The Spiritual Encyclopaedia
Unrivalled in Content Divine
Taking You to the Almighty Self
A service of Zodiac Astrology
Issue 20 May 15, 2001
Motivational Quotes
About Being & Becoming
" Becoming is the only Being :" - Aurobindo
" Being is that which is " - Spinoza
" Being determined, Being conditioned is Becoming" - Hegel
" Being turns into Becoming and is always itself and other than
its becomings " - Aurobindo
Vedic Astrology Lesson 11
Kipling's " The East and West shall never meet " was countered
by Russell " The supremacy of the East was not only military.
Science, Philosophy and the arts all shone in the Eastern world
when the West was sunk in barbarism". The Occident's excellence
is in marketing; marketing is its second language! And because
of this skill, the West dominates the fields of Business & Industry.
The Orient is skilled in Philosophy & the psychic sciences. Its
second language is spirituality! Our aim is the union of East &
West, both experts in their methodologies; the vertical and the
horizontal means of acquiring knowledge!
The role of Sun in Horoscopy
As the King of the Solar Logos, Sun is an important luminary
capable of conferring great political power. A horoscope is
considered powerful only if the luminaries, Sol and Luna, are
powerful. The Sun is considered as a natural malefic in Vedic
Solar Effects in the 12 Houses
Sun in the Ascendant
Heart may be afflicted. Will be devoid of happiness, landed
properties, relatives and conveyances. Will be interested in
the opposited sex. Will have many houses. Will harm paternal
wealth. Will never have mental peace & contentment.
Sun in the Fifth House
Will be highly intelligent, and will be loved by the Government.
Will be devoid of sons, comforts & wealth. Will love forests &
try to live in such surroundings. This position is adverse for
relationship with sons.
Sun in the Sixth House
Will have prosperity and along with prosperity enemies.
Will be virtuous, Will be famous, Will have good digestive power.
Will be victorious but will have to face enemy trouble. Will be
a commander and will be skilled in combat. Will be a lord with a
lot of subordinates. Digestive tract disorders indicated.
Sun in the Seventh House
Will be tormented by the Government. Will have to face defeat.
Will be devoid of marital happiness. Will have to face humiliation.
May be insulted by women. Body may be tormented by illhealth.
Will be travelling a lot.
Sun in the Eighth House
Will be devoid of relatives and wealth. Will be melancholic &
sorrowful. Will be quarrelsome and will be fastidious. Will have
to face defeat in many situations.
Sun in the Ninth House
Will have wealth, relatives and sons. Will have reverence for the
preceptors and devotion to spiritual people. May harm the father.
Will be devoid of Dharma. Will be a misogynist.
Sun in the Tenth House
Will be highly educated & will have paternal wealth. Will be
highly intelligent with a lot of conveyances. Will be hedonistic
and strong. This dominance of Sun on the Meridien is capable
of conferring regal status, knowledge and valour.
Sun in the Eleventh House
Will be wealthy with high education. Will have good longevity and
a lot of good subordinates.Will have high professional skill. Will be
strong and will be prosperous
Sun in the Twelfth House
Will have eye troubles and will be devoid of sons & wealth. Will be
inimical to the father. Will be weak and may fall from profession.
This adverse position of the Sun is not good from the perspective
of profession as a fall is indicated.
Astrology and the Science of Numbers ( Numerology )
Based on the Vital Number, another system of Numerology
existed. The signs of the Zodiac from Aries was counted as
one, two etc and the ruler of that sign was assigned that
number. The Combined Vital number was represented by
a key planet and this planet was the planet of Destiny.
Combined Number from Life/Vital Lord of Life
date of birth Number
29 1 MARS
11 38 47 2 VENUS
12 21 39 48 3 MERCURY
13 22 31 49 4 MOON
14 23 32 41 5 SUN
15 24 33 42 51 6 MERCURY
16 25 34 43 52 7 VENUS
17 26 35 44 53 8 MARS
18 27 36 45 54 9 JUPITER
10 19 20 28 37 40 46 55 0 SATURN
More info about Astro-Numerology and a free AstroNumerological
Report can be had from
Correspondence between Astrology & Gem Therapy
Medical Astrology deals with diseases and the cause of the diseases
are called stellar patterns. Part of medical astrology is Gemstone
Research has discovered that diseases can be healed by gems. Each
gem has a perennial source of one specific ray which is not exhausted
even after its constant use for several years. Here we give below some
diseases, its stellar patterns and the gemstones used in curing them.
