That Self Realisation is the Goal,Of this relativistic Life,Is endorsed by the Mighty Triad,Brahma Sutras, Gita and Upanishads Swa Vimarsaha Purusharthah,Yoga resembles Transpersonal Psychology,Swa means Self, Realisation is VimarshahAnd Parama Purushartha is SR. When babe soul rests on Brahm,When it discovers its innate divinity,It has fulfilled purrpose of  Life,Brahma Sayoojam, Self Actualisation Janma Sphalyam Appozhe Vannu poyBrahma Sayoojyam Kitteedum Ennallo ! When the babe soul transmutesItself into divine naturePurpose of Life is fulfilledAnd Brahma Sayujyam effectuated Sreedharacharyan Thanu Paranjithu
Badarayanan Thanu Arul cheythuGeetayum ParanjeedunnathingineVedavum Bahumanichu Chollunnu ! The Master Sreedhara proclaimed same,
And so did the divine Badarayana.The Sacred Gita averred same,Followed by the Infinite Vedas ! The Trilogy of Books, Prasthana Trayee,Endorses this Maha Vakya.The Guru Parampara also,Endorse Diviine Transmutation. Trans Personal  Psychology  has itThat such a man becomes the Self Actualising Person,Of  Maslow, liviing in widest possible reference,Which is Universal Love Transmutation is taking place,In Nature; two atoms of Hydrogen,Combine and form Helium,With emission of Heat. This Secret of the Stars,Was known to the Rishis,If they had not known this principle,They wouldnt have dared to speak of Transformation ! Matter is transformed,Into supramentalised matter !By the forces of Nature,Thus effecting super Nature?
Divine Transmutation explainsHow SIddhartha became Buddha
Raman, Bhagavan RamanaAnd Aravindan, Bhagavan Aurobindo. Water doesnt boil at 99 degrees,SImilarly Realisation Ultimate takes place,When all negative forces are destroyed,And Light invades the world’s inconscient base. Adversary Force in us must be destroyed,And evil slain in its own home.For us to glimpse the Divine,The  True Actualisation of Self ! Kamam Krodam Lobham MohamTyaktatranam Pasyati SohamHe who erases the Evil FourFinds himself as Self ! If West says Never stop Marketing,
East says Never Stop Yoga !It is the Dynamic WestAnd the Contemplative East ! No two objects in Universe are sameThere is none like you.There may be similar objects,But not SAME. Hence Secularism is fallacious,As Relgions may be similar,
But not same.To say that they are sameSmacks of ignorance profound !Every Man belongs to the Infinity,In himself and hence unique, averred Aurobindo.Similarly are all Religions,Similar, but not same. Poetical is mightier than the Political,As Kavyam Kalpantara Sthayee !Poetry transcends Cosmological Cycles,Politics is subject to cyclical upheavals !Where is Roman Empire now?Or the British ?Are not political empires subject,To cyclical upheavals of Time?There is no comparison between,A Poet and a King.King is worshipped in his own country,Whereas a Poet is worshipped everywhere.Kavitvam cha Nripatvam chaNaiva tulyam kadachana.Swadeshe Poojyate Raja,Kaveendra Sarvatra Poojyate.The Fool is worshipped ,Only in his house !Just like a Lord, who is worshipped,In his village only.Swa grihe poojyate moodah,Swa grame poojyate prabhuSwadeshe Poojyate Raja,Kaveendra Sarvatra Poojyate.The Magnificent Tribute – Changampuzha’s to KalidasaO Changampuzha, while extolling the Master Poet,Thou proved that thou art a poet par excellence !
Thy tribute is glorious and magnificent,
And can inspire millions !!Tribute SuperbEven though centuries have elapsed,After thy glorious exit,Thou shineth like a star undecaying,In the horizon of eternal remembrance !“From whence this eloquence?”.Asthi Kaschit Vag Vilasah ?”Asked thy Princess-wife,When silver tongued oratory blessed thee !Glorious poems poured out of thee,As if Wisdom’s Deity was dancing,On thy tongue; Her positive response,To prayer ” Nrithamadenum Saraswatee “Thy foray into Transcendence,Was pictured by the wise,As an encounter with Time Eternal,The Mighty Kala Swaroopini, Kali !Thy mind settled in the Quantum  Ground  State,And Hippocrene poured out of thee !Mind Indian vibrates in prideAt the very mention of thy name !Heaven and Earth were integrated by thee,In thy magnum opus, the Sakuntala.Thou extolled the greatness of Beauty,And redemption through Beauty Eternal !Lokavum Naakavum Kootti inakki nee,

Shakunthalathil Kanaka shalakayal.

