

The Z Files - The New Age Information Encyclopaedia, A service of Zodiac Astrology & An aid to Self-Actualisation
Issue 29  22 April, 2002

Inspirational Quotes

Of Time

"Everything is created by Time, everything is preserved by Time &  everything is destroyed by Time "    -   The Bhagavatha

"I am Time Eternal in the form of the Zodiac " - Lord Krishna

"He who forces Time will be pushed back by Time
 He who yields to Time will find Time on his side"   - Anonymous

"I am Time inexhaustible, the All Devourer, the All Destroyer " - Lord Krishna

In some Astrology Discussion Lists, I was defined as too pessimistic, regarding my Mundane Astrology predictions. I care not, for the heavens at the moment brim with pessimistic prophecies. The Sapta Graha Yoga ( seven planet configuration in Taurus ) is frightening enough. Saturn's transit of  Rohini ( Rohini Sakata Bheda )  is indeed disconcerting. May the Omniscient ( as Gandhi prayed ) give noble intellect to all ! Too many ego-clashes,  the Clash of Civilizations, conflicts and war is not what is needed ! What is needed is the Dialogue among Civilisations, which can only be effected  if the world follows Universal Love !

Since our aim is to increase the positive vibrations in the collective Subconscient ( the Subconscious Mind ), we can recite the Sani Gayatri for world peace.

Om Kakadwajaya Vidmahe Khadga Hasthaya Dheemahi
Thanno Manda Prachodayath

Obervance of high purity, both physical and mental, is called for ( known as the observance of the Law of the Mount ) while reciting this mantra. As this is slightly difficult for average people, a Yantra  ( wherein the Mantra is inscribed on a Silver or Gold plate ) is prepared for  the event. 

Jupiterian Transit of Gemini

The eightfold division of a Zodiacal Sign is called a Kakshya ( 3 degrees & 45 minutes ) &  the the eight Kakshya rulers are Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon & the Ascendant.

During the present Jupiterian stay in the Ascendant till  12062002,( this is the last Kakshya of Gemini ), the world is ready to emerge into a New Era. Jupiter, from his sign of near debilitation,  is ready to enter his sign of exaltation, Cancer.  We have to understand that the Divine Plan is the principle of Creative Destruction. Evil will destroy itself. Good alone will triumph!

Heaven's Light forever shines; earth's shadows fly !

Transit Positive - Sagittarius, Libra, Leo people - Why not take this opportunity of a favourable Jupiterian Transit and prosper?  Success is assured if you channelise your energies in a special way. 

Transit Negative - Those under Elarata Saturn ( people having Aries, Taurus & Gemini as their Moon Signs ) should resort to divine remedial measures to escape Saturnine maleficence.



Vedic Astrology Lesson 20

The current fascination with the Psychic and the Occult owes a lot to Einstein whose Theory of Relativity changed man's concept of the Universe. The entire Universe is a four dimensional Space-Time continuum, with the three dimensions of Space and the fourth dimension of Time. Time, not Space; Mind, not Matter became the formula of the philosophical.

Regarding the Sixth House

The Sixth House represents enemies and wounds. This is an important house as enemies can destroy our mental peace. Even though philosophically the Adversary is an active collaborator and is the builder of the strength in man, practically he can make us cry with his machinations ! Hence a
powerful Sixth  lord is called for; if the sixth house is weak or aspected by malefics, we are bound to suffer.

The best Yoga for the destruction of enemies is Jupiter in the Ascendant & the North Node in the   sixth. This is also known as Ashta Lakshmi Yoga. This Yoga will  wipe out enemies !

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Ascendant

If the 6th lord is in the ascendant, the native will be rash & adventurous and become inimical to own people. He/she may join Defence or  may be a jail  superintendent. They may be  worried  by some kind of  sickness. This worry may be imaginary. They may be  plagued  by  enemies.  Their virtues may  make them honourable before the  public.  They may be out of  control  if  they  are   not  well   guided  during  childhood.   Unless negative elements in them are not  controlled,  they may join a   criminal group.

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                The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Second House

Since the 6th lord is in the 2nd, the native will be enterprising and will live in a place where he/she are more surrounded by enemies than friends. They are workaholics. They have tremendous communication abilities which they will use to their advantage.  They know how to talk their way to the top.  They are  always shaky about scarce economic resources &  financial conditions. They need not worry about health.

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Third House

Since the 6th lord is in the 3rd, the native may  have to face tremendous enmity & non-cooperation from neighbours. It  makes them angry and lose confidence. It will be full scale war if they clash with someone they love. It is quite likely that there will be enmity with   younger co-borns. Neighbours become hostile & they may have to face their wrath. They
are always  upset by the machinations of their enemies.

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Fourth House

Since the 6th lord is in the 4th, the native may not have much happiness from his/her mother. He/she will be an accomplished raconteur. They will be intelligent enough to make stories. They have an inherent subconscious
fear of losing mother's love which in turn creates a massive  emotional complex  in  them.  Education gets  disrupted. People think they  are strong minded which is not true. Troubles through servants indicated.

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Fifth House

As the 6th lord is in the 5th, the native will be  subject to  dire vicissitudes. They are  quite  capable of  taking care of their  self interest. The  atmosphere at home may not be smooth enough. Their  maternal uncle may help them. Due to stress intense they may  shatter all ties with  relatives and fall into a a sad neurosis which is  unnatural  to their normal style of functioning. They  are humourous & strong willed.

