
The Spiritual Encyclopaedia, Unrivalled in Content Divine
Taking You to the Almighty Self,A service of Zodiac Astrology

Issue 21May 15, 2001

Motivational Quotes

About Work

"Work is worship & duty is divine " - Vedas

"Work freely and furiously and there will be progress " - Anonymous

"Put Work first and money will take care of itself " - Anonymous

"Labor is prayer " - Bible

Vedic Astrology Lesson 12

Mathematics gave birth to the Law of Probability. When this Law based on astronomical facts & figures is applied , it becomes the Wisdom of the Heavens, Astrology. Rightly it has been defined as a Lamp in darkness. Despite the allegations levelled against it, Astrology continues its role as one of the noblest professions & one of the greatest sciences which human intellect has built up.

The role of Moon in Horoscopy

As the Queen of the Solar Logos, Moon is an important luminary capable of conferring great mental power. The position of Moon is very important from the perspective of prosperity. A strong Moon, powerful in digit strength, can give immense courage to the native and courage is essential for prosperity. Prosperity depends on the position of Moon & Jupiter, the indicator of wealth. The Moon is considered as a natural benefic in Vedic Astrology.

Lunar Effects in the 12 Houses

Moon in the Ascendant

Moon in the Ascendant makes anger-prone and lazy. Will be valorous and will have less hair. Will be cruel and will have a high opinion about himself. Wont have patience and mercy.

Moon in the Second House

Will have less wealth. Less education also. But will be liberal minded. Will love his enemies. Face may be afflicted. Will be taxed by the Government. All malefic planets in the second are adverse for wealth.

Moon in the Third House

Will have high standard of comeliness. Will have a sacrificial nature. Will be the vanquisher of enemies in the battlefield. Will be valorous and strong. 

Moon in the Fourth House

Heart may be afflicted. Will be devoid of happiness, landed properties, relatives and conveyances. Will be interested in the opposite sex. Will have many houses. Will harm paternal wealth. Will never have mental peace & contentment.

Moon in the Fifth House

Will be highly intelligent, and will be loved by the Government. Will be devoid of sons, comforts & wealth. Will love forests &
try to live in such surroundings. This position is adverse for relationship with sons.

Moon in the Sixth House

Will have prosperity and along with prosperity enemies. Will be virtuous, Will be famous, Will have good digestive power. Will be victorious but will have to face enemy trouble. Will be a commander and will be skilled in combat. Will be a lord with a lot of subordinates. Digestive tract disorders indicated.

Moon in the Seventh House

Will be tormented by the Government. Will have to face defeat. Will be devoid of marital happiness. Will have to face humiliation.
May be insulted by women. Body may be tormented by illhealth. Will be travelling a lot.

Moon in the Eighth House

Will be devoid of relatives and wealth. Will be melancholic & sorrowful. Will be quarrelsome and will be fastidious. Will have
to face defeat in many situations.

Moon in the Ninth House

Will have wealth, relatives and sons. Will have reverence for the preceptors and devotion to spiritual people. May harm the father.
Will be devoid of Dharma. Will be a misogynist.

Moon in the Tenth House

Will be highly educated & will have paternal wealth. Will be highly intelligent with a lot of conveyances. Will be hedonistic
and strong. This dominance of Moon on the Meridien is capable of conferring regal status, knowledge and valour.

Moon in the Eleventh House

Will be wealthy with high education. Will have good longevity and a lot of good subordinates. Will have high professional skill. Will be
strong and will be prosperous

Moon in the Twelfth House

Will have eye troubles and will be devoid of sons & wealth. Will be inimical to the father. Will be weak and may fall from profession.
This adverse position of the Sun is not good from the perspective of profession as a fall is indicated.

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                Astrology and the Science of Numbers ( Numerology )

Can numbers represent Reality? Yes, says Pythagorus. In fact, the mysteries of the Universe and all sciences are contained in
numbers! Do we not say that everything is one & do we not use ad infinitum in our talk ? They are numbers !

Relationship between Astrology & Gem Therapy

Medical Astrology finds out the causative factors of diseases and can heal diseases pronounced incurable by conventional medicine. Gem Therapy is an integral part of Medical Astrology.

Heart Diseases

Heart attack is defined as a case of coronary thrombosis. This happens when the heart is unable to to pump blood efficiently to all parts of the body. There are 20 kinds of heart diseases that affect the heart muscles, the valves of the heart or its inner or outer lining. There are a number of functional disorders of the heart. High B P ( hypertension) and hardening of the arteries ( arteriosclerosis ) are severe types. Rheumatic fever is also a type of heart disease.

Stellar patterns

The 4th and 5th signs of the Zodiac rule over our heart. The 4th house from the Ascendant rules the heart. The causative planets for heart disease are Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Rahu. Since planets in the 11th house of the Zodiac, Aquarius aspect Leo, Aquarius is also considered to be a 'heart disease' sign. Afflictions to the 4th house, Leo or Aquarius will result in heart disease.

Another causative factor is the Sun in Cancer, Aquarius or Pisces. Any three planets in Leo or Aquarius heavily afflicted, the Moon in
Gemini or Leo, the Ascendant in a watery sign & lord of the Ascendant occupying a dusthana,( the 6,8 &12 houses), the signs Leo / Aquarius and the 4th house from the Ascendant afflicted by Mars, Rahu or Saturn, Saturn afflicting Aquarius are other astro-pathogenic factors.