Meghangalallatha Sanatana Premama,

Meghathine kondu eduthu paadichu nee !
About Love Everlasting  which is not cloud,Thou made the clouds sing about it ( Megha Sandesa ) !Thou taught via royal Raghu,Ethics and Morality of the Eternal ! ( Raghu Vamsa )Thou extolled sacrifice of Mother Divine,In Kumara Sambhava, equating Her,With the Three Idols Of Indian Womanhood,Sita, Sati & Savithri !Why Poetry?Poets are like musical singers,Who have been sent by the Divine,To influence the hearts of men,And turn them back to Self !Romans used to call poets, vates,Meaning a prophet, a diviner !Such a celestial title did the noble bestow,Upon this heart ravishing Gnosis !In the Orient, they are Kranta Darshis,Who have glimpsed Celestial Diameter,People who are prescient, intuitive,Who know Time Eternal !What is their Logic?Life, a movement of Self in Time,Has only a symbolic value.It is temporal and ephemeral,And necessary as a Becoming.And all Becomings have Being,As their Goal & Fulfillment,And Lord is the only Being,Averrs Overmind Poetry !Poetry & PhilosophyPoetry should initiate us,To Philosophy, averred Plutarch.Both may be different in the Occident,But, in the Orient, they are one.No Philosopher exists,Who is not a Poet !

Without transcendental experience,

None can write Poetry !

Poet has global vision,

As he is proximate to Self !

He knows the Jyoti Sastra Kranta,

Kavihi Kranta Darshi !

Ultimate victory is his,

Jayanti Te Sukrutino

Who has attained Kaivalya,

Rasa Siddha Kaveeswara !

As their fame body

Knoweth no change,

Remarks Bhartri Hari,

Who attained fame !

Poetry & Music

Inextricably linked to Poetry,

Is grand science of Musicology !

Dance, music instrumental and Lyrics,

Constitute Musicology !

Lyrics derives from Lyre,

That instrument physical,

Lyrics is the Poetry of Music,

Indeed, the Heart of Music !

The Invocation

Occidentals invoke the Muses,
Calliope, Muse of Epic Poetry,

Erato, Muse of Love & Lyrics

And  many others.

Paradise Lost begins with

“Sing, Heavenly Muse, how on the top”

Indian Poets begins with,
An invocation to Wisdom Deity”

Sarigama padanikal, Devi Nin,
Sangeeta Kala Dhamankal,

Enikku tharoo, manassil oru

Apoorva Ragamay parannu varoo..

Octaves Seven are Thine,
The veins of Art Musical,

Give them to me, O Deity,

Come to me as a rare Raaga ‘A stands for Ayur Nasyati Pasyatam Pratidinam,As the loss of Ayus is felt every day.Youth makes a strategic retreat,As Time is the All Devourer !Ayur Nasyati Pasyatam Pratidinam,Yanti Kshayam Youvanam,Pratyayanti Punarna DIvasa,Kalo Jagat Bhakshaka !Unfortunately, Weath is inconstant,Lakshmi is considered incostant.She generally blesses fools.As per the quote ” Fortune favors fools ” .Lakshmi thoya tharanga bhanga chapala,Vidyutchalam Jeevitham,Tasmanam  Saranagata Sarana vaTvam Raksha Rakshadhuna.Relativistic Life is unstable,There is no touch of the Absolute !Only the touch of all Becomings,
Can liberate Man from self incurred tutelage,
.Redeem us from this quagmire,Of incessant change.Man is ever dissatisfied,Save us from this Vaitharani !What is Wisdom exactly?Despite many definitions great,Wisdom remains unknown,And is still far away!Love and Wisdom are positive aspects,Of the Law Divine ! Wisdom and Understanding , averr the wise,Are hidden from all mortal eyes !What is Wisdom, after all,Kantian Organised Life?
Or, the completion of Science,
In the synthesis of Wisdom?Platonic Science of Immutable Being?Hegelian Science of the Absolute?Vedantic Science of Being as Being?Or the Yogic Science of Union ? The Highest Wisdom is Love,As Love supervenes all else !So it is time to modi( fy Bhartri Hari’s poem,Vidya Nama Narasya Roopam Adhikam,Vidya Nama Narasya Roopam Adhikam,Prachhanna Guptam Dhanam,Vidya Bhogakaree Yasassukhakaree,Vidya Guroonam GuruVidya Bandhu jane videsa gamane,Vidya param Devata,Vidya Rajasu Poojyate na hi Dhanam,Vidya Viheena Pasu.The greatest quality in Man,Wisdom is veiled Wealth !Wisdom alone is conducive to Fame,And She is the Master of Masters !She is the true relative,When we are afarThe greatest Celestial Deity,She is real Wealth, adored by all !Wisdom is replaced by Love,As Love is greater !And this sloka will sound nice,When Mystery of Love is experienced !
Premam Nama Narasya Roopam Adhikam,Prachhanna Guptam Dhanam,Premam Bhogakaree Yasassukhakaree,Premam Guroonam GuruPremam Bandhu jane videsa gamane,Premam param Devata,Premam Rajasu Poojyate na hi Dhanam,Prema Viheena Pasu.Love is actual Wealth,Being the most positive quality,She alone can immortalise,Love is the Guru of all Gurus !Friend, Philosoper and Guide,Heavenly Deity She is !No other wealth than her,Without Her, Man is an animal !( P G   Wodehouse jocularly remarked,That  Love is a gigantiv swindleAs all talk about it,But none practises it ! )

