s
As today, 21  11 2020, is Saturday
Sequential Order of Kala Horas
Sun, Ven, Mer, Moo ,Sat, Jup & Mars.

Applying this Sequential Order
We find that 22nd hour ruler
Is Saturn followed by Jup and Mars
And Sun becomes the 25th hour ruler.

So tomorrow the first hour is the Sun’s
Hence called Day of Sun, Sunday !
Dies Sol, Ravi Var, Njayar Azhcha,
Consecrated entirely to the Solar Logos !

No new thing exists on earth
All novelty is zero
Mythology is nothing but Psychology
And vice versa.

Founding fathers of chemistry
Were Alchemists, transmuters
Of baser metals into gold
So Chemistry derives from alchemy.

Alchemy’s concept of Transmutation
Is validated by Chemistry.
Two atoms of Hydrogen combine
To form Helium, in the Sun

This thermo nuclear fusion reaction
Is known as the Secret of the Stars
The Seer Poets assigned great value to stars,
To Suns apart from ours.

This solar fusion is nuclear fusion,
Principle behind hydrogen bomb !
Regarding Trasmutation
Alchemy & Chemistry become one.

Godel’s incompleteness theorem
Made Maths meta mathematical!
Truth is infinite and cannot be represented
By any finite symbolic structure.

( Did not Aurobindo averr
That Truth is vaster
And greater than her forms?
As She remains Herself and Infinite !  )

Instead  of being the Science of Magnitude
Maths is in reality the Science of the Infinite.
Infinity is the Origin, Infinity is the Subtratum,
Being the nature of Being in its pure state.

All sciences derive from the Science of Being as Being,
The First Science, the Adi  Sastra, the Prathama Sastra
Matter is Being, Padartham Brahma, Materia est Deus,
Imply that Science is cent percent Godhead.

The Seven States of Consciousness Hypothesis

The ordinary man lives in three states
Waking, dreaming and sleep dreamless
Transcending these three is the Fourth,
Transcendental Consciousness,Tureeya,

This Tureeya State was conclusively proved,
By Dr Keith Wallace in his PhD Thesis,
” The Physiological Effects of Transcendental Meditation,
A Proposed Fourth Major State of Consciousness”
{ At University of California and Los Angeles, in 1975}.

There are still higher states to attain.
The Fifth is Cosmic Consciousness, Tureeyateeta,

The Sixth is a Glorified State of CC
And the Seventh is Unity Consciousness.

The Vedas were never written,
But were heard and cognised
In higher states of Consciousness !
Hence Apaurusheya, not man made.

Sruthi means that which was heard !
What the Seer Poets intuitively hear
Is only an infinitesimal portion,
Of the Infinite Vedas, Ananta Vai Veda !

In his Meditation, Mahesh Yogi,
Had a Vision of the Divine Mother
Who told him to present
Sastras as Sciences.

Modern sciences are reflections
Of ancient sciences
Research is needed
Integrate them both! 

Aurobindo Hypothesis V 

Integral Yoga =Divine Transmutation of Man.

This is the Ultimate Formula of Wisdom
The Divine Transmutation of Man !
Man is transmuted into something rich and strange
Into Absolute Being, Knowledge and Bliss !

Philosophers were arguing before,
Whether this or that Aspect of His is greater.
By integrating all Four into Integral Yoga,.
Sri Aurobindo solved the problem thus.

The aim of the Integral Yoga, Poorna Yoga,
Is to embrace the Lord in all His Aspects,
And even beyond Aspect ! For, the Lord is the All,
And more than the All ! Stay tuned !

Universal Love is needed in Bhakti Yoga,
Prajna, Discrimination, in Jnana Yoga.
Psychic Control in the Regal, Raja,
Incorporate these three and transcend.

But without His touch nothing can succeed
Only the Touch of That, which is all Becomings,
And yet exceeds all Becomings, can liberate Man,
From the imperfections of his limited .nature.

