The Z Files - The Divine Encyclopaedia
Unrivalled in Content Celestial,
Taking You to the Absolute Self
Issue 22 July 10, 2001
Motivational Quotes
About the Self ( the Divine in Man )
" The Self is an utter Being and all these are its
Becomings " - Aurobindo
"The Self is an infinite sphere, centre everywhere,
circumference nowhere " - Vivekananda.
" He sees indeed who sees in all alike
The living lordly Self " - Sir Edwin Arnold
" The Absolute Self is the only Reality & the relative
Universe, the relative Ego and the relative Supreme,
( Jagat, Jive & para ) are all illusory " -
- Ramana Maharshi
" Self_Actualisation is the Goal " - Upanishads.
" His great transparent mirror, Self " - Aurobindo
Vedic Astrology Lesson 13
The Moon's orbit and the earth's orbit intersect and these two intersecting points are known as North Node
( Rahu ) and the South Node ( Ketu ). These orbits differ by 8 degrees. They are mathematical points
which influence human behaviour. Hence great importance has been assigned to these Nodes in
Vedic Astrology.
The role of the North Node ( Rahu ) in Horoscopy
North Node's Effects in the 12 Houses
Rahu in the Ascendant
Rahu in the Ascendant makes one disease-prone and lazy. Will lack mercy, wealth,
happiness, righteousness & happiness
from children. Wont have much longevity. Will be subject to the temptations of the flesh.
But if Rahu is in the signs of Cancer, Taurus or Aries, these effects will be invalid as he is powerful in these signs.
Rahu in the Second House
Will have less wealth. May be sunk in debts. Will be diplomatic but then diplomacy is a dignified form of concealed hypocrisy.
Will be anger-prone. May have diseases on the face. All malefic planets in the second are adverse for wealth.
Rahu in the Third House
Will have a high opinion of oneself. Will have the power of attraction. Will be liberal and spendthrift. This postion of the
North Node confers good longevity as the Upachayas ( 3,6, 10 & 11 houses are good for malefics ). This also is a
Kubera Yoga - a position for wealth.
Rahu in the Fourth House
Medical Astrology postulates that heart may be afflicted if any malefic is posited in the fourth. ( As the Fourth House
rules the heart ). Will be devoid of happiness, landed properties, relatives and conveyances. All relatives
will become your enemies. This position of the North Node is detrimental to getting legacy from mother.
Rahu in the Fifth House
Will have less progeny, only one son. Will be anger-prone. Will be abandoned by relatives. Will lack guts needed for
success. Will be selfish and self-oriented.
Rahu in the Sixth House
Medical Astrology postulates that if a malefic is posited in the sixth, stomach disorders will haunt the native.
Will have prosperity and along with prosperity, enemies. Will be virtuous, Will be famous, Will have good digestive power.
Will be victorious but will have to face enemy trouble. Will be a commander and will be skilled in combat. Will be a lord with a
lot of subordinates. Digestive tract disorders indicated. High longevity indicated.
Rahu in the Seventh House
Will be a spendthrift ignoring economic prudence. Will lack general happiness and intelligence. Will give priority to liberty.
Will be disease-prone. Will be devoid of marital happiness. Will have to face humiliation. May be insulted by women.
Body may be tormented by illhealth. Will be travelling a lot.
Rahu in the Eighth House
Will be subject to persecution and calumny. Will have less longevity. Will lack happiness from progeny. This position
of the North Node indicates Karmic backlog. Will be devoid of relatives and wealth. Will be melancholic &
sorrowful. Will be quarrelsome and will be fastidious. Will have to face defeat in many situations.
Rahu in the Ninth House
This is a Raja Yoga ( regal power ) causing Rahu. Napolean had this yoga ( Libra rising, Rahu in Gemini ). Will have wealth,
relatives and sons. Will have reverence for the preceptors and devotion to spiritual people. May harm the father. Will be devoid
of Dharma. Will be a misogynist.
Rahu in the Tenth House
Rahu in the Eleventh House
Will be wealthy with high education. Will have good longevity and a lot of good subordinates.Will have high professional skill. Will be
strong and will be prosperous Will have high longevity and humble. Will enjoy all comforts.
Rahu in the Twelfth House
Will be averse to committing sins publicly. Will be subject to health hazards. Will have eye troubles and will be devoid of sons & wealth.
Will be weak and may fall from profession. This adverse position of Rahu is not good from the perspective of profession as a fall is imminent.