It is this divine passion,

Which divinised many !

Bhagavan Aurobindo & Ramana,

Sai, Jesus, Prophet et al ! Nationalist Song – Consecrate to Thy Nation
May the Prosperity Flag, Bhagava Dwaja,
Fly high, bestowing Prosperity to world !
Incorporating Prosperity, Integrality, Potency,
Fame,Wisdom and Non Attachment !

O affectionate Motherland, our salutations to Thee,
We are growing in Thy lap in Bliss and love.
Thou greatly auspicious, veritable Heaven on Earth,
We consecrate to Thee, with salutations galore !

Namaste sadaa vatsale mathru bhoome
twayaa Hindu bhoome sukham vardhitoham
mahaa mangale punya bhoome twadarthe
patatwesha kaayo namaste namaste O Omnipotent ! we, social units of this eternal Nation Hindu,
Bow before Thee in reverential awe.
We pledge to do Thy Service, obeying Thy Sastras,
In body, mind and Soul and to fulfuill our pledges, bless ! prabho shaktiman Hindu raashtraanga bhoota
ime saadaram twaam namaamo vayam
twadeeyaaya kaaryaaya baddhaa kadeeeyam
shubhaam aashisham dehi thathpoortaye

( Didnt Thou Command,
Tasmat Sastram Pramanam Te?
We shall follow This Command,
In Thought, word and deed ! )

Grant to us incredible strength divine,
A character formidable and exemplary,
At whose fame, the world will prostrate,
Before Thy divinely given boons !
ajayyaan cha vishwasya deheesha shaktim
susheelam jagadwena nanamram bhaveth
shrutham chaiva yath kanta kaa keerna maargam
swayam sweekritham na sugam kaarayeth ।।2।।

Make us intellectuals great,
In our own chosen challenging path.
So that our nation becomes formidable,
As the Guru of all nations . samuthkarsha nishreya sasyaika mugram
param saadhanam naama veeravratam
thadantah sphuratwakshayaa dheya nishtaa
hridantah prajaa kartu theevraanisham

May the lamp of chivalrous deeds,
Light its glory in our hearts !
May our resilient,pure, patient and persevering Nation,
Protect Dharma and ensure World Peace ! vijetri chana samhataa kaarya shaktir
vidhaayaasya dharmasya sanrakshanam
param vaibhavam netum edat swaraashtram
samrthaa bhavatwaashishaa bhirusham ।।3।।

Thy high initiate Science of Yoga,
Is followed by the whole world today !
And it is only a matter of time,
Till World Peace reigns supreme !

All are brothers and sisters,
Vasudha eva Kudumbakam.
Let us make the whole world noble,
Krinvanto Visvam Aryam !

All men are equal,
Samatwam Yoga Uchyate.
May all be happy,
Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu !

He has been defined as Love,
Sa Tasmin Parama Prema Swaroopa !
The Self is equal in all,
Samoham Sarva Bhooteshu ! Greater than all Heavens and Earths,Are Mother and Motherland !O India, O true egalitarian practitioner,Thou art unrivalled in fame ! Jananee JanmabhoomischaSwargat api gareeyasiSamata Vilasita BharateeSarva Jagatee Sreyasee ! 

O India, Thou art not only our Mother,
But of European languages, through Sanskrit,
Through Buddha, of Jesusian principles,
And though Arabs, of Trignometry & Maths !

That which illumines all sciences is Bha,
That which loves all is Ra,
That which surmounts all difficulties is Tha,
So this Land Sacred is Bharatha called !..Bha Bhati Sarva Sastreshu,Rathi Sarveshu JantushuTharanam Sarva Vighneshu,
Thani Bharatam Uchyate.

Even though we are Nationalists,
By it we are not circumscribed !
The world is Brahman,
So let us globalise Love !

