The foremost amongst the six auxiliary sciences is Sidereal Astrology according to the Indian Sages. It has been rightly called as the Vision of the Vedas. She is the most perfect amongst all the auxiliary sciences, says one poetic verse, highlighting its importance in Higher Superconscient Learning. 

In Sanskrit "Vid " means to know. Veda means Knowledge. It is equivalent to the Episteme of the Greeks and the Scientia of the Latinists ( Scire - to know, Scientia ( Science ) - Knowledge). 

The Deep Exaltation Points of Planets 


In the 5th degree of Cancer, Jupiter is in a state of deep exaltation. 

Moon       3rd degree of      Taurus 

Saturn     20th degree of     Libra 

Venus      27th degree of     Pisces 

Mercury    16th degree of     Virgo 

Sun        10th degree of     Aries 

Mars       28th degree of     Capricorn 

The Deep Debilitation Points of Planets

180 degrees from the deep exaltation point is the deep debilitation point and is therefore ( for planets )

Jupiter   5th degree of     Capricorn

Moon      3rd degree of     Scorpio 

Saturn    20th degree of    Aries 

Venus     27th degree of    Virgo

Mercury   16th degree of    Pisces

Sun       10th degree of    Libra 

Mars      28th degree of    Cancer 

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The Dispositor Theory

A planet transmits its power to the signs owned by it. For instance, Jupiter owns Sagittarius and Pisces. If Jupiter is exalted, then Sagittatariius and Pisces becomes powerful. Not only the signs owned by the planet, but the Planets posited in these signs also become powerful. Dispositor is the planet who is the lord of the sign. For instance, if Mars is in Cancer, Cancer is owned by the Moon and hence Moon becomes the dispositor of Mars.

Exaltation Dispositor

The planet who gets exalted in a sign is called the Exaltation dispositor.

For instance, Jupiter get exalted in Cancer. Hence the exaltation dispositor of Cancer is Jupiter and its dispositor, Moon!

Cancellation of Debilitation ( Neechabhanga )

We know that planets gets exalted in certain signs and debilitated in certain signs.The debilitation sign is 180 degrees from the exaltation sign.

Debilitation is cancelled due to 2 factors

1. When the dispositor is in a quadrant ( 1,4,7 & 10 houses ) either from the Ascendant or the Lunar Ascendant

2. When the exaltation dispositor is in a quadrant either from the Ascendant or the Lunar Ascendant

This Cancellation of Debilitation is considered to be a powerful Regal Yoga or Conjunction ( Raja Yoga ).



Planets in Quadrants

1,4,7.10 houses are called quadrants. 1,5,9 houses are called Trines.

Benefic planets like Jupiter, Venus & Mercury are considered to be powerful when they are posited in quadrants. It is said that that these  natural benefics in quadrants can destroy crores of afflictions!

If natural malefics own quadrants, they become benefics. Mars &  Saturn are good as owners of quadrants.  On the other hand, if natural benefics like Venus and Jupiter own quadrants, they are vitiated by Quadrangular ownership. They become functional malefics.

The trinal lords ( lords of 1,5 & 9 ) are considered powerful.

Colours of Planets

Jupiter  Golden Hue
Sun Reddish
Moon  Fair
Mars  Deep red
Mercury  Greenish
Saturn  Black


Polished Light Black
Rahu Black ( Resembles Saturn )
Ketu Red   (Resembles Mars )

Significators of Houses

8th House 
Ist House  Sun
2nd House  Jupiter
3rd House  Mars

4th House 

5th House  Jupiter
6th House  Saturn
7th House  Venus

9th House

10th House  Sun
11th House  Jupiter
12th House  Saturn


Signs as Significators of the Elemental Five!

Aries Leo Scorpio   Fiery Signs
Taurus Cancer Libra  Watery Signs
Gemini Virgo  Earthly Signs
Capricorn Aquarius   Airy Signs
Sagittarius Pisces  Etheric Signs

Classical Philosophy has The Law of Correspondences as its base.

" As Above, so Below", the Earth is an exact replica of Heaven!

Based on the Pythagorean Law of Vibration, the nine digits correspond to the nine revolving heavens and this science came to be known as the science of Astro-Numerology.

Gemologists have found that the vibrations of gems correspond to the vibrations of the planets and this came to be known as Astro-Gemology.