In Gem Therapy Emerald, Moonstone and Yellow Sapphire are used for this particular disease. Red Coral is also used as an additional gem in acute cases.

Astrology , Holistic Medicine & Ayurveda

Awakening to a New Holistic Health Awareness

Only after undergoing an inner conversion do people start on a holistic health programme. This conversion may come naturally in the fulness of time or by coming into contact with a holistic health adept or Yoga teacher. But more commonly, the inner transformation takes place only when people have reached the limits of suffering or when the shadow of some terminal illness looms large on the horizon. Fear, they say, is the beginning of wisdom.

Pain is the first born of the Inconscience
And thy body's dumb original base !

Whatever way the change occurs, it takes the form of two inner processes; a new attitude towards one's body and a feeling of responsibility for one's own health.

Man's greatest enemy - Thanatos ( Death-instinct )

The notion that what a person loves most is his own body has been proved erroneous by Freud. Freud, who declared that pleasure seeking ( hedonism ) was the basic instinct in man, modified his view later. He came to the conclusion that along with Life-instinct ( known as Eros ) man had apparently a powerful Death-instinct ( known as Thanatos ) which manifested itself as Self-hate & aggressive behaviour. He showed that not all accidents were really accidents. The accident-proneness of the victims produced by the unconscious death wish they had cherished was the cause behind some accidents. Research has indicated enough evidence for vicious & insidious forms of self-hate in man. We can understand how self-hate operates on the level of the Unconscious if we observe the way many people abuse their own stomachs, lungs & other vital organs, and the way some people bring ruin upon themselves by yielding to drug addiction & alcoholism. This self-hate acts as an inhibiting factor for most individuals. Success can be achieved, said Dr Maxwell Maltz, if this inhibitive factor is removed from the mind. Most people are unaware of it & drift through life unaware of the self- harm they do. Some of them wake up from this unconscious drifting and begin to have a new attitude - an attitude of love, friendliness and peace towards themselves & their brethren.It actually indicates the dawn of true love for one's higher Self known as the Atman.

Thanatos was known in Vedanta as Thamas ( the destructive element in man ). Thamas is destructive and self-destructive.
By yogic sadhana alone can this Thamas or Thanatos be destroyed.

Yet till evil is slain in its own home
And light invades the world's inconscient base
And perished is the Adversary force
He ( the Saviour ) must still labour on, his work halfdone! ( Aurobindo )

Ayurveda averrs that Rajas ( humanity ) and Thamas (bestiality ) are the pathogenic factors. Satwa (divinity) is non-pathogenic. So if we take only foods which are Satwic ( like fruits and vegetables - total 400 gms per day) no disease can assail us.

Astrology & Yoga Therapy

The Evolution of Medicine & the Three Eras of Medicine

Allopathic Medicine or " Physical Medicine" belongs to the first era. It is Cartesian and creates a dichotomy between mind & body.
Treating a disease is like fixing a part of the machine.

The second era of medicine refers to 'Mind-Body medicine." It became popular in the 1960s with the advent of Meditation, imagery, hypnosis & bio-feedback. Mind and body are interconnected by messenger molecules and these molecules are invoked to accomplish the healing process.

The third era of Medicine refers to " Transpersonal Medicine ". It became popular in 1990s with the advent of group support and spirituality to heal.

Yoga therapy supplements the second and the third eras of medicine.

Yoga therapy complements medical technology with a holistic system of health care that addresses the triune problems - physical, mental & spiritual. The author of Yoga Sutras, Patanjali, defined it as the Science of the Mind. Mind is the root cause of bondage and in order to redeem us from the thraldom of the mind, we have to annilhilate the mind. Extirpation of thought waves is Yoga. And it is through teaching us to control our mind, our desires, and our reactions to stress, that yoga can fundamentally help us. It is based on the tripod of Life - Body, Mind & Self & the three levels of Being- Doing, Thinking & pure Being.

Astrology determines the time which is auspicious for taking medicines and along with Yoga Therapy can nurse one to back health.

Astrology & Occult Vibratory Chemistry ( Tantra )

Tantra is based on the Coiled Serpentine Energy known as the Kundalini. Once the Golden Serpent rises, your thinking will change.Your perceptions will change. Then you need not rely on books. Then your mind will become your book. This wonderful phenomenon called the mind is a repository of endles  knowledge. Once the Kundalini via the Sushumna rises, we reach a transcendental plane. The main aim of the Yogi is to open the Sushumna. On the path of the Sushmna are the Chakras, dynamoes of cosmic energy in man.

She sports as Universal Power in the Macrocosm; and in the microcosm as the coiled Serpent Power!

Infinite Power of the Absolute art Thou!
The Cause of the Universe as Maya
The entire Creation is Thy Play
Thy blessing is Bliss Absolute !

The essence of all sciences art Thou
All women Thy manifestations !
The visible Universe Thou art
And the dormant Serpentine Power !

Astro-Therapy used in Vedic Astrology is Tantric. The images of the planetary energies are propitiated on the days assigned to them.

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