When the celestial science of the Heavens ( Astrology ) blends with the psychic science of Numbers , we have the fascinating Vedic Numerology. While Pythagorus initiated Numerology in the West, Astrology was initiated by eighteen Seers from India. They were the seer-poets who composed the Vedas, scriptures which were never written and which were cognised in higher states of Consciousness, from Cosmic Consciousness and above.
Seven - ruled by the Moon's Descending Node or the South Node, Ketu Personality Oveview
The two mathematical points where the orbits of the Moon and the Sun
intersect are called Ascending Node ( North Node ) & Descending
Node ( South Node), Rahu & Ketu.( The orbits of the Sun & the
Moon differ by 8 degrees ). They are shadowy planets and not actual planets . They
are important determinants of behaviour. In Vedic Astrology great
importance is attached to the Nodal Axis which becomes the pivot of the
horoscope. In Mythology ( which is allegorical and symbolic ), Rahu & Ketu
are characterised as demons as both these shadowy planets are natural
malefics. Rahu resembles Saturn & Ketu,Mars.
Effects of Fadic Number Seven
If the Sevenian is YOU!
( Fadic Number is the number got after adding all the digits
comprising your date of birth in Birthday Numerology).
Your Numerological Number is 7 and your Life Controller is
Ketu. This is the number of those born on the 7, 16 and the
25th of every month. They are very friendly with the Lunari ans - that is people born on the 2 11 20 29. They are very
independent prominent and with great individuality. As they are restless they love travel and change. They love
travel particularly in foreign countries.
They are not lucky in financial matters. But women born under this number are always anxious about their own future
and always find out nice matrimonial alliances. They are rich in ideas which will find their way to fulfillment.
Their thoughts are noble. They gain a lot of knowledge about
the sea and try to establish business ties with foreign countries.
About Religion their ideas are different. They try to found new innovative and creative religions. They always dream wonderful dreams. They love occult sciences. They are always intuitive. To gain the fructifiction of their objectives
they should use 7 16 and 25.
Their lucky days are Sunday and Monday. If these days coincide with 1 2 4 10 11 13 19 20 22 28 29 31 these days become
auspicious, according to psychic Numerology Readings.
Your Lucky Month July
Your Lucky Dates 7 16 & 25
Your Lucky Colour White
Your Lucky Stone Cat's eye
Your Lucky Day Monday
Sir Joshua Reynolds Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde were born like you under this number and it will not be
surprising if anyone identifies similar characteristics in you.
Controller of Life - Moon's Descending Node
You are ruled by the Moon's Descending Node ,Ketu. In the
You are a mystic by nature always tuned to the spiritual world. You are endowed with personal magnetism and people
are influenced easily by you.
You will shine in the noble professions ( Medicine, Law, Philosophy, Astrology & Theology ) as your main objective
is the alleviation of human suffering.
You are ready to sacrifice your life for attaining the Promised Land of your chosen ideology. You push forth to your
aim irrespective of the opinions of the world. You are only happy when your objective is
Your main drawback is that you are too innocent and straight-forward which has its drawbacks particularly in
business and politics.
Your noble outlook on life will definitely earn you progress in the field of Ethics and Morality. You may not be that
prosperous in the material or the worldly sphere.
You are too emotional and writhe at the slightest adversity
Perseverance and patience should be incorporated.
In Vedic Astrology the South Node is the significator of Liberation.
Along with Jupiter and Saturn , Ketu play a prominent part in the
native attaining to Self-Actualisation. The South Node in the
twelfth house is preferable from the perspective of Nirvana. Ketu rules over
three constellations of the Sidereal Zodiac, Beta Arietis( Aswathi),
Regulus ( Makha ) & Lamda Scorpii ( Moola ).
An Analytical Review
The zodiac sign representing this number is Scorpio. ( Do not confuse this with the birth sign in Astrology )
Scorpio is the sign of the Mystic the Investigator.
Psychic sciences attract them in no uncertain measure. They are
always attracted to the mysteries of Nature.
Scorpians show tremendous resilience. They have the ability to bounce back after being at the receiving end. Their
determination and tenacity make them winners in the long run.
You do not care for the opinions of others and go ahead with your peculiar outlook on life. As you are stubborn and
show a bulldog spirit you are likely to have a lot of enemies. You will be subjected to struggle, strife and
suffering as this constellation is fiery in nature and shows all the qualities of the lord of war Mars.
Scorpio is ruled by Mars. In classical Astrology Ketu resembles Mars and hence this constellation is martian in
nature. As you are a Martian all the fighting qualities of Mars will be predominant in you. Determination, bulldog spirit
leadership, generalship, willpower, resilience - these are the real Martian qualities. Patience perseverance
indifference - all these qualities will be lacking in you.
Anger is another passion which will grip you at times, according to
Numerology Readings.
Negative Aspect
Ketu is a planet which brings salvation through sorrow. In other words he makes you bear the cross. Enmity from one's own
kith and kin and sorrow are the net results.
Palasa Pushpa Sankasham
Tharakakara Masthakam
Roudram Roudragunopetham
Tham Ketum Pranamamyaham
This sloka if recited 108 times daily can ward off the afflictions
arising from Ketu. This is the moola sloka of Ketu.
The South Node rules Cat's Eye. Wearing a ring embedded with Cat's
Eye on a Shukla Paksha Tuesday can destroy the afflictions arising from
Ketu Dasa ( the planetary period of the South Node ). Shukla Paksha,
the Waxing Moon, is
the bright fortnight, 15 days period after the New Moon.
In Transcendental Philosophy the Number Seven is considered very sacred.
The seventh state of Consciousness in Transcendental Meditation is the Unified state of Cosmic Consciousness or Unity Consciousness. The Beatitudes are Seven. The Seven Octaves of Music , the seven colors of the spectrum, the seven major planets, the seven days of the week - all these bear ample testimony to the significance attached to the number seven. In the Supramental Dialectic, Universal Being is sevenfold - viz, the Sevenfold Chord of Being being Life, Mind, Matter, Supermind, Being, Knowledge and Bliss.In the next article we will deal with the Eightians - those who are ruled by
the planet of boundless time or Eternity, Saturn.