Pushya Solar Transit devastates Kerala !

Kerala is reeling under Pushya fury.

NOOA had predicted El Nina, which mean Floods in Inda.

Pushya Njattuvela is described by KSAM as destructive, Has Kerala forgotten her own Njattivela Calender ?

Julius Caesar was warned about the Ides of March ( Ides of Mars ).
His wife, Calpurnia had a nightmare and she told him not to go the Senate. He replied ” Danger knows fully well, that Caesar is more dangerous than he AND the valiant tastes Death but once !

Tipu Sultan was also warned by astrologers.

Humans beings do not normally follow Wisdom. Wisdom and Understanding lay hid from the eyes of all the living.

What ! Counsel ! when did Man esteem it,

Wise words on hard ears are but lifeless lore !
– Goethe