Vedic Astrology Lesson 98  

                                   Of  Third  House


If the lord of House Three be
Unaspected by benefics
With Mars, with influence malefic
Native will be devoid of brothers !

If the lord of Third be
With the Nodes
In Houses Trika, 6,8,12
Loss of brother indicated !

If the lord of Third be strong
In angles or trines
And Mars aspected by benefics
Native gets good brothers !

The House Third represents Help
If a malefic be posited therein
Help will not be forthcoming
Such is Astrology's decree !

If the Third lord be exalted
And Mars be angular or trinal
Aspected by benefics
Native gets famous brothers !

If the lord of Third be
Or Rahu with benefics
Be in benefic Navamsas
Native gets good brothers.

If they be in even Signs
In even Navamsas
Native is graced by sisters
Such is Astrology's decree !

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Loss of brother indicated !

If the Third lord and Mars be
In the House of Loss, Or if Mars,

Be in House Three !

Also if malefics be in House Third
Or if the Third lord be hemmed in between malefics
Or if House Three be in Papakarthari Yoga
Loss of brother indicated !

If Saturn or malefics  be in House Three
Or if Third lord be
Hemmed in between malefics
Loss of brother indicated !


If Third lord be in Twelfth
And Rahu in adverse houses
Native will be disgraced by defeat
Such is Astrology's decree !
If the lord of Third be with Mars
Native will be fierce and strong willed
If with Sun, brave and chivalrous
If with Moon, mentally strong

If  with Jupiter, an intellectual,

With Mercury, ,an academician,

With other benefics, a man

With cool, calculating mind !








