Global Warming causes Climate Change in Kerala
By Govind
Climatologists are of the opinion that the
quantity of rains have not come down in Kerala. On the other hand, rainy days
have declined. Now there are fierce downpours and sunny interludes. Fierce
rains are defined as rains which give 20 cms of rain in one hour. Such fierce
rains have increased and sunny days have also increased. This Climate Change
is caused by Global Warming.
In 2008, in Kuttanad, such rains created havoc,
destroying crops. Such rains continued this year, during both the Monsoons,
the North East and the South West. Depressions caused these rains. The
snowfall in Idukki caused destruction in cardamom crops. Climatologist view
these happenings as unnatural phenomena. During some years, the intensity of
the South West Monsoon becomes less. Not only Kerala, but Jharkhand,
Chattisghand are also adversely affected.
It is said the dogs need not check the Astro
Calendar to know which is the sidereal month of Virgo or Kanya. It is also
proof that time for procreation and Climate are interlinked. Kanya or the
sidereal month of Virgo is the interlude between the two major monsoons and is
devoid of rains. Less daylight and more the duration of night characterise
this sidereal month. This is the month dogs find it easy to mate. This month
stimulates the procreational urge in dogs and they instinctively that this is
the month for mating. The cause is attributed to the Bio Clock mechanism in
dogs. Female dogs give birth only after 60/70 days. By that time the Kala
Varsha or the Sourth West Monsoon will be over. The young ones will get the
right atmosphere for growing. That is why Nature gave dogs such a benign
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This year the Kala Varsha continued during the month of Kanya with the result
the procreational cycle of dogs is adversely affected. The dogs ran here and
thereby their mating declined ! The physiological processes of dogs is
affected by Climate Change. Now dogs that are born have less weight and this
phenomenon has been observed in Alsatian dogs particularly.
The intensity of the rains have increased with the result fierce rains wreaked
havoc on Agriculture. The rainwater does not seep through the earth and hence
there are less wells and water reservoirs. Floods have increased considerably.
Another phenomenon is the retreat of the monsoons. In July/ August of 2002,
less rains caused draught. It used to be 21% rainfall during June, 33% in
July, 28% in August and 18% in Sep.
Now Climate Change has changed all that. More sunny interludes have been
reported in July. This phenomenon has increased by 30% due to the the
wind waves of the South West Monsoon going to the bottom of the Himalayas.
For the last 15 years, oreographic precipitation or rains in the hilly areas,
have declined by 20%. Lesser and lesser amount of rains are reported
every year.
Deforestation is the cause for less rains in Peerumedu and Nerumangalam. The
mountains do block the cold wind waves coming from the Indian Ocean and
cause precipitation.
In short, Global Warming's repercussions on Climate can be
drastic. We hope furthur negative reports do not come from the Climatologists