a planet's longitude falls in the Negative Regions of the Zodiac, such a
planet's Period or Dasa is said to be negative ( Anishtaphalada ).
Samhara taro durithamsakascha
Gandantham Ushnam Visha Nadika cha
Vishtischa riktha karanam sthirakhyam
Ekargalam Vaidhrutha sarpa seeshe
If a planet falls in a constellation which is destructive, that planet is said
to be negative.
What is a destruction star ? The 27 constellations are classified into
three groups
Srishti ( Creative )
Sthithi ( Preservative )
Samhara ( Destructive ).
For instance, Aswini, is Creative ( Shristi ), Bharani is Sthithi (
Preservative ) and Karthika is Samhara ( Destructive ).
Ashwinyadyath kramath sarve srishti sthithi
Tatra tarasu sarvasu madhyasthau durithamsakau