The Super Cosmological Cycle of 3.1104 trillion years !

Revealed to the Indian Seers in yogic flashes of heightened Consciousness,
Hindu Astrology was developed strictly on scientific laws. Backed up by Astronomy and Maths, Astrology continues to rule as the Queen & Mother of all Sciences.

Astro Cycles Theory,astro cycles theory, yuga cycles, 311 trillion years, brahma day, brahma cycle

Long Astro Cycles have fascinated mankind. This is the  Hindu perspective of Astro Cycles.

The Vernal Equinoctial Point was found to precede one degree in every 72
years. Hence as one Zodiacal Sign is 30 degrees in length, 2160 years is
the duration of an Age Cycle. We are at the moment undergoing the Piscean Age which will give way to the Aquarian in 2444 AD.  It is called
the Piscean Age because the Vernal Equinoctial Point is passing through
Pisces and is at the moment 06 degrees 40 minutes 24 seconds in Pisces.

Age Cycle                               ( 72*30)                     =            2160 years
Precessional Cycle            (72*360)                    =            25920 years ( as the Zodiac is 360 degrees )
Equinoctial Cycle              (2000*2160)             =              43,20000 years

Cosmological Cycle          ( 2 million * 2160 ) =              4.32 billion years

One Cycle of Brahma      = 100 Brahma years

One Day of Brahma         = 4.32 billion years

Hence one Super Cosmological Cycle or 

Maha Manvantara = 4.32*2*365.25*100 = 3.1104 trillion years  

You get the Fadic No 9 for all these numbers ( For ex 3+1+1+0+4 = 9

So is the Circumference = 360

Radius in degrees = 57.324

Radius in minutes= 57.324 *60 = 3438

Radius in seconds= 57.324 *60 *60 = 206265

Incidentallt No 9 is the Number of Materiality or Man !

One Cosmological Cycle ( Brahma Kalpa) was considered to be one
Brahma Day and another 4.32 billion years was considered to be
one Brahma Night. One Cosmological Cycle was one thousand
Equinoctial Cycles ( Chatur Yugas) or 2 million Age Cycles!

The  Hindu  Calendar – Based on Equinoctial Cycles

An Equinoctial Cycle comprises of 4 Ages.

Satya Yuga        
           =            800 Age Cycles
Threta Yuga                =            600 Age Cycles
Dwapara Yuga            =            400 Age Cycles
Kali Yuga                      =            200 Age Cycles


Maha Yuga                     =             2000 Age Cycles
( Equinoctial Cycle )