Transmutation is scientfically possible
Alchemy is the Science dealing with such
Baser metals can be converted into Aurum, Gold
Which is considered as hypothetical now.

Can one element be transmuted into another ?
Yes,by proton bombardment , says Chemistry!
If you add one proton to any element,,
Its Atomic Number changes and becomes another.

Transmutation process is happening in the Sun,
Wherein hydrogen molecules combine to form Helium,
With a tremendous release of energy ,
Which is known as a thermonuclear fusion reaction.

If the ancient Seer Poets of the Vedas
Had not known the secrets of fusions, nuclear and solar,.
They wouldnt have dared to speak of Transmutation,
Transfiguration Divine or Transformation !

Aurobindo underwent Transmutation,
And became Bhagavan Aurobindo.
As Siddhartha became Lord Buddha
And Ramana,Bhagawan Ramana
Posted by G Kumar at 8:21 PM No comments:
Thursday, April 2, 2020

                                       Kerala  Advanced Astrology

hindu zodiac,guruvayur4u,guruvayur,kerala astrology,school of kerala astronomy and mathematics

Calculus, Kerala’s gift to the world 

600 years before Newton and Liebniz, the Kerala mathematicians discovered the Calculus, Calculus or Kalana is said to be Kerala’s gift to Europe ! This truth was unearthed by Dr C J Joseph and Dr CK  Raju, in their books, the Crest of the Peacock and the Cultural Foundations of Mathematics respectively !

KSAM was founded by Madhava and had illustrious mathematicians like Parameshwara, Neelakanta, Jyeshtadeva, Achyuta Pisharady and the poet Melpathur. When KSAM is combined with Astrology, it becomes KSAMA, the Kerala School of Astronomy, Maths and Astrology.

hindu zodiac,guruvayur4u,guruvayur,kerala astrology,school of kerala astronomy and mathematics
hindu zodiac,guruvayur4u,guruvayur,kerala astrology,school of kerala astronomy and mathematics

In the realm of Astrology, Kerala’s gift was the satellite Gulika. Horary Astrology was well developed by the Kerala astrologers. 

Western astronomers do not admit this truth.  

It was an Englishman, Charles Mathew Whish, who brought to the world the genius of Kerala mathematicians in his book “On the Hindu Quadrature of the Circle and the infinite series of the proportion of the circumference to the diameter exhibited in the four Sastras, the Tantra Sahgraham, Yucti Bhasha, Carana Padhati and Sadratnamala” 

It is to be noted that the origin of sine and cos is India. Jya and Koti Jya were the terms used by the Indian mathematicians. The Arabs converted these terms as Jiba and Kojiba. It was wrongly translated into Latin as Sinus and Cosinus and became Sin and Cosine in English. Bhuja Jya means R Sin, Koti Jya means R Cos and Sparsha Jya means Tan x. The Indian inverse functions are Sparsha chapa for Arctan, Bhuja chapa for Arc Sine and Koti Chapa for Arc cos.  

hindu zodiac,guruvayur4u,guruvayur,kerala astrology,school of kerala astronomy and mathematics
hindu zodiac,guruvayur4u,guruvayur,kerala astrology,school of kerala astronomy and mathematics

Aryabhata’s Sine Table was the first Sine Table in the History of Mathematics. The Sine Table of Madhava is similar. When a  360 degree Circle is divided by 4, we get quadrants of 90 degrees each. The Madhava Sine Table can be called the Table of R Sine Differences, as sine values are given for every 3 degree 45 minutes. There are 24 * 3.45 = 90 or 24 R Sines. These tables were used by Christopher Clavius, when he solved the mathematical problem vexing the Westerners ! The Westerners triumphed with the knowledge of Indian Maths and initiated the Gregorian Calendrical Reforms ! 

