They were heard ! Srooyate iti Sruthi !

They were heard ! In higher states of Consciousness

They were never written ! What ?

Vedas !

Now we understand what Vivekananda meant when he said ” By Vedas no books are


Or the esoteric meaning of the statement ” The Gita is a not a Book “.

Gita is allegorical, symbolic. Lord Krishna is our Self and the Song Celestial is nothing bu the Self’s instructions to the discriminative intellect, Arjuna !

That mass of infinite Knowledge is infinitely infinite and absolute in Its Infinite Nature.

What the Rishies hear is only an infinitesimal portion of the Infinite Vedas , Ananta Vai Veda.

All Wisdom and Knowledge have been breathed forth from Him. They are the Breath of the Eternal !

This is the esoteric meaning behind the statement they come from Heaven ! Whether it be

the Sanskrit Veda, the Arabic Quran or the Greek Biblia, they are not man made, they are divine in Origin ! Descendit e Caelo, they cometh from Heaven!

I bow down to Him who breathes out the Veda, Yasya Nisvasitam Veda !