SOLAR TRANSIT Sun's daily motion ia almost 1 degree per day and his 30 degrees tenancy is called a month.Sun is the most powerful luminary in terms of natural or intrinsic strength. Hence his transit influence is indeed very important. Since he repre- sents the Soul of the Cosmic Man he can affect the psyche of the native very much. His favourable transits are a blessing while his adverse postures are dreaded.

text ?"

" Prosperity dawns and you are back into an auspicious period. Success comes to you automatically. Wife inspires you and compen- sates for your melancholic temparament. Improvement in all fields can be expected. Connected happiness in the family. You will gain important contacts.

11/08/2024 ................ 17/08/2024


" Health improves and so does wealth. Economic gains likely. You may experience monetary windfall through lottery stock exchange & jackpot. Elder brothers and sisters become favourable. You gain a lot of good friends. They come to your help. This period is very beneficial monetarily.

17/08/2024 ................ 17/09/2024 ?"

" Very malefic Sun creates ill-health and dissipation of wealth. Worries increase and you become a melancholic in temparament. You may have to undertake journeys much against your wish. Anger rises and self-control becomes well nigh impossible. It is better if you keep your coolness and sang-froid amidst adversity.

17/09/2024 ............... 18/10/2024 Loss of position as Sun is in the adverse 1st. Health hazards and meaningless wanderings and journeys. Expenditure increases and you feel the pinch. Dissipation of wealth. Loss of property and reputation. Malefic Sun creates a sort of uneasiness and you can turn to prayer and meditation to save you from melancholia.

18/10/2024 ................ 17/11/2024 You have to take precautions to avoid disease connected with the eyes. Even though prosperity is indicated losses started earlier may continue for some more time. But these losses appear to have a less damaging effect. Financial problems have to be tackled as a senior member of your family.

17/11/2024 ................ 16/12/2024 ?"

" This marks the entry of a prosperous and auspicious period. Gains economic promotion in job and all round happiness are about to take place. Your entire mind is now tuned to success.You have to pitch it strong and spare no efforts to succeed. Remember success often comes to those who dare and act. It seldom goes to the timid. 16/12/2024 ............... 15/01/2025 ?"

" Unfavourable Sun creates general unhappiness. Delays and postpone- ment in many undertakings ailments physical and mental are likely Loss of respect. Domestic happiness takes a beating. You tend to quarrel with those whom you love. Taking preventive measures in time and exercising prudence and restraint are prophylactic indeed. 15/01/2025 ................ 13/02/2025 ?"

" Worries and dejection raise their ugly head again. Evil acts should be eschewed. Sinful actions always demand wages from us If you do not heed this counsel loss of masculine lustre and reputation will result. Turning to God is the only remedy.

13/02/2025 ................ 15/03/2025

text ?"

" Prosperity dawns and you are back into an auspicious period. Success comes to you automatically. Wife inspires you and compen- sates for your melancholic temparament. Improvement in all fields can be expected. Connected happiness in the family. You will gain important contacts.

15/03/2025 ............... 14/04/2025


" Health improves and so does wealth. Economic gains likely. You may experience monetary windfall through lottery stock exchange & jackpot. Elder brothers and sisters become favourable. You gain a lot of good friends. They come to your help. This period is very beneficial monetarily.

14/04/2025 ................ 15/05/2025 ?"

" Very malefic Sun creates ill-health and dissipation of wealth. Worries increase and you become a melancholic in temparament. You may have to undertake journeys much against your wish. Anger rises and self-control becomes well nigh impossible. It is better if you keep your coolness and sang-froid amidst adversity.

15/05/2025 ................ 16/06/2025

go recno()-11 tno = mod((rno -mno +1),12) if tno = 0 tno = 12 endif ?"

" text ?"


" Venus stays in a sign for one month. He represents Poetics, Aesthetics and Rhetoric - Kavya Komala Vagvilasam athulam, All sorts of Bhoga or sensory enjoyments, and women are signified by him, In striking contrast to Jupiter, who represents all divine sciences and arts, Venus represents the mundane sciences and arts. Wealth, Wine and Women, are ruled by him, Bhoga Kalatra Karako Shukra. Alcoholism will be on the rise, during his periods of influence, directional or transit. The fair planet that hearteneth to Love , said Dante about this Planet of Love. Romance blossoms and you may spend more time with social gatherings. Misunderstandings with women likely.  Since he represents the Libido of the Cosmic, Man he can affect the psyche of the native very much and give terrestrial bliss. ?"



" ?"

" MERCURIAN TRANSIT  MERCURY, Prince of the Solar Logos, stays in a sign for one month. Mercury represents academic education - VIdya Mathula Karako Budha .His transit influence is indeed very important. Since he repre sents the Intellect of the Cosmic Man he can affect the psyche of the native very much. His favorable transits are a blessing to the intellectually oriented and major literary works are born during his periods and sub periods of directional influence. 


" ?"

" MARTIAN TRANSIT  MARS stays in a sign for one AND A half month. Mars is the most powerful malefic in terms of natural/or intrinsic strength. Hence his transit influence is indeed very important. Since he represents the Physique of the Cosmic Man, Sports, Real Estate et al, he can affect the physique of the native very much. A powerful Mars was there In the horoscopes of Gavaskar And Tendulkar, batsmen par excellence, And almost all the successful, Who grace the Cricketing World.  Real Estate stocks are signified, By this Martial Commander , All Martial Arts, Also Administrative Fire !   TRANSIT OF JUPITER Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hierarchy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has got tremendous influence on an individual's life.

Transitory influence of Jupiter is at its worst during this period. There are diverse problems before you as a man. Many interests will clash even with members of the opposite sex. Better to remain low profile and cautious. The tragedies you hear about others upset you. You fear that it may happen to your loved ones also. Some bitter feelings are developed with a girl friend who was very close to you till a few weeks ago. You have to be very careful about your health lest ill health wreaks havoc ( Rogan). The best way out is taking recourse to Naturopathy and stick to a Naturopathic diet - viz taking in fruits and vegetables. Non veg food is basically cholesterol containing and acidic. 11/08/2024 ................ 14/05/2025

You have crossed over to a better phase of life which will be more colorful and leave pleasant memories in the mind. Certain persons or situations that irritated you in the past disappear very fast from your sight. People who love you really do so without any doubt. You are a very much wanted man in social circles. The good you did for some one in the past will be appreciated. Some new friendship will be established. You find peace of mind in prayer and meditation during these months. This is important to you as a growing man. You will get a lot of ego- satisfaction during this phase. Your talents get recognised & you increase the feel good factor. 14/05/2025 ............... 16/03/2003 5 Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and significant from the perspective of fortune. There will be problems from young members in the family. As a father you will become patient. Separations cause unhappiness. You can cheer up with the hope that the transit of Saturn is soon going to become beneficial to you.