•                                 Cancer Horoscope, Vedic Astrology , eastrovedica, hindu astrology software consultancy and research                      

    The Zodiacal Sign of Cancer comprises of the last lunar mansion of Beta Geminorum ( Punarvasu) ,  the four quarters of Delta Cancri ( Pushya ) & Alpha Cancri  ( Aslesha )

    For Cancer Moon Signs  


    Mercury  in  the  4th  indicates lucky breaks in the financial sphere.

    Venus in the 6th can give rise in professional status.

    Solar Fifth   Transit  may  give fear of msery.

    Jupiter in the Sixth can give afflictions from the jealous. 

    Saturn in the 6th is positive  and may give some lucky breaks. 



    Opposition from the jealous have to be faced, They will conspire against you. Mental peace makes a strategic retreat. 


    Thou shalt eat only unprocessed, living natural food", commands Hygeia,the Goddess of Health.


    Avoid start new relationships. 


    Ekagrata is the Key.

    Rahu's Transit  

    There can be profits from speculation and investment . You may see the fulfillment of the Parkinson's Law " Expenditure will rise to meet the income". You will find a lack of mental peace, the reason of which is unknown. You can chant the Rahu Mantra - Om Rahave Namah - minimum 12 times a day to enhance the North Node. 

    On the negative side, expenses will spiral. Dreams will scare you. On the positive side, you can get income from many sources. There may be gains from investment. 


    Chandrashtama - The Black Hole of Natal Astrology


    When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon, Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in Hindu Astrology.   

    Anything of the flesh will be affected during this phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind.  You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension, physical discomfort, delays in undertakings and travel, misplaced documents, sporadic clashes with partner - all these mark your pitiable state. During this 2 1/4 days, you are advised to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary representing the Mind, the Moon, traverses through the dreaded Eighth House, mental peace makes a strategic retreat. 

    Be careful about these days -  03 Dec to 04 Dec  Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu 

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