Tan Tables were also given to mathematical students. The term Jya for 5 degrees was used first by the mathematician, Brahmagupta and we have 6 Jyas of 5 degrees each to constitute a  Zodiacal Sign. The Zodiac is made up of 72 Jyas ( 72*5 = 360 ) and a Quadrant is made up of 18 Jyas ( 18*5 = 90 ). Tan values are given for every 5 degrees but then Tan tables make the mathematical students lazy !

Since there were no computers in hoary times, cowrie shells were used to calculate planetary positions. Paral Sankhya was used. Veda Veda means 44, as there are four Vedas ! Netra Netra means 22, as there are two eyes ! 

hindu zodiac,guruvayur4u,guruvayur,kerala astrology,school of kerala astronomy and mathematics

The genius of Puliyoor Purushotaman Namboothiri condensed the thousands of slokas of the 18 Siddhantas into 1000 odd slokas, called the Ganitha Nirnaya. It is one of the best books on Mathematical Astrology ever written. He was ably assisted by the Maths Professor, Prof Krishna Warrier.

In the Kerala system, 14 major perturbations of the Moon are highlighted and 14 trignometric corrections are done for the 14 lunar anomalies.

After computing the Chandra Madhyamam, the mean longitude of the Moon, after 14 trignometric corrections, the longitude is called Samskrutha Chandra Madhyamam, Samskruthendu.

Chathur dasebhyebhyo balanyabhibhyo
Neethva Thulasadi Vasa Dhanarnam
Krithva tad Indor Apaneeya Thungam
Thado Mridujya phala Samskruthendu

After the fourteen corrections trignometric, tthe longitude of Moon is derived, known as the Cultured Longitude. 

( Ganitha Nirnaya )

Then the Parinathi Kriya or Parinathi Samskara, Reduction to the Ecliptic is done.
Add Sin MTo Cultured LongitudeAfter the fourteen ReductionsDeduct the NodeThen reduce it to EclipticThen we getLuna’s true longitude !

Vikshepa Vritheeya Gatho Vipatha
Thasmannayel Jyam Parinathyabhikhyam
Yugmau pada sarvam idam Vidheyam
Syal Kranti Vritteeya Ehaisha Chandra.

( Ganitha Nirnaya )

There are 400 K verses dealing with Kerala Astrology.  About Astronomy, Maths and Astrology, Siddhanta, Samhita and Hora.

By  Govind  Kumar

The main books of KSAM

Parameswara’s Rule by R C Dutta
Madhava of Sangramagrama by Journal of Kerala Studies
On the Quadrature of the Circle  by C T Rajagopal
Medieval Kerala Mathematics – Archive of History of Science by C T Rajagopal
Laghu Bhaskareeya by Sankara Narayanan
Siddhanta Darpana by Neelakanta
Siddanta Deepika by Parameswara
Tantrasangraha by Neelakanta
Venvaroha by Madhava
Yukthi Bhasha by Jyeshta Deva
Jyothir Meemamsa by Neelakanta
Geometry of Sree Yantra by N C Bolton
Mayoora Shikha ( The Crest of the Peacock ) by Dr Joseph
The Cultural Foundtions of Mathematics by Dr C K Raju
Bharateeya Ganitha
Bharateeya Pari Sthithi
Bharateeya Rasa Tantra  – all by Dr C Krishnan Namboothiri
Badha Deepika by Parameswara
Aryabhateeya Bhasya by Neelakanta Somayaji
Sphuta Nirnaya by Achyuta Pisharodi
Siddhanta Darpana by Neelakanta
Ganitha Adhyaya by Bhaskara
Ganith Nirnaya by Puliyoor
Gola Deepika by Parameswara
Drig Ganitha – By Parameswara
Grahana Nyaya Deepika by Parameswara
Kerala School of Hindu Astronomy by Prof K V Sarma
Geometry in Ancient and Medieval India by T A Saraswathy

On the Hindu Quadrature of the circle and the infinite series of the proportion of the circumference to the diameter exhibited in the four Sastras, the Tantra Sahgraham, Yucti Bhasha, Carana Padhati and Sadratnamala by C M Whish.