For, Love alone is life,
Beyond all strife.
Love alone is Everlasting,
And Love alone is eternal !A S T R O   M Y S T I  C I S MA stands for Astro Mysticism,Anthropomorphisation & Deification,Of the powerful Entities, the Wanderers, PlanetsWho are the instruments of Providence.
Dante saith. The Good which doth satisfyAnd revolve the whole realm thou art climbing,Maketh its Providence a virtuous   Power,In these great heavenly bodies.Solar Mysticism and Lunar Mysticism,Are parts of Astro Mysticism,Known as Jyotir Yoga in Sanskrit,They are other methods of Unio Mystica !Worship of Sri Yantra,Is Lunar Mysticism,
As Moon is the Symbol,
Of the Universal Mind !Sree Yantra Worship,Is when Self is worshipped,Using geometrical patterns,Of the Great Geometer !With four triangles of Purusha,And five inverted triangles of Prakriti,With symbols of 15 Lunation & 16th, Transcendence,Sri Yantra Worship is Lunar Mysticism.The Sun causeth the mighty seasons,Autumn, winter, spring and summer in the Occident,Vasanta, Greeshma, Varsha, Sarat, Hemanta and Sisira,Ushna, Shaitya and Varsha in beauteous Kerala !
He causeth vegetation,And from vegetation cometh food.He is the cause of the computation of Time,
And his longitude is the first computed.
He is known to be the First Deity,Adi Deva NamastuhyamIn Mythology, his chariot is drawn by horses seven,VIBGYOR, the seven colors of the Spectrum.Diurnal motion,Keepeth time eternally.Giant suns greater than ours,Maintain like distance !
A stands for Angani Kala, Limbs of Time,The Twelve Houses of the Zodiac are the 12 Limbs,Of ours, exactly as in the Cosmic Man, the Kala Purusha,With Aries as His Head, Taurus Face and Pisces Feet !As Above So Below is known as the Law of Correspondences,There is correspondence between Heaven & Earth,As the Divine is Mathematical Harmony,And all parts of Universe Complex obey Deity’s immutable Laws !The ignorant knows not inner principles,The inner Self or the inner Serpent, Kundalini,Their ignorance makes them think others are superstitious,The ignorant have no place in the Age of Enlightenment !
The Sciences Eighteen intuitive of Indian Philosophy,And Her Eighteen Liberating Arts ,Are not ” superstition, myth, paganism or witchcraft”,But is as musical as is the Veena of the Deity of Wisdom !A stands for Arka Shambhu, the Classification of Deities,Anthropomorphisation of the Nine Revolving Heavens,Sun – Siva, Moon – Durga, Mars – Skanda et al,Which is based on Traigunya Vishaya Veda.Arka Shambhu Udeeritho HImakaro,Durga Balonyasya chethKalyadya Kuja Rasi gascha DharaneePutra Sutha ShanmughaSree Ramadyavatara Vishnur udithaSoumyotha Vishnur GuruShukra Syath Gana Nayako BhagavatheeMandasthu Sastha Maya.

Worldly man tells Yogi,

Self Actualisation is a selfish desire,

Nee ottayil Brahmapadam Kothikkum

Tapo nidhikkentoru Charitharthyam ?

Thou want the Empyrean, Brahma Padam,

While thy fellow beings languish in mud below,

Thou want the altaltissimo of Self Actualisation,

Isnt thy desire selfish to the very core ?

Moksha is a selfish desire indeed,

As the whole world is sunk in sorrow,

Caught in the grip of Ignorance Absolute,
Caught in worshipping Wealth, Wine and Women !

Answer to that question lies,

In Aurobindo’s immortal lines.

” I climb not to Thy Everlasting Day

As I have shunned Thy Eternal Night.

Thy servitudes on Earth are greater,

Than all the glorious liberties of Heaven,

Too far Thy Heavens for me from suffering men,

Imperfect is the joy not shared by all”.

Of World GovernmentGnostic ideas like World Religion,World Government, Currency and Market,
Are great indeed; and are welcomed,By all Indians, because of their Philosophy !What is called Syncretism or Ecumenism,Is nothing but Sarva Dharma Samabhava,What is called One Government, New World Order,Is nothing but Vasudha eva Kudumbakam !Gnosticism, Yoga, Sufism, Zen and Kabalah,Are part of Universal Mysticism.All have Unio Mystica as their Goal,And is Evolutionary Philosophy of Consciousness ! Didnt Gnostics derive their ideas,From Plato & Philo? From the Kabalah,And the Sacred Books of India & Egy


