Great is the Donation of Knowledge, Vidya Daanam Maha Daanam !

There is nothing more sacred than Wisdom, Na hi Jnanena Sadrusham pavitram iva vidyate.- The Song Celestial / Holy Geeta 

Wisdom is greater than riches, all things desirable are not compared to Her - Solomon

The ink of the scholar is holier than the blood of the martyr. He who reads is handsome in the Sight of God -  Holy Quran

What is Philosophy ? It is the completion of Science in the synthesis of Wisdom- Wysterlung.

Science is Organised Knowledge 
Wisdom is Organised Life          - Immanuel Kant

Properties of the Dark Age, Kali Yuga.

Biblically, this is the reign of the Anti Christ - of base passions and materialism

Truth on the scaffold, 
Wrong on the Throne !

Vedically, this is the reign of the Dark Force, that of the Dark Form of Diti

Nirveerya Prithvi, Niarushadi dasa

Neeha Mahatvam Gata

Rajanortha Paraynana,

Prathidinam Vipra Vikarma Sthita !

The Dark Aspect of Man should be conquered by his Positive Aspect. That is why it is said that the greatest conquest is the conquest of One Self !