The Superconscient Pull 


The Upward Mental Pull,
Is Nature at her accelerating best !
In minds sattwo-rajasic, impassioned upwards,
( Occuring in evolved Sages ),
It is the master pull of Nature !
From Death to Self Actualisation,
( Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya ),
It pulls us with vehemence !
Fulfilling the evolutionary appetite,
Is this Superpersonal Pull !
Realising the Luminous Kingdom of Heaven,
In this ephemeral, animal body of earth
Fulfilling the Eternal Verity and Paradox,
Of a Divine Life in an animal body !
A plenary supramental illumination,
It does effectuate.
Infinite Freedom in stress transitory,
It does achieve.!
It does liberate,
Aspirant from suffering emotional,
Mental agitations and pain physical
Make a strategic retreat.
It is the Pull of the Guru,
Inspiration that pulls thee,
Making thy soul curious,
About its pregnant meeting with Infinity !
Tum Hi Prerana, Tum hi Sadhana,
Tum Hi Aradhana, mere samb Siva !
Prem ho tumhi Karuna ho Tumhi,
Moksh ho tumhi mere samb Siva !
This superconscient Pull,
Deriveth from the Superconscious Might,
Which uses the aspirant,
As a Center for its  play formidable ! 
Knowledge of Superconscient Absolute,
Is the only real Knowledge !
Both operative and intuitive,
It unveils Reality !
Tureeya Brahan is only Reality,
Rest are its manifestations !
Swapna, Jagrata and Sushupti,
Are constructs of Mind !
Mind is the villain,
Mind veils Reality
Grace of Guru destroys Enemy,
Greatest enemy of ours – Mind.
Consciousness functions like a mirror,
Filled as it is with changing perceptions
Because of this property,
It cannot experience itself.
When the Mirror views its own reflections,
This Universe shineth in thee !
In thee, Ego and infirmities are dominant,
Hence the Ego should go !
Kannadi thannil pratibimbam kanumbol,
Ninnil Thilangumee Lokamellam !
Swacchamam Darpanam illa Ninnil,
Icchamam nin Malabandham nenjil !
In the Sky of Consciousness, Chit Akasa,
Self Realisation shines like gold !
Ego obstructs this Moonlight,
Remove Ego and actualise Truth !
There are only two,
Symbols and Experience !
Symbols Perpetual are Jagat, Jiva and Para,
Whereas I AM SELF is the Experience !
Without Vision of Self Absolute,
There is no Prajnana, knowledge transcendent !
Atma hai Vibhu aur Prabhu Darsh Vina,
Prajnan (Anubhav Jnan ) Nahee !
Guru Hai Pooja,
Guru Hai Mata, Pita,
Guru Hai  Bandhu Sakha,
Guru Hai Bhagavan !
Premamarna Guruvin Prasadamam,
Kshema moolam iha loka shishyaril,
Guru’s Grace conferreth all,
Wealth, prosperity and Self Realisation !


Bridal Mysticism has it,
That Self is the Lover & Bride
Priyatam Ho Thumhi Prananath Thumhi
Moksh Ho Tumhi   mere samb Siva !
Thy Bridal Chamber is lit,
With Blissful Light Celestial
Atma Rathi or Divya Rathi
Is million times more powerful !
We are wounded in Love,
In the House of our friends,
So that by that Love,
We may be made whole !
In Love we see, we feel,
We hear, we think, we understand,
When we go amidst men,
Sub Specie Love, under the aspect of Love !
These we understand,
Are primary needs for one,
In comradeship perpetual,
With Love Eternal !



Two Magnificent Tributes

Changanpuzha’s tribute to Kalidasa reminded one of the magnificent tribute
to Dante by Longfellow.

I enter, I see thee in the gloom,
OF the long aisles, O Poet Saturnine !

( Saturn, the Melancholy Planet,
Was rising at Dante’s Nativity )

Thy Sacred Song is like the Trump of Doom,
And in thy bosom what human sympathies,
What soft compassion glows; as in the skies,
The tender stars with their shaded lamps relume.