That Self Realisation is the Goal,Of this relativistic Life,Is endorsed by the Mighty Triad,Brahma Sutras, Gita and Upanishads Swa Vimarsaha Purusharthah,Yoga resembles Transpersonal Psychology,Swa means Self, Realisation is VimarshahAnd Parama Purushartha is SR. When babe soul rests on Brahm,When it discovers its innate divinity,It has fulfilled purrpose of  Life,Brahma Sayoojam, Self Actualisation Janma Sphalyam Appozhe Vannu poyBrahma Sayoojyam Kitteedum Ennallo ! When the babe soul transmutesItself into divine naturePurpose of Life is fulfilledAnd Brahma Sayujyam effectuated Sreedharacharyan Thanu Paranjithu
Badarayanan Thanu Arul cheythuGeetayum ParanjeedunnathingineVedavum Bahumanichu Chollunnu ! The Master Sreedhara proclaimed same,
And so did the divine Badarayana.The Sacred Gita averred same,Followed by the Infinite Vedas ! The Trilogy of Books, Prasthana Trayee,Endorses this Maha Vakya.The Guru Parampara also,Endorse Diviine Transmutation. Trans Personal  Psychology  has itThat such a man becomes the Self Actualising Person,Of  Maslow, liviing in widest possible reference,Which is Universal Love Transmutation is taking place,In Nature; two atoms of Hydrogen,Combine and form Helium,With emission of Heat. This Secret of the Stars,Was known to the Rishis,If they had not known this principle,They wouldnt have dared to speak of Transformation ! Matter is transformed,Into supramentalised matter !By the forces of Nature,Thus effecting super Nature?
Divine Transmutation explainsHow SIddhartha became Buddha
Raman, Bhagavan RamanaAnd Aravindan, Bhagavan Aurobindo. Water doesnt boil at 99 degrees,SImilarly Realisation Ultimate takes place,When all negative forces are destroyed,And Light invades the world’s inconscient base. Adversary Force in us must be destroyed,And evil slain in its own home.For us to glimpse the Divine,The  True Actualisation of Self ! Kamam Krodam Lobham MohamTyaktatranam Pasyati SohamHe who erases the Evil FourFinds himself as Self ! If West says Never stop Marketing,
East says Never Stop Yoga !It is the Dynamic WestAnd the Contemplative East ! No two objects in Universe are sameThere is none like you.There may be similar objects,But not SAME. Hence Secularism is fallacious,As Relgions may be similar,
But not same.To say that they are sameSmacks of ignorance profound !Every Man belongs to the Infinity,In himself and hence unique, averred Aurobindo.Similarly are all Religions,Similar, but not same. Poetical is mightier than the Political,As Kavyam Kalpantara Sthayee !Poetry transcends Cosmological Cycles,Politics is subject to cyclical upheavals !Where is Roman Empire now?Or the British ?Are not political empires subject,To cyclical upheavals of Time?There is no comparison between,A Poet and a King.King is worshipped in his own country,Whereas a Poet is worshipped everywhere.Kavitvam cha Nripatvam chaNaiva tulyam kadachana.Swadeshe Poojyate Raja,Kaveendra Sarvatra Poojyate.The Fool is worshipped ,Only in his house !Just like a Lord, who is worshipped,In his village only.Swa grihe poojyate moodah,Swa grame poojyate prabhuSwadeshe Poojyate Raja,Kaveendra Sarvatra Poojyate.The Magnificent Tribute – Changampuzha’s to KalidasaO Changampuzha, while extolling the Master Poet,Thou proved that thou art a poet par excellence !
Thy tribute is glorious and magnificent,
And can inspire millions !!Tribute SuperbEven though centuries have elapsed,After thy glorious exit,Thou shineth like a star undecaying,In the horizon of eternal remembrance !“From whence this eloquence?”.Asthi Kaschit Vag Vilasah ?”Asked thy Princess-wife,When silver tongued oratory blessed thee !Glorious poems poured out of thee,As if Wisdom’s Deity was dancing,On thy tongue; Her positive response,To prayer ” Nrithamadenum Saraswatee “Thy foray into Transcendence,Was pictured by the wise,As an encounter with Time Eternal,The Mighty Kala Swaroopini, Kali !Thy mind settled in the Quantum  Ground  State,And Hippocrene poured out of thee !Mind Indian vibrates in prideAt the very mention of thy name !Heaven and Earth were integrated by thee,In thy magnum opus, the Sakuntala.Thou extolled the greatness of Beauty,And redemption through Beauty Eternal !Lokavum Naakavum Kootti inakki nee,

Shakunthalathil Kanaka shalakayal.

