Astrology, the Science of Time , was revealed to the Sages in yogic flashes  of heightened Consciousness. Numerology was developed by Pythagorus  and Vararuchi. When the two sciences combine , we have the beautiful  science of Vedic Numerology.

Six - ruled by the Fair Planet of Love & the Poet of the Solar Logos, Venus

Effects of Fadic Number Six                                 

If the Sixian is YOU!

( Fadic Number is the number got after adding all the digits comprising your date of birth ).

Your numerological number is 6 and you are ruled by  the fair planet,Venus. Venus rules Love Numerology.

Venus represents the aesthetic element  and hence your tendencies will be towards drama, music & cinema poetry and the arts. Venus represents the poet and philosopher.  Venusians love material life and the pleasures of the mundane. Venus is defined as " the fair planet that hearteneth to love" by  Dante. Attractive to the other sex , you will be endowed with personal magnetism.

As you are under the sway of Venus, the arts will  have a tremendous influence on you. Poetry will flourish under your guidance.

You are temperamental and moody at times. Venusians  are generally gentle and persevering people.

Your ability to talk your way through and influence  people will pay large rewards as many people will be influenced by you. The personal magnetism which you generate will be felt  by one and all.

Your best and lucky day is Friday. Venus is known  as Freya in Norse Mythology and Freya's day became Friday. ( from the Latin Dies Freya and the Sanskrit Sukravar ). Friday was consecrated to Venus.

Venus rules Love Numerology, that is the numerological compatibility between couples. 

Personality Overview


You are controlled by the planet of love Venus. Venus rules all the material and the sensual aspects of life.

Venus rules gambling and business. Tendencies towards business  will manifest during Venusian influence. Venus inclines one  to the pleasures of the senses in no uncertain degree.

Remarkable resilience is another Venusian characteristic.

The opposite sex will be attracted to you in no uncertain measure. Your good nature and gentle habits will win the admiration of all around you.

The grace and the dignity which you are endowed with will win friends and influence people. Your charming manners will be worthy of admiration.

Poetry and the fine arts will have a tremendous influence  on your life. Venus is known as Kavi ( poet ) and hence his tendency towards verse & the blushful Hippocrene is universally  recognised. Venus represents Wealth,Wine and Women.

One of your drawbacks are that you are too dominated by the  senses. Your love of parties and the sensual pleasures of  life will take its toll depriving you of saintly wisdom.  Your courage in the face of adversity will be remarkable. Prosperity will grace you in middle age, according to Numerology Readings. 

Excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures is another chara cteristic of this fair planet. Music, cinema & dance will attract you in no uncertain measure. Love for gambling, jackpot and the stock market will grip you at times.

Your another drawback is that you are subject to the influence  of the opposite sex. Wealth, wine and women will have their sway despite all saintly counsel.

In Vedic Astrology Venus represents Poetics, Aesthetics & Rhetoric. Research shows that great poets have powerful Venus  dominating their horoscopes. In the horoscopes of Tennyson, Byron,  Aurobindo, Omar Khayam & Tagore, Venus was well positioned  in the second house. Venus rules over three constellations of the  Sidereal Zodiac, 41 Arietis ( Bharani ), Delta Leonis ( Pubba ) & Delta Sagittari ( Poorvashada ).


An Analytical Review

The zodiac sign representing this planet is Libra ( Do not confuse this with the birth-sign in Astrology). Librans are basically down-to-earth practical people. Libra is an earthly  sign and hence its mundane nature manifests itself as down  to earth practicality.

Librans are generally all-rounders.  All-round excellence in all  fields is the characteristic of the Libran.

You will suffer from diseases of the stomach. Fasting on Fridays  will pave the way for the cure of many ailments.

Your materialistic outlook on life will be detrimental as far as happiness is concerned. The best way out of this lack of fulfillment is to indulge in yogic practices.

Librans even though love the pleasures of the mundane have a  penchant for poetry and philosophy. "A flask of wine, a book of  verse and Thou singing with me in the wilderness " is their basic philosophy. 

Negative Aspect

Venus is a mundane planet giving you all the pleasures of Life.  Carnal gratification of the senses and momentary pleasures he  will give you in plenty. The main spiritual aim of Life will be  thwarted and blocked by Venus. His movement is against Moksha  or Self-Actualisation.


Hima Kunda Mrinalabham
Daithyanam Paramam Gurum
Sarva Shastra Pravartharam
Bhargavam Pranamamyaham

This sloka if recited 108 times daily can ward off the afflictions arising from Venus. This is the moola sloka of Venus.

In Vedic Gemology, Venus represents Diamond. Wearing this stone  on a Shukla Paksha Friday ( fifteen days after the New Moon ) will  enhance the luck of the Sixians. The Sanskrit text, The Jataka Chandrika  assigns Diamond to Venus.

Lucky Colour Green
Lucky Stone Diamond
Lucky Days of the Week Friday
Lucky Day 15 6 24
Lucky Month June

If you wear these stones and colours as per the dictums  of Astro-Numerology you stand to benefit a great deal.

Please wear Diamond on Friday in the bright fortnight.  Green should be worn at important occasions.

In Transcendental Philosophy the Number Six is considered very sacred.  The sixth state of Consciousness in Transcendental Meditation is the  Glorified state of Cosmic Consciousness or God Consciousness.  Six main sciences and six auxiliary sciences constitute Indian Philosophy.  Astrology,grammar,science of definition ( Nirukta ), Phonetics, Poetics &  Rhetoric are the six subsidiary sciences. Yoga, Vedanta, Sankhya, Poorva  Mimamsa, Vaisesika & Logic ( Nyaya ) are the six main sciences. In the  Supramental Dialectic, the sixth principle is the all important Chit-Shakti ( the knowledge aspect of Being ).

Astro_Numerology & Religion

The Bible assigns 666 as the number of the Anti-Christ and 888 as the number of Christ. When we add 8 + 8 +8 , we get the Fadic Number 6,  which is a Venusian number. The planet of Love , in other words, represents the prophet of Love, Jesus. Lord Krishna in the Geetha says " Among the poets, I am Venus " ( " Kaveenam Usano Kavih" ).

In the next article we will deal with the Sevenians - those who are ruled bythe South Node ( Ketu ) or the Ascending Node of the Moon.

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