These books are based on the gems of Indian Astronomy, Astrology and Maths.

Siddhanta Samhitha Hora 
Angira SiddhantaBhrigu SamhitaParasara Hora
Paulasa SiddhantaSurya SamhitaSurya Hora
Bhrigu SiddhantaBrahma SamhitaManu Hora
Vasishta SiddhantaVyasa SamhitaKashyapa Hora
Chyavana SiddhantaAtri SamhitaNarada Hora
Vyasa SiddhantaPitamaha SamhitaGarga Hora
Lomasa SiddhantaVasishta SamhitaMarichi Hora
Manu SiddhantaChyavana SamhitaAngira Hora
Atri SiddantaAngira Samhita Lomasa Hora
Parasara SiddhantaYavana SamhitaPaulasa Hora
Kashyapa SiddhantaPaulasa SamhitaYavana Hora
Garga SiddhantaParasara SamhitaPitamaha Hora
Narada SiddhantaGarga SamhitaVyasa Hora
Surya SiddhantaKashyapa SamhitaVasishta Hora
Marichi SiddhantaLomasa SamhitaAtri Hora
Pitamaha SiddhantaMarichi SamhitaChyavana Hora
Yavana SiddhantaManu SamhitaBhrigu Hora
Brahma Siddhanta Narada Samhita Brahma Hora

Astrologer G Kumar of  Zodiac Computers brought out a Kerala Astrology Software in 1999, using KSAM algorithms. It is considered to be one of the most accurate softwares in the world.  His  website is www.eastrovedica.com and email info@eastrovedica.com Mobile is 93885 56053. Landline 91 0487 255 2851


                                       Kerala  Advanced Astrology

hindu zodiac,guruvayur4u,guruvayur,kerala astrology,school of kerala astronomy and mathematics

Calculus, Kerala’s gift to the world 

600 years before Newton and Liebniz, the Kerala mathematicians discovered the Calculus, Calculus or Kalana is said to be Kerala’s gift to Europe ! This truth was unearthed by Dr C J Joseph and Dr CK  Raju, in their books, the Crest of the Peacock and the Cultural Foundations of Mathematics respectively !

KSAM was founded by Madhava and had illustrious mathematicians like Parameshwara, Neelakanta, Jyeshtadeva, Achyuta Pisharady and the poet Melpathur. When KSAM is combined with Astrology, it becomes KSAMA, the Kerala School of Astronomy, Maths and Astrology.

hindu zodiac,guruvayur4u,guruvayur,kerala astrology,school of kerala astronomy and mathematics
hindu zodiac,guruvayur4u,guruvayur,kerala astrology,school of kerala astronomy and mathematics

In the realm of Astrology, Kerala’s gift was the satellite Gulika. Horary Astrology was well developed by the Kerala astrologers. 

Western astronomers do not admit this truth.  

It was an Englishman, Charles Mathew Whish, who brought to the world the genius of Kerala mathematicians in his book “On the Hindu Quadrature of the Circle and the infinite series of the proportion of the circumference to the diameter exhibited in the four Sastras, the Tantra Sahgraham, Yucti Bhasha, Carana Padhati and Sadratnamala” 

It is to be noted that the origin of sine and cos is India. Jya and Koti Jya were the terms used by the Indian mathematicians. The Arabs converted these terms as Jiba and Kojiba. It was wrongly translated into Latin as Sinus and Cosinus and became Sin and Cosine in English. Bhuja Jya means R Sin, Koti Jya means R Cos and Sparsha Jya means Tan x. The Indian inverse functions are Sparsha chapa for Arctan, Bhuja chapa for Arc Sine and Koti Chapa for Arc cos.  

hindu zodiac,guruvayur4u,guruvayur,kerala astrology,school of kerala astronomy and mathematics
hindu zodiac,guruvayur4u,guruvayur,kerala astrology,school of kerala astronomy and mathematics

