Kabbalah of the Secret

Over the past several months, a new movie called “The Secret” has been generating growing attention and excitement across America and beyond.If you haven’t heard about it yet, chances are you will. It’s aphenomenon.According to the film’s producers, an eclectic group of visionaries,authors, motivational speakers and internet millionaires, The “Secret”is the so-called “Law of Attraction”. This “Law” states that ourthoughts and emotions, if we hold them consistently enough, willgenerate our physical reality. Is The Secret real? Yes, as far as it goes. But there’s far more tothe story than that. The phenomenon of The Secret, as exciting as itmay be, is only a tiny part of the vast cosmic transformation that waspredicted by the Torah thousands of years ago. Geula – Seeing Through Walls”In the sixth century of the sixth millennium, the gates of supernalwisdom will be opened, as will the springs of earthly wisdom,preparing the world to be elevated in the seventh millennium.”
Zohar”And the world will be filled with the knowledge of G-d like watercovers the ocean bed.” (Isaiah 11:9)According to the Hebrew calendar, this is year 5767 since the creationof the world. We are living in the times of which the Zohar speaks.That’s why so many things are becoming possible that were neverpossible before. When G-d created our world He concealed within it a vast reservoir ofuntapped spiritual and physical potential. This latent potential isnow beginning to assert itself in virtually every area of life.Whether in technology, medicine, science, psychology, or theever-accelerating search for spirituality and meaning, new boundariesare being broken every day. This is no accident; it is a sign of thetimes. In these amazing times there are fewer limits than ever before on whathuman beings can experience and achieve. G-d is giving us a glimpse ofthe infinity that lies beyond the walls – a glimpse that points to theunderlying oneness and purpose beneath the surface of our diverse andconflicted world. As we get closer and closer to the times when, as the prophets say,”The world will be filled with the knowledge of G-d as water coversthe ocean bed”, it becomes easier and easier to sense those vast,uncharted depths. And the more we relate to that underlying reality,the more we can see it poking through. The Torah tells us that “ein od milvado” – there is in actualitynothing here but G-d. Great tzadikim, holy people profoundly in touch with this deeper levelof truth, have often been able to create miracles at will. Undeceivedby the apparent reality of our separateness, by the seeminglyimmutable limitations of the natural order, they have the power to”see through the walls” and access higher planes of existence,creating or shifting physical circumstances from their spiritual source. However, for ordinary people, trapped within physical bodies in aphysical world, it has always been a great challenge to experiencethis deeper truth as a tangible reality. But that was then. This is now.In these times, poised, as we are, at the edge of history, momentsbefore the final geula (Redemption), it is possible for even ordinarypeople to begin to see through the walls. That means that you and Ihave far more power than ever before to access the realm of themiraculous in every aspect of our lives.G-d’s relationship with us has always been in a sense like a game ofhide and seek. He conceals Himself in the illusion of separateness andthe fragmented, confusing details of life and waits for us to findHim. But in these times, more than ever before, He lets us choose therules of the game. When we refuse to allow the limitations of our emotional tendenciesand physical circumstances to get in the way of our relationship withG-d, of our trust, our confidence, our creativity, our joy, G-dresponds in kind. Life becomes miraculous, unbounded by thoselimitations. We become partners in Creation. That is our destiny.You and G-d – Two Partners in Creation “Know that everything above” – all that transpires in the spiritualrealm – is “from you,” [dependent on your conduct].” The Maggid ofMezeritch The physical world, although it experiences itself as separate andsourceless, is actually only the end of the long “chain of creation”.Like the tip of an iceberg, which is the visible part of a vastmountain of ice concealed below the water, our physical reality is thecrudest, most visible manifestation of its underlying spiritualsource. Far from being separate, whatever happens in the physicalworld is simply an expression of what is happening on the spiritualplane. Like every relationship, this works in two directions, each mirroringthe other. Just as the spiritual reality inevitably expresses itselfin the physical world, our thoughts and actions here below have a verypowerful effect on the spiritual realms. And by the same token, oncethere is a change in the spiritual realms, there will automatically bea corresponding change in the physical world as well. That means that by changing our thoughts, emotions and actions, wechange our world.The Infinite Power of Joy”When man below is of a “radiant countenance” and filled with joy andgladness, he then draws down upon himself the same qualities fromAbove.” Zohar (II, p. 184b) “Joy breaks through barriers.” The Rebbe”Joy breaks through all the boundaries of golus (exile). “The RebbeKabbalah and Chassidus explain that the greatest channel for accessingthis miraculous power is joy. True, each of us has our “nature”, theingrained beliefs and tendencies that limit and define our choices inlife. However, joy – simcha – breaks through those ordinarylimitations within you, allowing you to express yourself in ways youreveryday nature does not allow. In the same way, in the macrocosm, joybreaks through the limitations of the entire natural order, allowing amore transcendent, unlimited light to flow into the world. This lightaffects not just you, but the world around you as well.Since everything you feel is mirrored Above, your joy and happinessnot only expands you beyond your own boundaries, it causes G-d to gobeyond His own “nature” and pour additional blessings into the world. Trust, a Channel for Divine Blessings”Tracht gut, vet zein gut! (think good and it will be good)” theTzemach Tzedek, third Rebbe of Chabad”Blessed is he who puts his trust in G-d, for G-d will be hissecurity.” (Jeremiah 17:7)