Disease Stellar Patterns Gemstone
Acidosis Afflicted Jupiter by malefics Emerald & Yellow
Accidents Rahu & Mars Red Coral /
White Pearl
Acne Venus or Ketu afflicted White Coral
& Lapis Lazuli
Allergy Mars in 1 4 7 8 12 Yellow &Blue
Ague Mars & absence of red rays Red Coral &
Amenorrhoea Saturn afflicted Red Coral
Adenoids Mars afflicted Red Coral
Amnesia Sun afflcted by Mercury Red Coral
Anemia Sun afflicted by Saturn Red Coral
Astrology , Holistic Medicine & Ayurveda
Holistic health does not reject the Western system of medicine in toto.
In the case of infectious diseases, nutritional & hormonal deficiencies
and bodily defects which need surgical intervention, it follows the Western
system. Psychosomatic diseases such as hypertension, peptic ulcer,
allergic asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome etc
can be treated by Holistic Medicine, it averrs. Holistic health provides
a way of life which prevents the reccurrence of some of these ailments.
It is more prophylactic, preventive, curative & restorative.
Ayurveda averrs that the toxins secreted by the body gets accumulated
as "Ama" and this Ama is the greatest enemy of the body.
One of the ways of combating Ama is Lankhanam or Fasting, which is the
best medicine. During fasting, Ama is dissolved and the digestive system
gets the much needed rest.
Astrology & Vedic Foods ( Yogic Diet )
Vedic Foods means high octane fuels like clean water fruits,
vegetables, sea vegetables, herbs and their teas, whole grains,
seeds, nuts, legumes and plain white yogurt without fruit or
Foods not okayed by Ayurveda include low octane fuels - all sugars,
excess oils,alcohols, stimulants such as narcotics, tea and coffee,
white breads, candies,carbonated soft drinks and sweetened
fruit juices.
Modern scientific research has found out the presence of
"Phytochemicals" ( "phyto" is a Greek term meaning "plant derived")
that are disease preventing ( cancer preventing ) substances in all
fruits and vegetables. Eat a variety of coloured fruits & vegetables
to get a full range of phytochemicals. One should favour the consumption
of less animal protein foods or dairy.
Food for Self
Ghee ( Indian Clarified Butter )
Water energized with Mantra
Food For for Mind
Fruits ( sweet )
Green Vegetables
Rice ( basmati)
Food For Body
Fruits ( citric )
Vegetables which grow under the earth
Wheat, Corn, Barley etc
Foods to be generally avoided
Eggs ( Can cause ulcers, Heart & kidney problems )
Coffee ( Can cause BP, Arthritis, Nervousness )
Red Meat ( Can cause Cholesterol related diseases )
Old Chocolate ( Can cause Leukemia )
Pound Cakes ( Stagnation of digestive system)
Refrigerated Food.
Astrology & Occult Vibratory Chemistry ( Tantra )
Occult Vibratory Chemistry known as Tantra is a sister science of Yoga.
While Vedanta focusses on Sat, the Existence aspect of Being, Tantra
focusses on Chit, the Knowledge aspect of Being. The whole Universe
is the play and display of this mighty Consciousness Force known as Chit
Shakti in the Tantras. While Yoga talks about five sheaths or koshas,
according to Tantra, life is an unfoldment of the Self through six energy
centres called chakras. These six energy centres exist in our subtle
physical body. The Serpentine Power known as the Kundalini (which lie
coiled as a serpent in humans), can be awakened by Meditation. When
awakened, She rises from the Root Chakra to the Crown Chakra to
liberate Man.
O Infinite Power ! Thou art the Mind-principle in the Eye brow Chakra
In the Throat Chakra , Thou sport as the Ether-principle
In the Heart Chakra, Thou sportest as Air- principle
In the Solar Plexus Chakra, Thou art Fire-principle
In the Navel Chakra , Thou exist as Water-principle
In the Root Chakra, Thou art the Earth _Principle, O Mighty Mother !
And in the Crown Chakra, Thou sportest blissfully with thy beloved Consort !
When She ( Kundalini ), the miscrocosmic power of the macrocosmic
Shakti, rises from from the Root Chakra & reaches the other Chakras,
siddhis or paranormal powers maniest. Clairvoyance, clairaudience,
distant healing, the ability to see Auras & ultimately Trikala-jnana
( the power to know Past, Present & future ) all manifest in the aspirant.
The aspirant should not be intoxicated by these siddhis. If he tries to
exhibit the siddhis or paranormal powers, he may not reach the Goal of Life.
Instead he should ignore these powers of the mind & continue his Tapas
(meditation) till he is liberated.