Aryabhata’s Sine Table was the first Sine Table in the History of Mathematics. The Sine Table of Madhava is similar. When a  360 degree Circle is divided by 4, we get quadrants of 90 degrees each. The Madhava Sine Table can be called the Table of R Sine Differences, as sine values are given for every 3 degree 45 minutes. There are 24 * 3.45 = 90 or 24 R Sines. These tables were used by Christopher Clavius, when he solved the mathematical problem vexing the Westerners ! The Westerners triumphed with the knowledge of Indian Maths and initiated the Gregorian Calendrical Reforms ! 

Tan Tables were also given to mathematical students. The term Jya for 5 degrees was used first by the mathematician, Brahmagupta and we have 6 Jyas of 5 degrees each to constitute a  Zodiacal Sign. The Zodiac is made up of 72 Jyas ( 72*5 = 360 ) and a Quadrant is made up of 18 Jyas ( 18*5 = 90 ). Tan values are given for every 5 degrees but then Tan tables make the mathematical students lazy !

Since there were no computers in hoary times, cowrie shells were used to calculate planetary positions. Paral Sankhya was used. Veda Veda means 44, as there are four Vedas ! Netra Netra means 22, as there are two eyes ! 

hindu zodiac,guruvayur4u,guruvayur,kerala astrology,school of kerala astronomy and mathematics

The genius of Puliyoor Purushotaman Namboothiri condensed the thousands of slokas of the 18 Siddhantas into 1000 odd slokas, called the Ganitha Nirnaya. It is one of the best books on Mathematical Astrology ever written. He was ably assisted by the Maths Professor, Prof Krishna Warrier.

In the Kerala system, 14 major perturbations of the Moon are highlighted and 14 trignometric corrections are done for the 14 lunar anomalies.

After computing the Chandra Madhyamam, the mean longitude of the Moon, after 14 trignometric corrections, the longitude is called Samskrutha Chandra Madhyamam, Samskruthendu.

Chathur dasebhyebhyo balanyabhibhyo
Neethva Thulasadi Vasa Dhanarnam
Krithva tad Indor Apaneeya Thungam
Thado Mridujya phala Samskruthendu

After the fourteen corrections trignometric, tthe longitude of Moon is derived, known as the Cultured Longitude. 

( Ganitha Nirnaya )

Then the Parinathi Kriya or Parinathi Samskara, Reduction to the Ecliptic is done.
Add Sin MTo Cultured LongitudeAfter the fourteen ReductionsDeduct the NodeThen reduce it to EclipticThen we getLuna’s true longitude !

Vikshepa Vritheeya Gatho Vipatha
Thasmannayel Jyam Parinathyabhikhyam
Yugmau pada sarvam idam Vidheyam
Syal Kranti Vritteeya Ehaisha Chandra.

( Ganitha Nirnaya )

There are 400 K verses dealing with Kerala Astrology.  About Astronomy, Maths and Astrology, Siddhanta, Samhita and Hora.

By  Govind  Kumar

The main books of KSAM

Parameswara’s Rule by R C Dutta
Madhava of Sangramagrama by Journal of Kerala Studies
On the Quadrature of the Circle  by C T Rajagopal
Medieval Kerala Mathematics – Archive of History of Science by C T Rajagopal
Laghu Bhaskareeya by Sankara Narayanan
Siddhanta Darpana by Neelakanta
Siddanta Deepika by Parameswara
Tantrasangraha by Neelakanta
Venvaroha by Madhava
Yukthi Bhasha by Jyeshta Deva
Jyothir Meemamsa by Neelakanta
Geometry of Sree Yantra by N C Bolton
Mayoora Shikha ( The Crest of the Peacock ) by Dr Joseph
The Cultural Foundtions of Mathematics by Dr C K Raju
Bharateeya Ganitha
Bharateeya Pari Sthithi
Bharateeya Rasa Tantra  – all by Dr C Krishnan Namboothiri
Badha Deepika by Parameswara
Aryabhateeya Bhasya by Neelakanta Somayaji
Sphuta Nirnaya by Achyuta Pisharodi
Siddhanta Darpana by Neelakanta
Ganitha Adhyaya by Bhaskara
Ganith Nirnaya by Puliyoor
Gola Deepika by Parameswara
Drig Ganitha – By Parameswara
Grahana Nyaya Deepika by Parameswara
Kerala School of Hindu Astronomy by Prof K V Sarma
Geometry in Ancient and Medieval India by T A Saraswathy