The Rebbe explains that there is a fundamental difference betweenemunah, faith, and bitachon, trust. Faith is the unshakeable beliefthat everything comes from G-d, and that everything G-d does is forthe good. Trust, however, is more than just belief. Trust is thecertainty that the good that G-d bestows will come out in a way thatfeels good to you. Faith will profoundly affect your outlook and behavior, but it won’tnecessarily change your heart. Trust is different. Trust alters yourfeelings. Trust makes you happy. When you truly trust in G-d, you feel like a very small child in thecare of loving parents. The child knows that his parents will takegood care of him. He assumes, without even thinking about it, that hewill always have more than enough of what he needs in every area oflife. A trusting child has no cause whatsoever for worry or anxiety.He feels happy, peaceful and secure. By the time most of us have passed early childhood we’ve learned alltoo much about failure, disappointment and fear. That innocent,heartfelt trust is gone. No matter how much faith we have in G-d’sgoodness or love, most of us no longer have the childlike certaintythat everything will turn out just fine.
Paradoxically, that’s what makes trust, bitachon, so very powerful. It means letting go of all of your doubts, worries and fears, evenwhen they seem to make so very much sense according to the naturalorder of things. To trust means to simply connect to G-d’s infinitelove and goodness, knowing absolutely He will not let you down, thatHe will make sure that you’re safe and well provided for NO MATTERWHAT. From the perspective of this kind of trust, it doesn’t matterwhether the solution to your troubles seems impossible to achieve. Itdoesn’t even matter whether you deserve to have things change or not.Obviously, as a responsible human being you should do your part asbest you can – but knowing that success does not depend on you. Total trust, if it is real, can’t help but make you happy. But there’smore to it than that. Your authentic, unconditional trust comes from a very deep place inyour soul, and is very precious to G-d. When you trust in this way,you have gone beyond the illusion of separateness. You have raisedyourself, in a sense, higher than the limits of the physical world andconnected yourself directly to your Creator. This one action is soprofoundly powerful that it will bring blessings, even miraculousblessings, into your life – even if you may not fully deserve them. The Rest of the Story”All delicacies will be like dust” (Maimonides, Laws of Kings(referring to the time of Redemption)
Like the myriad breakthroughs in communication, medicine, science andtechnology, the phenomenon of The Secret is just another manifestationof an accelerating spiritual transformation. As we continue to move closer to the Climax of History – the UltimateRedemption – the physical and spiritual planes continue to move moreand more into alignment and our thoughts have an ever more profoundand direct effect on our reality.
However, once again, this is only asmall piece of the story. What we can accomplish and where we aregoing is far more profound and complex than that. Maimonides, in his Laws of Kings, says that in these times “alldelicacies will be like dust”. On the surface that means that just asdust is infinitely plentiful, there will be great physical abundance.Those material luxuries that were once scarce, reserved for people ofgreat power and influence, will be available to ordinary people. Formost of us this has already begun to come true. However, there is a deeper explanation as well. In our times, at theClimax of History, we have the power – and the obligation – to lookbeyond the struggle for survival, beyond the elusive lure of status,success and material prosperity, toward pleasures and possibilitiesthat are far more compelling and real. We are in the midst of anongoing and accelerating journey toward consciousness. That is why”all delicacies will be like dust”. Not only will they be plentiful,but they will be relatively valueless – like dust – compared to thefar greater and more exciting pleasures in store. Yes, we can communicate instantaneously with anyone in the world. Yes,we can send people into space. Yes, we can create medical miracles.Yes, we can crack the genetic code. And yes, we can attract materialabundance into our lives, far more easily than ever before. And all ofthose things have great value. They are all fulfillment of prophecy,and bring us closer to our ultimate destiny, a world that is full ofjoy, goodness, abundance and G-dliness for everyone, forever. But the real question is not how much we can get, but how far we cango; how we can use these newfound abilities to bring the world – andourselves – even more quickly toward our ultimate destiny.Kabbalah and Chassidus hold the keys to unlocking this treasure houseof human potential.
As the Blueprint for Creation, it is what willallow us to break through our unique challenges and access ourunprecedented opportunities. It will help us to fulfill our purposeand meet our destiny. That’s where the ultimate Secret lies. The phenomenon of The Secret reflects a growing recognition thateverything in the physical world has a spiritual source, and thatthrough connecting with that source we can change our lives and ourworld. To learn much more about what Kabbalah has to say about TheSecret and the amazing possibilities of our times, click here toregister for the new two-hour class, Kabbalah of the Secret athttp://www.kabbalahoftransformation.com./__._,_.___