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Sixth House

Since the 6th lord is in  6th, pro and  contra groups will function wherever  the native works. They go & attain  strength to fight  their enemies.Their inner conscience conflicts  against their outer  actions. They will  be blessed by conveyances and they will have good longevity. Enemies pose problems but ultimately they triumph. Debts will not trouble them as the 6th lord is powerful.  They will  recover from illnesses due to the sixth lord's  strength.

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                The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Seventh House

Since  the  6th lord  is in  7th,  the native will  be surprised  by the difference between actuality  & the marital life which he/she dreamt. It is  likely  that  they will  marry  from  within  their family. Their maternal uncle may live  abroad. They abhor day dreaming. Clashes with life partner likely.

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Eighth House

Since  the  6th  lord  is  in  the  8th,  enmity increases from the native's associates. They   demand  respect  which they may not get from the people they  deal with. The adverse position of the 6th lord can give  diseases  and  debts which  can be prevented  if cared for in time. They may be subject to the machinations of enemies. Enemies may go in for a campaign of character assassination to destroy their image.

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Ninth House

Since the 6th lord is in 9th,  the native's professional fortunes will be subject to severe vicissitudes. Misunderstandings  arise  between them and  their father.That they are  totally different from  their enemies  will  be  showed  by  Fate through  numerous incidents. Ultimately they triumph over their enemies with the touch of poetic justice.Their father will be quite renowned. Their enemies  will be fooled  & their friends will benefit from their association with them.

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Tenth House

Since the  6th  lord is in 10th,  they are bound to be successful in foreign countries/far away lands. They will be endowed with the gift of articulate  speech. Their ancestral properties which they inherited will be subject to litigation and  disputes. They are adepts at management & it will surprise many how they achieve  their results and control their  adversaries.They always exercise their will power & establish superiority.

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Eleventh House

Since the 6th lord is in the 11th, they will gain a lot  from  enemies and acquire wealth thereby. Their spouse is in the habit of spending more than  they earn. Since their degree of adaptability is enormous, they will adapt to the  fiscal  extravagance of their partner. Enemies who worked against them now realise that they are  more  powerful than what they  thought  & that  they are formidable adversaries..

The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Twelfth House

Since the 6th  lord is in  the  12th,   the native becomes a sadist taking pleasure in torturing other beings. Their destructive  power  helps to annihilate  their enemies.  They are not in any  way hesitant to spend largesse and effort on things which the ethical refrain from. Personal  satisfaction is their  motto & they  bother not about Ethics & Morality. They accept  any hedonism that appeals to them   & which arouses  their  emotions. They will be subject to considerable persecution from their enemies.

Astrology & Astro-Numerology

It is difficult to believe that numbers can represent Reality. Infinity represents the Ultimate Truth and Infinity is a numberless Number ! Numerology, therefore, is another fascinating science, which is worth studying.

In Numerology there are many system. Another school of Numerology existed based on the Vital Number. This number is represented by a Key planet and this planet becomes the important one as far as this branch of Numerology is concerned.

Astrology & Astro-Gemology

Eminent Gemologist Richard Shaw Brown states in his book " Astral Gemstones and Talismans" that there are five basic methods for choosing gemstones in classical Astro-Gemology.

1) The Zodiacal Moon Sign
2) The BIrth Constellational lord
3) The Rising Sign or the Ascendant
4) Preference of the Native
5) Prescription of a Sidereal Astrologer

The fifth or the last method, he says, is the most potent way to choose gemstones for their powers.

Synastry or Compatibility between Couples.

Whether two horoscopes are compatible or not is checked by Sidereal Astrology. The Compatiblity software checks the
compatibility of couples and, in some civilizations, compatibility is a prerequiste for marriage !

Large matrimonial databases, in such civilizations, become useful to people looking out for astrologically compatible partners !

(This link can also be used for acquiring life-partners!)

Astrology & the Fourfold Yoga ( The Science of Cosmic Union )

The achievement of the Negative Capability ( the achievement of Equanimity ) is the aim of Yoga. " Equanimity is Yoga" ( Samathwam Yoga Uchyathe). Equanimity of mind amidst happiness and sorrow, defeat and success, praise and calumny ! The real Yogi is he who is equanimous in both prosperity & adversity!

He who to none and nowhere overbound
By ties of flesh, takes evil things and good
Neither desponding nor exulting such
Bears Wisdom's plainest mark !

Astrology & Occult Vibratory Chemistry ( Tantra )

The Five Great Elements ( Earth, Air, Water, Fire & Ether ) & Mind reside in the  Six Chakras.

Earth-Principle resides in the Root Chakra
Water-Principle resides in the Navel Chakra
Fire-Principle resides in the Solar Plexus Chakra
Air-Principle resides in the Heart Chakra
Ether-Principle resides in the Throat Chakra
Mind-Principle resides in the Eye Brow Chakra.

Astrology & Quantum ( Holistic ) Medicine

In his essay " Self Healing ", Dr Naras Bhat writes that " the skill of self-healing gives us three distinct benefits: stress control, shifting the momentum from degenerative afflictions & aging to regeneration, and achieving our maximal self with creativity. We can go to the best doctor in town and get the best pills, but the final healing has to happen by the forces of nature acting on our mind-body."

Books - The Way to Paradise

It is said that the scholar is in a world of his own, uplifted by the writings of the Ascended Ones & elevated by the art of the Poet !

The scholar and the world , the endless strife
The discord in the harmonies of life !
The love of learning, the sequestered nooks,
And the sweet serenity of books,
The market place, eager love for gain
Whose aim is Vanity, whose end is pain !

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