Thou art the Atom, Anu iti Bhagavan !

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Kanada propounded the Fivefold Atomic Theory that Matter is made up of Five types of atoms - the Aqueous Atoms, the Etheric Atoms, the Aerial Atoms, the igneous atoms and the Terrene Atoms, corresponding to the Great Elemental Five.

Indian Philosophy averrs that along with these Atoms of the Elemntals Five, the Five Subtle Elements, Pancha Tat Matras, Roopam, Rasam, Gandham, Shabdam & Sparsam - also evolved from the Cosmic Man, the Virat Purusha !

The Dichotomy between Science & Religion arose in the mighty West. It toucheth not the East. Our aim is to integrate both. Also to integrate the Dynamic West and the Contemplative East.

East and West will never meet ! East and West will ever meet ! A Union of Inner
Freedom and Outer Mastery !

To the East, Matter is Brahman, Materia Est Deus, Annam or Padartham Brahma.

Verily, the Lord did not create the world. He became the world. He is all this that is.

All this is Brahman alone, all this magnificent Universe- averr the Upanishads.

Kanada, who promulgated Vaisheshika System of Indian Philosophy, postulated that   Atoms have positive and negative charges contained in them, Anu Dau Parmanu Syat and that they are made up of proton, electron and Neutron, Thrisaranu Thraya Anava Smritha. 

The Sequential Order of the Elements

We find that the Five Great Elements evolved out of the Absolute Self, in order of density. Ether evolved first, being the least dense. Then the more dense Air, then more dense Fire, then the more dense Water and then finally, the most dense Earth. ( From this Diagram we can get the sequential order of the Five Elements, if we count backwards from Pisces to Virgo ).

" Matter is the final precipitate, the ultimate product of densificaton of Consciousness wrought out through successive planes " -  Aurobindo.

Matter is veiled somnambulist Consciousness, which contains within it, all the latent powers of the Spirit. In every atom, in every molecule, there lies hidden and works unknown, all the Omniscience of the Eternal and Omniptence of the Infinite.

Then the Five Subtle Essences,
Sabda, Sparsa, Roopa, Rasa and Gandha,
Corresponding to the Elemental Five,
Evolved out of Thee !

Shabdath Vyoma, thata Sasarjitha vibho
Sparsam thadho marutha
Thasmath Roopa matho mahotha cha rasam
Thoyancha Gandham Maheem

Sound  Absolute art Thou ( Shabda Brahman),
Also the all Devouring Time,
The Causeless Cause of the Universe,
The Self of the Philosophers,

In Spinozist system, Natura Naturans,
Creative Nature to Soul unfold,
The Primal, Primordial Nature,
Para Prakriti, Moola Prakriti, Nature Divine !

Sabbda Brahmeti Karmyethy Anu iti Bhagavan,
Kala Ityalapanti,
Tvam ekam Vishwa hetum sakalakala maya taya
Sarvadha Kalpyamanam
Vedantai rattu Geetham, Para Purushatmikam tattu sarvam,
Preksha Matrena, Moola Prakriti
Vikriti Hril Krishna ! Tamsay Namaste !