With snow white veil and garments of flame,
She ( Beatrice ) stands beforee thee who not long ago,
Filled thy young  heart with the passion and the woe,
From which thy Song and and all its splendors came !

I wake amaze and in the windows bright,
Shine the forms of holy who died,
Hereafter martyred,
And hereafter crucified.

And the Great Rose upon its leaves displays,
Love’s triumph and the angellc roundelays,
With splendor upon splendor multiplied,
And Beatrice again at Dante’s side !

O star of Morning and Liberty,
O Bringer of the Light, whose splendor
Shines above darkness of Alps,
Forerunner of the day that is to be !

About Kalidasa, the Poet Laureate of Kerala wrote,

Centuries may have come and gone,
After thy rise in the Orient,
But in the eternal horizon of Universal Memory,
Thou art the star which changeth not !

O intellectual great ! Thou lit a Coral Light,
In the bosom of universal culture !
Into that Silver Light of Poetry,
Human intellects are magnetically drawn !

In the holiest of holy lands,
Wherein the Geetha is dissolved,
Any Poetry which sprouts,
Will come to sacred fruition.
Unlike clouds that disappear
Love alters not nor wanes
Thou madest such clouds sIng Love ETERNAL
In Thy noble poem, Megha Sandesa !
Thou taught Justice and Rghteousness,
Though the Greatest Exemplar, Lord Rama,
One of the greatest Exemplars,
Lord proved that Dharma is all in all!
Thou made the Divine Mother
Shine eternally like the Eternal lover !
Pining eternally for Her Beloved,
In mighty Kumara Sambhava
Thy statue worshipping Lord Shiva
Became one of the greatest  ever
In World Sculpture,the classic Immortal Lover,
Pining for Purusha, Her Lord.
Thou made a statement grand.
That  that the  body comes first ,before all.
Without Body, no Self Actualisation,
Sareeram Adyam Khalu Dharma Sadhanam !
Thou defined Self as Universe pervading
Ya Sthita Vyapya Viswam ………
Thou defined HIm as Atheist greatest,
As to Him, there is no principle higher !
( jagadeeso Nireeswarah ! )
What is the esoteric.
Meaning of the above words,
Uttered by the divine Aurobindo,
Founder of Integral Yoga ?
 “Transcend Thyself,
Become Thyself !
True nature of Man
Is to be more than himself !
Man is a political animal,
He is influenced by factors five,
Education, Environment,
Exposure, Experience and the Genetic.
” These are the five intervening variables,
Which intermediate in the causal equation”,
Averred the  great Tolman,
Father of Motivational Psychology !
Transcend thyself means,
To transcend thy political self,
Political self is Mr Hyde or Diti,
As all men are Machiavellis !
Become Thyself means,
To become thy true self,
Self aligned to Conscience,
Self which is wholly Positive !
The whole nature of Man,
Is to be more than himself,
Evolution is forward oriented
From amoeba to Man Divine !
Man carries cultural baggage,
Ruled as he is by the ego function
Ego is Msn’s weakness.
And the  imperfect term in him !
Evil continues to be a formidable force,
In Man. Until Evil is destroyed,
And Light invades the inconscient base,
He will have to battle it out within himself !
Evil is the hidden foe lodged in humans,
Man has to overcome  this mighty adversary,
Or miss his Fate Divine,
This is the inner war ineluctable !
Never think the Way is easy,
Long, difficult, dangerous it is !
Thou shalt be tested,
By both Heaven and Earth !
Heaven will subject thee,
To pitiless trials and tribulations.
Hell will open its mouth,
To threaten and wound thee !
Spirituality develops only,
Under peculiar adversity
It seems He polishes his jewels
With the diamond dust of Adversity !
Like an Aurobindo having Universal Vision,
In the confinesof a jail !
Or like Jesus crying out loud,
” Father, why has thou forsaken me ?”
Or like, Melpathur, unable to move,
When he worked on his magnum opus.
Or like, Poonthanam writing Jnanappana,
After the death of his son !
Or like Dante, disappointed in love,
When he composed Divina Comedia !
Or like the great TIlak,
When he composed Gita Rahasya in jail !
Shloka, verse, arises from Shoka, sorrow,
Tasso’s was a sorrowful life.
So was Keats’ and all the greats,
Suffered more than commoners !
Wise Poets defined it as the Razor’s Edge,
Maugham wrote a book about it !
We have to walk on Razor’s Edge alone,
Lean is the path and way unknown !
Enlightenment is Release,
From Ego’s tutelage !
This can only be effected,
By aligning with Self Divine
Divine alchemy is Yoga,
Human is transmuted to Divine
From Animal Man to Human Man
And finally to Divine Man. 


