Living Body-Dead Body = Soul; Pranan Brahma

In our tradiition, we say without the Life   Force one is dead ( Without Siva one is Sava)) and this was beautifully expressed as an equation by the great Shaw.

Living Body-Dead Body = Soul; Pranan Brahma.

Shaw was influenced by Heri Bergson and his concept of LEvolution Creatrice, Creative Evolution. Everything is done by CE and its errors are the Problem of Evil !

Another influencer was Dr Annie Besant, who consecrated her life to the Eternal Law, and who held that the Eternal Law was indeed great ! 

Universal Law and World Peace !

God's Universal Law,
Gave to Man despotic Power !

Will Man's Power of Love,
Overcome his own love of power !

Man is vicious by nature, said Shaw and supreme goodness means supreme martyrdom.

The Noble Indian Civilization

Bernard Shaw opined that  all prophets were killed in their own lands ( Jesus, Socrates. Bruno, Mansoor et al ). May be this is true in other civilizations, but not in the Indian !

For instance, Satya Sai Baba declared Aham Brahmasmi and he has millions of followers worldwide. Same is the case with Amma & Sri Sri. Ramana Maharshi & Aurobindo are considered as Sages who reached Brahma Padam. In other words, Indian Civilization has only revered its prophets !

And, if her detractors want to call that Doctrine “ Hindu Supremacy Ideology “, it is their privilege !
In Indian Civilization, no one packs off one’s parents to Old Homes. Parents are revered  and respected, and even after they move to the Subtle Physical Universe at death, they are honored with Pithru Tarpana.