Mythology is symbolic, never literal !

Carl Gustav Jung was a genius. He declared that all Mythology, including Christian Mythology, is symbolic and allegorical and not literal.

A disciple of Freud, Jung came across a fanstastic discovery. He was researching on the dreams of some of his patients. He wrote the figures seen by his patients and saw that they bear a close resemblance to the figures seen in Alchemy and Astrology.

He postulated that dreams are projections of the Unconscious.

He postulated that The Ocean of Reality resembles an ocean. The waves are the individual egos. Deep within the gross level is the subtle level. The subtle level of an individual ego he called the Personal Unconscious and the rock bottom of the Ocean of Reality is the Collective Unconscious, known as Brahman, the Absolute, in transcendental philosophy !

Henry David Thoreau

” In the early hours of the morning, I bathe in my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal philosophy of the Geetha, before which the modern world appears puny & trivial.”
Thoreau can be said to be Gandhi’s Guru. It was Thoreau’s book ” The Civil Disobedience ” which gave Gandhi the inspiration to launch the Non-violent Movement. It is said that Gandhi brought back from America what was fundamentally the philosophy of India, after it was baked in the mind of Thoreu !
His masterpiece ‘ The Walden” has 18 chapters, modelled after the 18 chapters of the Geetha and the 18 parvas of the Mahabharatha.
He was truly the American Sage. Whitman, Emerson and Thoreau are the Trinity of American Transcendentalism !
His famous quote ” When the law of the land is against the Law of Conscience, the best place for a man is jail ” !

The Song of Myself by Walt Whitman

Turning to the Inmost God is what is called ” Vibhakthi “, or worshipping the Absolute Self, knowing that I am Thee ! Vibhakthi in Sanskrit corresponds to the Amor Intellectualis ( Intellectual Love ) of Bruno. We are One. Only through Vibhakthi, Intellectual Love, Amor Intellectualis can the world be saved !