Astrology and the Science of Numbers ( Numerology )
The highest level of any science is Mathematics and Mathematics is the science of Numbers. In other words, the Absolute and Relative
Realities can be represented by Numbers. No wonder Pythagorus glimpsed the mystery of the Universe in numbers.
Gem Therapy
The Human Electro-magnetic Field ( also known as the Auric Field ) has been proved by Kirlian Photography. The part of the body afflicted by
disease will be darkened and a gem therapist gives the much needed cosmic color ( gemstone ) to redeem the area afflicted by disease.
Astrology , Holistic Medicine & Ayurveda
Holistic medicine postulates that the responsibility for healthcare rests in the patient's hands because that is where the knowledge and control
of the variables lie ( diet,stress,exercise,genetics,emotion & medication).
The Five Levels of Being - The Yogic Model
These are the five concentric sheaths enveloping the Self, the Divine Spark in man !
1. Physical Sheath ( Annamaya Kosha )
2. Vital Sheath ( Pranamaya Kosha )
3. Mental Sheath ( Manomaya Kosha )
4. Intellectual Sheath ( Vijnanamaya Kosha )
5. Bliss Sheath ( Anandamaya Kosha )
Disease is the imbalance in any of the three lower sheaths of existence - physical, vital & mental.
The microcosm & the macrocosm are are in unbroken communion with each other & are structured on the same pattern. At the
level of the physical sheath, food, water & oxygen enter the microcosm and Co2, waste products etc return to the macrocosm. This is true of
other sheaths also. The individual cannot exist independent of the cosmos. The interdependence of the Microcosm & the Macrocosm
is known in Classical Philosophy as the Bio-Cosmic tieup. If the exchange between the physical sheath and the physical world
around it is defective, the body will become ill, and death will result if it is stopped altogether.
Vedic Holistic Medicine is Ayurveda and its prophylactic aspect is Naturopathy. All non-veg food is acidic and the alkaline food which
is needed for the body is that which cometh from Nature. So if we live in rhythm with Natural Law, no disease can visit us.
Astrology & Yoga Therapy
The approach of Yoga Therapy is based on the holistic concept of human being; the five " sheaths " of existence of which the physical sheath
( Annamaya Kosha ) is only the first. The second is the Vital Sheath ( Pranamaya Kosha ), that is made up of the Vital Energy called Prana
which flows through invisible channels called Nadis. The third is the Mental Sheath ( Manomaya Kosha ) The fourth is the Intellectual Sheath
( Vijnanamaya Kosha ) and the final sheath is the Bliss Sheath ( Ananda Maya Kosha ). The Bliss Sheath is found to consist of the positive energy
associated with the Divine Self. It is from this sheath that the inner peace characteristic of true Bliss emanates.
Astrology & Occult Vibratory Chemistry ( Tantra )
A different but parallel model of human personality was developed by the Tantras. Whereas the Upanishads speak of Five Sheaths or
Koshas, the Tantras speak of six chakras. These Chakras are ( in ascending order)
1. Root Chakra ( Muladhara )
2. Anal Chakra ( Manipura )
3. Solar Plexus Chakra ( Swadhistana )
4. Heart Chakra ( Anahata )
5. Throat Chakra ( Vishuddhi )
6. Eyebrow Chakra ( Ajna )
Life is regarded as the unfolding of the Self at six different levels of consciousness known as Chakras in the magnificent Tantric Model.
In mundane people the unfolding takes place only at the first three chakras which represent procreation, metabolism & speech; the
higher three chakras remain latent. The awakening of the higher chakras results in the unfolding and fulfillment of Life Divine. When
the Kundalini, the Serpentine Power inherent in humans, rises from the Root Chakra ( Muladhara ) to the Crown Chakra ( Sahasrara ),
man achieves Cosmic Consciousness.
The Spirit shall take up the human play
The earthly life become the Life Divine!
Books as the source of knowledge
" Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind, to posterity " said Dante. Without books we cannot acquire knowledge.
With the advent of the New Age in the Kali Yuga, a spiritual revolution has been ushered & many Redeemers will be there to save mankind !
" I saw them cross the twilight of the Age,
The massive barrier breakers of this world
The sun-eyed children of a marvellous dawn
The architects of immortality
Carrying the magic Word, the mystic Fire,
Carrying the Dionysian cup of Joy " - Aurobindo