Meghangalallatha Sanatana Premama,

Meghathine kondu eduthu paadichu nee !
About Love Everlasting  which is not cloud,Thou made the clouds sing about it ( Megha Sandesa ) !Thou taught via royal Raghu,Ethics and Morality of the Eternal ! ( Raghu Vamsa )Thou extolled sacrifice of Mother Divine,In Kumara Sambhava, equating Her,With the Three Idols Of Indian Womanhood,Sita, Sati & Savithri !Why Poetry?Poets are like musical singers,Who have been sent by the Divine,To influence the hearts of men,And turn them back to Self !Romans used to call poets, vates,Meaning a prophet, a diviner !Such a celestial title did the noble bestow,Upon this heart ravishing Gnosis !In the Orient, they are Kranta Darshis,Who have glimpsed Celestial Diameter,People who are prescient, intuitive,Who know Time Eternal !What is their Logic?Life, a movement of Self in Time,Has only a symbolic value.It is temporal and ephemeral,And necessary as a Becoming.And all Becomings have Being,As their Goal & Fulfillment,And Lord is the only Being,Averrs Overmind Poetry !Poetry & PhilosophyPoetry should initiate us,To Philosophy, averred Plutarch.Both may be different in the Occident,But, in the Orient, they are one.No Philosopher exists,Who is not a Poet !

Without transcendental experience,

None can write Poetry !

Poet has global vision,

As he is proximate to Self !

He knows the Jyoti Sastra Kranta,

Kavihi Kranta Darshi !

Ultimate victory is his,

Jayanti Te Sukrutino

Who has attained Kaivalya,

Rasa Siddha Kaveeswara !

As their fame body

Knoweth no change,

Remarks Bhartri Hari,

Who attained fame !

Poetry & Music

Inextricably linked to Poetry,

Is grand science of Musicology !

Dance, music instrumental and Lyrics,

Constitute Musicology !

Lyrics derives from Lyre,

That instrument physical,

Lyrics is the Poetry of Music,

Indeed, the Heart of Music !

The Invocation

Occidentals invoke the Muses,
Calliope, Muse of Epic Poetry,

Erato, Muse of Love & Lyrics

And  many others.

Paradise Lost begins with

“Sing, Heavenly Muse, how on the top”

Indian Poets begins with,
An invocation to Wisdom Deity”

Sarigama padanikal, Devi Nin,
Sangeeta Kala Dhamankal,

Enikku tharoo, manassil oru

Apoorva Ragamay parannu varoo..

Octaves Seven are Thine,
The veins of Art Musical,

Give them to me, O Deity,

Come to me as a rare Raaga ‘A stands for Ayur Nasyati Pasyatam Pratidinam,As the loss of Ayus is felt every day.Youth makes a strategic retreat,As Time is the All Devourer !Ayur Nasyati Pasyatam Pratidinam,Yanti Kshayam Youvanam,Pratyayanti Punarna DIvasa,Kalo Jagat Bhakshaka !Unfortunately, Weath is inconstant,Lakshmi is considered incostant.She generally blesses fools.As per the quote ” Fortune favors fools ” .Lakshmi thoya tharanga bhanga chapala,Vidyutchalam Jeevitham,Tasmanam  Saranagata Sarana vaTvam Raksha Rakshadhuna.Relativistic Life is unstable,There is no touch of the Absolute !Only the touch of all Becomings,
Can liberate Man from self incurred tutelage,
.Redeem us from this quagmire,Of incessant change.Man is ever dissatisfied,Save us from this Vaitharani !What is Wisdom exactly?Despite many definitions great,Wisdom remains unknown,And is still far away!Love and Wisdom are positive aspects,Of the Law Divine ! Wisdom and Understanding , averr the wise,Are hidden from all mortal eyes !What is Wisdom, after all,Kantian Organised Life?
Or, the completion of Science,
In the synthesis of Wisdom?Platonic Science of Immutable Being?Hegelian Science of the Absolute?Vedantic Science of Being as Being?Or the Yogic Science of Union ? The Highest Wisdom is Love,As Love supervenes all else !So it is time to modi( fy Bhartri Hari’s poem,Vidya Nama Narasya Roopam Adhikam,Vidya Nama Narasya Roopam Adhikam,Prachhanna Guptam Dhanam,Vidya Bhogakaree Yasassukhakaree,Vidya Guroonam GuruVidya Bandhu jane videsa gamane,Vidya param Devata,Vidya Rajasu Poojyate na hi Dhanam,Vidya Viheena Pasu.The greatest quality in Man,Wisdom is veiled Wealth !Wisdom alone is conducive to Fame,And She is the Master of Masters !She is the true relative,When we are afarThe greatest Celestial Deity,She is real Wealth, adored by all !Wisdom is replaced by Love,As Love is greater !And this sloka will sound nice,When Mystery of Love is experienced !
Premam Nama Narasya Roopam Adhikam,Prachhanna Guptam Dhanam,Premam Bhogakaree Yasassukhakaree,Premam Guroonam GuruPremam Bandhu jane videsa gamane,Premam param Devata,Premam Rajasu Poojyate na hi Dhanam,Prema Viheena Pasu.Love is actual Wealth,Being the most positive quality,She alone can immortalise,Love is the Guru of all Gurus !Friend, Philosoper and Guide,Heavenly Deity She is !No other wealth than her,Without Her, Man is an animal !( P G   Wodehouse jocularly remarked,That  Love is a gigantiv swindleAs all talk about it,But none practises it ! )

It is this divine passion,

Which divinised many !