Walt Whitman wrote

Swiftly I shrivel at the thought of God
At Nature and her wonders, Space, Time & Death
Then I turn to Thee, O Actual Me,
Lo ! Thou gently mastereth the orbs,
Thou matest with Time, smilest content with Death
And fillest swellest the vastnesses of Space !

The great poet Melpathur also wrote about the Absolute Self thus

In reality I am Thyself
For me there is no binding
By Nature’s triune attributes
Nor Salvation; as Nescience
It is that binds the Absolute Self !
The Individual Soul Thou art, all Thou art,
Thou art the Intelligence visible, Nature,
There is nothing in this visible Universe
Which is different from Thee !

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Emerson was a transcendentalist. He and other intellectuals founded the Transcendental Club. Carlye gave him a copy of the Geetha. Influenced by it, he founded the Concord Movement.
His poem Brahma shocked the Western world. He sang the glory of the Absolute Self !
If the red slayer thinks he is slain
Or if the slain thinks he is slain
They know not the subtle ways
I keep, tread and pass again
Far and forgot to me is near
Sunlight and shadow are the same
The vanished gods to me appear
For one to me are shame and fame !
They reckon ill who leave me out
But when me they fly, I am the wings!
I am the doubter and the doubt
And I the hymn the Brahmin sings !
The strong gods pine for my abode
And pine in vain the Sacred Seven
And thou meek lover of the Good
Retrace and turn thy back on Heaven !


Hegel built so great an edifice that it encompassed the entire realm of human knowledge.
His main postulates are
The Absolute is Being (Thesis )
The Absolute is Becoming ( Antithesis )
The Absolute is Nothing
The Absolute is spiritual ( Synthesis )
And what is the Absolute ? It is One immutably homogenous Infinite.

NAM owes to both India & America

“The New Age Movement of the 1960 s owed as much to India as to America” wrote Michel Danino.

(1956 – ) Born in 1956 at Honfleur (France) into a Jewish family recently emigrated from Morocco, from the age of fifteen Michel Danino was drawn to India, some of her great yogis, and soon to Sri Aurobindo and Mother and their view of evolution which gives a new meaning to our existence on this earth. He has been settled in Tamil Nadu for 25 years and has given many lectures in India and is author of The Invasion That Never Was, The Indian Mind Then and Now, L’Inde et L’invasion de nulle part and Kali Yuga or The Age of Confusion. He is also the convener of the International Forum for India’s Heritage.

He talks about Indian culture:

“The so-called “New Age” trend of the 1960s owed as much to India as to America; a number of Western universities offer excellent courses on various aspects of Indian civilization, and if you want to attend some major symposium on Indian culture or India’s ancient history, you may have to go to the U.S.A; some physicists are not shy of showing parallels between quantum mechanics and yogic science; ecologists call for a recognition of our deeper connection with Nature such as we find in the Indian view of the world; a few psychologists want to learn from Indian insights into human nature; hatha yoga has become quite popular.”

He has shown the reverence with which nature is held in Hinduism.

“In fact, since the start of the Judeo-Christian tradition, the West broke away from Nature and began regarding her as so much inanimate matter to be exploited (a polite word for plunder). The contrast with the ancient Indian attitude is as stark as could be. Indian tradition regards the earth as a goddess, Bhudevi ; her consort, Vishnu, the supreme divinity, incarnates from age to age to relieve her of the burden of demonic forces—sometimes of humanity itself. This he does out of love for the earth, his companion. Sita means “furrow,” and she returned to the earth whence she came. Shiva too is bound to the earth through Parvati, daughter of Himavat, i.e. the Himalayas. Earth and Heaven are therefore inseparable: “Heaven is my father; my mother is this vast earth, my close kin,” says the Rig-Veda (I.164.33).”

Helena Roerich – The Founder of Agni Yoga

Helena Roerich was another great woman who founded an occult society – The Agni Yoga Theosophical Society.

