Lunar derives from Stellar !

Names of lunar months,
Derive from stellar sources,
Chaitra derives from Chitra,
Aaswina from Aswini.

A Full Moon means,
Sun opposing Moon
When Moon is in Libra, Chitra,
Sun has to oppose in Aries !

During Chaitra, Sun Moon Opposition
Occurs , when Vishu is celebrated
Vishu vakhya sada Chaitre 
Jayathe Mesha Sankrama

The Sacred Viashakha derives
From the Jupiterian VIshakha
When Full Moon in Scorpio
Opposes Sun in Taurus.
( Vaishakhe Vrisha Sankranti)

Sankranti in Sanskrit means,
Solar Ingress in English,
Solstice in Latin,
And Somkran in Thai.

More at

Free Source Codes

Free Source Codes – computation of Rahu Kala at

Free Source Codes – computation of Rahu Kala at

Source Codes for Computing Rahu Kal

SET safe off
set talk off

use rahu

store rise to risex
store set to setx
store day to mday

ddur = (setx+720) – risex

?”Dayduration “, ddur

rdur = ddur/8

risex = risex /100

xyz = risex – int(risex)
risez = int(risex)60 + xyz100

?”Rise”, risex
?”Rise in Mins “, risez


do case
case mday = ‘Monday’
store risez + rdur to rkstart

case mday = ‘Saturday’
store risez + 2*rdur to rkstart

case mday = ‘Friday’

 store risez + 3*rdur to rkstart

case mday = ‘Wednesday’

 store risez + 4*rdur to rkstart

case mday = ‘Thursday’

 store risez + 5*rdur to rkstart

case mday = ‘Tuesday’

 store  risez + 6*rdur to rkstart

case mday = ‘Sunday’

 store  risez + 7*rdur to rkstart



rkstart = rkstart/60

n1 = int(rkstart)
z1 = (rkstart-n1)*60
n2 = int(z1)

if n2 = 60
n2 = 0
n1 = n1 +1

set alter to rahukal.txt
set alter on

? ‘RahuKala starts from’, n1, n2,”for a duration of”, rdur

close alter

rdurx = rdur/60


m1 = int(rdurx)
x1 = (rdurx-m1)*60
m2 = int(x1)

if n2 = 60
n2 = 0
n1 = n1 +1

rkend = n1+1


x2 = n1 +1

if n2+int(x1)>= 60
x2 = x2+1

set alter to ra.txt
set alter on
?”Rahu Kala”

? n1,n2, “to”,x2,(n2+int(x1))%60

close alter

use rahu

repl starthours with n1
repl startmins with n2
repl endhours with x2
repl endmins with (n2+int(x1))%60