Free Codes for Computing Brahma

Q- What are Muhurtas?


When a day of 1440 minutes,
Is divided by 48 which is the duration,
Of auspicious Time Muhurta,
We get Muhurtas thirty.

15 Diurnal Muhurtas,
Reckoned from Sunrise,
And 15 Nocturnal Muhurtas,
Reckoned from Sunset.

Each M is presided by a Star,
And so 30 stars rule 30 Ms.
The 16 Annabha stars are auspicious,
The rest 11 not.

Start and End are given in minutes,
To make computation easier.
To get Muhurta/ Electional Ascendant,
And auspicious Electional Time.

A powerful benefic rising,
Like Jupiter and Venus,
Least Doshas with Ascendant auspicious,
All these are great benedictions !

Brahma Muhurta is defined as the penultimate Muhurta before Rise
and is given by the Equation

B M = Sunrise – 96 minutes to Sunrise – 48 minutes

Sunrise varies from day to day and from latitude to latitude.

Q _ How do we compute Brahma Muhurta ?

A -Suppose Sunrise = 06.30 AM, Convert Sunrise time into minutes

6*60+30 = 390 minutes

risem = 390 min

rm = 390

Brahma Muhurta is the penultimate Muhurta, amongst the 30 Muhurtas ( 30*45=1440 mins = 24 hours )

In other words. Brahma M occurs in the 29th Muhurta, after 28 Muhurtas ( 28*48 )
have elapsed or after 1734 minutes have elapsed.

viz Elapsed Time = 390 + (28*48)

Elapse , e = 28*48 minutes from Sunrise

Expunge multiples of 1440

= 1734%1440

= 294 minutes

= 4 h 54 A M to 05 42 A M