Indestructible is Being, Aksharam Brahma !

Destructible Being - Apara Brahman
Indestructible Being - Para Brahman

In Hegel,

Relative Being = Destructible Being, Apara Brahman
Absolute Being - Indestructible, Para Brahman

In Hegel,

Being determined, Being conditioned = Relative Being = Becoming
Being Absolute = Being.

These definitions of two great terms, Being and Becoming,  used in Wisdom should be known to every student.

This verse from the many, millions of transcendental verses, confirm above

Dwavumau Purushau Loke
Kshara Akshara eva cha
Kshara Sarvani Bhootani,
Koodasthokshara Uchyate.

           -- The Song Celestial, Geeta 
Sir Edwin Arnold, Knight Commander of the British Empire, averred,

So have I writ its Wisdom here,
Its hidden Mystery,
For England ! O our India,
As dear to me as She !

Peace be upon him !

All Knowledge is threefold, Thraigunya VIshaya Veda !

Transactional Analysis deals with Parent,Adult and Child.
Ayurveda with Vata, Pitta and Kapha
Transcendental Physics with Matter, Energy and Consciousness
Vedanta with Satwas, Rajas and Thamas
Christianity with Father, Son and the Holy Ghost
Hinduism with Om. Tat and Sat.

We have written in our columans that an Equinoctial Cycle is 43,20000 years, with Fadic No Nine and a Cosmological Cycle 4.32 billion years ( FN 3 ), 360 circumference,Radius of 57.324 degrees, 3438 minutes and 206265 secs all smack of Fadic No 3.

Also the Brahmic cycle of 311.04 trillion years !

9 is the Number of Materiality or Man !

Which is the Square Root of i Three !

In other words,3 is sacred and is the Number of Deity !

Thrailokyam Bhavayantam Thrigunamayam idam Thryakshara seva Vachyam !

Hence the statement of the Lord in Song Celestial, Geetha, Thraigunya Vishaya Veda !