On the Hindu Quadrature of the circle and the infinite series of the proportion of the circumference to the diameter exhibited in the four Sastras, the Tantra Sahgraham, Yucti Bhasha, Carana Padhati and Sadratnamala by C M Whish.

These books are based on the gems of Indian Astronomy, Astrology and Maths.

Siddhanta Samhitha Hora 
Angira SiddhantaBhrigu SamhitaParasara Hora
Paulasa SiddhantaSurya SamhitaSurya Hora
Bhrigu SiddhantaBrahma SamhitaManu Hora
Vasishta SiddhantaVyasa SamhitaKashyapa Hora
Chyavana SiddhantaAtri SamhitaNarada Hora
Vyasa SiddhantaPitamaha SamhitaGarga Hora
Lomasa SiddhantaVasishta SamhitaMarichi Hora
Manu SiddhantaChyavana SamhitaAngira Hora
Atri SiddantaAngira Samhita Lomasa Hora
Parasara SiddhantaYavana SamhitaPaulasa Hora
Kashyapa SiddhantaPaulasa SamhitaYavana Hora
Garga SiddhantaParasara SamhitaPitamaha Hora
Narada SiddhantaGarga SamhitaVyasa Hora
Surya SiddhantaKashyapa SamhitaVasishta Hora
Marichi SiddhantaLomasa SamhitaAtri Hora
Pitamaha SiddhantaMarichi SamhitaChyavana Hora
Yavana SiddhantaManu SamhitaBhrigu Hora
Brahma Siddhanta Narada Samhita Brahma Hora

Astrologer G Kumar of  Zodiac Computers brought out a Kerala Astrology Software in 1999, using KSAM algorithms. It is considered to be one of the most accurate softwares in the world.  His  website is www.eastrovedica.com and email info@eastrovedica.com Mobile is 93885 56053. Landline 91 0487 255 2851


Frequently Asked Questions 


Q - How many people believe in Astrology?
A - One billion.

Q - Is it a science based on Astronomy and Mathematics ?
A - Yes.

Q - What is the subtle difference between Astronomy and Astrology ?
A - Astronomy is the Science of the Heavens.
      Astrology is the Wisdom of the Heavens.

Q - What is the difference between Science and Wisdom?
A - Science deals with outer life.
      Wisdom deals with inner life.

Q - What is Astrology ?

A - Astrology is the Science of Time.

Q - What is the concept of Time ?

A - The Indian concept of Time stems from the celestial phenomenon of the rotation of the earth round its own axis and movement around the Sun. One constitutes the Celestial Sphere and the other the Ecliptic Sphere.

Q - What is the Western method of computation of planetary longitudes ?

A- The Western method is to find out the Mean Anomaly of the planet, then the true Anomaly and the add to it the Argument of Perihelion to get Theta ( Theta = v + w ). The next step is to reduce it to Cartesian coordinates, x, y and z and then the last step is to reduce it to Spherical coordinates, r, theta and phi.

Q - What is the Indian Method ?

A - The Indian method is to reduce the planet first to the Heliocentric Coordinate System, Manda Kriya, then reduce it to the Ecliptic Coordinate System, Parinathi Kriya and then reduce it to the Geocentric Coordinate System. Sheegra Kriya.

Q - If both methods are different, why some say Indians plagiarised from the Greeks ?

