“You have held the World Cup, my son “

Aussies were staring at defeat and then Steve Waugh was dropped by Gibbs. Waugh told GIbbs ” You have just dropped the World Cup, my son “.

On the contrary, Surya just caught the World Cup, in one of the greatest catches in cricketing history, matched only by Kapil’s catching of Viv Richards !

It is the Enemy’s Enemy who doth Justice !

Prophet Jeremiah =- Tibet, India ( as she was not militarily capable of prevention of the Chinese takeover. in 1959).

” I am seated in the hearts of all and overrule their actions and words. It is I who am doing all this. I am giving India her freedom ( said in 47) and India exist for Dharma & World Peace”.

Jeremiah asks the Lord ” Why are they so secure that tread treacherously?” ( about crooks thriving and good people suffering “)

Says the Lord – ” I am eternally with thee, to deliver thee “.

King Zedekiah – China

King Nebuchadnezzar – The US, with her mighty Air Force ( 13000 war planes ) , backed by the powerful Indian Army ( 5 million ) , liberates Tibet !