It is heartening to note,

That the Indian PM’s name,
Hath been recommended,
For establishing World Peace !
“My chariots shall not be bloody,
Till the earth records my name”,
Said the conscientious Buddha,
As he renounced War.
Milton averred ” Peace hath her victories,
No less renouned than War ” !
Man’s essential nature is Peace,
War is only an abnormality !
How can a Nation which declares Peace,
Aum Shanti, Shanti, advocate War ?  
From the ethical, moral angle,
Peace gets Fame, and War notoriety !
Love cognised is Truth
Love in action is Non VIolence
Love as pure Being is Wisdom
Love as Feeling is Peace.
Yet, many believe that war is a necessity biologic,
An outlet for the human desire to compete and excel !
Conquest by force is only half victory,
True victory is conquest by Love !
Harmony has to be established,
And perfection worked out.
We have to effectuate the Divine,
In a conflicting and contradicting world    !
We have been instructed,
To rise from Non Being to Being,
Asado Ma Sad Gamaya,
And to rise from Darkness to Light.
In other words,
From the Negative to the Positive.
But we have a big problem here,
As we are confronted by qualities negative !
We have seen Death,
But not Immortality !
Mrutyor Ma Amritam Gamaya,
Appears to be difficult !
Death, Non Being, Ignorance,
Darkness, adversity, disease,
All these we have seen,
But never experienced the Positive !
Qualties Negative,
Are merely the first terms of the Formula,
Unintellible to us,
Till we work out its esoteric terms !
These qualities negative,
Are merely initial discords
Of the Musician’s symphony,
Didnt He create a world miserable ?
That too deliberately flawing perfection,
Of His Own Creation ?
The discords of the world are Lord’s discords,
To unfold the Godhead within us?
The tormenting Evil is He,
As well as the Redeeming Grace !
Oru Kai Praharikkave
Maru Kai kondu thalodum Easwaran !
Only when we have an integral vision,
Can we see beyond all masks,
The serene and lovely face,
Of  the All Blissful Godhead !
His tests test our imperfection,
True friemd is He and Heart, the Teacher !
Mind is the greatest Guru,
And world, the true Book !
Let us be what the Seer Poets recommended,
What Lord Krishna recommended to Arjuna,
Realised souls viewing Becoming,
Under the metaphor of Being !
Let us rise from Death to Self Realisation,
From the Darkness of Nescience to Light Supernal,
From the mirage of Non Being to True Being,
Thus fulfilling that eternal Prayer Asato Ma Sadgamaya !
Did not Bhagavan Aurobindo,
Say that Strive and thou shalt have ?
Trust and thy trust shall be justified ?
That the Divine Crown is within our reach ?
That we have to overcome the Negative,
And reach the Positive !
And Implement Positivity,
Then only shall the world be redeemed !
The Kingdom of Heaven,
Is both worldly and transworldly
To implement this Rama Rajya,
India, US and Russia exist !


