Namas, Names of the 30 Chandra Dinas, Thithi

Nomen derives from Nama and we will deal with the nomenclature of Lunar Days,

Lunar Day = 12 degrees. Also known as Elongation and Kala of Chandra.

A Lunar Month = 29.5 days

A Lunar Year = 354 days

In the West, Lunar Year begins from date of the Equinoctial Full Moon. In the North also.- Poornmant

In the South, from th Equinocital Black Moon _ Amavanta

So Moon has 15 lunations or Lunar Days

15*12= 180

Forgive our Three Mistakes !

In our Ignorance, we had limited the Illimitable Thee within the 4 walls of a Devalaya.

We defined the Indefinaber, mahat bhuta Anirvachaneeya Roopa !

We described the Indescribable Thee in our Nescience, Ajnatva Te Mahatvsam yadiha nigadhidam Viswanatha Kshameda .