Vedic Astrology Lesson 99
Of Fourth House
If the Fourth lord be
With the lord of Ascendant
In angles or trines
Native will be lord of houses !
If the lord of Fourth House be
Powerful, aspected by benefics
Angular or trinal
Many houses grace native !
If the lord of Fourth House be
Powerful, in exaltation or own
And if Ninth lord be angular
Native gets mansion !
If the lord of Fourth House be
In angles or trines, be with Tenth lord
And if Saturn be angular, Mercury in Three
Native gets a mansion !
If Mercury aspected by benefics
Be the lord of Fourth, Jove in Fourth
And if Fourth lord be angular
Native is admired by relatives !
If malefics tenant the Fourth
And if the Fourth lord be with malefics
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Native will be plagued by enemies
And will have wicked
relatives !
If the Fourth House be a cardinal sign
And Fourth lord be in Sign
Many houses grace native
Such is Astrology's decree !
If the lord of Fourth be
In Tenth, and if Tenth lord be
In Fourth, with Martian aspect
Lord of landed properties the native becomes
If benefics be in Fourth
Or if Fourth lord be with benefics
Angular and trinal
Native gets landed properties !
If the Fourth Navamsa lord
Or its dispositor
Be angular, aspected by benefics
Native gets properties from brothers !
If the lord of Fourth be
With Jove and Mercury
Be angular or trinal
Lord the native becomes !
If the Fourth House be
Tenanted by Moon or Venus
Unaspected by malefics
Happy and hedonistic
native becomes !
If the House Fourth be
Tenanted by malefics
Devoid of benefic aspect
Miserable the native
becomes !
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