The Trinitarian Unity – Immanence, Transcendence & Cosmicity

The threefold designation of the Absolute is Om, Tat and Sat -  Om Tat Sat iti Nirdeso Brahmanastrividha Smritha !

Father, Son and Holy Spirit is its parallel - in nomine patrus et feeli spiritus sancti.

God, the Father, is Sat,  the Absolute Unmanifested, existing transcendentAL TO VIBRATORY creation.

God,the Son, is Tat, the Christ Consciousness immanent in vibratoryy creation.

God, the Holy Spirit, is AUM, the Cosmic Force which upholds the Cosmos through 
vibratory creation.

The Sankshya System of India averrs that there are 24 principles and the 25th is 
Purusha, Time. 

Everything is created by Time ( Sarvam Kalena Srijyante )

Everything is preserved by Time ( Sarvam Kalena Palayante)'

Everything is destroyed by Time ( Sarvam Kalena Samhriyante )'

These Creative, Preservative & Destructive aspects of Purusha are called Brhma, Vishnu and Siva