The Seven Branches of Poetry

The Poet is he,
Who perceives the Celestial Diameter,
He knoweth all Science,
Kavihi Kranta Darshee.

There is no Philosopher,
Who is not a Poet,
He posseses a golden heart,
Na RIshee Kavihi

Only he wins the war celestial,
Happening in our bosom,
Where Adversity and Prosperity meet,
Where Vidya and Avidya clash.

The dark forces of Avidya,
The Dark Form of Diti,
Is ultimately overcome,
Granting him Self Actualisation

He then writes his experiences
To enlighten the benighted humanity
His poetic verses will not pass away,
Kavyam Kalpantara Sthayee !

The Elegiac

The Pastoral

The Iambic

The Allegorical – Mythology – Pura Api Navam – Puranam – 18 Mythological Treatises

Epic – Itiha Asa – It So Happened – EPIC Poetry – 100 K Verse MBH & 24 K verse RY