Mother India to all – through Sanskrit, mother of Europe’s languages. Devata became Deity !

Art is grandchild of Deity – Dante

A little Science ( Philosophy ) inclineth man’s mind to Atheism, but depth in Philosophy to Religion. For while mind of man looketh at second causes scattered, it may rest in them, advancing no furthur.

But when it beholdeth the chain of them. confederate and linked together – it must needs fly to Providence & Deity – Francis Bacon

Grace us, O Divine Parents !

The Mother Divine born in the Heavens,
And Her little Naughty Child, 
And her Lord, the Mighty One,
Grace us to make this  ritual effective !

Unni Ganapathy Thamburanum,
Vinnil Piranna Bhagavatiyum,
Mangala Athira Pooja Cheyvan,
Njangale Ennum Kathidane !

MIthya became Myth and Mythology

Scientific Principles are contained in Myths – Francis Bacon, De Sapientia Vaterum

Mythology is Psychology in ancient dress.

Psychology is Mythology in modern dress.

The greatest spiritual truths cannot be taught to men, save through allegory and symbol, myth and sacrament.

All Mythology is allegorical. They are,different from Epic Poetry, Itiha Asa ( which so happened ). In fact, there are seven branches of Poetry.

The Pastoral

The Eegiac

The Iambic

The Allegorical



& Epic.