Eternal Law stands for World PeaceEternal Law is Universal LoveEternal Law is Art Supernql,Eternal Law  is Science Absolute !The Law as RevealedIs nothing but Universal Love !Mightier than the  sword,Love is the greatest Deity !The Teacher of all Teachers,Vieled wealth is Love.Fame acrrues from Love,Love is Guu Divine !All yearn for Love,Love is the sole WealthWorld turns into a tomb
If Love is withdrawn !Love is a manna sent from Heaven,Sent to elevate our low desire !Love alone can conquer our negative aspect,The Mr Hyde or the Dark Form of Diti

 !Diti & Aditi, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde,Are locked in eternal combat in us,Diti symbolises our negative aspect,And Aditi, the positve.The Spacelees and Timeless Existence,Sole Cause for Space, Time and Cosmos,Breathed Love into the created,Who are capable of loving !This Eternal Love,Manifested as new loves,As per His Thought, Logos,”May I become Many” !This Pure Existent which exponentiated itself,For Rasa or sheer delight of Being,Manifested as trillions of forms,So it could realise itself innumerably !This DIvine Consciousness,Which manifested as the Sevenfold Chord,( Life, Matter, Mind, Supermind, Being, Knowledge & Bliss ),Breathed the greatest mantra called Love !They say Virtue alone ennobles,Sola Virtus Nobilitat !But we say Love alone ennobles,Sola Amor Nobilitat !This Great Geometer,Cause of Pre Destination,And Pre Calculation,Is nothing but an Ocean of Love!What is Pre Calculation ?4 seconds is one Asu ( Life Span of Breath) ,A day is 24 hours or 1440 minutes,Or 86400 seconds or 21600 Asus!Exhalation and Inhalation resemble Soham ( I am He )So man unconsciously affirms,His Identity with DIvinity,21600 times a day !

Another example is the Precessinal Cycle,

Calxulated by Geometer Great,

Of 25920 solar years,

Eternal Law stands for World Peace

Eternal Law is Universal Love
Eternal Law is Art Supernal,
Eternal Law  is Science Absolute !
The Law as Revealed
Is nothing but Universal Love !
Mightier than the  sword,
Love is the greatest Deity !
The Teacher of all Teachers,
Vieled wealth is Love.
Fame acrrues from Love,
Love is Guu Divine !
All yearn for Love,
Love is the sole Wealth
World turns into a tomb
If Love is withdrawn !
Love is a manna sent from Heaven,
Sent to elevate our low desire !
Love alone can conquer our negative aspect,
The Mr Hyde or the Dark Form of Diti !
Diti & Aditi, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde,
Are locked in eternal combat in us,
Diti symbolises our negative aspect,
And Aditi, the positve.
The Spacelees and Timeless Existence,
Sole Cause for Space, Time and Cosmos,
Breathed Love into the created,
Who are capable of loving !
This Eternal Love,
Manifested as new loves,
As per His Thought, Logos,
“May I become Many” !
This Pure Existent which exponentiated itself,
For Rasa or sheer delight of Being,
Manifested as trillions of forms,
So it could realise itself innumerably !
This DIvine Consciousness,
Which manifested as the Sevenfold Chord,
( Life, Matter, Mind, Supermind, Being, Knowledge & Bliss ),
Breathed the greatest mantra called Love !
They say Virtue alone ennobles,
Sola Virtus Nobilitat !
But we say Love alone ennobles,
Sola Amor Nobilitat !
This Great Geometer,
Cause of Pre Destination,
And Pre Calculation,
Is nothing but an Ocean of Love!
What is Pre Calculation ?
4 seconds is one Asu ( Life Span of Breath) ,
A day is 24 hours or 1440 minutes,
Or 86400 seconds or 21600 Asus!
Exhalation and Inhalation resemble Soham ( I am He )
So man unconsciously affirms,
His Identity with DIvinity,
21600 times a day !
Another example is the Precessinal Cycle,
Calxulated by Geometer Great,
Of 25920 solar years,
Or 360 * 72, to be exact !
What is PreDestination?
The Pure Existent, who becomes everywhere,
Has ordered all things perfectly,
From years sempiternal !
Exponents of Pre Destination point out,
That Lord Krishna did not block,
The death of Abhimanyu, Arjuna’s son,
In the mighty epic, Maha Bharata !
Anti Thesis is the story of Markandeya,
Who was fated to die early,
But then he caught hold of the Ellipsoid Emblem of Siva,
And was miraculously saved !