A - Such talk is all rot and nonsense.

Q - What about the dates of the astronomers who computed first ?

A - Parameswara - 15th century Common  Era
      Nilakanta -      16th
      Kepler -            17th
      Laplace -          18th

Q - What is the Hindu Solar Year ?

A - When the Sun enters the First Point of the Sidereal Zodiac, Vishu or the Hindu Solar Year begins. Normally it happens on Apr 14.

Q - How is the date of Easter computed?

A- It is the First Sunday after the Equinoctial Full Moon. The First Thursday after the E F M is Monte Thursday and the First Friday after EFM is Good Friday. 

Q- Is it a coincidence that the Equinoctial Full Moon fell on Vishu Day, on Apr 15th, in 2014?

A - Easter is always proximate to Vishu.

Q - Has Easter anything to do with the Old Pagan Festival of Vernal Equinox?

A - It has.

The Day of Ishtar was celebrated by the Romans centred around the Vernal Equinox. The Old Pagan Festival of Spring Equinox. Ishtar became Easter.

It is to be noted that with the help of Indian Astronomy and Maths, the Western scholars computed the date of Easter, along with loxodromes, latitudes and longitudes,using the sine tables of Aryabhata and Madhava. Christopher Clavius, who initiated the Gregorian Calendrical Reforms, learnt Astronomy and Maths from Pedro Nunes, a Jewish astronomer. Matteo Ricci was sent to India for this purpose !

Q - What is Hindu Lunar Year?

Hindu  Lunar Year is reckoned from Shukla Pratipada, after the Equinoctial New Moon.

Equinox means a day when the day and night are of equal duration. This occurs on Mar 21 and Sep 22, on Spring and Autumnal Equinox days. Normally the diurnal duration and the nocturnal duration are not exactly 12 hours. But on these two days Duration of Day = Duration of Night = 12 hours. Yadha Mesha Thualyo Varthathe thada Ahoratranam Samanani Bhavanti,says Bhagavatha.

Chaitra is the first Lunar Month and Mesha or Medam is the first Solar month.

Chaitra is in other words, the Lunar month, when a solar ingress into Aries or Mesha or Medam takes place. Vishu vakhya ssada Chaitre Jayathe Mesha Sankrama.

Vaishakha is another lunar month which is considered holy, along with Karthika.
Vaishakhe Vrisha Sankranti - Vaishakaha ( starting from Apr 30 ) is the lunar month when a solar ingress into Taurus or Vrishabha takes place.

Karthike Vrischikadhipa - Karthika is that lunar month when a solar ingress into Scorpio or Vrischika takes place.

Karthika is the Hindu Ramazan and like Ramzan, of 41 days duration !

Full Moon means when the Sun is 180 degrees away from the Moon, Pournami.

New Moon means Conjunction of Sun and Moon, Zero Degrees, Amavasya.

Q-  Why is Vishu celebrated on Mesha 2, on Apr 15th, in 2014 ?

A- The Surya Sankrama, Solar ingress into sidereal Aries,  happened at 0830 AM on 14th. And the practice of seeing the Lord or Vishu Kani cannot be effected when the Sun was in Pisces or Meena !
That Vishu brings in climate change, relief from the scorching heat of Kumbha and Meena, Aquarius and Pisces, was proved on Apr 14th  when it rained torrentially in the afternoon and at night !

Q - Whar are the three Hindu  Zero Points of the Zodiac ?

A - The Tropical Zero Point, Zero Degree Aries, Sayana Meshadi

      The Sidereal Zero Point, Zero Degree Sidereal Aries, Nirayana Meshadi

      The Luni Solar Zero Point, Chaitradi

Q - How are these three Hindu Zero Points used in computation ?

A - The Sidereal Solar Year is computed from the Sidereal Zero Point, the Lunar Year from
the Luni Solar Zero Point and the Tropical Solar Year from the Tropical Zero

Q - Is Astrology related to Astronomy and Mathematics?

