The Effects of the 10th lord in many Houses
One becomes a success in the professional
sphere, depending on the strength
of the 10th lord and the 10th house. If the
10th lord is debilitated or weak,
The Effects of the 10th
lord in the Fourth House
Since the 10th lord is in the
4th, the native will be a versatile per-
son with knowledge in
various subjects. They will be renowned for
their learning and
generosity. They may shine in real estate deals
and agricultural
pursuits. They will wield political power and will
be known as good
mediators. They will have powerful friends who
will help them in
their hour of crisis. They will have a well decora-
ted house &
conveyances. Because of their wealth and leadership
they will have followers and juniors who admire
This is a powerful position for public life.
The Effects of the
10th lord in the Fifth House
Since the 10th lord is in the 5th, the
native will excel in real estate
deals and in speculation.They
are inclined to Religion and Philoso-
phy and lead a
simple life with prayer and meditation. They are
interested in
learning from early childhood and adhere to Truth.
They will be
blessed with all the comforts of life. They will have
friends. As the 5th is 8th from the 10th, they will have
reverses in
profession and may be subjected to vicissitudes. They
will have
powerful enemies also who will try to block their
gress and development.
The Effects of the 10th lord in the Sixth
Since the 10th lord is in the 6th, the native will shine
in occupations
which are connected with the judiciary,
hospital or prison. They
will hold responsible posts. They will
be known as impartial
men and will be held in high esteem. There
may be transfers and
changes in their environment. They
will subject to trouble through
enemies. As the 6th is 9th to the 10th,
they will have professional
luck and people will recognise
them as professionals. They will
wield political power and have wealth beyond
the dreams of avarice
Lucky breaks come to them automatically.