Bhagavan Aurobindo & Ramana,

Sai, Jesus, Prophet et al ! Nationalist Song – Consecrate to Thy Nation
May the Prosperity Flag, Bhagava Dwaja,
Fly high, bestowing Prosperity to world !
Incorporating Prosperity, Integrality, Potency,
Fame,Wisdom and Non Attachment !

O affectionate Motherland, our salutations to Thee,
We are growing in Thy lap in Bliss and love.
Thou greatly auspicious, veritable Heaven on Earth,
We consecrate to Thee, with salutations galore !

Namaste sadaa vatsale mathru bhoome
twayaa Hindu bhoome sukham vardhitoham
mahaa mangale punya bhoome twadarthe
patatwesha kaayo namaste namaste O Omnipotent ! we, social units of this eternal Nation Hindu,
Bow before Thee in reverential awe.
We pledge to do Thy Service, obeying Thy Sastras,
In body, mind and Soul and to fulfuill our pledges, bless ! prabho shaktiman Hindu raashtraanga bhoota
ime saadaram twaam namaamo vayam
twadeeyaaya kaaryaaya baddhaa kadeeeyam
shubhaam aashisham dehi thathpoortaye

( Didnt Thou Command,
Tasmat Sastram Pramanam Te?
We shall follow This Command,
In Thought, word and deed ! )

Grant to us incredible strength divine,
A character formidable and exemplary,
At whose fame, the world will prostrate,
Before Thy divinely given boons !
ajayyaan cha vishwasya deheesha shaktim
susheelam jagadwena nanamram bhaveth
shrutham chaiva yath kanta kaa keerna maargam
swayam sweekritham na sugam kaarayeth ।।2।।

Make us intellectuals great,
In our own chosen challenging path.
So that our nation becomes formidable,
As the Guru of all nations . samuthkarsha nishreya sasyaika mugram
param saadhanam naama veeravratam
thadantah sphuratwakshayaa dheya nishtaa
hridantah prajaa kartu theevraanisham

May the lamp of chivalrous deeds,
Light its glory in our hearts !
May our resilient,pure, patient and persevering Nation,
Protect Dharma and ensure World Peace ! vijetri chana samhataa kaarya shaktir
vidhaayaasya dharmasya sanrakshanam
param vaibhavam netum edat swaraashtram
samrthaa bhavatwaashishaa bhirusham ।।3।।

Thy high initiate Science of Yoga,
Is followed by the whole world today !
And it is only a matter of time,
Till World Peace reigns supreme !

All are brothers and sisters,
Vasudha eva Kudumbakam.
Let us make the whole world noble,
Krinvanto Visvam Aryam !

All men are equal,
Samatwam Yoga Uchyate.
May all be happy,
Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu !

He has been defined as Love,
Sa Tasmin Parama Prema Swaroopa !
The Self is equal in all,
Samoham Sarva Bhooteshu ! Greater than all Heavens and Earths,Are Mother and Motherland !O India, O true egalitarian practitioner,Thou art unrivalled in fame ! Jananee JanmabhoomischaSwargat api gareeyasiSamata Vilasita BharateeSarva Jagatee Sreyasee ! 

O India, Thou art not only our Mother,
But of European languages, through Sanskrit,
Through Buddha, of Jesusian principles,
And though Arabs, of Trignometry & Maths !

That which illumines all sciences is Bha,
That which loves all is Ra,
That which surmounts all difficulties is Tha,
So this Land Sacred is Bharatha called !..Bha Bhati Sarva Sastreshu,Rathi Sarveshu JantushuTharanam Sarva Vighneshu,
Thani Bharatam Uchyate.

Even though we are Nationalists,
By it we are not circumscribed !
The world is Brahman,
So let us globalise Love !

