Transpersonal Astrology

We find many correlatives between Western Psychological Astrology and Indian Spiritual Astrology. The Western system is more psychological than the Indian. The Indian is more spiritual than the Western.

It is to the credit of Western Astrology that it has created Transpersonal Astrology, based on Maslow’s Transpersonal Psychology.  Humanistic Astrology is based on Carl Roger’s Humanistic Psychology. And Depth Astrology  based on Depth Psychology, based on the Freudian and the Jungian systems.

Transpersonal Astrology maintains that Astrology is transpersonal in nature. That is Astrology deals with the Need Hierarchy Scale and here are the functions of the planets fulfilling those needs.

Mars & MercuryPhysiological Needs
SaturnEsteem Needs
VenusLove Needs
JupiterSelf Actualisation
JupiterSelf Transcendence


The drive of Mars & Mercury is to get the basic physiological needs of Man, food, clothing and shelter.  Mars is a mundane planet and his concentration is on the specific and the immediate, in direct contrast to Jupiter, who focusses on things heavenly. Saturn drives towards esteem needs, the need to be recognised in society. Those who are indulging in Social Service will have a powerful Saturn in their horoscopes. It is Venus, the planet of Love, who drives towards love needs. Every one wants to be loved and Venus tends man to the romantic and the mundane. The heavenly needs, like Self Actualisation and Self Transcendence are fulfilled by Jupiter. Jove tends towards Knowledge, both worldly and divine. Towards all sciences and all arts, which are represented by Him. Philosophy, Mythology, Religion, Astronomy, Maths, Astrology – all these have been hailed as divine sciences and a powerful Jupiter tends the native towards these celestial branches of Knowledge.

The word Mind is derived from the Sanskrit ” Mana”.  According to Yogic Psychology, Mind is the sole cause of bondage and Liberation, Mana eva manushyanam karanam bandha mokshayo.

Table of Hours – Aus / Inasupicious


Ardra 377 426 
Aslesha 426 475 
Anuradha 475 525 Uthamam 
Magha 525 574 
Dhanishta 574 623 Uthamam YES 
Poorvashad 623 672 
Uthrashada 672 721 
Abhijith 721 771 Uthamam 
Rohini 771 820 Uthamam 
Jyeshta 820 869 Uthamam 
Vishakham 869 918 
Moola 918 967 
Satabhisha 967 1017 Uthamam 
Pooram 1017 1066 
Uthram 1066 1115 Uthamam 
Ardra 1115 1162 
Poorvabadr 1162 1209 Uthamam 
Utharabhad 1209 1255 Uthamam 
Revatii 1255 1302 Uthamam 
Aswini 1302 1349 Uthamam 
Bharani 1349 1396 
Karthika 1396 3 
Rohini 3 49 Uthamam 
Mrigasira 49 96 Uthamam 
Punavasu 96 143 Uthamam 
Pushya 143 190 Uthamam 
Sravana 190 237 Uthamam 
Hasta 237 283 Uthamam 
Chithra 283 330 Uthamam