Astronomical Computation of the Age of the Vedas
How old is the Vedic Civilization?
Also known as Prajapati, the Mriga Sira constellation is the base for the
computation for the Astro Dating of Vedic Age by Bal Gangadhar Tilak in his
magnum opus, Orion, the Arctic Home in the Vedas.
The Head of Orion or Mriga is Mriga Sira, the constellation of Makeeyam, Lambda Orionis ! The Vedas mention that the Vernal Equinox was in Orion or Mriga Sira ! The Vernal Equinox was in Zero degree Aries in 286 CE. The Vernal Equinoctial Point is at 6 degree Pisces now. The Precession of the Equinoxes is 72 years per degree.
What is the Precession of the Equinoxes ?
The wobble of the Earth around its Axis. Also known as Axial Precession. The occurrence of Equinoxes becomes earlier in sidereal year, due to the retrograding or precessing motion of Equinocital Points along the Earth's Path or Ecliptic.
The Vernal Equinoctial Point precedes, retrogrades or moves backward one degree
in every 72 years.
24 DEG 3 MIN 22 SEC )
How can we know when the VEP was in Orion or Mriga Sira, now that it is in 6 deg Pisces ?
It can be calculated like this.
The angular distance from Zero Point, Zero Degree Aries to the 53.33 deg of Orion or Mriga = 53.33 deg
Degrees traversed in Pisces = 30 - 6 = 24
So total degrees traversed 53.33 + 24 = 77.33 degrees.
So 77.33 * 72 = 5567 years old is the Vedic Civilization !
( Mriga Sira starts from 53.33 degrees in the Zodiac ).
No | Constellation | Indian Name | Deg/Min | Deg/Min |
1 | Beta Arietis | Aswini | 00 00 | 13 20 |
2 | 41 Arietis | Bharani | 13 20 | 26 40 |
3 | Eta Tauri | Karthika | 26 40 | 40 00 |
4 | Alpha Tauri | Rohini | 40 00 | 53 20 |
5 | Lambda Orionis | Mrigasira | 53 20 | 66 40 |