For, Love alone is life,
Beyond all strife.
Love alone is Everlasting,
And Love alone is eternal !A S T R O   M Y S T I  C I S MA stands for Astro Mysticism,Anthropomorphisation & Deification,Of the powerful Entities, the Wanderers, PlanetsWho are the instruments of Providence.
Dante saith. The Good which doth satisfyAnd revolve the whole realm thou art climbing,Maketh its Providence a virtuous   Power,In these great heavenly bodies.Solar Mysticism and Lunar Mysticism,Are parts of Astro Mysticism,Known as Jyotir Yoga in Sanskrit,They are other methods of Unio Mystica !Worship of Sri Yantra,Is Lunar Mysticism,
As Moon is the Symbol,
Of the Universal Mind !Sree Yantra Worship,Is when Self is worshipped,Using geometrical patterns,Of the Great Geometer !With four triangles of Purusha,And five inverted triangles of Prakriti,With symbols of 15 Lunation & 16th, Transcendence,Sri Yantra Worship is Lunar Mysticism.The Sun causeth the mighty seasons,Autumn, winter, spring and summer in the Occident,Vasanta, Greeshma, Varsha, Sarat, Hemanta and Sisira,Ushna, Shaitya and Varsha in beauteous Kerala !
He causeth vegetation,And from vegetation cometh food.He is the cause of the computation of Time,
And his longitude is the first computed.
He is known to be the First Deity,Adi Deva NamastuhyamIn Mythology, his chariot is drawn by horses seven,VIBGYOR, the seven colors of the Spectrum.Diurnal motion,Keepeth time eternally.Giant suns greater than ours,Maintain like distance !
A stands for Angani Kala, Limbs of Time,The Twelve Houses of the Zodiac are the 12 Limbs,Of ours, exactly as in the Cosmic Man, the Kala Purusha,With Aries as His Head, Taurus Face and Pisces Feet !As Above So Below is known as the Law of Correspondences,There is correspondence between Heaven & Earth,As the Divine is Mathematical Harmony,And all parts of Universe Complex obey Deity’s immutable Laws !The ignorant knows not inner principles,The inner Self or the inner Serpent, Kundalini,Their ignorance makes them think others are superstitious,The ignorant have no place in the Age of Enlightenment !
The Sciences Eighteen intuitive of Indian Philosophy,And Her Eighteen Liberating Arts ,Are not ” superstition, myth, paganism or witchcraft”,But is as musical as is the Veena of the Deity of Wisdom !A stands for Arka Shambhu, the Classification of Deities,Anthropomorphisation of the Nine Revolving Heavens,Sun – Siva, Moon – Durga, Mars – Skanda et al,Which is based on Traigunya Vishaya Veda.Arka Shambhu Udeeritho HImakaro,Durga Balonyasya chethKalyadya Kuja Rasi gascha DharaneePutra Sutha ShanmughaSree Ramadyavatara Vishnur udithaSoumyotha Vishnur GuruShukra Syath Gana Nayako BhagavatheeMandasthu Sastha Maya.

Worldly man tells Yogi,

Self Actualisation is a selfish desire,

Nee ottayil Brahmapadam Kothikkum

Tapo nidhikkentoru Charitharthyam ?

Thou want the Empyrean, Brahma Padam,

While thy fellow beings languish in mud below,

Thou want the altaltissimo of Self Actualisation,

Isnt thy desire selfish to the very core ?

Moksha is a selfish desire indeed,

As the whole world is sunk in sorrow,

Caught in the grip of Ignorance Absolute,
Caught in worshipping Wealth, Wine and Women !

Answer to that question lies,

In Aurobindo’s immortal lines.

” I climb not to Thy Everlasting Day

As I have shunned Thy Eternal Night.

Thy servitudes on Earth are greater,

Than all the glorious liberties of Heaven,

Too far Thy Heavens for me from suffering men,

Imperfect is the joy not shared by all”.

Another Equation, World = Family..

The Precessional Cycle of 25920 years
Has been computed by Great Geometer,
And expressed as Thy Will be done,
As in Heaven, so on Earth.

On Earth, as it is in Heaven,
As Above , so Below,
Is the Law of Correspondences,
As the Celestial influences the Terrestrial.

All are brethren and all religions,,
Are so many radii of One Circle,
Designed to lead ?an from Life’s Circumference,
To the Central Light, the Absolute Self !

Ecumenism and Syncretism,
Sarva Dharma Samabhava,
Is the Child of both,
Gnosticism and Indian Philosophy !

The Equation, World = Family,
Vasudha Eva Kudumbakam,
Was voiced in India long ago
That we are all brethren.

When Jews were persecuted all over,
India welcomed them with open arms.
Love and mutual respect hold absolute sway,
As these two nations showed by example !

No Crusades, no Clash of Civilizations,
And Zion became India’s close ally.
The Two Mothers of religions,
Have tremendous similarities.

Old Testament are similar to Vedas,
Kabalah is the Western Yoga.
Both are intellectual races,
Science and Philosophy are their forte.

WC 2023

 WC23 began in earnest at Modi Stadium. Many teams are vying for supremacy.

And in the first match, NZ did well to restrict formidable Eng to 282.

Root’s 77 was superb, but was bowled ingloriously thru the gate.