Cancellational Factors of
Major Yogas - Raja Yoga Bhanga
Astrology is a deep and complicated science. There may be good yogas
in the
horoscope but because of some negative cancellational factors,
these yogas
may not fructify. There are many a complaint that the " Yogas
in my horoscope
are not experiential". This is because of some Bhanga (
cancellational factors )
hidden in the natal chart.
Regal Yogas are called Raja Yogas. They are formed by the
of trinal
and angular lords. There are lakhs of Raja Yogas which are described
in astro-
logical texts. Let us analyse the negative factors which can cancel
Raja Yogas.
1) Debilitated Planets
2) Defeated Planets ( defeated in planetary war )
3) Planets in inimical houses.
4) Planets in Bhava Sandhis
5) Retrograde Planets
6) Combust Planets
7) Planets associated with the North Node
8) Vibala Planets ( planets devoid of strength )
9) Lords of 6, 8 & 9 houses
10) Lords of Angular Houses
Natural benefics like Venus and Jupiter, when afflicted by Angular
4) Planets in Bhava Sandhis or Rasi Sandhis
Planets at the Cusp between 2 houses is considered weak. So also
planets at the
Cusp between two Zodiacal Signs.
5) Retrograde Planets
If malefics retrograde, they will cause unnecessary wanderings and
( Papa Vyasanatha Pumsam Kurvanthi Cha Vridhadanam ). Saturn &
Mars retrograde cause unnecessary suffering and sorrow.
6) Combust Planets
Planets when they become proximate to the Sun, become combust.
Combust planets
are weak. For example, Mercury within 8 degrees of the Sun is very
7) Planets associated with the North Node
Planets in conjuction with the North Node, Rahu, is considered weak.
means the planet should be within 12 degrees of the other planet.
8) Vibala Planets ( planets devoid of strength )
In the Sixfold Source of Planetary Strength, if a planet gets
Shastiamsas less
than the stipulated minimum, he is
Vibala or devoid of strength.
Minimum points for Planets
A planet who gets lesser number of Shastiamsas than the stipulated
minimum is
considered to be Weak without any cancellation.
9) Lords of 6, 8 & 12 houses
The lords of 6, 8 & 12 are malefics by ownership. The 6th lord
brings diseases
& problems from enemies, the 8th lord brings health hazards and
the 12th lord brings uncontrollable expenditure.
10) Lords of Angular Houses
become malefics.
The astrologer while assessing Raja Yogas should assess all these
factors while
prognosticating results. The cancellational factors which we have
highlighted can mar
Yogas.The statment " The potential of my horoscope has not been
actualised " has many hidden causes and they may be one of the
ten cited above. When positive and negative influences commingle,
prognostication becomes difficult. Maximum care must be exercised
while dealing with Raja Yogas.