Forgive our Three Mistakes !

In our Ignorance, we had limited the Illimitable Thee within the 4 walls of a Devalaya.

We defined the Indefinaber, mahat bhuta Anirvachaneeya Roopa !

We described the Indescribable Thee in our Nescience, Ajnatva Te Mahatvsam yadiha nigadhidam Viswanatha Kshameda .

The Divine, Celestial Government and Executrix of Universal Justice Above !

In that Celestial Government Above, 
Sun is the King, and Moon, the Queen,
Prince, Mercury and Leader, Mars
With Jupiter and Venus Opposing Ministers,

And Saturn, the cunning Messenger, 
Different Propeties  are given ! 
T he Soul of Cosmic Man, the Sun,
And Moon signifyimg Mind Omnipotent

Sol and Luna, beautifully combined,
Prachanda Soorya, Spruhaneeya Chandrama
Strength, Mars, Speech Mercury,
Jove, Wisdom and Happiness divine.

Sensual pleasures, the fair Venus
And Saturn diseases, degeneration, death,
Sorrow existential , the first Noble Truth,
Dukham Dinesatmaja 

Planets impel, they do not compel  - Dante

Lo caelo e vostri movimenti initia - Stars initiate our movements -  Dante

Jupiter signifies Geometry, Saturn, Astronomy. The Seven Revolving Heavens represent the Seven Liberal Arts.

One of the greatest sciences and one of the noblest professions. 

I see in the Torch of Jove the kindling of Love
The  aspect of thy Son, Hyperion, I there endured,
How Maia ( Mercury )  and Dione ( Venus ) dance above and near them,
The tempering of Jove with his father ( Saturn ) and child ( Mars )   Dante

Charlatans have brought India;s great stellar science to its present disrepute.If ignoramuses misread the Heavens and see there a scrawl instead of a script, that is to be expected in this imperfect world                    -                                       Sri Yukteswar, Guru of Yogananda

Astrology als Wissenschaft, Is Science, Is Mathematics, Is Meta[hysics !