A -  Yes it is. It is based on these two sciences.

Q - Why there is calumny against Astrology ?

A -  The base of calumny is ignorance.

Q -  What is the function of Astrology ?

A -   It is a Light in Darkness, Thamaseeya Deepah. It is a science which was revealed to the Seer Poets in higher states of Consciousness. 

Q -  What is Natal Astrology?

A -  It is the analysis of the map of the heavens at the time of birth.

Q - What is Horary Astrology ?

A -  It is the analysis of the map of the heavens at the time of  query.

Q - What is Electional Astrology ?

A -  It is the analysis of the map of the heavens at the time of  the Event.

Q -  What about Remedial Astrology ?

A  -  Astrology is based on the Grand Law of Causation, the Law of Cause and Effect, the Universal Law of Karma. All sufferings are caused by transgressions of universal laws.  There are two types of Karma. positive and negative. 

Know that which ye sow ye reap ! See yonder fields,
The Sesamum was sesamum, the Corn was corn
The Silence and the Darkness knew
So is a man's Fate born !
(Light of Asia) 
For negative Karma, we advocate divine remedial measures like Fasting Therapy, Mantra Therapy, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga et al. This will save the client both psychologically and spiritually. Thath  Shanti Oushadha Dhyana Japa Homarchanadhibhi. 

Q-   Why is in India Siddhanta, Samhita and Hora ( Astronomy, Maths and Astrology ) inseparable ?

A -   In India, many sciences are inseparable. This is the Law of Epistemic Correlation, that all branches of knowledge are inter related. Astronomy is the Science of the Heavens, Astrology is the Wisdom of the Heavens and Mathematics, the science of magnitude ! 

Q - What is the rationale behind Medical Astrology ?

A- Medical Astrology is that branch of Astrology dealing with Health. The 12 Signs of the Zodiac are linked to the Twelve Limbs of the body. The Ascendant rules the Head and the 12th House, the Feet. Medical Astrology, if incorporated in Astrology Software, can be of immense help in relieving patients' of their misery.

Q - Is Astrology a sister science to Ayurveda ?

A - Yes. Since the Zodiacal Signs represent the Five Elements ( Ether , Fire, Air, Earth & Water ), the ancient astrological savants assigned everything in the Universe to a planetary ruler, and considered all as the manifestation of the Elemental Five and their respective qualities - hot and dry, cold and dry, hot and humid , cold and humid. Jupiter rules "Kapha" and the Sun "Pitta' ( the three humors of Ayurveda ). These elements were understood in a physical & metaphysical sense, as per the principle " As Above, So Below ". Many body constitutions are defined in Ayurveda. The Phlegmatic ( predominance of Kapha), the Bilious ( preponderance of Pitta ) & the Windy ( predominance of Vata ). There are 4 types of Body Constitution in Western Holistic Medicine - Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric and Melancholic. Medical Astrology here becomes Ayurvedic Astrology, analysing the human body made of Vata, Pitta and Kapha and the seven gross tissue elements, all ruled by the Nine Revolving Heavens.

Q - Are the Seven Planets related to the Three Humours of Ayurveda ?

A - Yes. Here is the correspondence.
Jupiter	Kapha
Sun	Pita
Moon	Vata & Kapha
Mercury	Pitta, Vata & Kapha
Venus	Vata & Kapha
Saturn	Vata

Q - What is the intuitively revealed Original Verse or Pramana about this correspondence between the Triune Humours and the Seven Revolving Heavens?

Vatham Pittayutham Karothi Dinakrith
Vatm Kapham Sheetagu
Pittam Bhoomi Sutha, Tadha Sasisutha
Vatam cha Pittam Kapham
Jeevau Vata Kaphau  Sithaanila Kaphau
Vatam cha Pittam Shanee
Poorne Indu sthithi rasi natha Kathitham
Poornam Kapham Thoyabhe.


Compiled  By  Govind  Kumar