The Agni Yoga Society was founded in 1920 by Nicholas Roerich and his wife Helena. It is a non-profit educational institution incorporated in 1946 under the laws of the State of New York, and is supported entirely by voluntary contributions and membership dues.

The aims of the Society are embodied in the philosophy that gives it its name—Agni Yoga—as contained in the books of the Agni Yoga Series published by the Society. In them is found a synthesis of ancient Eastern beliefs and modern Western thought and a bridge between the spiritual and the scientific. Unlike previous yogas, Agni Yoga is a path not of physical disciplines, meditation, or asceticism—but of practice in daily life. It is the yoga of fiery energy, of consciousness, of responsible, directed thought. It teaches that the evolution of the planetary consciousness is a pressing necessity and that, through individual striving, it is an attainable aspiration for mankind. It affirms the existence of the Hierarchy of Light and the center of the Heart as the link with the Hierarchy and with the far-off worlds. Though not systematized in an ordinary sense, Agni Yoga is a Teaching that helps the discerning student to discover moral and spiritual guide-posts by which to learn to govern his or her life and thus contribute to the Common Good. For this reason Agni Yoga has been called a “living ethic.”

Speaking about the individual’s role in human spiritual evolution, Helena Roerich wrote, “The greatest benefit that we can contribute consists in the broadening of consciousness, and the improvement and enrichment of our thinking, which, together with the purification of the heart, strengthens our emanations. And thus, raising our vibrations, we restore the health of all that surrounds us.”

Although it does not offer organized studies or courses, the Society welcomes correspondence with friends and students of Agni Yoga and those interested in finding out more about it. The Society publishes the books of the Agni Yoga Series, re-editing and issuing new editions as necessary.

Helena received instructions from an Enlighetened Master, the Master Moriya. This is the message sent by the Master

The Call

Into the New World my first message.
You who gave the Ashram,
And you who gave two lives,

Builders and warriors, strengthen the steps.
Reader, if you have not grasped — read again,
after a while.
The predestined is not accidental,
The leaves fall in their time.
And winter is but the harbinger of spring.
All is revealed; all is attainable.
I will cover you with My shield,
if you but tend to your labors.
I have spoken.

Madame Blavatsky & Theosophy

Theosophy derives from two words Theo ( Divine ) & Sophia ( Wisdom ).

“Modern world pales into insignificance before the Ontology and Epistemology of Brahma Vidya, Theosophy or Dzyan ” wrote Madame Helena Blavatsky. She founded the Theosophical Society along with Col Olcott.

She was one of the immortal philosophers who left footprints on the sands of Time.

Alice Ann Bailey – The Mother of the New Age Movement

Alice Ann Bailey was initially a Christian worker. She came under the influence of her philosopher-husband, Foster Bailey, and founded the Arcane School. She is regarded as the foundational apostle of the New Age Movement.

She had written master treatises on Esoteric Philosophy & Esoteric Astrology. This is an excerpt from Esoteric Astrology ” The Zodiac & The Rays “


What I have to say first on this subject is entirely of a preliminary nature. I seek to lay the ground for a somewhat new approach – a far more esoteric approach – to the science of astrology. Certain things I may say will probably be regarded by the academic and uninspired astrologer as revolutionary, or as erroneous, as improbable or unprovable. As yet, however, astrology has not really proved itself to the world of thought and science, in spite of many definitely demonstrable successes. I would ask all of you, therefore, who read and study this section of A Treatise on the Seven Rays to bear in mind the above comments and to preserve a willingness to consider hypotheses and to make an effort to weigh a theory or suggestion and to test out conclusions over the course of a few years. If you can do this, there may come to you an awakening of the intuition which will translate modern astrology into something of real moment and significance to the world. It is intuitional astrology which must eventually supersede what is today called astrology, thus bringing about a return to the knowledge of that ancient science which related the constellations and our solar system, drew attention to the nature of the zodiac and informed humanity as to the basic [4] interrelations which govern and control the phenomenal and subjective worlds.