Code for computing Thrikkarthika, the New Festival of Lights !

input” YEAR ” to myear

set cent on
set date brit

use ahasx
loca for myear = year
store ahargana to ah1
store ahargana to ah2

use long20
loca for lmoo > 26.66 .AND. lmoo < 40 .and. ahargana > ah1 .and. ahargana < ah2 .and. lsun> 210 .and. lsun< 240

store date to dt

Program shows 27/11/2023 as date for above.

Calculation of next New Moon !

A simple code will get us the date for the next New Moon, called in our language as Black Moon / Karutha Vavu

use long8
locate for abs(elongation) < 12 .and. recno() > 1340

Date for next New Moon shown as 14/09/23

Code for calculating Narayaneeyam Day

input” YEAR ” to myear

set cent on
set date brit

use ahasx

loca for myear = year
store ahargana to ah1
store ahargana to ah2

use long20
loca for lsun > 237 .and. lsun < 238 .and. ahargana > ah1 .and. ahargana < ah2
store date to dt
store lsun to lx1
store date to dt1

xd = lx1 -270

lx = xd*3600/149.58

?”Solstice at hours before IM “,lx, xd
?”Solstice at hrs “,lx,”on”, dt1
